Multics Technical Bulletin                     MTB-553 Revision 1
  DM: File Spec

  To:       Distribution

  From:     André Bensoussan & Jeffrey D. Ives & R. Michael Tague

  Date:     07/06/84

  Subject:  Data Management: File Manager Specifications


      This  document describes  the functions provided  by the data
  management  file  manager.   For   each  of  these  functions,  a
  description  of  what  the  function accomplishes,  and  what the
  caller  of  the  function  is supposed  to  know  is  given.  The
  description of how  the function accomplishes its task  is in the
  file manager design document, MTB 554.

  Revision 1  of this document contains  documentation on more than |
  30 additional entry  points.  Many of these new  entry points are |
  for setting and getting access  control, ring, and directory name |
  information.                                                      |

  Comments should be sent to the author:

  via Forum:

  via Multics Mail:
     Tague.Multics on either System M or MIT Multics.

  via telephone:
     HVN (617) 492-9358


  Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
  reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
  consent of the author or the author's management.



                 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     i
                 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                 2 Characteristics of a data management
                  file  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                    2.1 Naming  . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                    2.2 Access control  . . . . . . . .     1
                    2.3 Control intervals . . . . . . .     2
                    2.4 Capacity  . . . . . . . . . . .     2
                    2.5 File accessing  . . . . . . . .     3
                    2.6 Protected data management files     3
                    2.7 Unprotected files . . . . . . .     4
                 3 File manager primitives  . . . . . .     4
                    file_manager_ . . . . . . . . . . .     5
                       $abandon . . . . . . . . . . . .     6
                       $add_acl_entries . . . . . . . .     7
                       $adopt . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9
                       $allocate  . . . . . . . . . . .    10
                       $chname_file . . . . . . . . . .    11
                       $close . . . . . . . . . . . . .    12
                       $copy  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    13
                       $create  . . . . . . . . . . . .    15
                       $create_open . . . . . . . . . .    18
                       $delentry_file . . . . . . . . .    19
                       $delete_acl_entries  . . . . . .    20
                       $delete_close  . . . . . . . . .    22
                       $end_of_crash_recovery . . . . .    23
                       $find_old_uid_pn_table . . . . .    24
                       $flush_consecutive_ci  . . . . .    25
                       $flush_modified_ci . . . . . . .    26
                       $free  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    27
                       $get . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    28
                       ci_parts structure . . . . . . .    29
                       $get_ci_header . . . . . . . . .    31
                       ci_header structure  . . . . . .    31
                       $get_ci_ptr  . . . . . . . . . .    33
                       $get_exclusive . . . . . . . . .    35
                       $get_max_length  . . . . . . . .    36
                       $get_ring_brackets . . . . . . .    37
                       $get_stream  . . . . . . . . . .    38
                       $get_switch  . . . . . . . . . .    39
                       $get_user_access_modes . . . . .    40

                         CONTENTS (cont)


                       $list_acl  . . . . . . . . . . .    42
                       $list_switches . . . . . . . . .    43
                       $lock_advice . . . . . . . . . .    45
                       $open  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    47
                       $open_by_uid . . . . . . . . . .    49
                       $open_by_uid_after_crash . . . .    50
                       $per_system_init . . . . . . . .    51
                       $post_commit . . . . . . . . . .    52
                       $prepare_to_copy . . . . . . . .    53
                       $put . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    54
                       $put_journal . . . . . . . . . .    56
                       $put_stream  . . . . . . . . . .    57
                       $raw_get . . . . . . . . . . . .    58
                       $raw_put . . . . . . . . . . . .    59
                       $replace_acl . . . . . . . . . .    60
                       $set_ring_brackets . . . . . . .    61
                       $set_switch  . . . . . . . . . .    62
                       $simple_get  . . . . . . . . . .    63
                       $simple_put  . . . . . . . . . .    64
                       $status  . . . . . . . . . . . .    65
                       $suffix_info . . . . . . . . . .    66
                       copy_flags . . . . . . . . . . .    67
                       $terminate_ci_ptr  . . . . . . .    69
                       $undo  . . . . . . . . . . . . .    70
                       $unput . . . . . . . . . . . . .    71
                       $user_shutdown . . . . . . . . .    72
                       $validate  . . . . . . . . . . .    73

  Multics Technical Bulletin                     MTB-553 Revision 1
  DM: File Spec


       An overview  of the file  access layer is in  MTB 511, which
  describes  data  management  files,  their position  in  the data
  management  architecture, and  the services provided  by the file

       This document  is more detailed  and more specific  than the
  overview.  It contains the  functional specifications of the file
  manager,  given in  terms of  the entire  set of  entry points it
  provides  to the  rest of  the system.   For each  entry point, a
  complete  description of  the calling  sequence is  given, with a
  full description of  what the entry point does,  and anything the
  caller is supposed to know to be able to make proper use of it.


       Like  a segment,  a data management  file is  an object that
  resides  in the  Multics hierarchy.  It  has a  name, a directory
  entry and an access control list.  Data can be stored into it and
  retrieved from  it.  Unlike a  segment, it is  generally accessed
  though  software  by  file  manager  calls,  although  individual
  control intervals of  a Data Management (DM) file  can be read by
  direct  memory  reference.  DM  files are  capable of  being much
  larger than a segment.

  2.1 Naming

       Like  a  segment, a  data  management file  is found  in the
  Multics hierarchy by its pathname.  All pathname conventions that
  apply to segments also apply to data management files; except, if
  you  change  its  name  or  the   names  of  any  of  its  parent
  directories,  the  mechanisms that  protect  it from  process and
  system failure may not work for the rest of the bootload.

       A data management file is ring 2 multisegment file (MSF).  A
  file  with  the pathname  >A>B>C>F  will be  materialized  by the
  directory  >A>B>C>F in  which MSF  components will  be created as

  MTB-553 Revision 1                     Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                      DM: File Spec

  2.2 Access control

       Like  a segment,  the list  of users  allowed to  use a data
  management file is defined in  an Access Control List (ACL).  The
  access  modes are  read and write.   During the  period that data
  management files are implemented as MSFs, all MSF components will
  have identical ACLs.

  2.3 Control intervals

       A data management file is made of logically contiguous fixed
  size blocks called control intervals.   They are the unit of data
  transfer from disk  to main memory and from  main memory to disk.
  All control intervals in a file  are the same size; but different
  files  may  have  different   control  interval  sizes.   Control
  intervals within  a file are designated  by consecutive integers,
  starting from zero.

       Each control interval has a four  word header and a two word
  trailer.   These are  used by  the file  manager to  identify the
  control interval and to  help implement the protection mechanism.
  They  are  not  within  the addressable  portion  of  the control
  interval.  The file manager has a special entry point for reading
  the header.   The trailer is the  same as the first  two words of
  the header.

       While data management files  are implemented as multisegment
  files, the only size available for control intervals will be 4096
  bytes.  After  the 24 bytes  taken up by the  header and trailer,
  4072 bytes are left for  data storage.  Control interval zero has
  3176 bytes  for data storage  because file attributes  are stored
  there.  Data within  a control interval is addressed  by its byte
  offset and length.   The offset of the first  addressable byte is
  zero.  It is  the first byte after the  header.  The file manager
  does  not  permit applications  to  address data  in  the header,
  trailer, or the file attribute area in control interval zero.

  2.4 Capacity

       Data management files have large capacities.  During the MSF
  implementation, the  limit will come  from the maximum  number of
  entries in  an MSF directory,  which is about  2000.  This limits
  the size  of a data  management file to about  2*10**9 bytes.  In
  the,  so  called, large  file implementation,  the limit  will be
  about 10**12 bytes, using larger control intervals.  The capacity

  Multics Technical Bulletin                     MTB-553 Revision 1
  DM: File Spec

  can be even greater if  the application can use control intervals
  larger than 10**4 bytes.

  2.5 File accessing

       Before  accessing a  data management file  within a process,
  you must open it and obtain an opening identifier.  This protocol
  is comparable to introducing a  segment to a process by obtaining
  a  segment  number  with  which it  can  be  referenced.  Segment
  numbers can be used for direct  hardware access to a segment.  An
  opening identifier can only be  used for indirect software access
  through primitives provided by the file manager.  Though a direct
  pointer  to  a  specific  control interval  may  be  obtained via
  get_ci_ptr, it may only be used for reading a control interval.

       A data management file must  be accessed through the get and
  put primitives in  the file manager.  The get  entry point copies
  data from the  data management file into the  user's buffer.  The
  put entry point copies data from the user's buffer into the file.
  The  file  manager does  not  associate any  meaning to  the data
  stored  in the  file.  Its function  is to provide  access in the
  same way a disk controller provides access to a disk.  The caller
  of  the get  and put  primitives refers to  the data  by its file
  opening id, control interval number, byte offset, and length.

  2.6 Protected data management files

       The meaning of protection  is abstract.  Protection does not
  imply any  specific mechanism such as  locking or journaling.  It
  does  imply  that  data  in   the  files  are  protected  against
  inconsistency  caused   by  concurrent  access   and  transaction
  failure.   It  enables applications  to  transform data  from one
  consistent  state to  another by delimiting  groups of operations
  into  transactions   that  appear  atomic   to  other  processes.
  Protection  against  concurrent  access  can  be  turned  off for
  applications   that   do   not  need   it.    Protection  against
  inconsistency caused by transaction failure can also be disabled.

  o Transaction  mode:  A  protected file  can only  be accessed by
     processes in transaction mode.  Any  attempt to read or modify
     a protected file  by a process not in  transaction mode causes
     an  error  to be  returned.  As  a reminder  to the  reader, a
     process is said to be in transaction mode if it has executed a
     begin  transaction  operation  but  has not  yet  executed the
     commit or abort operation that  would end the transaction (See
     MTB 555, Transaction Manager Spec).

