Multics Technical Bulletin                    MTB-551, Revision 1
  DM: collection_manager_ Functional Spec

  To:       Distribution

  From:     Matthew Pierret and Lindsey Spratt

  Date:     06/04/84

  Subject:  Data Management: Collection Manager Functional Specification.


  This document describes the  interface to the collection manager.
  As defined  in the Data  Management Architecture, modules  in the
  External  Access  Layer  use  the  collection  manager  to manage
  storage of elements  of data.  The index and  record managers use
  the collection manager to store  and retrieve keys and records in
  Data Management  files.  The interface to  the collection manager
  is externally available, so  system programs and applications can
  also use the collection manager.

  The first revision  includes the addition of new  entry points in
  collection_manager_, the  re-naming of many entry  points to have
  names more  descriptive of their function,  new versions of input
  structures,  the  re-ordering  of   parameters  in  some  calling
  sequences  for consistency,  and a general  reorganization of the
  documentation.    The   entry   points  are   now   presented  in
  alphabetical order.

  Comments should be sent to the author:

  via Forum:

  via Multics Mail:
     Pierret.Multics on either MIT Multics or System M.

  via telephone:
     (HVN) 261-9338 or (617) 492-9338


  Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
  reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
  consent of the author or the author's management.



                 1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     i
                 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                 3 Element storage management . . . . .     1
                    3.1 Basic Element Storage Method  .     2
                    3.2 Ordered Element Storage Method      2
                 4 Control interval storage management      2
                    4.1 Unblocked control interval
                     storage method . . . . . . . . . .     3
                    4.2 Blocked control interval
                     storage method . . . . . . . . . .     3
                 5 Alternative access methods . . . . .     3
                    5.1 Direct access method  . . . . .     4
                    5.2 Buffered access method  . . . .     4
                 6 Significant changes contained in
                  revision 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5
                 7 Description of the operations  . . .     6
                    collection_manager_ . . . . . . . .     8
                       $allocate_control_interval . . .     9
                       $compact_control_interval  . . .    10
                       $create_collection . . . . . . .    11
                          The The unblocked_cism_info
                           structure structure  . . . .    12
                          The The blocked_cism_info
                           structure structure  . . . .    12
                          The The basic_esm_info
                           structure structure  . . . .    13
                          The The ordered_esm_info
                           structure structure  . . . .    13
                       $create_file . . . . . . . . . .    15
                          The The file_create_info
                           structure structure  . . . .    15
                       $delete  . . . . . . . . . . . .    18
                       $delete_from_ci_buffer . . . . .    19
                       $destroy_collection  . . . . . .    20
                       $free_control_interval . . . . .    21
                       $get . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    22
                       $get_control_interval_ptr  . . .    24
                       $get_by_ci_ptr . . . . . . . . .    25
                       $get_from_ci_buffer  . . . . . .    27
                       $get_header  . . . . . . . . . .    29
                       $get_id  . . . . . . . . . . . .    31

                         CONTENTS (cont)


                       $get_portion . . . . . . . . . .    33
                       $get_portion_by_ci_ptr . . . . .    36
                       $get_portion_from_ci_buffer  . .    39
                       $modify  . . . . . . . . . . . .    42
                       $modify_in_ci_buffer . . . . . .    44
                       $modify_portion  . . . . . . . .    46
                       $modify_unprotected  . . . . . .    48
                       $put . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    50
                       $put_header  . . . . . . . . . .    52
                       $put_in_ci_buffer  . . . . . . .    53
                       $put_unprotected_header  . . . .    55
                       $replace_ci_buffer . . . . . . .    56
                       $setup_ci_buffer . . . . . . . .    57
                       $simple_get_by_ci_ptr  . . . . .    59
                       $simple_get_from_ci_buffer . . .    61

  Multics Technical Bulletin                    MTB-551, Revision 1
  DM: collection_manager_ Functional Spec


  The  major  service provided  by  the collection  manager  is the
  organization of  elements of data into  collections and stored in
  Data Management files.  Elements are simply bit strings as far as
  the collection manager is concerned, but the caller may view them
  as keys or  records of any type.  The  index, record and relation
  managers use  the collection manager  to store keys,  records and
  header structures.

  A collection is  logically a set of elements  of data provided by
  the  caller,  and  physically   the  set  of  page-sized  control
  intervals  used to  store the elements  in a  file.  A collection
  must  be   wholly  contained  in  a   single  file,  but  several
  collections  can  co-exist  in  the  same  file.   The collection
  manager keeps collections distinct and does not allow elements or
  control intervals to be shared among collections.  The ability to
  keep  distinct  collections  in  one  file  allows  for  creating
  entities made up  of different kinds of objects.   For example, a
  MRDS relation is a single  file consisting of a record collection
  and a number of index collections.

  The collection  manager centralizes storage  management functions
  for External Access Layer modules, which may include applications
  and system programs, but allows  for different flavors of storage
  management.   The  collection  manager  supports  two  methods of
  managing  element  storage and  two  methods of  managing control
  interval storage.


  The  collection manager  manages the  storage of  caller supplied
  elements of data  in collections.  An element is  a bit string of
  arbitrary  length   with  a  36-bit  identifier   unique  to  the
  collection.  The services of  element storage management provided
  by  the collection  manager are the  allocation of  space for new
  elements and the insertion of element contents in that space, the
  deletion  of  element  contents  and  freeing  of  the  space  it
  occupied, re-writing the contents  of elements and retrieving all
  or part of an element's contents.

  An  element is  not necessarily  stored as  a single  bit string.
  Large elements may have to  be split across control intervals and
  elements  which  "grow"  when  being re-written  may  have  to be
  divided    into   fragments    stored   discontiguously.    These
  machinations are invisible to the caller.  The collection manager
  always  receives  from  and  returns   to  the  caller  a  single

  MTB-551, Revision 1                    Multics Technical Bulletin
                            DM: collection_manager_ Functional Spec

  undifferentiated bit string.

  The collection  manager supports two methods  of element storage,
  the Basic and Ordered Element Storage Methods.

  3.1 Basic Element Storage Method

  The  Basic  Element  Storage  Method  (BESM)  provides  two major
  services:  permanent element identifiers and ease of maintenance.
  The  collection  manager assigns  an  identifier to  each element
  which  remains  unchanged  until  the element  is  deleted.  When
  storing an  element in a BESM  collection, the collection manager
  does not require  the caller to supply the  location to store the
  element;  it  looks until  it  finds free  space or  creates free
  space.   The  caller is  not  required to  have any  knowledge of
  control  intervals and  need not keep  track of  the movements of
  elements.  The caller may,  however, specify the control interval
  where the collection manager should  begin looking for free space
  by  giving the  element identifier of  an element  in the control
  interval.   The  record  manager  is  the  primary  user  of BESM

  3.2 Ordered Element Storage Method

  The primary feature of the  Ordered Element Storage Method (OESM)
  is that the caller specifies  where elements should be allocated,
  and  other elements  are shifted  to make  room for  it.  Element
  identifiers are  changed whenever an  element is shifted  in this
  manner.  The  collection manager makes  no attempt to  find space
  for elements  other than in  the control interval  specified when
  storing an element, so the caller must be prepared to go to other
  control  intervals to  find space.  Obviously,  this requires the
  caller  to  be  aware  of  the  control  interval  orientation of
  operations  and to  make some  effort at  keeping track  of where
  elements  are  in  the  collection.  The  fact  that  activity is
  limited to a single control interval  at a time allows callers to
  make use  of control intervals  as objects.  The  primary user of
  OESM  collections, the  index manager, uses  control intervals as
  nodes in an index.


  The collection  manager manages the storage  of control intervals
  in  two  ways.   First,  it   reserves  control  intervals  to  a
  particular  collection,  selecting the  control intervals  from a
  pool available to all collections in a file, and releases control
  intervals back  into the file free  pool.  Secondly, it allocates

  Multics Technical Bulletin                    MTB-551, Revision 1
  DM: collection_manager_ Functional Spec

  reserved control intervals for a collection from the collection's
  pool of  reserved control intervals, and  frees control intervals
  back  into that  pool.  This  two layer  approach allows  for the
  distinction between control intervals which have been assigned to
  a collection and  are currently being used, and  those which have
  been assigned to a collection but are not in use.  The collection
  manager  supports two  methods of  storage management  of control
  intervals  for  a  collection  called the  Unblocked  and Blocked
  Control Interval Storage Methods.

  4.1 Unblocked control interval storage method

  The  Unblocked Control  Interval Storage  Method (UCISM) reserves
  and allocates  control intervals one  at a time.   Collections do
  not reserve  control intervals that  they are not  using, thereby
  allowing  other  collections  the   opportunity  of  using  them.
  Control  intervals  are  organized  as  a  collection  by  doubly
  threading the control intervals chronologically.

  4.2 Blocked control interval storage method

  The  Blocked  Control  Interval Storage  Method  (BCISM) reserves
  control  intervals  for a  collection  in blocks.   As long  as a
  collection is using any control  intervals of the block, it keeps
  all  of  the  control  intervals  in  the  block  reserved.  Most
  allocations  are  faster  than  with  UCISM  because  the control
  intervals  are usually  already reserved.   The trade-off  is the
  expense  of  tying up  all  of the  reserved but  un-used control
  intervals.   Control intervals  are organized as  a collection by
  means of a collection allocation map.

