Multics Technical Bulletin                         MTB-557 Rev. 1
  DM: Lock Manager Functional Spec

  To:       Distribution

  From:     R. Michael Tague

  Date:     04/03/84

  Subject:  Data Management: Lock Manager Functional Specification


  This  document  describes  the  functions  provided  by  the Lock
  Manager.   For  each of  these  functions, a  description  of the
  services provided by  the function and the user  interface to the
  function is given.

  This  revision describes  several new  lock manager  functions to
  facilitate  initialization,  metering, copying  the  lock manager
  data base, and concurrency control of the lock manager data base.

  Send comments on this MTB by one of the following means:

       By Multics Mail, on MIT or System M:

       By Telephone:
          HVN 261-9358 or (617)-492-9358


  Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
  reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
  consent of the author or the author's management.



                 1 Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     i
                 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .     1
                 3 Summary of changes for Revision 1  .     1
                 4 Locking Characteristics  . . . . . .     2
                    Locking Objects . . . . . . . . . .     2
                    Locking Modes . . . . . . . . . . .     2
                    Lock Identifier . . . . . . . . . .     4
                    Fast Locks  . . . . . . . . . . . .     4
                    lock_manager_ . . . . . . . . . . .     6
                       Fast Locks . . . . . . . . . . .     6
                       Data management locks  . . . . .     6
                       Lock modes . . . . . . . . . . .     6
                       The lock hierarchy . . . . . . .     7
                       Lock mode names  . . . . . . . .     7
                       Deadlock detection . . . . . . .     8
                       Locking and Transactions . . . .     8
                       $lock  . . . . . . . . . . . . .     9
                       $unlock_all  . . . . . . . . . .    11
                       $unlock  . . . . . . . . . . . .    12
                       $init_per_system . . . . . . . .    13
                       $reset_system_meters . . . . . .    14
                       $lock_lock_data  . . . . . . . .    15
                       $unlock_lock_data  . . . . . . .    16
                       $system_segment_count  . . . . .    17
                       $copy_data . . . . . . . . . . .    18
                       The lm_copy_data structure . . .    18
                       $lock_fast . . . . . . . . . . .    20
                       $unlock_fast . . . . . . . . . .    21

  Multics Technical Bulletin                         MTB-557 Rev. 1
  DM: Lock Manager Functional Spec


  The  purpose  of  Lock  Management  within  the  Data  Management
  Architecture is  to provide concurrency protection  for access to
  data base objects (files and records within files).

  This document contains a  detailed functional description of Lock
  Management, as  viewed by a  user of Lock Management.   A user in |
  this context is not an end user, but other subsystems of the Data |
  Management Architecture.  This document contains a description of
  all externally available entries  into Lock Management.  For each
  entry, a  complete description of the  calling sequence is given,
  along  with additional  information required  for a  user to make
  proper use of the entry.

  3 SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOR REVISION 1                               |

  An entry point has been added for initialization:                 |

  o    init_per_system                                              |

  Two entry points  have been added to facilitate  copying the lock |
  manager data base:                                                |

  o    system_segment_count                                         |
  o    copy_data                                                    |

  A  pair of  entry points  have been added  to fast  lock the lock |
  manager data base:                                                |

  o    lock_lock_data                                               |
  o    unlock_lock_data                                             |

  One entry  point for reseting  system meters on  lock manager was |
  added:                                                            |

  o    reset_system_meters                                          |

  Three entrypoints were not needed, so they have been removed:     |

  o    cleanup_process                                              |
  o    priv_clean_up_process                                        |
  o    init_fast_lock                                               |

  Three  entrypoints  remain unimplemented,  and have  been removed |
  from the revised MTB:                                             |

  MTB-557 Rev. 1                         Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   DM: Lock Manager Functional Spec

| o    checkpoint
| o    unlock_to_checkpoint
| o    resolve_deadlock

| A  reference  to  Container  Access  Layer  was  removed  and all
| occurences of "page file" were changed to "file".


| Locking Objects

| A data base is implemented as a set of files.  Each file consists
| of a number  of physical records of the  same size called control
| intervals.  Logical records in the data base are stored in one or
  more control intervals, and a  given control interval may contain
  more than one logical record.

| Two types of objects may be locked - control intervals and files.
| Any  lock held  on a file  applies by implication  to all control
| intervals in the file.