  MTB-553 Revision 1                     Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                      DM: File Spec

  o Concurrency:  The system makes  transactions appear atomic with
     the    concurrency   control    capability,   which   prevents
     simultaneous   transactions   in   different   processes  from
     interfering with one another.  The file manager's contribution
     in  providing this  service is  to automatically  lock control
     intervals  of protected  files on  behalf of  the transactions
     that reference  them.  It does  this for all  protected files,
     except for those with the "no_concurrency" option.

  o Rollback:  The  system provides protection  against transaction
     failure  with  the  rollback capability.   Whenever  a control
     interval  is modified,  the file  manager logs  a copy  of the
     data, prior to modification.  It does so automatically for all
     protected  files  except  for  those  with  the  "no_rollback"
     option.  These before images are  logged in the before journal
     associated with the current  transaction.  If the application,
     the process, or the system fails, these before images are used
     to restore the content of  the control intervals and thus undo
     the effects of the transaction on protected files.

  The fact that a data management  file is protected is recorded as
  an attribute  of the file.   It is usually  set when the  file is
  created, but it can also be  set by an administrative request.  A
  protected  file has  two subattributes which  indicate whether or
  not  concurrency  or  rollback   have  been  turned  off.   These
  subattributes are  usually set when  the data management  file is
  created, but they can be changed by an administrative request.

  2.7 Unprotected files

       A  data management  file which  does not  have the protected
  attribute is "unprotected".  This means  that it does not get the
  attention  of  the integrity  services, and  the system  does not
  provide  concurrency  control or  rollback capabilities  when the
  file  is  used.  An  unprotected file  may be  used by  a process
  whether or not the process is in transaction mode.


       All file manager primitives are  provided as entry points in
  the file_manager_ module.  This module is described below, in the
  standard format used for MPM documentation.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Name:  file_manager_

  The file_manager_  module provides an  entry point for  each File
  Manager  primitive.  Most  entry points  are for  manipulating DM
  files, while  a few of the  entries are for exclusive  use by the
  Data Management system in the inner ring.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$abandon

| This entry  point is called  by the transaction  manager when the
| transaction  manager has  been called  to abandon  a transaction.
| The  effect of  this call  is to discard  the list  of pages that
| would be flushed by the file manager to commit a transaction.  It
| is assumed that the abandoned  transaction will be adopted by the
| Data Management daemon and rolled back.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$abandon entry (bit(36) aligned, fixed bin,
|           fixed bin(35));

|      call file_manager_$abandon (txn_id, txn_idx, code);

|           where:

|           txn_id                       (Input)
|              is  the   transaction  identifier  of   the  current
|              transaction.

|           txn_idx                      (Input)
|              is  the  corresponding index  into  the TDT  for the
|              current transaction.

|           code                         (Output)
|              is the standard system status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$add_acl_entries                             |

  This entry  point adds the  specified access modes  to the access |
  control list  (ACL) of the  specified Data Management  (DM) file. |
  If the access name already appears on the ACL of the DM file, its |
  mode  is changed  to the  one specified  by the  call.  The legal |
  access modes for a DM file are:  null, read, and read/write.      |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$add_acl_entries entry (char(*), char(*),   |
            ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin(35));                         |

       call file_manager_$add_acl_entries (dir_name, entryname,     |
            acl_ptr, acl_count);                                    |

            where:                                                  |

            dir_name                     (Input)                    |
               is the pathname of the containing directory.         |

            entryname                    (Input)                    |
               is the entryname of the DM file.                     |

            acl_ptr                      (Input)                    |
               points  to  a  user-supplied  segment_acl  structure |
               (described under "Notes" below).                     |

            acl_count                    (Input)                    |
               is  the  number of  ACL  entries in  the segment_acl |
               structure.                                           |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  Notes                                                             |

  The   following  is   the  segment_acl   structure  (declared  in |
  acl_structures.incl.pl1):                                         |

  dcl 1 segment_acl (acl_count) aligned based (acl_ptr),            |
        2 access_name           char(32) unaligned,                 |
        2 mode                  bit(36) aligned,                    |
        2 extended_mode         bit(36) aligned,                    |
        2 status_code           fixed bin(35);                      |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| where:

| access_name                  (Input)
|    is the access name (in the form Person_id.Project_id.tag) that
|    identifies the process to which the ACL entry applies.

| mode                         (Input)
|    contains the modes for this access name.  The first three bits
|    correspond  to  the  modes  read,  execute,  and  write.   The
|    remaining bits  must be zero.   The only allowed  modes for DM
|    files are null, read, and  read/write.  Execute is not a valid
|    or   meaningful  mode   for  DM   files.   The   include  file
|    access_modes_values.incl.pl1   defines  mnemonics   for  these
|    values:

|    dcl (N_ACCESS                 init ("000"b),
|         R_ACCESS                 init ("100"b),
|         RW_ACCESS                init ("101"b),
|                                  bit(3) internal static
|                                  options (constant);

| extended_mode                (Input)
|    should contain  the value "0"b.   (This field is  for use with
|    extended access and may only be used by the system).

| status_code                  (Output)
|    is the storage system status code for this ACL entry only.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$adopt                                       |

  This entry point is only called by Data Management daemon through |
  the dm_daemon_gate_.                                              |

  This  entry is  called when the  daemon is  adopting an abandoned |
  transaction.  The  transaction may have  been abandoned due  to a |
  process  or  system  failure or  due  to  a call  to  abandon the |
  transaction by the transaction's owner.   The effect of this call |
  is to discard the list of pages that would be flushed by the file |
  manager prior  to a transaction  commit.  It is  assumed that the |
  adopted transaction will be rolled back.                          |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$adopt entry (bit(36) aligned, fixed bin,   |
            fixed bin(35));                                         |

       call file_manager_$adopt (txn_id, txn_idx, code);            |

            where:                                                  |

            txn_id                       (Input)                    |
               is the transaction identifier  of the transaction to |
               be adopted.  Before this  entry point is called, the |
               per   process   control   interval   table   pointer |
               fm_data_$proc_txn_tbl_ptr  should  be pointing  to a |
               control  interval table.   This table  is a  list of |
               control  intervals  that have  been modified  by the |
               transaction, but not yet flushed.  This entry clears |
               that table.                                          |

            txn_idx                      (Input)                    |
               is  the  corresponding index  into  the TDT  for the |
               transaction.                                         |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$allocate

  Allocate  allows  applications  to  reserve disk  space  in large
  chunks for better performance.  It avoids the frequent updates to
  the file map  that occur by default if  the control intervals are
  allocated  as needed  by the  put primitive.   Allocate allocates
  disk  space for  a set  of consecutive  control intervals  of one
  file.  The  set is specified  by the number of  the first control
  interval,  and the  number of consecutive  control intervals.  It
  attempts  to  allocate contiguous  disk addresses  to consecutive
  control  intervals,  as much  as possible.   Allocate has  a high
  fixed  overhead,  so  it should  not  be called  for  one control
  interval at a time.


       dcl file_manager_$allocate entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed
            bin (27), fixed bin (27), fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$allocate (oid, first_ci, n_ci, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            first_ci                     (Input)
               is the number of the first control interval.

            n_ci                         (Input)
               is  the number  of consecutive  control intervals to

            code                         (Output)
               is   a    standard   status   code.     If   it   is
               dm_error_$ci_already_allocated,  the  operation  can
               still be considered a success.


  Allocate  is currently  not efficiently  implemented, because the
  only way to reserve a disk address for a page is to put something
  in  it.   The semantics  of  allocate are  designed to  allow for
  efficient implementation in a future.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$chname_file                                 |

  This  entry  point changes  the  entry name  on a  specified Data |
  Management (DM) file.   If a nonnull entry name  is given for the |
  oldname argument, the specified name is deleted from the DM file, |
  if a  nonnull entry name  is given for the  newname argument, the |
  name  is added  to the  DM file.   Thus, if  only an  old name is |
  specified, the effect is to delete a  name; if only a new name is |
  specified, the effect is to add a  name; and if both a new and an |
  old name is specified, the effect is to rename the DM file.       |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$chname_file entry (char(*), char(*),       |
            char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35));                       |

       call file_manager_$chname_file (dir_name, entryname,         |
            oldname, newname, code);                                |

            where:                                                  |

            dir_name                     (Input)                    |
               is the pathname of the containing directory.         |

            entryname                    (Input)                    |
               is the entryname of the DM file.                     |

            oldname                      (Input)                    |
               is the  name to be  deleted from the  DM file.  This |
               argument can be null if newname is not null.         |

            newname                      (Input)                    |
               is  the name  to be added  to the  entry.  This name |
               must not exist as the name of any other entry in the |
               containing  directory.   If this  argument  is null, |
               oldname must  not be null and  oldname cannot be the |
               only name on the DM file.                            |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$close

  This entry "closes"  a file in the current  process.  The file to
  be closed is designated by its opening identifier.


       dcl file_manager_$close entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin

       call file_manager_$close (oid, code);


            oid                          (Input/Output)
               is  the file  opening identifier  of the  file to be
               closed.  It  is set to  zero by this  entry point in
               order to indicate that it is no longer valid.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.


  If  the  file has  been opened  more than  once, closing  it only
  decrements  the  opening  count.   The  description  of  the open
  primitive says more about this.