  5 ALTERNATIVE ACCESS METHODS                                      |

  Normally  the  collection  manager  accesses data  in  a  file by |
  calling  the  file manager.   There  is a  non-trivial  amount of |
  overhead associated  with accessing a control  interval in a file |
  which  need   not  be  repeated  on   subsequent  accesses.   The |
  collection manager does not keep  track of what control intervals |
  it has accessed, so the overhead is repeated every time a control |
  interval is accessed.                                             |

  Under  some  circumstances,  the  caller  knows  before-hand that |
  several elements  in the same control  interval will be accessed. |
  The caller  can take advantage  of one of  two alternative access |
  methods which exploit the fact that  the elements are in the same |
  control interval and avoid repeating the overhead associated with |

  MTB-551, Revision 1                    Multics Technical Bulletin
                            DM: collection_manager_ Functional Spec

| accessing a control interval.  The two methods are the direct and
| buffered access methods.

| 5.1 Direct access method

| The  direct   access  method  can  enhance   the  performance  of
| retrievals of several elements in the same control interval.  The
| caller first gets  a pointer to the control  interval in the file
| using  the get_control_interval_ptr  operation.  All  of the file
| manager overhead of accessing the control interval occurs once in
| this operation.   Subsequently, the caller  can retrieve elements
| from  this  control  interval  by  passing  the  control interval
| pointer to one of the  operations which support the direct access
| method.

| Updating the control interval using the normal access method does
| not conflict  with retrieving from the  same control interval via
| the  direct access  method.  However,  retrieving via  the direct
| access  method and  updating via  the buffered  access method can
| produce incorrect results if the caller is not extremely careful.

| Operations which support the direct  access method are named with
| the suffix _by_ci_ptr.

| 5.2 Buffered access method

| The buffered access method can  enhance performance and reduce on
| storage space  used to journalize updates  of several elements in
| the same control interval.  Instead of getting a pointer directly
| to the  control interval in the  file, the caller gets  a copy of
| the entire control interval in a caller-supplied buffer using the
| setup_buffered_ci operation.  Afterward, the caller can get, put,
| allocate  and free  elements in  this control  interval buffer by
| passing a  pointer to the  control interval buffer to  one of the
| operations  which support  the buffered access  method.  When the
| caller   is   finished   updating  the   control   interval,  the
| replace_buffered_ci  operation will  copy it back  into the file.
| The  buffered access  method is useful  when the  caller knows in
| advance  that  a  particular  control interval  will  be accessed
| repeatedly, such as during rotation of keys out of an index node.
| Great care must  be taken when using the  buffered access method,
| as  updates can  be lost if  the caller  accidentally updates the
| file copy of the control interval instead of the buffer.

| The  cost of  copying the control  interval is  much greater than
| that of getting a pointer to  the control interval, so the direct
| access  method is  preferred over  the buffered  access method if
| only retrievals will be done.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                    MTB-551, Revision 1
  DM: collection_manager_ Functional Spec

  Operations  which support  the buffered  access method  are named |
  with the suffix _from_ci_buffer or _in_ci_buffer.                 |

  Currently,  only  OESM collections  can  use the  buffered access |
  method.                                                           |


  The calling  sequences to the  entry points which  modify and put |
  elements are changed such that the length/pointer parameter pairs |
  are  now   pointer/length  pairs.   The  latter   order  is  more |
  consistent with  other entry points and  more like other standard |
  Multics interfaces.                                               |

  The  structures taken  by the  create_collection entry  point are |
  modified.   They  now  have   version  strings  and  align  their |
  structure elements.                                               |

  The following entry points are new:                               |

       compact_control_interval                                     |
       get_control_interval_ptr                                     |
       get_by_ci_ptr                                                |
       get_portion_by_ci_ptr                                        |
       get_portion_from_ci_buffer                                   |
       get_id                                                       |
       modify_unprotected                                           |
       put_unprotected_header                                       |
       simple_get_by_ci_ptr                                         |
       simple_get_from_ci_buffer                                    |

  Many entry point names have been changed.  They are:              |

  allocate_element     changed to  put                              |
  allocate_element_buffered    =>  put_in_ci_buffer                 |
  free_element                 =>  delete                           |
  free_element_buffered        =>  delete_from_ci_buffer            |
  get_element                  =>  get                              |
  get_element_buffered         =>  get_from_ci_buffer               |
  get_element_portion          =>  get_portion                      |
  put_element                  =>  modify                           |
  put_element_buffered         =>  modify_in_ci_buffer              |
  put_element_portion          =>  modify_portion                   |

  The   descriptions   of  the   structures   taken  as   input  to |
  $create_collection have been changed  to take version strings and |
  to align structure  elements, and the names of  the include files |
  in which they are declared have changed.                          |

  MTB-551, Revision 1                    Multics Technical Bulletin
                            DM: collection_manager_ Functional Spec


| The  entries  in collection_manager_  are described  and arranged
| alphabetically for ease in reference.  The following is a list of
| the entries arranged by function:

|      Creating and deleting files and collections:
|                create_file
|                create_collection
|                destroy_collection

|      Operations on control intervals:
|                allocate_control_interval
|                free_control_interval
|                compact_control_interval

|      Inserting and deleting elements:
|           (By standard access method)
|                delete
|                put
|           (By buffered access method)
|                delete_from_ci_buffer
|                put_in_ci_buffer

|      Modifying elements:
|           (By standard access method:)
|                modify
|                modify_portion
|                modify_unprotected
|           (By buffered access method:)
|                modify_in_ci_buffer

|      Retrieving elements:
|           (By standard access method:)
|                get
|                modify_portion
|           (By buffered access method:)
|                get_from_ci_buffer
|                get_portion_from_ci_buffer
|                simple_get_from_ci_buffer
|           (By direct access method:)
|                get_by_ci_ptr
|                get_portion_by_ci_ptr
|                simple_get_by_ci_ptr

|      Operations on caller-defined headers
|                get_header
|                put_header
|                put_unprotected_header

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

       Set up of access methods:                                    |
                 get_control_interval_ptr                           |
                 setup_buffered_ci                                  |
                 replace_buffered_ci                                |

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Name:  collection_manager_

       This  facility is  used to  maintain collections  of control
  intervals  in  Data  Management  files.   It  centralizes control
  interval storage management and element storage management.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Entry:  collection_manager_$allocate_control_interval

       Allocates a control interval in a file.                      |


       dcl collection_manager_$allocate_control_interval entry (bit
            (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin(24)unsigned,
            fixed bin (35));

       call collection_manager_$allocate_control_interval
            (file_opening_id, collection_id,
            control_interval_number, code);

         file_opening_id              (Input)
              is the opening id of a file.

         collection_id                (Input)
              is  the identifier  of the  collection for  which the
              control interval is to be allocated.

         control_interval_number      (Output)
              is the number of the allocated control interval.

         code                         (Output)
              is  a   standard  system  error  code.    A  code  of
              dm_error_$collection_not_found  indicates   that  the
              specified collection does not exist.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

| Entry:  collection_manager_$compact_control_interval

|      Given  the  identifier  of  a control  interval  in  a file,
| re-arrange  the  contents  of  the  control  interval  so  as  to
| concentrate all of  the free space in one  contiguous area of the
| control  interval.   This  is   necessary  at  times  to  recover
| scattered  free  space and  is  known as  compacting  the control
| interval.   Normally,  compaction is  triggered  automatically as
| needed, but some applications have the need to explicitly compact
| a control interval on demand.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$compact_control_interval entry
|           (bit(36)aligned, fixed bin (24) uns, fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$compact_control_interval
|           (file_opening_id, control_interval_number, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is the opening identifier of the file.

|        control_interval_number      (Input)
|             is the  number of the  control interval in  a file to
|             compact.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a standard system error code.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Entry:  collection_manager_$create_collection

       Creates a collection.  Basically, this consists of inserting |
  a  header  for  the collection  in  the file  and  associating an |
  identifier with the collection.  The control interval and element |
  storage methods are specified.  Currently, only collections which |
  employ the Unblocked Control Interval Method can be created.      |


       dcl collection_manager_$create_collection entry (bit (36)
            aligned, ptr, ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));

       call collection_manager_$create_collection (file_opening_id,
            cism_info_ptr, esm_info_ptr, collection_id, code);

         file_opening_id              (Input)
              is the opening_id of the file in which the collection
              is to be created.

         cism_info_ptr                (Input)                       |
              is  a pointer  to a  control interval  storage method |
              info   structure,   one   of   blocked_cism_info  and |
              unblocked_cism_info,            declared           in |
              dm_cism_info.incl.pl1.  This  structure describes the |
              style  of control  interval storage  management to be |
              employed for the collection.                          |

         esm_info_ptr                 (Input)
              is  a  pointer  to  an  element  storage  method info |
              structure,     one      of     basic_esm_info     and |
              ordered_esm_info,  declared  in dm_esm_info.incl.pl1. |
              This structure describes the style of element storage |
              management to be employed for the collection.         |

         collection_id                (Output)
              is  the  identifier  of  the  collection  assigned by

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard error  code.  Some possible error codes
                dm_error_$unimplemented_esm - The requested element
                storage method is not support.
                dm_error_$unimplemented_cism   -    The   requested
                control interval storage method is not supported.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

| The unblocked_cism_info structure

| Following is  the structure for  the "unblocked" type  of control
| interval storage management, declared in dm_cism_info.incl.pl1.

|      dcl 1 unblocked_cism_info  based (unblocked_cism_info_ptr) aligned,
|          2 version              char (8) aligned,
|          2 type                 fixed bin (17);

| where:

|        version
|             is the version of the  structure and must be equal to
|             CISM_INFO_VERSION_1,            declared           in
|             dm_cism_info.incl.pl1.