  Locking Modes

| A lock may be held in either of the modes:

  o    S - Share
  o    X - Exclusive

| Additionally locks on  files may be held in  one of the following
| modes:

  o    IS - Intend Share
  o    IX - Intend Exclusive
  o    SIX - Share with Intend Exclusive

  To ensure concurrency protection, a  user of Lock Management must
  adhere to the following conventions:

|      Before reading  a control interval,  the user must  lock the
|      control interval or the file containing the control interval
|      in either share(S) or exclusive(X) mode.

  Multics Technical Bulletin                         MTB-557 Rev. 1
  DM: Lock Manager Functional Spec

       Before modifying a control interval,  the user must lock the |
       control  interval  or  the containing  file  in exclusive(X) |
       mode.                                                        |

  For most users of Lock Management, only share(S) and exclusive(X) |
  modes  are  relevant.  The  remaining  file lock  modes  are used |
  internally by Lock Management to  indicate the type of locks that |
  are  held  on  control  intervals  within  the  file.   When Lock |
  Management intends  to acquire a control  interval lock, it first |
  acquires  an  intend  lock  on the  file  containing  the control |
  interval,  and then  acquires the  actual control  interval lock, |
  hence the intend name.  These  additional modes are available for |
  more  sophisticated   applications.   They  have   the  following |
  meanings:                                                         |

       IS - The  transaction   has  locked  one   or  more  control |
            intervals in share(S) mode,  and no control interval in |
            exclusive(X) mode.                                      |

       IX - The  transaction  has  locked   at  least  one  control |
            interval in exclusive(X) mode.                          |

       SIX -                                                        |
            The transaction  has locked the file  in share(S) mode, |
            and at  least one control interval  within the file has |
            been locked is exclusive(X) mode.                       |

  For  communication  with  Lock  Management,  the  lock  modes are
  referenced as  integers.  The correspondence of  modes to integer
  values is described in Attachment 1.

  MTB-557 Rev. 1                         Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   DM: Lock Manager Functional Spec

  Lock Identifier

  Associated with each object which  may be locked is an identifier
  which  is  unique  within  the  system.   For  the  user  of Lock
  Management, this identifier is an  ordered pair (UID, CI Number),
  which is interpreted as follows:

|           is the Multics File System unique identifier associated
|           with  the file  or with the  file to  which the control
|           interval belongs.  In the initial implementation of the
|           Data  Management  Architecture,  a  file  is  a Multics
|           Multi-Segment   File.    For  the   purposes   of  Lock
            Management,  the unique  identifier of  a Multi-Segment
            File  is the  Multics File System  unique identifier of
            component zero.

       CI Number
|           is the relative control interval number within the file
|           (with 0 representing the  first control interval in the
|           file).   For the  purposes of  Lock Management, control
|           interval  number -1  refers to the  file itself, rather
            than to a specific control interval.

  Fast Locks

  Many  of  the  Data  Management  subsystems  require  concurrency
  protection  on internal,  per-system tables  which they maintain.
  The type  of concurrency protection required  for these tables is
| qualitatively  different  from  that  required  for  user objects
| (control intervals or files):

       Tables need be locked only  for predictably short amounts of

       Deadlocks  can  be  avoided,  as  tables  can  be  locked in
       predictable sequences.

       Data in the tables is neither journalized nor recovered.

  Fast Locks  provide this type of  concurrency protection.  A Fast
  Lock is  a double-word of  virtual memory (the  lock double-word)
  which  by  convention protects  a  shared table  or  other shared
  object.  The  lock double-word is  shared by all  processes which
  require access  to the shared  object.  By convention,  a process
  must obtain a  lock on the lock double-word  before accessing the
  shared object.  Lock Management  supports Fast Locks by providing

  Multics Technical Bulletin                         MTB-557 Rev. 1
  DM: Lock Manager Functional Spec

  services  to  lock  and  unlock Fast  Locks,  and  to synchronize
  processes contending for Fast Locks.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
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  Name:  lock_manager_

  Provides  concurrency control  for data  management internal data
  bases and data management objects.

  The lock_manager_  provides two kinds of  locking services:  fast
  locks, and data management locks.  Fast locks are used to control
  concurrent  access  by  processes  to  data  management  internal
  databases.  Data management locks  are used to control concurrent
  access by transaction to files and control intervals.