  There is no requirement for the  caller to be in transaction mode
  when closing  a file, protected  or not.  Aborting  a transaction
  will not reopen it, even if it was closed by delete_close and the
  deletion was rolled back.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$copy                                        |

  This entry point is called to copy a Data Management (DM) file.   |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$copy entry (ptr, fixed bin(35));           |

       call file_manager_$copy (copy_options_ptr, code);            |

            where:                                                  |

            copy_options_ptr             (Input)                    |
               is a  pointer to the  copy_options structure defined |
               in the include file copy_options.incl.pl1 (described |
               under notes below).                                  |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  Notes                                                             |

  The    following   is    the   form    of   the    include   file |
  copy_options.incl.pl1:                                            |

  dcl 1 copy_options                      aligned based (copy_options|_ptr),
        2 version                         char(8),                  |
        2 caller_name                     char(32) unaligned,       |
        2 source_dir                      char(168) unaligned,      |
        2 source_name                     char(32) unaligned,       |
        2 target_dir                      char(168) unaligned,      |
        2 target_name                     char(32) unaligned,       |
        2 flags,                                                    |
          3 no_name_dup                   bit(1) unaligned,         |
          3 raw                           bit(1) unaligned,         |
          3 force                         bit(1) unaligned,         |
          3 delete                        bit(1) unaligned,         |
          3 target_err_switch             bit(1) unaligned,         |
          3 mbz                           bit(31) unaligned,        |
        2 copy_items                      like copy_flags;          |

  where:                                                            |

  version                      (Input)                              |
     is   the  current   version  of   this  structure.   Currently |
     COPY_OPTIONS_VERSION_1.                                        |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| caller_name                  (Input)
|    is the name of the calling  routine.  This is required for the
|    used of the duplicate name handler, nd_handler_.

| source_dir                   (Input)
|    is  the  pathname of  the directory  containing the  source DM
|    file.

| source_name                  (Input)
|    is the entryname of the source DM file.

| target_dir                   (Input)
|    is the pathname of the directory of the target DM file.

| target_name                  (Input)
|    is the entryname of target DM file.

| flags.no_name_dup            (Input)
|    If this flag is set, do  not allow name duplication and do not
|    call  the  name  duplication  handler  if  a  name duplication
|    occurs.

| flags.raw                    (Input)
|    If this flag is set, use the standard hcs_ entries for copying
|    the object.   Do not use  any special knowledge  of the object
|    type.

| flags.force                  (Input)
|    if this flag is set, delete or force access to the target.

| flags.delete                 (Input)
|    delete the original after copying.

| target_err_switch            (Output)
|    If this switch  is set, then the error  that occurred was with
|    the target and not the source object.

| copy_items                   (Input)
|    is  a  structure  describing  which attributes  of  the source
|    should be copied to  the target.  (see the copy_flags.incl.pl1
|    structure described at the suffix_info entry)

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$create

  This entry creates a data  management file.  The caller specifies
  its pathname and attributes, and must specify whether the file is
  protected.  See "Notes" below.


       dcl file_manager_$create entry (char (*), char (*), ptr,
            fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$create (dir_path, entry_name,
            file_create_info_ptr, code);


            dir_path                     (Input)
               is the  absolute pathname of a  directory.  The file
               will be added to this directory.

            entry_name                   (Input)
               will be the name of the file.

            file_create_info_ptr         (Input)
               points  to  the  file_create_info  structure.   (See
               notes below) If this pointer is null, an unprotected
               file is created with the default attribute values.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.


  The  caller  must  have enough  access  to  add an  entry  to the
  directory.  The  file is created  with read and  write access for
  the caller and Data_Management.Daemon.

  In the  current implementation, file attributes  specified in the
  file_create_info  structure  such as  ring brackets  and blocking
  factor cannot be changed.


  Following  is the  structure used  to describe  the attributes to
  assign   to   a  file   being   created.   It   is   declared  in

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  dcl 1 file_create_info   aligned based (file_create_info_ptr),
        2 version          char (8) aligned,
        2 ci_size_in_bytes fixed bin (35),
        2 blocking_factor  fixed bin,
        2 flags            unal,
          3 protected      bit (1) unal,
          3 no_concurrency bit (1) unal,
          3 no_rollback    bit (1) unal,
          3 mbz_1          bit (15) unal,
        2 ring_brackets    (2) fixed bin (3) unal,
        2 mbz_3            bit (10) unal,
        2 mbz_2            (30) fixed bin (71);


     must be set by the caller to FILE_CREATE_INFO_VERSION_2.  This
     permits upward compatible changes to this structure.

     is  the  control  interval  size.   Currently  the  only  size
     available is 4096.   If this item is zero,  a default value is
     used.  Currently the default value is 4096.

     tells the file  manager how to allocate disk  storage.  In the
     current implementation this will  be interpreted as the number
     of control intervals  to put in each segment,  and only 64 and
     255 will be allowed.  If this item is zero, a default value is
     used.  The current default value is 255.

     determines  whether  the  file is  protected  from transaction
     failure and from concurrent access by other processes.  If the
     protected  bit is  on, get,  put, and  allocate operations are
     permitted  only  in  transaction   mode.   Create  and  delete
     operations are protected regardless  of whether the process is
     in  a  transaction.    If  this  bit  is  off,   the  file  is
     unprotected, which means that the file and its contents may be
     damaged  by  concurrent  access  or  transaction  failure.  An
     unprotected  file   may  be  accessed  within   or  without  a
     transaction.  Accessing a protected file is substantially more
     expensive than accessing an  unprotected file.  The default is
     to provide protection.

     turns  off  protection  against  concurrent  access  by  other
     processes.  Concurrency  protection is implemented  by locking
     each  control interval  that is  accessed.  The  get operation

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

     locks in  share mode.  All other  operations lock in exclusive
     mode.   Create and  delete lock  the entire  file in exclusive
     mode.  Locking is  expensive.  This bit turns it  off if it is
     not needed.  If  protection is off, this bit  is ignored.  The
     default is to provide concurrent access protection.

     turns off protection  against transaction failure.  Protection
     against  transaction  failure is  implemented by  journaling a
     before image of each  modification.  When a transaction fails,
     its modifications are undone by restoring these before images.
     Journaling is expensive.   This bit turns it off  if it is not
     needed.   If  protection is  off,  this bit  is  ignored.  The
     default is to provide protection from transaction failure.

     are the extended ring brackets  of the file.  They specify the
     range of rings from which the file may be accessed.  The first
     is the write bracket.  It's value cannot be less than the Data
     Management  ring  (loosely,  the  ring  of  execution  of  the
     file_manager_)  or  the  validation   level  of  the  creating
     process.  The  second is the read  bracket.  It's value cannot
     be  less than  the write bracket.   The default  for both ring
     brackets is the validation level of the calling process.

  mbz_1, mbz_2, mbz_3
     must be  initialized to zero  by the caller.  This  is so that
     upward compatible changes will be able to assume that existing
     programs put zeros in these areas.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$create_open

  Calling this entry point is like  calling create and open, but it
  is more efficient.  If the file already exists, it will be opened
  and  code_o will  be dm_error_$file_already_exists.   If the file
  already exists  and is already open,  the opening identifier will
  be returned and code_o will be dm_error_$file_already_open.


       dcl file_manager_$create_open entry (char (*), char (*),
            ptr, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$create_open (dir_path, entry_name,
            file_create_info_ptr, oid, code);


            dir_path                     (Input)
               is the  absolute pathname of a  directory.  The file
               will be added to this directory.

            entry_name                   (Input)
               will be the name of the file.

            file_create_info_ptr         (Input)
               is described under the create entry point.

            oid                          (Output)
               is the opening identifier  assigned to the file.  If
               it is  not zero, the  oid is valid and  can be used,
               regardless   of  the   value  of   code_o.   If  the
               transaction aborts and the file is deleted, it still
               needs to be closed, since openings are not undone by

            code                         (Output)
               is   a    standard   status   code.     If   it   is
               dm_error_$file_already_exists                     or
               dm_error_$file_already_open,   the    operation   is
               considered successful and oid_o is usable.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$delentry_file                               |

  This entry  deletes a file  specified by its  pathname.  The user |
  must have the proper access to  delete an entry in the containing |
  directory and have write access to the file itself.               |

  The  deletion  of  the file  is  protected.  If  the  deletion is |
  requested outside  of a transaction, a  transaction is begun, and |
  committed after the deletion.                                     |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$delentry_file entry (char(*), char(*),     |
            fixed bin(35));                                         |

       call file_manager_$delentry_file (dir_name, entryname,       |
            code);                                                  |

            where:                                                  |

            dir_name                     (Input)                    |
               is  the name  of the  directory containing  the Data |
               Management (DM) file to be deleted.                  |

            entryname                    (Input)                    |
               is the entryname of the DM file.                     |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$delete_acl_entries

| This entry point deletes specified entries from an access control
| list (ACL) for a data management (DM) file.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$delete_acl_entries entry (char(*),
|           char(*), ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin(35));

|      call file_manager_$delete_acl_entries (dir_name, entryname,
|           acl_ptr, acl_count, code);

|           where:

|           dir_name                     (Input)
|              is the pathname of the directory containing the Data
|              Management (DM) file.

|           entryname                    (Input)
|              is the entryname of the DM file.

|           acl_ptr                      (Input)
|              points to a  user-supplied delete_acl structure (see
|              "notes" below).

|           acl_count                    (Input)
|              is  the  number  of  ACL entries  in  the delete_acl
|              structure (see "notes" below).

|           code                         (Output)
|              is the standard system status code.

| Notes

| The delete_acl structure should be declared in the following way:

| dcl 1 delete_acl (acl_count)  aligned based (acl_ptr),
|       2 access_name           char(32) unaligned,
|       2 status_code           fixed bin(35);

| where:

| access_name                  (Input)
|    is the  access name (in the  form of Person_id.Project_id.tag)
|    that identifies the ACL entry to be deleted.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  status_code                  (Output)                             |
     is the storage system status code for this entry only.         |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$delete_close

  Calling this entry  point is like calling delete  and then close,
  but  it is  more efficient.   It is for  deleting a  file that is
  already open.


       dcl file_manager_$delete_close entry (bit (36) aligned,
            fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$delete_close (oid, code);


            oid                          (Input/Output)
               is  the file  opening identifier  of the  file to be
               deleted and closed.  It is set to zero by this entry
               point  in  order to  indicate that  it is  no longer
               valid.   The   file  remains  closed   even  if  the
               transaction aborts and the  deletion does not remain
               in effect.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$end_of_crash_recovery

  This entry is called by dm_recovery as an inner ring entry point.