|        type
|             is  the type  of control interval  storage method and
|             must             be              equal             to
|             in dm_cism_info.incl.pl1.

| The blocked_cism_info structure

|             Following is the structure  for the "blocked" type of
|             control  interval  storage  management,  declared  in
|             dm_cism_info.incl.pl1.

|      dcl 1 blocked_cism_info        based (blocked_cism_info_ptr) aligned,
|          2 version                  char (8) aligned,
|          2 type                     fixed bin (17),
|          2 number_of_control_intervals_per_block
|                                     fixed bin (17);

| where:

|        version
|             is the version of the  structure and must be equal to
|             CISM_INFO_VERSION_1,            declared           in
|             dm_cism_info.incl.pl1.

|        type
|             is  the type  of control interval  storage method and
|             must             be              equal             to

|        number_of_control_intervals_per_block
|             is the number of control  intervals to be reserved at
|             a time.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

  The basic_esm_info structure                                      |

  Following is the structure describing the "basic" type of element |
  storage  management,  declared   in  dm_esm_info.incl.pl1.   This |
  method  is  primarily  for  use  by  record_manager_  and similar |
  applications.                                                     |

       dcl 1 basic_esm_info      based (basic_esm_info_ptr) aligned,|
           2 version             char (8) aligned,                  |
           2 type                fixed bin (17),                    |
           2 flags               aligned                            |
             3 threaded          bit (1) unal,                      |
             3 fixed_length      bit (1) unal,                      |
             3 pad               bit (34) unal,                     |
           2 maximum_element_length                                 |
                                 fixed bin (35);                    |

  where:                                                            |

         version                                                    |
              is the version of the  structure and must be equal to |
              ESM_INFO_VERSION_1, declared in dm_esm_info.incl.pl1  |

         type                                                       |
              is the type of element storage management and must be |
              equal  to  BASIC_ELEMENT_STORAGE_METHOD,  declared in |
              dm_esm_info.incl.pl1.                                 |

         flags.threaded                                             |
              indicates that the elements are to be maintained as a |
              doubly threaded list.  (Not yet supported.)           |

         flags.fixed_length                                         |
              indicates that all of the elements are to be the same |
              length, as specified in maximum_element_length.       |

         maximum_element_length                                     |
              is  the  maximum length  in  bits of  variable length |
              elements,  or  the  length  in bits  of  fixed length |
              elements.   If  -1,  then  the  maximum  size  is the |
              largest possible element, currently 2**35 bits.       |

  The ordered_esm_info structure                                    |

  Following  is  the  structure  describing the  "ordered"  type of |
  element  storage  management,  declared  in dm_esm_info.incl.pl1. |
  This method  is primarily for  use by index_manager_  and similar |
  applications.                                                     |

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
  ___________________                           ___________________

|      dcl 1 ordered_esm_info     based (ordered_esm_info_ptr) aligned,
|          2 version              char (8) aligned,
|          2 type                 fixed bin (17),
|          2 flags                aligned,
|            3 fixed_length       bit (1) unal,
|            3 pad                bit (35) unal,
|          2 maximum_element_length
|                                 fixed bin (35);

| where:

|        version
|             is the version of the  structure and must be equal to
|             ESM_INFO_VERSION_1, declared in dm_esm_info.incl.pl1.

|        type
|             is the type of element storage management and must be
|             equal to  ORDERED_ELEMENT_STORAGE_METHOD, declared in
|             dm_esm_info.incl.pl1.

|        flags.fixed_length
|             indicates that all of the elements are to be the same
|             length, as specified in maximum_element_length.

|        maximum_element_length
|             is  the  maximum length  in  bits of  variable length
|             elements,  or  the  length  in bits  of  fixed length
|             elements.   If  -1,  then  the  maximum  size  is the
|             largest possible element, currently 2**35 bits.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  collection_manager_                           collection_manager_
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  Entry:  collection_manager_$create_file                           |

       Create a file and format the first control interval (control |
  interval zero) to prepare it for use by the collection_manager_.  |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$create_file entry (char (*), char    |
            (*), ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));            |

       call collection_manager_$create_file (file_dir, file_name,   |
            file_create_info_ptr, file_opening_id, code);           |
  where:                                                            |

         file_dir                     (Input)                       |
              is the  pathname of the directory  in which to create |
              the file.                                             |

         file_name                    (Input)                       |
              is the name of the file.                              |

         file_create_info_ptr         (Input)                       |
              is  a  pointer  to a  file_create_info  structure, or |
              null.   The file_manager_  expects this  structure to |
              describe  attributes  of   the  file.   Defaults  are |
              applied if the pointer is null.                       |

         file_opening_id              (Output)                      |
              is the  opening identifier of the  file.  The file is |
              opened in order to format control interval zero.      |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a standard system error code.                      |

  The file_create_info structure                                    |

  Following  is the  structure used  to describe  the attributes to |
  assign   to   a  file   being   created.   It   is   declared  in |
  dm_file_create_info.incl.pl1.                                     |

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|      dcl 1 file_create_info   aligned based (file_create_info_ptr),
|            2 version          bit (36),
|            2 ci_size_in_bytes fixed bin (35),
|            2 blocking_factor  fixed bin,
|            2 protected        bit unal,
|            2 no_concurrency   bit unal,
|            2 no_rollback      bit unal,
|            2 mbz_1            bit (33) unal,
|            2 mbz_2            (30) fixed bin (71);

| where:

|        version
|             must     be     set      by     the     caller     to
|             FILE_CREATE_INFO_VERSION_1.    This   permits  upward
|             compatible changes to this structure.

|        ci_size_in_bytes
|             is  the  control interval  size.  Currently  the only
|             size  available  is 4096.   If this  item is  zero, a
|             default value  is used.  Currently  the default value
|             is 4096.

|        blocking_factor
|             tells the file manager  how to allocate disk storage.
|             In   the   current   implementation   this   will  be
|             interpreted as the number of control intervals to put
|             in each segment, and only 64 and 255 will be allowed.
|             If this item  is zero, a default value  is used.  The
|             current default value is 255.

|        protected
|             determines  whether   the  file  is   protected  from
|             transaction  failure  and from  concurrent  access by
|             other  processes.  If  the protected bit  is on, get,
|             put,  and allocate  operations are  permitted only in
|             transaction mode.   Create and delete  operations are
|             protected regardless  of whether the process  is in a
|             transaction.   If  this  bit  is  off,  the  file  is
|             unprotected,  which  means  that  the  file  and  its
|             contents  may  be  damaged  by  concurrent  access or
|             transaction  failure.   An  unprotected  file  may be
|             accessed within or  without a transaction.  Accessing
|             a protected file is substantially more expensive than
|             accessing an unprotected file.

|        no_concurrency
|             turns  off  protection against  concurrent  access by
|             other    processes.    Concurrency    protection   is
|             implemented by locking each  control interval that is

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              accessed.   The  get operation  locks in  share mode. |
              All other operations lock  in exclusive mode.  Create |
              and  delete lock  the entire file  in exclusive mode. |
              Locking is expensive.  This bit turns it off if it is |
              not  needed.   If  protection  is  off,  this  bit is |
              ignored.                                              |

         no_rollback                                                |
              turns  off  protection  against  transaction failure. |
              Protection against transaction failure is implemented |
              by  journaling a  before image  of each modification. |
              When  a  transaction  fails,  its  modifications  are |
              undone by restoring  these before images.  Journaling |
              is  expensive.  This  bit turns it  off if  it is not |
              needed.  If protection is off, this bit is ignored.   |

         mbz_1, mbz_2                                               |
              must be  initialized to zero by  the caller.  This is |
              so  that upward  compatible changes  will be  able to |
              assume  that  existing  programs put  zeros  in these |
              areas.                                                |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$delete

|      Deletes an  element from a collection.   The space which the
| element occupied is immediately made available.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$delete entry (bit (36) aligned, bit
|           (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, bit (1) aligned, fixed
|           bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$delete (file_opening_id,
|           collection_id, element_id, zero_on_delete, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is  the  opening  identifier   of  the  file  of  the
|             collection.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        element_id                   (Input/Output)
|             on  input,  is the  identifier of  the element  to be
|             deleted.   If the  collection uses  the Basic Element
|             Storage  Method, on  output is the  identifier of the
|             element  which  immediately followed  the now-deleted
|             element.

|        zero_on_delete               (not yet implemented)
              if on, indicates that the storage associated with the
              deleted element is to be set to zero.

         code                         (Output)
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
              returned are:
                dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
                collection does not exist.
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  specified
                control interval  does not belong  to the specified
                dm_error_$ci_not_allocated -  The specified control
                interval is not allocated.
                dm_error_$misformatted_ci  - The  specified control
                interval is not properly formatted.
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The  specified  element id
                does not correspond to an existing element.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$delete_from_ci_buffer                 |

       Deletes  an  element from  a  control interval  buffer.  The |
  element must  begin in the supplied  control interval.  To update |
  the  file   copy  of  the   control  interval  to   reflect  this |
  modification,   use   the   replace_ci_buffer   operation.   This |
  operation is  currently supported only for  collections using the |
  Ordered Element Storage Method.                                   |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$delete_from_ci_buffer entry (ptr,    |
            bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned,   |
            bit (1) aligned, fixed bin (35));                       |

       call collection_manager_$delete_from_ci_buffer               |
            (ci_buffer_ptr, file_opening_id, collection_id,         |
            element_id, zero_on_delete, code);                      |
  where:                                                            |

         ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)                       |
              is  a  pointer  to  a  buffer  containing  a  control |
              interval set up by the setup_ci_buffer operation.     |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is  the  opening  identifier   of  the  file  of  the |
              collection.                                           |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the collection.                  |

         element_id                   (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the  element to be deleted.  The |
              element must begin in the supplied control interval.  |

         zero_on_delete               (not yet implemented)         |
              if on, indicates that the storage associated with the
              deleted element is to be set to zero.

         code                         (Output)
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
              returned are:
                dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
                collection does not exist.
                dm_error_$no_element - The element was not found.
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested
                element  is in  a control  interval which  does not
                belong to the specified collection.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$destroy_collection

       Destroys a collection  in a DM file, freeing  up the storage
  used by the collection.  Each  control interval of the collection
  is freed, as well as all associated header information.


       dcl collection_manager_$destroy_collection entry (bit (36)
            aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));

       call collection_manager_$destroy_collection
            (file_opening_id, collection_id, code);

         file_opening_id              (Input)
              is the opening identifier of the file.

         collection_id                (Input)
              is the identifier of the collection to be destroyed.

         code                         (Output)
              is  a  standard  system   error  code.   A  value  of
              dm_error_$collection_not_found  indicates   that  the
              specified collection does not exist.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$free_control_interval

       Frees a control interval.                                    |


       dcl collection_manager_$free_control_interval entry (bit     |
            (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (24)          |
            unsigned, bit (1) aligned, fixed bin (35));             |

       call collection_manager_$free_control_interval               |
            (file_opening_id, collection_id,                        |
            control_interval_number, zero_on_free, code);           |

         file_opening_id              (Input)
              is the opening id of the file.

         collection_id                (Input)
              is the identifier of the collection.

         control_interval_number      (Input)
              is the number of the control interval to be freed.

         zero_on_free                 (not yet implemented)         |
              if on, indicates that the storage associated with the |
              control interval being freed is to be set to zero.    |

         code                         (Output)
              is  a   standard  system  error  code.    A  code  of
              dm_error_$collection_not_found  indicates   that  the
              specified collection does not exist.

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$get

|      Gets an element from a collection.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$get entry (bit (36) aligned, bit
|           (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (17), ptr,
|           fixed bin (35), ptr, bit (1) aligned, ptr, fixed bin
|           (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$get (file_opening_id,
|           collection_id, element_id, position, buffer_ptr,
|           buffer_length, area_ptr, new_buffer_was_allocated,
|           element_ptr, element_length, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening id.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        element_id                   (Input/Output)
|             is the identifier of the element to be retrieved.  If
|             the   position   argument  has   a   non-zero  value,
|             element_id is the element from which to position.  In
|             this  case, which  is only  supported for collections
|             using  the Basic  Element Storage  Method, the output
|             value  of   element_id  is  the   identifier  of  the
|             retrieved element.

|        position                     (Input)
|             if greater than zero, is  the number of elements away
|             from the specified element in a forward direction the
|             desired element is.  If less than zero, its magnitude
|             is  the number  of elements  away from  the specified
|             element in  a backward direction  the desired element
|             is.

|        buffer_ptr                   (Input)
|             is a  pointer to the caller  provided buffer in which
|             the element is to be placed.  If the value is null, a
|             buffer is allocated in the  provided area in which to
|             return the element.  The buffer must be byte-aligned.

|        buffer_length                (Input)
|             is the length of the  caller provided buffer in bits.
|             If the  buffer is longer  than an integral  number of

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              bytes,  the  excess  bits   will  not  be  used.   If |
              buffer_ptr is null, this is interpreted as 0 whatever |
              the supplied value.                                   |

         area_ptr                     (Input)                       |
              is a pointer to an area in which a new buffer will be |
              allocated  by  this  routine  if  the caller-supplied |
              buffer  is too  small to  hold the  element or  if no |
              buffer  is  supplied at  all.  If  the buffer  is too |
              small  or is  not supplied  and area_ptr  is null, no |
              data is  returned.  A new buffer  is always allocated |
              on  an even-word  boundary.  The  area may  be of any |
              type.                                                 |

         new_buffer_was_allocated     (Output)                      |
              is  a  flag  indicating, if  on,  the caller-provided |
              buffer was not large  enough to contain the requested |
              portion  of  the  element,  and a  larger  buffer was |
              allocated in the area pointed to by area_ptr, above.  |

         element_ptr                  (Output)                      |
              is  a  pointer  to   the  retrieved  portion  of  the |
              specified element.   This pointer may be  the same as |
              buffer_ptr if no new buffer was allocated.            |

         element_length               (Output)                      |
              is the length of the retrieved element in bits.       |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes |
              returned are:                                         |
                dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified |
                collection does not exist.                          |
                dm_error_$long_return_element -  The element length |
                is greater  than the buffer length  and no area was |
                supplied in which to allocate a new buffer.         |
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  specified |
                control interval  does not belong  to the specified |
                collection.                                         |
                dm_error_$ci_not_allocated -  The specified control |
                interval is not allocated.                          |
                dm_error_$misformatted_ci  - The  specified control |
                interval is not properly formatted.                 |
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The  specified  element id |
                does not correspond to an existing element.         |
                dm_error_$beginning_of_collection  -  The requested |
                position is before the beginning of the collection. |
                dm_error_$end_of_collection    -    The   requested |
                position is after the end of the collection.        |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$get_control_interval_ptr

|      Get a  pointer directly to the  beginning of the addressable
| portion  of  the  specified  control  interval.   Because control
| intervals are  readable from the  user ring, this  pointer can be
| passed to certain get entries to efficiently get an element.  The
| returned  pointer  is not  valid across  file closings  or across
| transactions,  and  should be  used  carefully in  well contained
| situations.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$get_control_interval_ptr entry (bit
|           (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (24)
|           unsigned, ptr, fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$get_control_interval_ptr
|           (file_opening_id, collection_id,
|           control_interval_number, control_interval_ptr, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening id.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        control_interval_number      (Input)
|             is  the  number of  the control  interval to  which a
|             pointer is to be returned.

|        control_interval_ptr         (Output)
|             is  a  pointer  to  the  addressable  portion  of the
|             control  interval.    If  code  is   equal  to  zero,
|             control_interval_ptr must be non-null.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is  a  standard  system  error  code.   If  equal  to
|             dm_error_$ci_not_allocated, the specified control has
|             not been allocated in the file.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$get_by_ci_ptr                         |

       Gets an  element directly from  the file using  the supplied |
  control interval pointer.  The control interval pointer points to |
  a control  interval in a  file and must  have been set  using the |
  get_control_interval_pointer  operation.  This  operation differs |
  from the get  operation in that it copies  data directly from the |
  control interval instead of  calling file_manager_, and, as such, |
  is considerably faster than the get operation.                    |

  The  control   interval  pointer  must  have   been  set  by  the |
  get_control_interval_pointer    operation.     This    entry   is |
  recommended for use in only very well contained situations.       |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$get_by_ci_ptr entry (ptr, bit (36)   |
            aligned, bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, ptr, fixed |
            bin (35), ptr, bit (1) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35),    |
            fixed bin (35));                                        |

       call collection_manager_$get_by_ci_ptr                       |
            (control_interval_ptr, file_opening_id, collection_id,  |
            element_id, buffer_ptr, buffer_length, area_ptr,        |
            new_buffer_was_allocated, element_ptr, element_length,  |
            code);                                                  |
  where:                                                            |

         control_interval_ptr         (Input)                       |
              is a pointer to a control interval in the file.  This |
              pointer      must      have      been      set     by |
              collection_manager_$get_control_interval_ptr and must |
              not be used across transactions.                      |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is a file opening id.                                 |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the collection.                  |

         element_id                   (Input/Output)                |
              is the identifier of the element to be retrieved.     |

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              is a  pointer to the caller  provided buffer in which |
              the element is to be placed.  If the value is null, a |
              buffer is allocated in the  provided area in which to |
              return the element.  The buffer must be byte-aligned. |

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|        buffer_length                (Input)
|             is the length of the  caller provided buffer in bits.
|             If the  buffer is longer  than an integral  number of
|             bytes,  the  excess  bits   will  not  be  used.   If
|             buffer_ptr is null, this is interpreted as 0 whatever
|             the supplied value.

|        area_ptr                     (Input)
|             is a pointer to an area in which a new buffer will be
|             allocated  by  this  routine  if  the caller-supplied
|             buffer  is too  small to  hold the  element or  if no
|             buffer  is  supplied at  all.  If  the buffer  is too
|             small  or is  not supplied  and area_ptr  is null, no
|             data is  returned.  A new buffer  is always allocated
|             on  an even-word  boundary.  The  area may  be of any
|             type.

|        new_buffer_was_allocated     (Output)
|             is  a  flag  indicating, if  on,  the caller-provided
|             buffer was not large  enough to contain the requested
|             element,  and a  larger buffer  was allocated  in the
|             area pointed to by area_ptr, above.

|        element_ptr                  (Output)
|             is a pointer to  the retrieved element.  This pointer
|             may be  the same as  buffer_ptr if no  new buffer was
|             allocated.

|        element_length               (Output)
|             is the length of the specified element in bits.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$long_return_element -  The element length
|               is greater  than the buffer length  and no area was
|               supplied in which to allocate a new buffer.
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The  specified  element id
                does not correspond to an existing element.
                dm_error_$beginning_of_collection  -  The requested
                position is before the beginning of the collection.
                dm_error_$end_of_collection    -    The   requested
                position is after the end of the collection.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$get_from_ci_buffer                    |

