The file dashboard.csv has current counts of features of multicians.org. This file is updated whenever a set of changes is pushed to the online web site. It has two rows, a line of column headings and a line of values. Example:
changect,asof,multicians,multiciansmail,multiciansurl,multiciansdec,glossent,npages,npdf,ndoc,ndoc-online,images,mspm,mspm-online,nsites 6602,"2025-02-03 09:56",2047,742,126,118,843,476,617,5063,3160,670,838,822,84
You can use this file to automatically see if multicians.org has changes you are interested in.
The fields are
Field | Contents |
changect | Sequential change counter, increased on each site push |
asof | Date and time of most recent push |
multicians | Number of multicians in multicians.html |
multiciansmail | Number of multicians with mail addresses |
multiciansurl | Number of multicians with home page addresses |
multiciansdec | Number of deceased multicians |
glossent | Number of glossary entries in mglosss.html |
npages | Number of web pages on site |
npdf | Number of pdfs on site |
alldoc | Number of documents in biblio.html |
alldoc-online | Number of documents in bibliography with URLs |
images | Number of images on site |
mspm | Number of mspm sections in bibliography |
mspm-online | Number of sections in bibliography with URLs |
nsites | Number of sites in in sites.html |
Minor changes to the web site, like typo corrections, will increment the change count and date, but will not be mentioned in changes.html.