  This     entry     must    be     called    after     calls    to
  file_manager_$open_by_uid_after_crash have ceased.  It terminates
  the old uid/pathname table.


       dcl file_manager_$end_of_crash_recovery entry (fixed bin

       call file_manager_$end_of_crash_recovery (code);


            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$find_old_uid_pn_table

  This entry  is a priviledged  inner ring entry  point.  The entry
  must  be  called  to  prepare  the  file  manager  for  calls  to
  file_manager_$open_by_uid_after_crash.   It   initiates  the  old
  uid/pathname table  that it finds in  the old bootload directory,
  the pathname of which is provided by the caller.


       dcl file_manager_$find_old_uid_pn_table entry (char (*),
            fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$find_old_uid_pn_table (old_boot_dir_path,


            old_boot_dir_path            (Input)
               is  the  absolute  pathname   of  the  old  bootload

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$flush_consecutive_ci

  This entry point provides a  service needed by the before journal
  manager, in response to a request it gets at commit time from the
  transaction manager,  to flush the before  images produced by the
  committing  transaction.   It  is  not  intended  to  be  used on
  protected files, because it makes no provision for pages that may
  be held in memory awaiting before journal writes.

  It flushes  a set of  consecutive control intervals.   The caller
  specifies the number of the first control interval to be flushed,
  and the  number of control  intervals to be  flushed, starting at
  the first  one.  It does  not return until  all control intervals
  have been written to disk.


       dcl file_manager_$flush_consecutive_ci entry (bit (36)
            aligned, fixed bin (27), fixed bin (27), fixed bin

       call file_manager_$flush_consecutive_ci (oid, first_ci,
            n_ci, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            first_ci                     (Input)
               is the control interval  number of the first control
               interval to be flushed.

            n_ci                         (Input)
               is the number of control intervals to be flushed.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$flush_modified_ci

  This entry  provides a service needed  by the transaction manager
  only.   It  writes  to  disk all  modified  control  intervals of
  protected files for the specified  transaction that have not been
  written to disk yet.  It does  not return to its caller until all
  modified control intervals have been flushed to disk.

  The  put,  allocate,  and  free  primitives  maintain,  for  each
  transaction,  a  list of  all  control intervals  that  have been
  modified  by the  transaction and  that are  part of  a protected
  file.   It  is  legitimate  for  a  transaction  to  modify  both
  protected  and unprotected  files, but only  control intervals of
  protected  files  are entered  in  the list  and flushed  by this


       dcl file_manager_$flush_modified_ci entry (bit (36) aligned,
            fixed bin, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$flush_modified_ci (txn_id, txn_idx,


            txn_id                       (Input)
               is a transaction identifier.

            txn_idx                      (Input)
               is the corresponding transaction index.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$free

  This entry frees disk space  allocated to control intervals.  The
  set of  consecutive control intervals is  specified by the number
  of  the  first control  interval  and the  number  of consecutive
  control  intervals  starting at  the first  one.  After  the disk
  space  for  a control  interval  has been  freed, its  content is
  effectively zero.   This operation is has  a high fixed overhead,
  so it should not be called for one control interval at a time.

  If any or  all of the control intervals  are already free, code_o
  is   set   to  dm_error_$ci_already_free.    The   operation  is,
  nevertheless, successful.


       dcl file_manager_$free entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (27), fixed bin (27), fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$free (oid, first_ci, n_ci, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            first_ci                     (Input)
               is the control interval  number of the first control
               interval of  the set whose  physical space is  to be

            n_ci                         (Input)
               is the number of consecutive control intervals whose
               physical space is to be freed.

            code                         (Output)
               is   a    standard   status   code.     If   it   is
               dm_error_$ci_already_free,  the operation  can still
               be considered a success.


  The user must have write access to the file.

  If the file is protected, the  caller must be in transaction mode
  and  the  free  operation  is  done  under  the  auspices  of the
  integrity  services.   If  the  transaction  aborts,  the control
  intervals are reallocated and their contents restored.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$get

  This entry  reads data from  a control interval.   The caller may
  specify one or several parts.  Each part is described by its byte
  offset relative  to the beginning  of the addressable  portion of
  the control  interval and its  length in bytes.  Each  part has a
  pointer to a buffer provided by the caller.

  If the control  interval does not exist, the  buffers provided by
  the caller are filled with zeros and code_o is set to zero.


       dcl file_manager_$get entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (27), ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$get (oid, ci_num, ci_parts_ptr, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_parts_ptr                 (Input)
               points  to the  structure described  under "ci_parts
               structure" below.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.


  If the file  is protected, the process must  be in a transaction,
  and  unless no_concurrency  is specified,  get locks  the control
  interval in share  mode.  It is kept locked until  the end of the
  transaction.   This assures  that no  other transaction  will put
  anything into the  control interval, free it, or  delete the file
  during  the  current  transaction.   If the  control  interval is
  locked in  exclusive mode by  another transaction, get  will wait
  until it  finishes.  If waiting is  pointless because the current
  transaction   is   deadlocked  with   another   transaction,  the
  transaction_deadlock      condition     is      signaled     (see

  The calling process must have read access in order to do a get.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  ci_parts structure

  The structure  is in dm_ci_parts.incl.pl1.  The  constants are in

  dcl  1 ci_parts               aligned based (ci_parts_ptr),
         2 number_of_parts      fixed bin,
         2 part                 (cip_number_of_parts
                                 refer (ci_parts.number_of_parts)),
           3 offset_in_bytes    fixed bin,
           3 length_in_bytes    fixed bin,
           3 local_ptr          ptr;

  dcl  ci_parts_ptr             ptr;
  dcl  cip_number_of_parts      fixed bin;

                       init (4072) static options (constant);

  dcl CI_0_ADDRESSABLE_LENGTH fixed bin
                       init (3176) static options (constant);


     is the number of parts.  Zero  is legal and there is currently
     no limit on the number of parts.

     is the  offset of the  part within the  addressable portion of
     the control  interval.  It is  the zero relative  index of the
     first byte of the part.  It is the number of bytes that are to
     be  skipped,  starting  at  the beginning  of  the addressable

     The addressable portion of a  control interval begins with the
     first byte after  the four word header and  ends with the last
     byte  before  the two  word  trailer.  The  only  exception is
     control interval zero.  It  has a smaller addressable portion,
     because the file attributes are stored in it.

     The length of the addressable  portion is 4072 bytes.  Control
     interval zero has 3176 bytes.

     is the number  of bytes in the part.  If  it is zero, the part
     is ignored.


  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

     is  a pointer  to the  buffer provided  by the  caller for the

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$get_ci_header

  This  entry  reads  the  4  word  control  interval  header.  Its
  structure is  given below.  It  tells the unique  identifier of a
  data  management file,  whether a control  interval is allocated,
  and the time it was last modified.

  Protection and access are the same as the get entry.

  If the  control interval does  not exist, this  entry returns the
  header  that it  would have had,  with zero  in the time_modified
  field  and code_o  set to zero.   It does not  create the control


       dcl file_manager_$get_ci_header entry (bit (36) aligned,
            fixed bin (27), 1 like ci_header aligned, fixed bin

       call file_manager_$get_ci_header (oid, ci_num, ci_header,


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_header                    (Input/Output)
               is   the   structure   described   under  "ci_header
               structure" below.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  ci_header structure

  The ci_header structure is in dm_ci_header.incl.pl1.

  dcl 1 ci_header_o like ci_header aligned;

  dcl ci_header_ptr       ptr;
  dcl 1 ci_header         aligned based (ci_header_ptr),
        2 stamp,
          3 version       bit (9) unal,

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

          3 bj_idx        fixed bin (9) uns unal,
          3 time_modified fixed bin (53) unal,
        2 id,
          3 uid           bit (36) unal,
          3 size_code
            4 exponent    fixed bin (6) uns,
            4 addon       fixed bin (3) uns,
          3 num           fixed bin (27) uns unal;

  dcl CI_HEADER_STAMP_VERSION_1 bit (9) aligned
                       static options (constant) init ("641"b3);


     must be set to CI_HEADER_STAMP_VERSION_1 by the caller.

     is  used to  synchronize control  interval writes  with before
     journal writes.

     is the Multics clock time  when this control interval was last
     modified.  If  the control interval does  not exist, this item
     is zero.

     is the unique  identifier of the data management  file.  It is
     not the Multics file system uid.

     gives the physical size of the control interval which includes
     the header and trailer.  The size in  bytes = (64 + 8 * addon)
     * 2**exponent.

     is  the  control interval  number.   The number  of  the first
     control interval is zero.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$get_ci_ptr

  This  entry returns  a pointer  to the  addressable portion  of a
  control interval.   Pointers to control intervals  should be used
  only  in  well defined  and contained  situations to  enhance the
  performance of accessing data in a control interval for retrieval
  purposes.  This entry is helpful when it is known beforehand that
  several  pieces  of data  are to  be read  from the  same control
  interval, but they cannot be  read by specifying several parts to
  the get entry (e.g., the offset  of one is dependent on the value
  of  another).  Unlike  other entries  which get  data, it  is not
  valid  to get  a control interval  pointer to  a control interval
  that is not allocated.


       dcl file_manager_$get_ci_ptr entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed
            bin (27), ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$get_ci_ptr (oid, ci_num, ci_ptr, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_ptr                       (Input)
               points  to  the addressable  portion of  the control
               interval.     The    addressable    portion   begins
               immediately  after the  control interval  header.  A
               null value is returned for  this pointer if there is
               a error and the returned code is not zero.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.  One possible value is:
                 dm_error_$ci_not_allocated - The specified control
                    interval has  not been allocated.   ci_ptr_o is
                    set to null.