       Gets an  element from the supplied  control interval buffer. |
  The  caller  must  supply  a  control  interval  buffer  that was |
  initialized using the setup_ci_buffer operation.  The caller must |
  use  this  operation carefully,  lest the  file copy  is changed, |
  leaving  the  buffered  copy  inconsistent.   This  operation  is |
  currently  supported  only  for  collections  using  the  Ordered |
  Element Storage Method.                                           |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$get_from_ci_buffer entry (ptr, bit   |
            (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, ptr,  |
            fixed bin (35), ptr, bit (1) aligned, ptr, fixed bin    |
            (35), fixed bin (35));                                  |

       call collection_manager_$get_from_ci_buffer (ci_buffer_ptr,  |
            file_opening_id, collection_id, element_id, buffer_ptr, |
            buffer_length, area_ptr, new_buffer_was_allocated,      |
            element_ptr, element_length, code);                     |
  where:                                                            |

         ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)                       |
              is a pointer  to a control interval buffer  set up by |
              the setup_ci_buffer operation.                        |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is a file opening id.                                 |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the collection.                  |

         element_id                   (Input/Output)                |
              is the identifier of the element to be retrieved.     |

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              is a  pointer to the caller  provided buffer in which |
              the element is to be placed.  If the value is null, a |
              buffer is allocated in the  provided area in which to |
              return the element.  The buffer must be byte-aligned. |

         buffer_length                (Input)                       |
              is the length of the  caller provided buffer in bits. |
              If the  buffer is longer  than an integral  number of |
              bytes,  the  excess  bits   will  not  be  used.   If |
              buffer_ptr is null, this is interpreted as 0 whatever |
              the supplied value.                                   |

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|        area_ptr                     (Input)
|             is a pointer to an area in which a new buffer will be
|             allocated  by  this  routine  if  the caller-supplied
|             buffer  is too  small to  hold the  element or  if no
|             buffer  is  supplied at  all.  If  the buffer  is too
|             small  or is  not supplied  and area_ptr  is null, no
|             data is  returned.  A new buffer  is always allocated
|             on  an even-word  boundary.  The  area may  be of any
|             type.

|        new_buffer_was_allocated     (Output)
|             is  a  flag  indicating, if  on,  the caller-provided
|             buffer was not large  enough to contain the requested
|             element,  and a  larger buffer  was allocated  in the
|             area pointed to by area_ptr, above.

|        element_ptr                  (Output)
|             is a pointer to  the retrieved element.  This pointer
|             may be  the same as  buffer_ptr if no  new buffer was
|             allocated.

|        element_length               (Output)
|             is the length of the specified element in bits.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$long_return_element -  The element length
|               is greater  than the buffer length  and no area was
|               supplied in which to allocate a new buffer.
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  specified
                control interval  does not belong  to the specified
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The  specified  element id
                does not correspond to an existing element.

  ___________________                           ___________________

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$get_header

       Gets the data in the caller-defined header for a collection.


       dcl collection_manager_$get_header entry (bit (36) aligned,
            bit (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (17), ptr, bit (1)
            aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));

       call collection_manager_$get_header (file_opening_id,
            collection_id, buffer_ptr, buffer_length, area_ptr,
            new_buffer_was_allocated, header_ptr, header_length,

         file_opening_id              (Input)
              is the file opening id.

         collection_id                (Input)
              is  the identifier  of the collection  from which the
              header is to be extracted.

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)
              is  a  pointer to  a  buffer in  which the  header is
              placed.   If the  header is  too long  to fit  in the
              buffer or  the buffer_ptr is null,  a new buffer will
              be allocated in the area pointed to by area_ptr.  The
              buffer must be byte-aligned.

         buffer_length                (Input)
              is the length  of the buffer in bits.   If the buffer
              is  longer  than  an  integral number  of  bytes, the
              excess bits will not be used.  If buffer_ptr is null, |
              this is interpreted as 0 whatever the supplied value. |

         area_ptr                     (Input)                       |
              is a pointer to an area in which a buffer to hold the |
              header  may be  allocated.  A buffer  is allocated in |
              this area if the  caller-provided buffer is too small |
              or the buffer_ptr argument is null.  If the buffer is |
              too small or is not supplied and area_ptr is null, no |
              data is  returned.  A new buffer  is always allocated |
              on  an even-word  boundary.  The  area may  be of any |
              type.                                                 |

         new_buffer_was_allocated     (Output)                      |
              is a flag  which, if on, indicates that  a new buffer |
              was  allocated  in  the supplied  buffer.   This only |

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|             happens when no buffer is supplied or if the supplied
|             buffer is too small for the requested data to fit.

|        header_ptr                   (Output)
|             is  a pointer  to the  header.  If  a new  buffer was
|             allocated,  it  will  not  equal  the caller-provided
|             buffer_ptr.

|        header_length                (Output)
|             is the length  of the header placed in  the buffer in
|             bits.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a standard system error code.  Some possible error
|             codes are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$long_return_element  - The  header length
|               is greater  than the buffer length  and no area was
|               supplied in which to allocate a new buffer.
|               dm_error_$no_header_record  -  The  collection does
|               not have a caller-defined header..

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$get_id                                |

       Gets  the  identifier of  an  element which  is  a specified |
  number of elements before or after another element.               |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$get_id entry (bit (36) aligned, bit  |
            (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (17), bit (1) |
            aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));             |

       call collection_manager_$get_id (file_opening_id,            |
            collection_id, input_element_id, position_change,       |
            is_absolute_position, return_element_id, code);         |
  where:                                                            |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is the file opening identifier.                       |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is the collection identifier.                         |

         input_element_id             (Input)                       |
              is  the  identifier  of  the  element  from  which to |
              position.                                             |

         position_change              (Input)                       |
              is the  number of elements to  position away from the |
              input element.   If less than zero,  the direction of |
              the position is backward,  i.e., toward the beginning |
              of the collection; if greater than zero the direction |
              is forward, i.e., toward the end of the collection.   |

         is_absolute_position         (Input)                       |
              is  a  flag which,  if on,  indicates that  the input |
              element identifier should be ignored and the position |
              is  to start  at either the  beginning or  end of the |
              collection.   If position_change  is less  than zero, |
              the position starts at the end; if position_change is |
              greater  than  zero,  the   position  starts  at  the |
              beginning.                                            |

         return_element_id            (Output)                      |
              is  the  identifier  of  the  element  to  which  was |
              positioned.  If an error occured, the value is zero.  |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes |
              returned are:                                         |

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|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$no_element -  The input element  does not
|               exist.
|               dm_error_$beginning_of_collection  -  The beginning
|               of the collection was reached before completing the
|               backward position.
|               dm_error_$end_of_collection   -  The   end  of  the
|               collection   was  reached   before  completing  the
|               forward position.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$get_portion                           |

       Gets the value of all or part of an element.  This operation |
  is currently restricted to portions that start at the head of the |
  element.                                                          |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$get_portion entry (bit (36) aligned, |
            bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (17),     |
            ptr, fixed bin (35), ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin     |
            (35), bit (1) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin   |
            (35));                                                  |

       call collection_manager_$get_portion (file_opening_id,       |
            collection_id, element_id, position, buffer_ptr,        |
            buffer_length, area_ptr, portion_beginning_index,       |
            portion_length, new_buffer_was_allocated, element_ptr,  |
            element_length, code);                                  |
  where:                                                            |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is a file opening id.                                 |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the collection.                  |

         element_id                   (Input/Output)                |
              is the identifier of the element to be retrieved.  If |
              the   position   argument  has   a   non-zero  value, |
              element_id is the element from which to position.  In |
              this  case, which  is only  supported for collections |
              using  the Basic  Element Storage  Method, the output |
              value  of   element_id  is  the   identifier  of  the |
              retrieved element.                                    |

         position                     (Input)                       |
              if greater than zero, is  the number of elements away |
              from the specified element in a forward direction the |
              desired element is.  If less than zero, its magnitude |
              is  the number  of elements  away from  the specified |
              element in  a backward direction  the desired element |
              is.                                                   |

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              is a  pointer to the caller  provided buffer in which |
              the element is to be placed.  If the value is null, a |
              buffer is allocated in the  provided area in which to |
              return the element.  The buffer must be byte-aligned. |

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|        buffer_length                (Input)
|             is the length of the  caller provided buffer in bits.
|             If the  buffer is longer  than an integral  number of
|             bytes,  the  excess  bits   will  not  be  used.   If
|             buffer_ptr is null, this is interpreted as 0 whatever
|             the supplied value.

|        area_ptr                     (Input)
|             is a pointer to an area in which a new buffer will be
|             allocated  by  this  routine  if  the caller-supplied
|             buffer  is too  small to  hold the  element or  if no
|             buffer  is  supplied at  all.  If  the buffer  is too
|             small  or is  not supplied  and area_ptr  is null, no
|             data is  returned.  A new buffer  is always allocated
|             on  an even-word  boundary.  The  area may  be of any
|             type.

|        portion_beginning_index      (Input)
|             is the  index (1-originned) of  the first bit  of the
|             portion of the element which is to be returned to the
|             caller.  Currently, only a value of 1 is allowed.

|        portion_length               (Input)
|             is the length  in bits of the portion  of the element
|             which  is to  be returned.  A  value of  -1 means "as
|             many  bits  as  required to  get  to the  end  of the
|             element".  If portion_beginning_index is set to 1 and
|             portion_length is set to  -1, then the entire element
|             is returned.

|        new_buffer_was_allocated     (Output)
|             is  a  flag  indicating, if  on,  the caller-provided
|             buffer was not large  enough to contain the requested
|             portion  of  the  element,  and a  larger  buffer was
|             allocated in the area pointed to by area_ptr, above.

|        element_ptr                  (Output)
|             is  a  pointer  to   the  retrieved  portion  of  the
|             specified element.   This pointer may be  the same as
|             buffer_ptr if no new buffer was allocated.

|        element_length               (Output)
|             is  the  length  of  the  retrieved  portion  of  the
|             specified element in bits.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified

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                collection does not exist.                          |
                dm_error_$long_return_element -  The element length |
                is greater  than the buffer length  and no area was |
                supplied in which to allocate a new buffer.         |
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The  specified  element id
                does not correspond to an existing element.
                dm_error_$beginning_of_collection  -  The requested
                position is before the beginning of the collection.
                dm_error_$end_of_collection    -    The   requested
                position is after the end of the collection.