  Few entries in the lock_manager_  may be called by user programs.
  Most  of  the entries  are  only available  from within  the data
  management  protected  ring.   Some  are  available  to  the data
  management  daemon or  other privileged  users in  the user ring.
  Those entries that  may be called by user  programs are concerned
  with metering and tracing.

  Fast Locks

       Fast  locks  are  locks   maintained  for  control  of  data
  management  internal databases.   In the  current implementation,
  fast  locks are  two word  objects.  Fast  locks are conceptually
  similiar  to  the  set_lock_  interface,  save  that  they  offer
  improved  efficiency.   No deadlock  detection  is done  for fast
  locks.  They must  be locked and unlocked in  accordance with the
  established hierarchy of locks.

  Data management locks

       Data management locks are  locks on data management objects.
  In the  current implementation, only files  and control intervals
  within  files  may be  locked.   In general,  locks on  files and
  control  intervals are  obtained by  the file  manager as needed.
  For example,  the file manager  will get a share  lock whenever a
  control  interval is  fetched, and an  exclusive lock  when it is

  Lock modes

       Data  management  locking  provides  multiple-reader, single
  writer  concurrent  access control.   A "read  lock" is  called a
  Share, or "S" lock.  A write  lock is called an Exclusive, or "X"
  lock.  Files  or control intervals  may be locked  for is S  or X
  mode.  In  addition, there are  other special modes  which may be
  used for files, as explained  below under "Lock hierarchy".  An S

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  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  lock allows other  transactions to get S locks,  but not X locks.
  An X lock allows no other transaction to acquire a lock.

  The lock hierarchy

       When a control interval is locked, the file it belongs to is
  implicitly   locked   as  well.    For   example,  it   would  be
  inappropriate to  allow a transaction  to acquire an X  lock on a
  file  within  which  another transaction  holds  an S  lock  on a
  control  interval.  To  avoid having to  investigate the possible
  existence  of  control  interval  locks   when  a  file  lock  is
  requested, special "Intend" locks are provided for files.  Before
  a transaction may lock a  control interval, it must first acquire
  an appropriate  intend lock on  the file.  The  intend lock modes
  are:  "Intend  Share (IS)", indicating  that one or  more control
  intervals  are  locked  is   S  mode;  "Intend  Exclusive  (IX)",
  indicating that one or more control  intervals are locked in S or
  X mode; and "Shared Intend  Exclusive (SIX)", indicating that all
  of the control  intervals are to be considered  locked in S mode,
  and that one or more are explicitly locked in X mode.

  Lock mode names

       Named  constants  for the  lock  modes are  provided  in the
  include file dm_lock_modes.incl.pl1

  dcl  LOCK_MODE_S          fixed bin static options (constant) init|(2);
  dcl  LOCK_MODE_X          fixed bin static options (constant) init|(3);
  dcl  LOCK_MODE_IS         fixed bin static options (constant) init|(4);
  dcl  LOCK_MODE_IX         fixed bin static options (constant) init|(5);
  dcl  LOCK_MODE_SIX        fixed bin static options (constant) init|(6);

  dcl  LOCK_ENTIRE_FILE     fixed bin (24) static options (constant)|init (-1);

  dcl  LOCK_MODE_NAMES (2:6)  char (3) int static options (constant)|
                              init ("S", "X", "IS", "IX", "SIX");   |

       S     Share                                                  |
             Let others read it but not modify it.                  |

       X     Exclusive                                              |
             Let nobody else read or modify it.                     |

       IS    Intend Share                                           |
             I am only using S locks, because I am only reading CIs.|

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  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

|      IX    Intend Exclusive
|            I am using S and X locks, because I am reading and modifying CIs.

|      SIX   Share with Intend Exclusive
|            I am reading control intervals, but only locking the ones I modify.

  Deadlock detection

       The lock_manager_ detects deadlock situations involving data
  management locks.   If a transaction attempts  to acquire a lock,
  and  waiting  for  that  lock would  result  in  a  deadlock, the
  youngest transaction involved in the  deadlock will have an error
  reflected to it, so that it can roll back or abort.