  In order to  make it possible to look at  control intervals via a
  pointer,  the  create primitive  sets the  ring brackets  on file
  components to

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  If the file  is protected, the process must  be in a transaction,
  and  unless  no_concurrency  is specified,  get_ci_ptr  locks the
  control interval in share mode.  It  is kept locked until the end
  of the transaction.  This assures  that no other transaction will
  put anything  into the control  interval, free it,  or delete the
  file during the current transaction.   If the control interval is
  locked in exclusive mode  by another transaction, get_ci_ptr will
  wait  until  it finishes.   If waiting  is pointless  because the
  current  transaction is  deadlocked with  another transaction, an
  appropriate status code is returned.

  If the  control interval does  not exist, an error  code of value
  dm_error_$ci_not_allocated.  The  calling process must  have read
  access in order to do a get_ci_ptr.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$get_exclusive

  This entry is just like the  get entry point except that it locks
  the control interval exclusively.  It prevents other transactions
  from even obtaining the share lock  necessary to do a get.  It is
  for  application  that usually  do  a put  into the  same control
  interval.  Since  it reduces concurrency,  it should not  be used
  unless it can be established that it gains more than it loses.


       dcl file_manager_$get_exclusive entry (bit (36) aligned,
            fixed bin (27), ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$get_exclusive (oid, ci_num, ci_parts_ptr,


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_parts_ptr_                (Input)
               points  to a  ci_parts structure  which is described
               under the get entry.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$get_max_length

| This  entry  point,  given a  directory  name and  a  entry name,
| returns  the maximum  length in words  of a  Data Management (DM)
| file.  This entry point is  currently not implemented in the Data
| Management system.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$get_max_length entry (char(*), char(*),
|           fixed bin(19), fixed bin(35));

|      call file_manager_$get_max_length (dir_name, entryname,
|           max_length, code);

|           where:

|           dir_name                     (Input)
|              is the pathname of the containing directory.

|           entryname                    (Input)
|              is the entry name of the DM file.

|           max_length                   (Output)
|              is the maximum length in words of the DM file.

| Notes

| The user must have status  permission on the directory containing
| the segment or nonnull access to the segment.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$get_ring_brackets                           |

  This  entry point  returns the extended  ring brackets  of a Data |
  Management (DM) file.                                             |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$get_ring_brackets entry (char (*), char    |
            (*), (2) fixed bin (3), fixed bin (35));                |

       call file_manager_$get_ring_brackets (dir_name, entry_name,  |
            ring_brackets, code);                                   |

            where:                                                  |

            dir_name                     (Input)                    |
               is the pathname of the containing directory.         |

            entryname                    (Input)                    |
               is the entry name of the DM file.                    |

            ring_brackets                (Output)                   |
               are the ring brackets of the DM file.  This is a two |
               element  array,  allocated by  the caller,  with the |
               first bracket being the file's write bracket and the |
               second being the file's read bracket.                |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard status code.                         |

  Notes                                                             |

  The user must have status  permission on the containing directory |
  or nonnull access to the file.                                    |

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$get_stream

| This entry point  will return a specified number  of bytes from a
| Data Management (DM) file given an opening id, a file offset, and
| a buffer in  which to place the bytes.  This  entry treats the DM
| file as  a stream of  bytes made up  of the concatenation  of the
| addressable portion of all control intervals in the DM file.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$get_stream entry (bit(36) aligned, fixed
|           bin(48), ptr, fixed bin(21));

|      call file_manager_$get_stream (oid, file_offset_in_bytes,
|           buf_ptr, buf_length_in_bytes);

|           where:

|           oid                          (Input)
|              is the opening id of the DM file to be read from.

|           file_offset_in_bytes         (Input)
|              is the  offset given in bytes  from the beginning of
|              the logical  address space of  the DM file  given in
|              bytes  with  an  offset  of  zero  representing  the
|              beginning of the file.

|           buf_ptr                      (Input)
|              is a pointer  to a buffer where the  bytes read from
|              the DM file may be placed.

|           buf_length_in_bytes          (Input)
|              is the number of bytes that  are to be read from the
|              DM file.


  If  the  DM  file  is  protected,   the  process  must  be  in  a
  transaction,  and  unless  concurrency  is  specified, get_stream
  locks in share mode the  control intervals in which the specified
  stream of bytes resides.

  The calling process must have read access to the DM file in order
  to do a get_stream.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$get_switch                                  |

  This entry  point, given a  directory name, an entry  name, and a |
  switch  name, returns  the value, "0"b  or "1"b,  of that switch. |
  Currently the only valid switch name is "safety".                 |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$get_switch entry (char(*), char(*),        |
            char(*), bit(1), fixed bin(35));                        |

       call file_manager_$get_switch (dir_name, entryname,          |
            switch_name, switch_value, code);                       |

            where:                                                  |

            dir_name                     (Input)                    |
               is the pathname of the containing directory.         |

            entryname                    (Input)                    |
               is the entry name of the DM file.                    |

            switch_name                  (Input)                    |
               is the name of the switch.                           |

            switch_value                 (Output)                   |
               is the value of the specified switch.                |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  Notes                                                             |

  The calling process must have read access to the DM file.         |

  _____________                                       _____________

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| Entry:  file_manager_$get_user_access_modes

| This entry  point returns the effective  access mode and extended
| access  mode of  a user  to a Data  Management (DM)  file given a
| directory  name,  an entry  name, a  user_id, and  the validation
| level (ring number) of the user.  (For a description of effective
| access see "Effective Access" in the Reference Manual.)

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$get_user_access_modes entry (char(*),
|           char(*), char(*), fixed bin, bit(36) aligned, bit(36)
|           aligned, fixed bin(35));

|      call file_manager_$get_user_access_modes (dir_name,
|           entryname, user_id, ring, modes, ex_modes, code);

|           where:

|           dir_name                     (Input)
|              is the pathname of the containing directory.

|           entryname                    (Input)
|              is the entry name of the DM file.

|           user_id                      (Input)
|              is  the  access  name  of  the  user  (in  the  form
|              Person_id.Project_id_.tag).  The user  id is limited
|              to 32  characters.  If null, the  access name of the
|              calling process is used.

|           ring                         (Input)
|              is  the  validation  level  that is  to  be  used in
|              computing  effective  access.   It must  be  a value
|              between 0 and 7 inclusive, or -1.  If the ring value
|              is -1,  a default value  of the validation  level of
|              the calling process is used.  This default should be
|              used in all cases except  those in which a different
|              ring's access is explicitly required.

|           mode                         (Output)
|              is the effective  access mode of the user  to the DM
|              file (see "Notes" below).

|           ex_mode                      (Output)
|              is the  extended access mode  of the user  to the DM
|              file.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  Notes                                                             |

  The user must have status permission on the containing directory, |
  unless the access name supplied is that of the calling process or |
  null.                                                             |

  The  include file  access_modes_values.incl.pl1 defines mnemonics |
  for   the   different   values    of   mode   (see   "Notes"   at |
  add_acl_entries).                                                 |

  _____________                                       _____________

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| Entry:  file_manager_$list_acl

| This entry  point returns either  the entire access  control list
| (ACL)  of a  Data Management (DM)  file or it  returns the access
| modes of specified ACL entries.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$list_acl entry (char(*), char(*), ptr,
|           ptr, ptr, fixed bin, fixed bin(35));

|      call file_manager_$list_acl (dir_name, entryname, area_ptr,
|           area_ret_ptr, acl_ptr, acl_count, code);

|           where:

|           dir_name                     (Input)
|              is the pathname of the containing directory.

|           entryname                    (Input)
|              is the entryname of the segment.

|           area_ptr                     (Input)
|              is  a  pointer  to an  area  where the  list  of ACL
|              entries  is  to be  allocated.   If this  pointer is
|              null, then the modes of the ACL entries specified in
|              the structure  pointed to by acl_ptr  will be filled
|              in instead.

|           area_ret_ptr                 (Output)
|              points  to the  start of  the allocated  list of ACL
|              entries.

|           acl_ptr                      (Input)
|              If area  pointer is null, then  acl_ptr should point
|              to an ACL structure,  segment_acl, (described at the
|              add_acl_entries entry  point above) into  which mode
|              information is placed for the access names specified
|              in that same structure.

|           acl_count                    (Input/Output)
|              is  the  number  of  entries  supplied  in  the  ACL
|              structure  identified  by acl_ptr  when  area_ptr is
|              null, or if area_ptr is  not null, then acl_count is
|              the number of entries  returned in the ACL structure
|              allocated in the area that area_ptr points to.

|           code                         (Output)
|              is the standard system status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$list_switches                               |