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$get_portion_by_ci_ptr

|      Gets the  value of all  or part of an  element directly from
| the  file  using  the  supplied control  interval  pointer.  This
| operation  differs  from  the  get_portion operation  in  that it
| copies data directly from the control interval instead of calling
| file_manager_, and, as such, is  considerably faster than the get
| operation.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$get_portion_by_ci_ptr entry (ptr,
|           bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned,
|           fixed bin (17), ptr, fixed bin (35), ptr, fixed bin
|           (35), fixed bin (35), bit (1) aligned, ptr, fixed bin
|           (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$get_portion_by_ci_ptr
|           (control_interval_ptr, file_opening_id, collection_id,
|           element_id, position, buffer_ptr, buffer_length,
|           area_ptr, portion_beginning_index, portion_length,
|           new_buffer_was_allocated, element_ptr, element_length,
|           code);
| where:

|        control_interval_ptr         (Input)
|             is a pointer  to a control interval in  a file.  This
|             pointer      must      have      been      set     by
|             collection_manager_$get_control_interval_ptr.

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening id.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        element_id                   (Input/Output)
|             is the identifier of the element to be retrieved.  If
|             the   position   argument  has   a   non-zero  value,
|             element_id is the element from which to position.  In
|             this  case, which  is only  supported for collections
|             using  the Basic  Element Storage  Method, the output
|             value  of   element_id  is  the   identifier  of  the
|             retrieved element.

|        position                     (Input)
|             if greater than zero, is  the number of elements away
|             from the specified element in a forward direction the
|             desired element is.  If less than zero, its magnitude

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              is  the number  of elements  away from  the specified |
              element in  a backward direction  the desired element |
              is.                                                   |

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              is a  pointer to the caller  provided buffer in which |
              the element is to be placed.  If the value is null, a |
              buffer is allocated in the  provided area in which to |
              return the element.  The buffer must be byte-aligned. |

         buffer_length                (Input)                       |
              is the length of the  caller provided buffer in bits. |
              If the  buffer is longer  than an integral  number of |
              bytes,  the  excess  bits   will  not  be  used.   If |
              buffer_ptr is null, this is interpreted as 0 whatever |
              the supplied value.                                   |

         area_ptr                     (Input)                       |
              is a pointer to an area in which a new buffer will be |
              allocated  by  this  routine  if  the caller-supplied |
              buffer  is too  small to  hold the  element or  if no |
              buffer  is  supplied at  all.  If  the buffer  is too |
              small  or is  not supplied  and area_ptr  is null, no |
              data is  returned.  A new buffer  is always allocated |
              on  an even-word  boundary.  The  area may  be of any |
              type.                                                 |

         portion_beginning_index      (Input)                       |
              is the  index (1-originned) of  the first bit  of the |
              portion of the element which is to be returned to the |
              caller.  Currently, only a value of 1 is allowed.     |

         portion_length               (Input)                       |
              is the length  in bits of the portion  of the element |
              which  is to  be returned.  A  value of  -1 means "as |
              many  bits  as  required to  get  to the  end  of the |
              element".  If portion_beginning_index is set to 1 and |
              portion_length is set to  -1, then the entire element |
              is returned.                                          |

         new_buffer_was_allocated     (Output)                      |
              is  a  flag  indicating, if  on,  the caller-provided |
              buffer was not large  enough to contain the requested |
              portion  of  the  element,  and a  larger  buffer was |
              allocated in the area pointed to by area_ptr, above.  |

         element_ptr                  (Output)                      |
              is  a  pointer  to   the  retrieved  portion  of  the |
              specified element.   This pointer may be  the same as |
              buffer_ptr if no new buffer was allocated.            |

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|        element_length               (Output)
|             is  the  length  of  the  retrieved  portion  of  the
|             specified element in bits.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$long_return_element -  The element length
|               is greater  than the buffer length  and no area was
|               supplied in which to allocate a new buffer.
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The  specified  element id
                does not correspond to an existing element.
                dm_error_$beginning_of_collection  -  The requested
                position is before the beginning of the collection.
                dm_error_$end_of_collection    -    The   requested
                position is after the end of the collection.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$get_portion_from_ci_buffer            |

       Gets  the  value  of all  or  part  of an  element  from the |
  supplied  control  interval  buffer.   The caller  must  supply a |
  control   interval   buffer  that   was  initialized   using  the |
  setup_ci_buffer  operation.  The  caller must  use this operation |
  carefully, lest  the file copy  is changed, leaving  the buffered |
  copy  inconsistent.  This  operation is  currently supported only |
  for collections using the Ordered Element Storage Method.         |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$get_portion_from_ci_buffer entry     |
            (ptr, bit (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, bit (36)      |
            aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35), ptr, fixed bin (35),      |
            fixed bin (35), bit (1) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35),   |
            fixed bin (35));                                        |

       call collection_manager_$get_portion_from_ci_buffer          |
            (ci_buffer_ptr, file_opening_id, collection_id,         |
            element_id, buffer_ptr, buffer_length, area_ptr,        |
            portion_beginning_index, portion_length,                |
            new_buffer_was_allocated, element_ptr, element_length,  |
            code);                                                  |
  where:                                                            |

         ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)                       |
              is a pointer  to a control interval buffer  set up by |
              the setup_ci_buffer operation.                        |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is a file opening id.                                 |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the collection.                  |

         element_id                   (Input/Output)                |
              is the identifier of the element to be retrieved.     |

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              is a  pointer to the caller  provided buffer in which |
              the element is to be placed.  If the value is null, a |
              buffer is allocated in the  provided area in which to |
              return the element.  The buffer must be byte-aligned. |

         buffer_length                (Input)                       |
              is the length of the  caller provided buffer in bits. |
              If the  buffer is longer  than an integral  number of |
              bytes,  the  excess  bits   will  not  be  used.   If |

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|             buffer_ptr is null, this is interpreted as 0 whatever
|             the supplied value.

|        area_ptr                     (Input)
|             is a pointer to an area in which a new buffer will be
|             allocated  by  this  routine  if  the caller-supplied
|             buffer  is too  small to  hold the  element or  if no
|             buffer  is  supplied at  all.  If  the buffer  is too
|             small  or is  not supplied  and area_ptr  is null, no
|             data is  returned.  A new buffer  is always allocated
|             on  an even-word  boundary.  The  area may  be of any
|             type.

|        portion_beginning_index      (Input)
|             is the  index (1-originned) of  the first bit  of the
|             portion of the element which is to be returned to the
|             caller.  Currently, only a value of 1 is allowed.

|        portion_length               (Input)
|             is the length  in bits of the portion  of the element
|             which is to be returned.

|        new_buffer_was_allocated     (Output)
|             is  a  flag  indicating, if  on,  the caller-provided
|             buffer was not large  enough to contain the requested
|             portion  of  the  element,  and a  larger  buffer was
|             allocated in the area pointed to by area_ptr, above.

|        element_ptr                  (Output)
|             is  a  pointer  to   the  retrieved  portion  of  the
|             specified element.   This pointer may be  the same as
|             buffer_ptr if no new buffer was allocated.

|        element_length               (Output)
|             is  the  length  of  the  retrieved  portion  of  the
|             specified element in bits.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$long_return_element -  The element length
|               is greater  than the buffer length  and no area was
|               supplied in which to allocate a new buffer.
|               dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested
|               element  is in  a control  interval which  does not
|               belong to the specified collection.
|               error_table_$bad_arg  - A  bad value  was given for

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                the     portion_beginning_index    (^=     1)    or |
                portion_length (< 1).                               |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$modify

|      Modifies the value of an existing element.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$modify entry (bit (36) aligned, bit
|           (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35), bit (36) aligned,
|           fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$modify (file_opening_id,
|           collection_id, element_ptr, element_length, element_id,
|           maximum_space_available, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening identifier.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        element_ptr                  (Input)
|             is  a  pointer  to the  value  of the  element  to be
|             modified.

|        element_length               (Input)
|             is the length of the  element's new value in bits.  A
|             value of  -1 is interpreted  as "the current  size of
|             the existing element".

|        element_id                   (Input)
|             is the identifier of the element being modified.

|        maximum_space_available      (Output)
|             if the  operation failed because  of a lack  of space
|             (code  =  dm_error_$long_element), is  the  amount of
|             additional  space  in  bits  needed  in  the  control
|             interval to successfully modify  the element.  If the
|             operation was successful, is the amount of free space
|             in bits  remaining in the control  interval after the
|             modification.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$long_element -  The element was  too long
|               to fit in the control interval.