  Locking and Transactions

       It is important to remember that  all locks are held for the
  duration  of the  transaction that  obtains them.   All locks are
  automatically released when a  transaction commits, aborts, rolls
  back,  or is  killed.  Thus a  transaction builds a  set of locks
  accretively; and any  given call to lock an  object may find that
  it is already  locked with a suitable lock.   No error indication
  is returned in these circumstances, but the actual lock mode held
  is returned as it may be stronger than the mode requested.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$lock

       Attempts to acquire a lock on  a file or control interval in
  a  given mode.   If the transaction  already holds a  lock on the
  object that is  as least as strong as the  desired mode, the that
  locks is considered sufficient.

  If a  control interval lock  is requested through  this entry, an
  appropriate   Intend   lock  on   the   file  will   be  acquired


       dcl lock_manager_$lock entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (24), fixed bin, fixed bin (71), fixed bin, fixed bin

       call lock_manager_$lock (file_uid, control_interval,
            desired_mode, timeout_time, mode_obtained, code);


         file_uid                     (Input)
              is the data management Unique Identifier of the file.
              In the current MSF implementation, this is the UID of
              the first component of the file MSF.

         control_interval             (Input)
              is the  numeric index of  the control interval  to be
              locked.   If it  is LOCK_ENTIRE_FILE (-1),  a lock is
              obtained on the entire file.

         desired_mode                 (Input)
              is the lock mode required.  Lock modes are documented
              above,   and   named   constants   are   declared  in

         timeout_time                 (Input)
              is the maximum time, in microseconds, to wait for the
              lock  to  be  available.   If this  much  time passes
              before     the     lock      can     be     acquired,
              dm_error_$lock_timeout is returned.

         mode_obtained                (Output)
              is the actual lock mode obtained.  If the transaction
              already held a stronger  lock than Desired_Mode, that
              mode   will  be   returned.   For   example,  if  the
              transaction held  an X lock and  requested an S lock,

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  _____________                                       _____________

              LOCK_MODE_X would be returned here.

         code                         (Output)
              will be nonzero if the arguments were not valid or if
              the lock could not be  acquired after waiting for the
              timeout  time.  If  the Desired_Mode  is not  a valid
              mode,  dm_error_$lock_invalid_mode  is  returned.  If
              the  timeout  time  passes  and  the  lock  cannot be
              acquired,  dm_error_$lock_timeout is  returned.  If a
              deadlock is detected, and the calling transaction has
              been  selected to  roll back, dm_error_$lock_deadlock
              is returned.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$unlock_all

       unlocks all locks held by  a transaction.  This entry may be
  called from other processes than the one in which the transaction
  was  started,  to clean  up the  transaction.  However,  it still
  depends  on the  values of  variables in  dm_data_ to  define the
  transaction to be cleaned up.


       dcl lock_manager_$unlock_all entry ();                       |

       call lock_manager_$unlock_all ();                            |

              This entry has no arguments its contract is to unlock
              all  locks,  and there  are no  defined circumstances
              under which it may fail to do so.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$unlock

       Unlocks  a  single data  management lock.   This entrypoint,
  while implemented, is NOT YET  SUPPORTED FOR USE.  It is indended
  for  a  future "soft  concurrency"  service in  which transaction
  would unlock control intervals on which they obtained S locks, or
  were using concurrency control without integrity control.


       dcl lock_manager_$unlock entry (bit (36) aligned, fixed bin
            (24), fixed bin (35));

       call lock_manager_$unlock (file_uid, control_interval,


         file_uid                     (Input)
              is the unique identifier of the file in question.

         control_interval             (Input)
              is the control interval index of the control interval
              in question, or LOCK_ENTIRE_FILE.

         code                         (Output)
              is  a standard  status code,  which should  always be

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$init_per_system

       runs per-system initialization for the lock manager for both
  fast and data management locks.


       dcl lock_manager_$init_per_system entry (fixed bin (35));

       call lock_manager_$init_per_system (code);


         code                         (Output)
              is  nonzero  if   initialization  fails.   Note  that
              sub_err_ is  used to provide  more illuminating error
              diagnostics in this case.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

| Entry:  lock_manager_$reset_system_meters

|      resets lock manager system meters to zero.

| Usage

|      dcl lock_manager_$reset_system_meters entry ();

|      call lock_manager_$reset_system_meters ();

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$lock_lock_data

       is an internal interface that allows programs within the
  lock manager to lock its internal databases.


       dcl lock_manager_$lock_lock_data entry (fixed bin (35));

       call lock_manager_$lock_lock_data (code);


         code                         (Output)
              is nonzero if an error  was returned locking the fast
              lock on the lock manager's database.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$unlock_lock_data

       is an  internal interface of  the lock manager  that unlocks
  its internal database.