  This  entry point  returns the  names of  nonstandard switches on |
  Data Management (DM) files.                                       |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$list_switches entry (ptr, ptr);            |

       call file_manager_$list_switches (area_ptr,                  |
            switch_list_ptr);                                       |

            where:                                                  |

            area_ptr                     (Input)                    |
               is  a pointer  to an area  that the  entry point may |
               allocate the switch list in.                         |

            switch_list_ptr              (Output)                   |
               is  a pointer  to the  beginning of  the switch list |
               allocated   in   the   user   area   provided.   The |
               switch_list structure is defined in the include file |
               suffix_info.incl.pl1   (see  "notes"   below  for  a |
               description of the switch_list structure).           |

  Notes                                                             |

  The switch_list structure has the following form:                 |

  dcl 1 switch_list             aligned based (switch_list_ptr),    |
        2 version               char(8),                            |
        2 switch_count          fixed bin,                          |
        2 switch_name_count     fixed bin,                          |
        2 switches              (alloc_switch_count refer           |
                                (switch_list.switch_count)),        |
          3 name_index          fixed bin,                          |
          3 name_count          fixed bin,                          |
          3 default_value       bit (1) aligned,                    |
          3 mbz1                bit (36) aligned,                   |
        2 names                 (alloc_switch_name_count refer      |
                                (switch_list.switch_name_count))    |
                                char (32);                          |

  where:                                                            |

  version                                                           |
     is   the   version   string  of   his   structure.   Currently |

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| switch_count
|    is the number of switches in this structure.

| switch_name_count
|    is the number of switch names in this structure.  There can be
|    more than one name for each switch.

| switches.name_index
|    is the index  into the names array of the  first name for this
|    switch.

| switches.name_count
|    is the count of the number of names in the name array for this
|    switch.

| switches.default_value
|    is the default switch setting for this switch.

| names
|    is an  array of names  of switches that are  referenced in the
|    switches array.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$lock_advice

  This entry  permits applications to give  the file manager advice
  about locking granularity.  For example, if the application knows
  that it is  going to modify every control interval  in a file, it
  can tell  the file manager to  lock the entire file  and save the
  overhead of locking individual control intervals.


       dcl file_manager_$lock_advice entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed
            bin, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$lock_advice (oid, lock_mode, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            lock_mode                    (Input)
               is the finest  and weakest lock mode to  use on this
               file for  the remainder of the  opening.  It must be
               one of the five  following modes:  4 (LOCK_MODE_IS),
               5     (LOCK_MODE_IX),    6     (LOCK_MODE_SIX),    2
               (LOCK_MODE_S), or 3 (LOCK_MODE_X) which are declared
               in dm_lock_modes.incl.pl1.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.


  Lock  advice  never abridges  protection against  concurrent file
  access  by other  processes.  If  no lock  advice is  given, file
  manager  uses the  weakest lock necessary  to provide concurrency
  protection,  and the  finest granularity available,  which is the
  control interval.  Lock advice always  causes file manager to use
  a stronger lock or coarser granularity than absolutely necessary.
  This reduces concurrency in order to reduce locking overhead.

  Lock advice applies to  protected files unless the no_concurrency
  attribute  is  present.   It  can  be  given  to  any  open file,
  regardless  of whether  a transaction is  in progress.   It is an
  attribute of  the opening and  not of the  file.  It is  used the
  first time the file is  referenced in each transaction.  It tells
  the file manager what kind of  a global file lock to acquire.  If
  the  Lock  advice  is given  after  the  first time  the  file is

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  referenced, it probably won't be used until the next transaction.
  The lock advice  is retained until it is changed,  or the file is

  The advice  concerns the type of  lock to use at  the file level.
  The  only  way to  control the  type  of lock  used on  a control
  interval is to  call get_exclusive instead of get.   If no advice
  is given, IS (intention shared) is presumed.  IS is strong enough
  for  get  and get_ci_header  which  lock control  intervals  in S
  (shared)  mode.  Put,  allocate, and  free require  that the file
  lock be  upgraded to the stronger  IX (intention exclusive) mode,
  because  they  lock  control  intervals  in  X  (exclusive) mode.
  Create and delete lock the file in X mode, regardless.  If advice
  is given, then  all operations lock the file  in the advised mode
  unless  it is  too weak for  the operation.  The  SIX (shared and
  intention exclusive)  mode means only lock  the control intervals
  that are modified.  SIX saves  the overhead of locking individual
  control  intervals for  get operations because  it prevents other
  transactions from getting anything but an IS lock on the file.

  A full  explanation of locking  is in MTB-514,  "Data Management:
  Concurrency Management - Overview".

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$open

  This  entry  makes a  data  management file  accessible  within a
  process.   The  file  is  specified by  its  pathname.   The file
  manager assigns an opening identifier  to the file in the current
  process.  It is used to designate the file in subsequent calls to
  the file manager.


       dcl file_manager_$open entry (char (*), char (*), bit (36)
            aligned, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$open (dir_path, entry_name, oid, code);


            dir_path                     (Input)
               is  the  absolute  pathname of  the  directory which
               contains the file.

            entry_name                   (Input)
               is the entry name of the file.

            oid                          (Output)
               is the file opening  identifier assigned to the file
               and returned to  the caller.  If it is  not zero, it
               is usable, regardless of code_o.

            code                         (Output)
               is   a    standard   status   code.     If   it   is
               dm_error_$file_already_open,   the    operation   is
               considered successful and oid_o is usable.


  If the file  was already opened in the  current process, the open
  primitive does  not assign a  new opening identifier,  instead it
  returns the opening identifier that was already assigned and sets
  code_o  to dm_error_$file_already_open.   The file  manager keeps
  track of the number of  opens and closes.  The opening identifier
  remains valid as long as there  have been more opens than closes.
  If all subsystems  within a process close a  file the same number
  of  times they  opens it,  they will  not invalidate  each others

  There is  no requirement for  the process to be  in a transaction
  when opening  a file, protected  or not.  Aborting  a transaction

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  _____________                                       _____________

  has no  effect on file  openings, even if  create_open was called
  and the create  is rolled back.  Attempts to  use such an opening
  will  result  in  dm_error_$file_doesnt_exist.   The  same  thing
  happens if a file is opened  and then deleted.  Close is the only
  legal operation on a file which has been deleted.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$open_by_uid

  This entry  point serves the before  journal manager, which keeps
  the  file  unique  identifier  in  each  before  image.   When  a
  transaction  is rolled  back by  another process,  before journal
  manager converts the unique identifier into an opening identifier
  by calling this entry point.

  File manager maintains  a conversion table in which  it keeps the
  unique identifiers and pathnames of  all protected files that are
  open in any process.  This entry point uses that table to get the
  pathname  of the  file and open  it.  The opening  is ordinary in
  every other way.


       dcl file_manager_$open_by_uid entry (bit (36) aligned, bit
            (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$open_by_uid (uid, oid, code);


            uid                          (Input)
               is the unique identifier of the file to be opened.

            oid                          (Output)
               is the file opening  identifier assigned to the file
               and returned to  the caller.  If it is  not zero, it
               is usable, regardless of code_o.

            code                         (Output)
               is   a    standard   status   code.     If   it   is
               dm_error_$file_already_open,   the    operation   is
               considered successful and oid_o is usable.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$open_by_uid_after_crash

  This entry  is a priviledged  inner ring entry  point.  The entry
  works  like open_by_uid,  except it  uses the  uid/pathname table
  from  the previous  bootload and does  not lock  it.  The opening
  produced  is standard  in every  way.  Before  this entry  can be
  called,  file_manager_$find_old_uid_pn_table  must  be  called so
  that file manager can initiate the old uid/pathname table.  After
  crash  recovery is  finished, file_manager_$end_of_crash_recovery
  should  be  called so  that  file manager  can terminate  the old
  uid/pathname table  prior to its impending  deletion with the old
  bootload directory.


       dcl file_manager_$open_by_uid_after_crash entry (bit (36)
            aligned, bit (36) aligned, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$open_by_uid_after_crash (uid, oid, code);


            uid                          (Input)
               is the unique identifier of the file to be opened.

            oid                          (Output)
               is the file opening  identifier assigned to the file
               and returned to  the caller.  If it is  not zero, it
               is usable, regardless of code_o.

            code                         (Output)
               is   a    standard   status   code.     If   it   is
               dm_error_$file_already_open,   the    operation   is
               considered successful and oid_o is usable.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$per_system_init

  This  entry  is  called  during  per  system  initialization.  It
  creates and initializes file manager's per system tables.


       dcl file_manager_$per_system_init entry (fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$per_system_init (code);


            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$post_commit

  This  entry  is  called  by   the  transaction  manager  after  a
  transaction has committed.  The File Manager keeps a list of post
  commit actions associated with each transaction.