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                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested |
                element  is in  a control  interval which  does not |
                belong to the specified collection.                 |
                dm_error_$ci_not_allocated -  The specified control |
                interval is not allocated.                          |
                dm_error_$misformatted_ci  - The  specified control |
                interval is not properly formatted.                 |
                dm_error_$bad_element_length - The specified length |
                is invalid (less than 0).                           |
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The specified  element was |
                not found.                                          |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$modify_in_ci_buffer

|      Modify  the  value  of  an  existing  element  in  a control
| interval  buffer.   The element  begins  in the  control interval
| supplied by the caller.  Only the copy of the control interval in
| the  supplied buffer  is modified, not  the file  itself.  If the
| element is  continued in another control  interval, the file copy
| of that  control interval is  modified.  In order  to reflect the
| modification in the  file copy of the control  interval, the copy
| must  be  replaced  with the  replace_ci_buffer  operation.  This
| operation is  currently supported only for  collections using the
| Ordered Element Storage Method.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$modify_in_ci_buffer entry (ptr, bit
|           (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35),
|           bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$modify_in_ci_buffer (ci_buffer_ptr,
|           file_opening_id, collection_id, element_ptr,
|           element_length, element_id, maximum_space_available,
|           code);
| where:

|        ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)
|             is  a  pointer  to  a  buffer  containing  a  control
|             interval set up by the setup_ci_buffer operation.

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening identifier.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        element_ptr                  (Input)
|             is  a  pointer  to the  value  of the  element  to be
|             modified.

|        element_length               (Input)
|             is the length of the  element's new value in bits.  A
|             value of  -1 is interpreted  as "the current  size of
|             the existing element".

|        element_id                   (Input)
|             is the identifier of the element being modified.

|        maximum_space_available      (Output)
|             if the  operation failed because  of a lack  of space

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              (code  =  dm_error_$long_element), is  the  amount of |
              additional  space  in  bits  needed  in  the  control |
              interval to successfully modify  the element.  If the |
              operation was successful, is the amount of free space |
              in bits  remaining in the control  interval after the |
              modification.                                         |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes |
              returned are:                                         |
                dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified |
                collection does not exist.                          |
                dm_error_$long_element -  The element was  too long |
                to fit in the control interval.                     |
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested |
                element  is in  a control  interval which  does not |
                belong to the specified collection.                 |
                dm_error_$bad_element_length - The specified length |
                is invalid (less than 0).                           |
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The specified  element was |
                not found.                                          |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$modify_portion

|      Modifies the value of all or part of an element.  This entry
| is not yet implemented.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$modify_portion entry (bit (36)
|           aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35), ptr, fixed
|           bin (35), fixed bin (35), bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
|           (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$modify_portion (file_opening_id,
|           collection_id, beginning_portion_index,
|           element_portion_ptr, old_portion_length,
|           new_portion_length, element_id,
|           maximum_space_available, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening identifier.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        beginning_portion_index      (Input)
|             is the Nth bit in the  element where the first bit of
|             the portion will be placed.

|        element_portion_ptr          (Input)
|             is a pointer to the new value of the element portion.

|        old_portion_length           (Input)
|             is the length  in bits of the portion  of the element
|             which  is being  replaced.  A  value of  -1 means "as
|             many  bits  as it  takes  to get  to  the end  of the
|             element".  A value of 0 means that the new portion is
|             being inserted.

|        new_portion_length           (Input)
|             is the length in bits of the new portion.  A value of
|             -1 means "the same size as the old portion".  A value
|             of zero means that no new data is to be inserted, but
|             the  data  described by  old_portion_length is  to be
|             removed.

|        element_id                   (Input)
|             is the identifier of the element to be modified.

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         maximum_space_available      (Output)                      |
              if the  operation failed because  of a lack  of space |
              (code  =  dm_error_$long_element), is  the  amount of |
              additional  space  in  bits  needed  in  the  control |
              interval to successfully modify  the element.  If the |
              operation was successful, is the amount of free space |
              in bits  remaining in the control  interval after the |
              modification.                                         |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a standard system error code.                      |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$modify_unprotected

|      Modify  the  value  of  an  existing  element,  but  do  not
| journalize the  data or exclusively lock  the control interval in
| which  the element  is stored.  This  operation can  be used only
| when the old and new values are identical in length, and when the
| value  can  fit in  a  single control  interval.   This operation
| should only be used in situations where the caller knows that the
| data is not critical, as the data will not be rolled back.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$modify_unprotected entry (bit (36)
|           aligned, bit (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35), bit
|           (36) aligned, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$modify_unprotected
|           (file_opening_id, collection_id, element_ptr,
|           element_length, element_id, maximum_space_available,
|           code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening identifier.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        element_ptr                  (Input)
|             is  a  pointer  to the  value  of the  element  to be
|             modified.

|        element_length               (Input)
|             is the length of the  element's new value in bits.  A
|             value of  -1 is interpreted  as "the current  size of
|             the existing  element".  The length must  be the same
|             as the old length, or -1.

|        element_id                   (Input)
|             is the identifier of the element being modified.

|        maximum_space_available      (Output)
|             if the  operation failed because  of a lack  of space
|             (code  =  dm_error_$long_element), is  the  amount of
|             additional  space  in  bits  needed  in  the  control
|             interval to successfully modify  the element.  If the
|             operation was successful, is the amount of free space
|             in bits  remaining in the control  interval after the
|             modification.

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         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes |
              returned are:                                         |
                dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified |
                collection does not exist.                          |
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested |
                element  is in  a control  interval which  does not |
                belong to the specified collection.                 |
                dm_error_$ci_not_allocated -  The specified control |
                interval is not allocated.                          |
                dm_error_$misformatted_ci  - The  specified control |
                interval is not properly formatted.                 |
                dm_error_$bad_element_length - The specified length |
                is invalid (less than 1).                           |
                dm_error_$no_element  -  The specified  element was |
                not found.                                          |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$put

|      Puts a new element in a collection.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$put entry (bit (36) aligned, bit
|           (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35), bit (36) aligned,
|           fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$put (file_opening_id,
|           collection_id, element_ptr, element_length, element_id,
|           maximum_space_available, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening identifier.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is a collection identifier.

|        element_ptr                  (Input)
|             is a pointer to the value of the new element.

|        element_length               (Input)
|             is the length of the new element.

|        element_id                   (Input/Output)
|             on output is the identifier  of the new element.  The
|             interpretation of  this argument on  input depends on
|             what Element Storage Method the collection uses.  For
|             an  Ordered  ESM  collection,  the  input  element_id
|             identifies  the  location  of the  new  element.  The
|             input  and  output values  must be  the same.   For a
|             Basic  ESM  collection, the  input element_id  is the
|             element_id of  a "related" element.   The new element
|             will  be  put in  the  same control  interval  as the
|             related element  if there is  room; otherwise another
|             location  will be  found.  If  element_id is  "0"b, a
|             random location is found.

|        maximum_space_available      (Output)
|             if  the operation  fails because  of a  lack of space
|             (code  =  dm_error_$long_element), is  the  amount of
|             additional space in bits necessary to put the element
|             in the specified control  interval.  If the operation
|             was successful,  is the maximum amount  of free space
|             in  bits available  for use  in the  control interval
|             identified  by the  output value  of element_id after

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              the put.                                              |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes |
              returned are:                                         |
                dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified |
                collection does not exist.                          |
                dm_error_$long_element -  The element was  too long |
                to fit in the buffer.                               |
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  specified |
                control interval  does not belong  to the specified |
                collection.                                         |
                dm_error_$ci_not_allocated -  The specified control |
                interval is not allocated.                          |
                dm_error_$misformatted_ci  - The  specified control |
                interval is not properly formatted.                 |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$put_header

|      Puts  a caller-defined  header for a  collection.  The index
| and record managers keep an  index header and a record collection
| header in caller-defined headers.  If a header already exists for
| the  collection, it  is modified.   If no  header exists  for the
| collection, a new one is put.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$put_header entry (bit (36) aligned,
|           bit (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$put_header (file_opening_id,
|           collection_id, header_ptr, header_length, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is the opening id of the file of the collection.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is the identifier of the collection.

|        header_ptr                   (Input)
|             is a pointer  to the data to be  placed in the header
|             of the collection.

|        header_length                (Input)
|             is the length of the header data being put, in bits.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is  a  standard  system   error  code.   A  value  of
|             dm_error_$collection_not_found  indicates   that  the
|             specified collection does not exist.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$put_in_ci_buffer                      |

       Puts an element in the supplied control interval buffer.  To |
  update  the file  copy of  the control  interval to  reflect this |
  modification,   use   the   replace_ci_buffer   operation.   This |
  operation is  currently supported only for  collections using the |
  Ordered Element Storage Method.                                   |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$put_in_ci_buffer entry (ptr, bit     |
            (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35),    |
            bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));      |

       call collection_manager_$put_in_ci_buffer (ci_buffer_ptr,    |
            file_opening_id, collection_id, element_ptr,            |
            element_length, element_id, maximum_space_available,    |
            code);                                                  |
  where:                                                            |

         ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)                       |
              is  a  pointer  to  a  buffer  containing  a  control |
              interval set up by the setup_ci_buffer operation.     |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is a file opening identifier.                         |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is a collection identifier.                           |

         element_ptr                  (Input)                       |
              is a pointer to the value of the new element.         |

         element_length               (Input)                       |
              is the length of the new element.                     |

         element_id                   (Input)                       |
              is the identifier and location of the new element.    |

         maximum_space_available      (Output)                      |
              if  the operation  fails because  of a  lack of space |
              (code  =  dm_error_$long_element), is  the  amount of |
              additional space in bits necessary to put the element |
              in the specified control  interval.  If the operation |
              was successful,  is the maximum amount  of free space |
              in  bits available  for use  in the  control interval |
              identified  by the  output value  of element_id after |
              the put.                                              |

