Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

To:       Distribution

From:     John J. Bongiovanni

Date:     06/27/84  (Original date unknown)

Subject:  Data Management: Lock Management Functional Design


This  MTB  contains the  functional  design which  implements the
concurrency  control  described  in  MTB-514,  "Data  Management:
Concurrency  Overview",  A.  Bensoussan.   The  functional design
means  the  description of  the lock  management subsystem  as it
would appear to a user of the subsystem.  As used throughout this
document,  a   user  of  the  subsystem   is  a  Data  Management
application  programmer or  the designer of  another subsystem in
the Data  Management Architecture which  uses Concurrency Control
(e.g.,   the  Container   Manager).   The   description  of  Lock
Management is  at the level  of design.  That  is, all interfaces
are  described  generally  in   terms  of  their  functions,  the
information  they  need to  accomplish  their functions,  and the
information  they  return.   Precise  calling  sequences  are not
defined; these will be the subject of a later MTB on the detailed
design of Lock Management.

Following  a   statement  of  functional   objectives,  this  MTB
describes  a  functional  decomposition of  Lock  Management into
three  levels:  supervisor  support, per-system  lock management,
and  per-transaction (or  per-process) lock  management.  In this
decomposition, the functions of each level are described briefly.
Following   this,   lock   objects  are   discussed,   and  their
relationship to  the lock identifier  used by Lock  Management is
defined.   Next,  a  functional  description  of  each  level  is
presented.   For  a given  level,  this description  includes all
functions performed by that level which are invoked directly by a
user of that level, the parameters required by each function, and
the  action perfomed  by each  function.  Finally,  an example is
constructed  to  illustrate  the  use of  lock  management  by an
applications programmer.


Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the
consent of the author or the author's management.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

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                 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .     i
                 2 Functional Objectives  . . . . . . .     1
                 3 Functional Decomposition . . . . . .     2
                    3.1 Supervisor Support  . . . . . .     3
                    3.2 Per-System Lock Management  . .     3
                    3.3 Per-Process Lock Management . .     4
                 4 Lock Identifier  . . . . . . . . . .     4
                 5 Functional Description - Supervisor
                  Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     5
                    5.1 Services Provided . . . . . . .     5
                    5.2 Implementation Notes  . . . . .     6
                 6 Per-System Lock Support  . . . . . .     6
                    6.1 Static Decision Tables  . . . .     6
                    6.2 Data Structures . . . . . . . .     7
                    6.3 Services  . . . . . . . . . . .     8
                    6.4 Implementation Notes  . . . . .    11
                 7 Per-Process Lock Support . . . . . .    11
                    7.1 Static Decision Tables  . . . .    11
                    7.2 Data Structures . . . . . . . .    13
                    7.3 Services  . . . . . . . . . . .    13
                    7.4 Implementation Notes  . . . . .    16
                 8 Example  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    16

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design


The  objective  of the  Lock  Manager is  to  provide Concurrency
Control in  the manner described in  MTB-514, referenced earlier.
That is,  an application availing  itself of the  services of the
Lock  Manager  has  established   one  or  more  non-intersecting
hierarchical structures for accessing data, and follows a locking
protocol  with  respect to  this  hierarchy.  The  nature  of the
hierarchy is  not meaningful to  the Lock Manager,  but a typical
hierarchy might be the following:

          Data Base => File => Record => Field

An  hierarchical  structure can  be viewed  as an  inverted tree,
where each  element of the tree  has at most one  parent, and one
element of the tree has no parent.  An application may access any
number of  such trees, but  they must be  non-intersecting in the
sense that any object of interest  may belong to at most one such
tree.   The  locking  protocol  which  must  be  followed  by the
applications programmer is as follows:

      1.  Associated  with  each  object  of  interest  (i.e., an
          object   which  may   be  read   or  modified   by  the
          applications program) is a unique element of the tree.

      2.  Associated with  each element of the  tree (and, hence,
          with  each  object  of   interest)  is  a  unique  lock
          identifier, constructed according to rules given below.