  Post  commit  actions  close  protected files  whose  closing was
  postponed  until  the end  of  the transaction,  delete protected
  files whose deletion was postponed,  and remove shriek names that
  were used to create protected files during the transaction.


       dcl file_manager_$post_commit entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed
            bin, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$post_commit (txn_id, txn_idx, code);


            txn_id                       (Input)
               is a transaction identifier.

            txn_idx                      (Input)
               is the corresponding transaction index.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$prepare_to_copy                             |

  This  entry point  is called prior  to copying  a Data Management |
  (DM)  file.   It  locks  the   file,  gets  its  attributes,  and |
  determines is length.                                             |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$prepare_to_copy entry (bit(36) aligned,    |
            ptr, fixed bin(27), fixed bin(35));                     |

       call file_manager_$prepare_to_copy (oid,                     |
            file_create_info_ptr, last_ci_num, code);               |

            where:                                                  |

            oid                          (Input)                    |
               is the opening id of the DM file.                    |

            file_create_info_ptr         (Input)                    |
               is  a pointer  to a  file_create_info structure that |
               the  file  attributes  are  to be  placed  in.  This |
               structure  may in  turn be used  to create  a new DM |
               file   to   copy  the   old   DM  file   into.   The |
               file_create_info   structure   is  defined   in  the |
               dm_fm_create_info.incl.pl1   include   file.    (see |
               "notes"  under  "create" for  a description  of this |
               include file).                                       |

            last_ci_num                  (Output)                   |
               is the number of the last control interval in the DM |
               file.                                                |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$put

  This entry writes  data into a control interval.   The caller may
  specify  one  or  several parts  of  the control  interval  to be
  written.  The parts are described under the get entry point.

  If  the  control interval  does  not exist,  it  is automatically
  allocated  and   the  content  of  its   addressable  portion  is
  initialized to zero.


       dcl file_manager_$put entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (27), ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$put (oid, ci_num, ci_parts_ptr, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_parts_ptr                 (Input)
               points  to  the  structure described  under  the get

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.


  If the file  is protected, the process must  be in a transaction,
  and  unless no_concurrency  is specified,  put locks  the control
  interval in exclusive  mode.  It is kept locked  until the end of
  the transaction.  This assures that no other transaction will put
  anything into  the control interval,  get anything from  it, free
  it, or  delete the file  during the current  transaction.  If the
  control interval is locked by  another transaction, put will wait
  until it  finishes.  If waiting is  pointless because the current
  transaction   is   deadlocked   with   another   transaction,  an
  appropriate status code is returned.

  Unless the file is unprotected  or has the no_rollback attribute,
  put journals  a before image  of the data already  in the control
  interval before actually modifying it.  If the transaction should

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

  abort, the before journal manager  will undo its modifications by
  restoring the before images.

  The modified  control interval can  not be written  to disk until
  its  before  image  is  on disk,  because  there  must  be enough
  information  on disk  to roll back  the transaction  even if main
  memory  fails.   If the  modified  control interval  were written
  first and  the system failed before  the transaction finished and
  the  content of  main memory  could not  be flushed  to disk, the
  modification could not be undone  and rollback of the transaction
  would be  incomplete.  The data management  system holds modified
  control  intervals  in main  memory  until the  associated before
  images  are  written to  disk.   The Multics  clock value  in the
  control interval  header is used for  this purpose.  More details
  are in MTB-564, "Phasing Page Control and Before Journal".

  The put request is rejected if:

     - The user does not have write permission on the file.
     - The  file  is  protected  but   the  process  is  not  in  a
       transaction.  in any file (ie.  "never_write" mode).

  _____________                                       _____________

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  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$put_journal

| This entry point writes data into  a control interval of a before
| journal.  This entry operates exactly  as the entry put does, but
| this entry is only called by the before journal and is maintained
| separately so that  the Before Journal manager's use  of puts may
| be monitored.  The caller may specify one or several parts of the
| control interval to be written.  The parts structure is described
| under the get entry point.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$put_journal entry (bit(36) aligned, fixed
|           bin(27), ptr, fixed bin(35));

|      call file_manager_$put_journal (oid, ci_num, ci_parts_ptr,
|           code);

|           where:

|           oid                          (Input)
|              is the opening id of the Data Management (DM) file.

|           ci_num                       (Input)
|              is the control interval number.

|           ci_parts_ptr                 (Input)
|              is  a  pointer  to a  ci_parts  structure (described
|              under the get entry point).

|           code                         (Output)
|              is a standard system status code.

| Notes

| See the notes at the put entry point.

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  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$put_stream                                  |

  This entry point will write a number of bytes into a DM file at a |
  given offset  into the logical address  space.  This entry treats |
  the DM file as a stream of  bytes made up of the concatenation of |
  the addressable portion of all control intervals in the DM file.  |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$put_stream entry (bit(36) aligned, fixed   |
            bin(48), ptr, fixed bin(21), fixed bin(35));            |

       call file_manager_$put_stream (oid, file_offset_in_bytes,    |
            buf_ptr, buf_length_in_bytes, code);                    |

            where:                                                  |

            oid                          (Input)                    |
               is the opening id of the of the DM file.             |

            file_offset_in_bytes         (Input)                    |
               is  the  offset in  bytes  into the  logical address |
               space of  the DM file where  the supplied bytes will |
               be placed.                                           |

            buf_ptr                      (Input)                    |
               is a  pointer to the buffer  containing the bytes to |
               be written to the DM file.                           |

            buf_length_in_bytes          (Input)                    |
               is  the number  of bytes to  be written  into the DM |
               file from the buffer.                                |

            code                         (Input)                    |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  Notes                                                             |

  If  the  DM  file  is  protected,   the  process  must  be  in  a |
  transaction,  and  unless  concurrency  is  specified, put_stream |
  locks  the  control intervals  in which  the specified  stream of |
  bytes resides.                                                    |

  The  calling process  must have  write access  to the  DM file in |
  order to do a put_stream operation                                |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$raw_get

  This entry is like the get  entry, except that it treats the file
  as if it were unprotected.  It  does not require that the process
  be in a transaction.


       dcl file_manager_$raw_get entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (27), ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$raw_get (oid, ci_num, ci_parts_ptr,


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_parts_ptr                 (Input)
               points  to a  ci_parts structure  which is described
               under the get entry.

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$raw_put

  This entry point  is like put, except that it  treats the file as
  if it were unprotected.   Furthermore, the time_modified stamp in
  the control interval  header is not updated.  It  is intended for
  applications   that  need   to  update  protected   files  in  an
  unprotected manner.  It does not require that the process be in a


       dcl file_manager_$raw_put entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (27), ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$raw_put (oid, ci_num, ci_parts_ptr,


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_parts_ptr                 (Input)
               points  to  the  structure described  under  the get

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$replace_acl

| This entry point replaces an entire access control list (ACL) for
| a  Data Management  (DM) file with  a user-supplied  ACL, and can
| optionally add an entry for *.SysDaemon.* with mode rw to the new
| ACL.  The segment_acl structure  described at the add_acl_entries
| entry point is used by this entry.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$replace_acl entry (dir_name, entryname,
|           acl_ptr, acl_count, no_sysdaemon, code);

|      call file_manager_$replace_acl (char(*), char(*), ptr, fixed
|           bin, bit(1), fixed bin(35));

|           where:

|           dir_name                     (Input)
|              is the  pathname of the directory  containing the DM
|              file.

|           entryname                    (Input)
|              is the entry name of the DM file.

|           acl_ptr                      (Input)
|              is  a  pointer   to  the  user-supplied  segment_acl
|              structure that is to replace the current ACL.

|           acl_count                    (Input)
|              is  the  number of  ACL  entries in  the segment_acl
|              structure.

|           no_sysdaemon                 (Input)
|              is   a   switch   that  indicates   whether   an  rw
|              *.SysDaemon.* entry is  to be put on the  ACL of the
|              DM file after the existing  ACL has been deleted and
|              before the user supplied ACL is added.

|           code                         (Output)
|              is the standard system status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$set_ring_brackets                           |

  This entry  point, given the  pathname of a  Data Management (DM) |
  file, sets the file's ring brackets.  This entry is unimplemented |
  in the current Data Management system.                            |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$set_ring_brackets entry (char (*), char    |
            (*), (2) fixed bin (3), fixed bin (35));                |

       call file_manager_$set_ring_brackets (dir_name, entry_name,  |
            ring_brackets, code);                                   |

            where:                                                  |

            dir_name                     (Input)                    |
               is the pathname of the containing directory.         |

            entryname                    (Input)                    |
               is the entry name of the DM file.                    |

            ring_brackets                (Input)                    |
               are the ring brackets of the DM file.  This is a two |
               element  array  with  the  first  bracket  being the |
               file's write bracket and the second being the file's |
               read bracket.                                        |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard status code.                         |

  Notes                                                             |

  The user must have modify permission on the containing directory. |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$set_switch

| This entry point sets the value of a named switch associated with
| a given Data Management (DM) file.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$set_switch entry (char(*), char(*),
|           char(*), bit(1), fixed bin(35));

|      call file_manager_$set_switch (dir_name, entryname,
|           switch_name, switch_value, code);

|           where:

|           dir_name                     (Input)
|              is the  pathname of the directory  containing the DM
|              file.

|           entryname                    (Input)
|              is the entry name of the DM file.

|           switch_name                  (Input)
|              is the name of the switch whose value is to be set.

|           switch_value                 (Input)
|              is the value the named switch is to be set to.

|           code                         (Output)
|              is the standard system status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$simple_get                                  |