       dcl lock_manager_$unlock_lock_data entry (fixed bin (35));

       call lock_manager_$unlock_lock_data (code);


         code                         (Output)
              is  nonzero if  an error  was returned  unlocking the
              fast lock on the lock manager's database.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$system_segment_count

       is a metering interface that  returns the number of segments
  that  make  up the  lock  manager's database  of  data management
  locks.     This    entry    is   used    in    conjunction   with
  lock_manager_$copy_data to get consistent copies of the database.


       dcl lock_manager_$system_segment_count entry (fixed bin
            (35)) returns (fixed bin);

       segment_count = lock_manager_$system_segment_count (code);


         segment_count                (Output)
              is  the  number  of   segments  that  constitute  the

         code                         (Output)
              is a standard system status code.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$copy_data

       makes a  consistent copy of  the lock manager's  database of
  data  management locks  into a set  of user  ring segments.  This
  entry  is  used  by  metering  and  tuning  programs.   The entry
  lock_manager_$system_segment_count  should  be  used  to  get the
  number of  segments required.  Since new  segments may be created
  at any time, this entry may  return an error code indicating that
  a larger  set of segments  is required.  It still  copies as many
  segments as it can, however.


       dcl lock_manager_$copy_data entry (pointer, fixed bin (35));

       call lock_manager_$copy_data (copy_info_ptr, code);


         copy_info_ptr                (Input)
              is a pointer to the lm_copy_data structure, described
              below, and found in dm_lm_copy_data.incl.pl1.

         code                         (Output)
              is  a   standard  system  status  code.    If  it  is
              error_table_$smallarg,   not  enough   segments  were
              provided.  copy_data.n_segments is set to the correct

  The lm_copy_data structure

       The declaration  of the lm_copy_data  structure follows, and
  is found in dm_lm_copy_data.incl.pl1.

       dcl lm_copy_data_ptr      pointer;

       dcl 1 lm_copy_data        aligned based (lm_copy_data_ptr),
             2 version           char (8) aligned,
             2 n_system_segments fixed bin,
             2 n_segments        fixed bin,
             2 segment_ptrs      (lm_copy_data_n_segments refer
                                 (lm_copy_data.n_segments)) ptr;

       dcl lm_copy_data_n_segments fixed bin;
       dcl LM_COPY_DATA_VERSION_1  char(8) aligned init ("lmdt0001")
                                   int static options (constant);

  _____________                                       _____________

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              should be set to LM_COPY_DATA_VERSION_1.

              (Output) is set on output  to the number of segments.
              If  there  are  more   system  segments  than  output
              segments provided, then this variable is still set.

              is the  number of segments provided  by the caller to
              copy data into.

              is an  array of pointers  to segments into  which the
              data will be copied.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
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  Entry:  lock_manager_$lock_fast

       locks a double-word fast lock  to the calling process.  This
  entry  returns error  codes if  the lock  is already  held to the
  calling process, or if the lock was held by a dead process.


       dcl lock_manager_$lock_fast entry (pointer, fixed bin (71),
            fixed bin (35));

       call lock_manager_$lock_fast (lock_pointer, timeout_time,


         lock_pointer                 (Input)
              is a  pointer to a double  word to be used  as a fast

         timeout_time                 (Input)
              is  the  maximum  time to  wait  for the  lock  to be
              available, in microseconds.

         code                         (Output)
              is zero, or one of the following error codes:

                   is returned if the lock was previously held by a
                   daed process.  The lock is locked to the calling
                   process in this case.

                   is  returned  if the  process already  holds the
                   requested fast lock.

                   is returned if the fast lock could not be locked
                   in the specified time.

              All fast_lock_mylock and fast_lock_timeout errors are
              logged in the data management system log.

  _____________                                       _____________

  lock_manager_                                       lock_manager_
  _____________                                       _____________

  Entry:  lock_manager_$unlock_fast

       Unlocks a fast lock.


       dcl lock_manager_$unlock_fast entry (pointer, fixed bin

       call lock_manager_$unlock_fast (lock_pointer, code);


         lock_pointer                 (Input)
              is a pointer to the lock to be unlocked.

         code                         (Output)
              is   a   standard   status    code.    It   will   be
              dm_error_$fast_lock_not_locked  if  the lock  was not