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|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$long_element -  The element was  too long
|               to fit in the control interval.
|               dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested
|               element  is in  a control  interval which  does not
|               belong to the specified collection.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$put_unprotected_header                |

       Puts a new or modifies an existing caller-defined header for |
  a collection  in an area  of the file reserved  for such headers. |
  The index and  record managers keep an index  header and a record |
  collection header in caller-defined  headers.  If the header does |
  not already exist, it is put  in the file.  If the header already |
  exists, the  existing value is modified  without journalizing the |
  old value  or exclusively locking  the control interval  in which |
  the header resides.  The caller should only use this operation if |
  the changed data is not critical,  as it will not be rolled back. |
  The new  length of the header  value must be the  same as the old |
  length.                                                           |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$put_unprotected_header entry (bit    |
            (36) aligned, bit (36) aligned, ptr, fixed bin (35),    |
            fixed bin (35));                                        |

       call collection_manager_$put_unprotected_header              |
            (file_opening_id, collection_id, header_ptr,            |
            header_length, code);                                   |
  where:                                                            |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is the opening id of the file of the collection.      |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the collection.                  |

         header_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              is a pointer  to the data to be  placed in the header |
              of the collection.                                    |

         header_length                (Input)                       |
              is the length of the  header data being put, in bits. |
              If  the header  already exists,  this length  must be |
              identical  to  the  length of  the  existing header's |
              value.                                                |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is  a  standard  system   error  code.   A  value  of |
              dm_error_$collection_not_found  indicates   that  the |
              specified collection does not exist.                  |

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| Entry:  collection_manager_$replace_ci_buffer

|      Copies the contents of a control interval buffer back into a
| file.  The control interval buffer  must have previously been set
| up by the setup_ci_buffer operation.

| Usage

|      dcl collection_manager_$replace_ci_buffer entry (bit (36)
|           aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (24) unsigned,
|           ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));

|      call collection_manager_$replace_ci_buffer (file_opening_id,
|           collection_id, control_interval_number, ci_buffer_ptr,
|           ci_buffer_length, code);
| where:

|        file_opening_id              (Input)
|             is a file opening identifier.

|        collection_id                (Input)
|             is a collection identifier.

|        control_interval_number      (Input)
|             is the number of the control interval to be replaced.

|        ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)
|             is  the  pointer to  the  buffer holding  the control
|             interval.

|        ci_buffer_length             (Input)
|             is the  length in bits  of the supplied  buffer.  The
|             value   must   be   greater    than   or   equal   to
|             in dm_ci_lengths.incl.pl1.

|        code                         (Output)
|             is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes
|             returned are:
|               dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified
|               collection does not exist.
|               dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested
|               element  is in  a control  interval which  does not
|               belong to the specified collection.
|               dm_error_$short_buffer  - The  buffer is  not large
|               enough to contain a control interval.

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  Entry:  collection_manager_$setup_ci_buffer                       |

       Copies the entire addressable contents of a control interval |
  into a caller-supplied buffer.  The caller may supply the pointer |
  to this buffer to later  invocations of buffered operations.  For |
  certain well  contained situations, repeatedly  accessing control |
  interval in a buffer rather than  in a file will save on overhead |
  costs.  The  caller must be  careful when using  buffered control |
  intervals  to  not  accidentally   access  the  control  interval |
  directly in the file, or updates may be lost.                     |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$setup_ci_buffer entry (bit (36)      |
            aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (24) unsigned,     |
            ptr, fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));                   |

       call collection_manager_$setup_ci_buffer (file_opening_id,   |
            collection_id, control_interval_number, ci_buffer_ptr,  |
            ci_buffer_length, code);                                |
  where:                                                            |

         file_opening_id              (Input)                       |
              is a file opening identifier.                         |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is a collection identifier.                           |

         control_interval_number      (Input)                       |
              is the number of the control interval to be set up.   |

         ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)                       |
              is  the  pointer to  the buffer  to hold  the control |
              interval.                                             |

         ci_buffer_length             (Input)                       |
              is the  length in bits  of the supplied  buffer.  The |
              value   must   be   greater    than   or   equal   to |
              in dm_ci_lengths.incl.pl1.                            |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a  standard system error code.   Some of the codes |
              returned are:                                         |
                dm_error_$collection_not_found   -   The  specified |
                collection does not exist.                          |
                dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   The  requested |
                element  is in  a control  interval which  does not |
                belong to the specified collection.                 |

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|               dm_error_$ci_not_allocated -  The specified control
|               interval is not allocated.
|               dm_error_$misformatted_ci  - The  specified control
|               interval is not properly formatted.
|               dm_error_$ci_contains_continuations  -  The control
|               interval   contains  at   a  datum   which  is  the
|               continuation  of  an  element  started  in  another
|               control  interval.   This  is not  allowed,  as the
|               caller has no control over when these get accessed,
|               and updates can be lost.
|               dm_error_$short_buffer  - The  buffer is  not large
|               enough to contain a control interval.

  ___________________                           ___________________

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  ___________________                           ___________________

  Entry:  collection_manager_$simple_get_by_ci_ptr                  |

       Get an  element using the supplied  control interval pointer |
  to speed up the retrieval.  This entry is not as general as other |
  entries which get  elements in order to make  the entry as simple |
  and efficient  as possible.  One of  the simplifying restrictions |
  is  that  the element  must  be completely  contained  within the |
  control  interval.  The  control interval pointer  must have been |
  set  using  the  $get_control_interval_pointer  operation.   This |
  entry  is  recommended  for  use  in  only  very  well  contained |
  situations.                                                       |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$simple_get_by_ci_ptr entry (ptr,     |
            bit(36)aligned, bit(36)aligned, ptr, fixed bin(35),     |
            fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));                        |

       call collection_manager_$simple_get_by_ci_ptr                |
            (control_interval_ptr, collection_id, element_id,       |
            buffer_ptr, buffer_length, element_length, code);       |
  where:                                                            |

         control_interval_ptr         (Input)                       |
              points  to  a  control  interval in  the  file.  This |
              pointer      must      have      been      set     by |
              collection_manager_$get_control_interval_pointer.     |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is   the   identifier    of   the   collection.    If |
              collection_id does not equal the collection id stored |
              in the buffered control interval, an error results.   |

         element_id                   (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the element to retrieve.         |

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              points to a caller-supplied  buffer in which to place |
              the  element,  and  also   points  to  the  retrieved |
              element.  The value remains the same.                 |

         buffer_length                (Input)                       |
              is the length in bits of the buffer.                  |

         element_length               (Output)                      |
              is the length in bits of the element.                 |

         code                         (Output)                      |
              is a standard system error code.  The possible values |

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|             are:
|               dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   the   supplied
|                         control interval  is not in  the supplied
|                         collection.
|               dm_error_$long_return_element  -   the  element  is
|                         longer than the buffer.
|               dm_error_$no_element -  there is no  element in the
|                         control interval with the same identifier
|                         as element_id.

  ___________________                           ___________________

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  ___________________                           ___________________

  Entry:  collection_manager_$simple_get_from_ci_buffer             |

       Get  an element  from the supplied  control interval buffer. |
  This entry is not as general  as other entries which get elements |
  in order to  make the entry as simple  and efficient as possible. |
  One of the  simplifying restrictions is that the  element must be |
  completely  contained  within the  control interval.   The caller |
  must supply a control interval  buffer that was initialized using |
  the  setup_ci_buffer   operation.   The  caller   must  use  this |
  operation carefully,  lest the file copy  is changed, leaving the |
  buffered   copy  inconsistent.    This  operation   is  currently |
  supported only for collections  using the Ordered Element Storage |
  Method.                                                           |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl collection_manager_$simple_get_from_ci_buffer entry      |
            (ptr, bit(36)aligned, bit(36)aligned, ptr, fixed        |
            bin(35), fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));               |

       call collection_manager_$simple_get_from_ci_buffer           |
            (ci_buffer_ptr, collection_id, element_id, buffer_ptr,  |
            buffer_length, element_length, code);                   |
  where:                                                            |

         ci_buffer_ptr                (Input)                       |
              points to  a control interval  buffer initialized via |
              the setup_ci_buffer operation.                        |

         collection_id                (Input)                       |
              is   the   identifier    of   the   collection.    If |
              collection_id does not equal the collection id stored |
              in the buffered control interval, an error results.   |

         element_id                   (Input)                       |
              is the identifier of the element to retrieve.         |

         buffer_ptr                   (Input)                       |
              points to a caller-supplied  buffer in which to place |
              the  element,  and  also   points  to  the  retrieved |
              element.  The value remains the same.                 |

         buffer_length                (Input)                       |
              is the length in bits of the buffer.                  |

         element_length               (Output)                      |
              is the length in bits of the element.                 |

         code                         (Output)                      |

|             is a standard system error code.  The possible values
|             are:
|               dm_error_$ci_not_in_collection   -   the   supplied
|                         control interval  is not in  the supplied
|                         collection.
|               dm_error_$long_return_element  -   the  element  is
|                         longer than the buffer.
|               dm_error_$no_element -  there is no  element in the
|                         control interval with the same identifier
|                         as element_id.