  This  entry  is used  to  get a  sequence  of bytes  from  a Data |
  Management  (DM)  file,  given  an opening  id  (OID),  a control |
  interval  (CI),  and control  interval  offset.  The  sequence is |
  placed  in a  caller supplied  buffer.  This  entry point differs |
  from the get  entry point in that it can  only get bytes from one |
  location within a control interval, and a ci_parts structure does |
  not have to prepared to make the call.                            |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$simple_get entry (bit(36) aligned, fixed   |
            bin(27), fixed bin(21), ptr, fixed bin(21));            |

       call file_manager_$simple_get (oid, ci_num,                  |
            ci_offset_in_bytes, buf_ptr, buf_length_in_bytes);      |

            where:                                                  |

            oid                          (Input)                    |
               is the opening id of the Data Management (DM) file.  |

            ci_num                       (Input)                    |
               is the control interval in the DM file that contains |
               the data to be gotten.                               |

            ci_offset_in_bytes           (Input)                    |
               is  the  offset from  the  beginning of  the control |
               interval to the beginning  of the data, expressed in |
               bytes.                                               |

            buf_ptr                      (Input)                    |
               is a  pointer to a caller  supplied buffer where the |
               data is to be placed.                                |

            buf_length_in_bytes          (Input)                    |
               is  the  length  expressed  in bytes  of  the caller |
               supplied buffer.  This also  specifies the number of |
               bytes to be fetched.   The sum of ci_offset_in_bytes |
               and buf_length_in_bytes  must not exceed  the length |
               of a control interval.                               |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$simple_put

| This  entry  places  a  given  sequence  of  bytes  into  a  Data
| Management (DM) file, given an  open id (OID), a control interval
| (CI), and a control interval offset.  This entry differs from the
| put entry  point in that  it will only  place bytes at  one given
| location within  a control interval,  so a ci_parts  structure is
| not needed.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$simple_put entry (bit(36) aligned, fixed
|           bin(27), fixed bin(21), ptr, fixed bin(21));

|      call file_manager_$simple_put (oid, ci_num,
|           ci_offset_in_bytes, buf_ptr, buf_length_in_bytes);

|           where:

|           oid                          (Input)
|              is the opening id of the Data Management (DM) file.

|           ci_num                       (Input)
|              is  the control  interval in  the DM  file where the
|              data is to be placed.

|           ci_offset_in_bytes           (Input)
|              is  the  offset from  the  beginning of  the control
|              interval to the beginning of where the data is to be
|              placed.

|           buf_ptr                      (Input)
|              is a pointer to the buffer containing the data.

|           buf_length_in_bytes          (Input)

|              is the  number of bytes  that are to  be placed into
|              the DM file.

|           code                         (Output)
|              is the standard system status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$status                                      |

  This entry point returns status  information on a Data Management |
  (DM) file.  This entry is currently not implemented.              |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$status entry (bit(36), ptr, fixed          |
            bin(35));                                               |

       call file_manager_$status (oid, file_status_ptr, code);      |

            where:                                                  |

            oid                          (Input)                    |
               is the opening id of the DM file.                    |

            file_status_ptr              (Input)                    |
               is a pointer to a file_status structure to be filled |
               in  by   this  entry.   Currently   the  file_status |
               structure has not been defined.                      |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$suffix_info

| This entry point is for  support of extended object software.  It
| returns a suffix_info structure describing  what can be done with
| Data  Management  (DM)  files.    The  suffix_info  structure  is
| described under the notes section below.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$suffix_info entry (ptr);

|      call file_manager_$suffix_info (suffix_info_ptr);

|           where:

|           suffix_info_ptr              (Input)
|              is   a  pointer   to  a   user-supplied  suffix_info
|              structure.

| Notes

| The suffix_info  include file is  suffix_info.incl.pl1.  The form
| of the structure is as follows:

| dcl 1 suffix_info                       aligned based (suffix_info_ptr),
|       2 version                         char(8),
|       2 type                            char(32) unaligned,
|       2 type_name                       char(32) unaligned,
|       2 plural_name                     char(32) unaligned,
|       2 flags                           unaligned,
|         3 standard_object               bit(1) unaligned,
|         3 extended_acl                  bit(1) unaligned,
|         3 has_switches                  bit(1) unaligned,
|         3 mbz1                          bit(33) unaligned,
|       2 modes                           char(36),
|       2 max_mode_len                    fixed bin,
|       2 num_ring_brackets               fixed bin,
|       2 copy_flags                      like copy_flags,
|       2 info_pathname                   char(168) unaligned;

| where:

| version
|    is   the   version   mark   of   this   structure.   Currently

| type

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

     is the type of this object.  For example:  DM file.            |

  type_name                                                         |
     is the singular name of the object type.                       |

  plural_name                                                       |
     is the plural name of the object type.                         |

  flags.standard_object                                             |
     This flag is on if this is not an extended object.             |

  flags.extended_acl                                                |
     This flag is on if this object uses extended ACLs.             |

  flags.has_switches                                                |
     This flag is on if switches are supported for the object.      |

  modes                                                             |
     is a string containing the characters that represent the modes |
     of the object.  For example, modes = "rew"                     |

  max_mode_len                                                      |
     The maximum number of modes on an object.                      |

  num_ring_brackets                                                 |
     is the number of ring brackets on the object.                  |

  copy_flags                                                        |
     is  the copy_flags  structure which  contains a  list of flags |
     that describe  which attributes may be  copied by copy_.  This |
     structure is defined in the include file:  copy_flags.incl.pl1 |
     (see below).                                                   |

  info_pathname                                                     |
     is   the  pathname   of  the  info   segment  containing  more |
     information.                                                   |

  copy_flags                                                        |

  The form of the include file copy_flags is as follows:            |

  dcl 1 copy_flags                        aligned based,            |
        2 names                           bit (1) unaligned,        |
        2 acl                             bit (1) unaligned,        |
        2 ring_brackets                   bit (1) unaligned,        |
        2 max_length                      bit (1) unaligned,        |
        2 copy_switch                     bit (1) unaligned,        |
        2 safety_switch                   bit (1) unaligned,        |
        2 dumper_switches                 bit (1) unaligned,        |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

|       2 entry_bound                     bit (1) unaligned,
|       2 extend                          bit (1) unaligned,
|       2 update                          bit (1) unaligned,
|       2 mbz                             bit (26) unaligned;

| where:

| names
|    is on if all the object names may be copied by copy_.

| acl
|    is on if the access control list (ACL) may be copied by copy_.

| ring_brackets
|    is on if the ring_brackets may be copied by copy_.

| max_length
|    is on if the max_length may be copied by copy_.

| copy_switch
|    is on if the value of the copy switch may be copied by copy_.

| safety_switch
|    is  on if  the value  of the  safety switch  may be  copied by
|    copy_.

| dumper_switches
|    is on  if the value  of the dumper  switches may be  copied by
|    copy_.

| entry_bound
|    is  on if  the entry bound  attribute may be  copied by copy_.
|    This is only used for object segments.

| extend
|    is on if copy may append to the end of the existing object.

| update
|    is  on  if  copy_ may  replace  the contents  of  the existing
|    object.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$terminate_ci_ptr                            |

  This  entry  point  releases  a  control  interval  pointer  to a |
  specific  control interval  (CI) of  a Data  Management (DM) file |
  that  has  been  gotten   through  the  get_ci_ptr  entry  point. |
  Currently  this entry  point is  not implemented,  and get_ci_ptr |
  does not remember which ci_ptr it has handed out.                 |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$terminate_ci_ptr entry (bit(36) aligned,   |
            fixed bin(27), ptr, fixed bin(35));                     |

       call file_manager_$terminate_ci_ptr (oid, ci_num, ci_ptr,    |
            code);                                                  |

            where:                                                  |

            oid                          (Input)                    |
               is the opening id of the DM file.                    |

            ci_num                       (Input)                    |
               is  the control  interval that  the control interval |
               pointer points to.                                   |

            ci_ptr                       (Input)                    |
               is the control interval pointer to be terminated.    |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is the standard system status code.                  |

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$undo

| This entry point has not been  implemented.  It is supposed to be
| used for rolling  back any of several different  kinds of actions
| that may be performed in the Data Management (DM) system, such as
| undeleting, uncreating, and unmodifying DM files.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$unput

  This  entry  point  is  used exclusively  by  the  before journal
  manager  for  rolling back  transactions.  It  is just  like put,
  except that  it does not  lock the control interval  or journal a
  before image.   Also, it does not  update the time_modified stamp
  in the control interval header.


       dcl file_manager_$unput entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (27), ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call file_manager_$unput (oid, ci_num, ci_parts_ptr, code);


            oid                          (Input)
               is a file opening identifier.

            ci_num                       (Input)
               is a control interval number.

            ci_parts_ptr                 (Input)
               points  to  the  structure described  under  the get

            code                         (Output)
               is a standard status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  file_manager_$user_shutdown

| This  entry  is  called  during the  user  shutdown  period.  Its
| function has not  been defined for the File  Manager.  This entry
| currently is just a no-op.

| Usage

|      dcl file_manager_$user_shutdown entry ();

|      call file_manager_$user_shutdown ();

  _____________                                       _____________

  file_manager_                                       file_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  file_manager_$validate                                    |

  This entry point validates whether an entry is a Data Management  |
  (DM) file or not.                                                 |

  Usage                                                             |

       dcl file_manager_$validate entry (char(*), char(*), fixed    |
            bin(35));                                               |

       call file_manager_$validate (dir_name, entryname, code);     |

            where:                                                  |

            dir_name                     (Input)                    |
               is the  pathname of the directory  containing the DM |
               file.                                                |

            entryname                    (Input)                    |
               is the entryname of the DM file.                     |

            code                         (Output)                   |
               is  the  standard  system   status  code.   Zero  is |
               returned if  the entry is  a valid DM  file.  If the |
               entry  is  a DM  file,  then a  zero status  code is |
               returned,   otherwise  one   of  the   following  is |
               returned:                                            |

                    error_table$noentry - File does not exist and user has "s"
                         access to the file's containing directory; |
                    error_table_$no_info - User does not have "s" access to the
                         file's containing directory and does not have "r" access
                         to the file's first component;             |
                    error_table_$not_seg_type - File does not have the canonical
                         add-name on the first component which identifies it as
                         a DM file, or, the write-ring-bracket on the first
                         component is not the DM ring (here defined as the ring
                         of execution of this module).              |