      3.  Each element  of the tree  may be locked in  one of the
          following modes:

               S - Share

               X - Exclusive

               IS - Intend Share

               IX - Intend Exclusive

               SIX - Share with Intend Exclusive

          These modes are described  fully in MTB-514, referenced
          earlier.  For most applications  using the Lock Manager
          described herein, only S and X modes are relevant.  The
          remaining modes are used  internally by Lock Management
          to  implement the  hierarchical protocols  described in
          the  referenced  MTB  in  a manner  transparent  to the
          applications programmer.   They are available  for more
          sophisticated applications, however.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

      4.  Prior   to   reading   an  object   of   interest,  the
          corresponding  element  in a  hierarchy must  have been
          locked in  S, SIX, or  X mode; or  at least one  of its
          parents must have been locked in S, SIX, or X mode.

      5.  Prior   to  modifying   an  object   of  interest,  the
          corresponding  element  an a  hierarchy must  have been
          locked in X  mode, or at least one  of its parents must
          have been locked in X mode.

      6.  Accesses to objects within  an application instance are
          grouped  into  sets   of  consecutive  accesses  called
          transactions.   Transactions  are atomic  in  the sense
          that all  modifications to objects from  within a given
          transaction  occur  (as  viewed  by  other applications
          accessing the same set of  objects) at the same time or
          not at all.  This concept  is defined in greater detail
          in  MTB-512, "Data  Management:  Transaction Management
          Overview".  All locks acquired during a transaction are
          held  until the  end of  the transaction  (the Commit),
          when  they are  released as  a unit.   If a transaction
          aborts, modifications  made to objects  from within the
          transaction are backed-out to  a previous point, either
          the  beginning   of  the  transaction   or  an  earlier
          Checkpoint   (refer   to  MTB-513,   "Data  Management:
          Recovery Management Overview" for a description of this
          process).   Similarly,  if  a  transaction  aborts, all
          locks  acquired  since  a  previous  point  (either the
          beginning of the transaction  or an earlier Checkpoint)
          are released as a unit.

Following  this  protocol,  an  applications  programmer  can  do
locking very simply, by locking objects in S mode before reading,
and  locking object  in X  mode before  writing.  If  larger lock
granularity is desired, a node of  a hierarchy can be locked in S
mode  before  reading  any   objects  belonging  to  the  subtree
represented by  that node; similarly,  a node can be  locked in X
mode before modifying any objects belonging to the subtree.


Lock  Management consists  of three  levels:  supervisor support,
per-system lock management,  and per-transaction lock management.
The  general  functions  of  each  level  are  described  in this

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

3.1 Supervisor Support

The   supervisor   will   provide  primitives   to   control  the
synchronization  of  processes (representing  transactions) which
are  competing  for  locks.   These  primitive  functions  are as

       o  Suspend a process which is waiting for a lock currently
          held by another process in an incompatible mode.

       o  Reactivate a process which had  been waiting for a lock
          which is now available to it.

       o  Allow a process to specify  a time-out value when it is
          suspended.  If  it has not been  reactivated within the
          time specified, it will be reactivated automatically by
          the Supervisor.

       o  The supervisor  will have no knowledge  of either locks
          or transactions.  The above functions will be requested
          explicitly by  the per-system lock  management routines
          when a process requests a lock or releases a lock.

3.2 Per-System Lock Management

The  routines at  this level will  maintain the  knowledge of all
locks held by  any transaction in the system.   They will perform
the following functions:

       o  Handle requests from higher  level routines for locking
          specified  objects in  specified modes.   This includes
          validating the access of  the requesting process to the
          object.  Conflict with locks held by other processes to
          the specified object is checked.  If none is found, the
          lock is assigned.  Otherwise,  the requestor is made to
          wait for the lock.

       o  Maintain  lists  of  all  locks currently  held  by any
          process.   The   data  maintained  includes   the  lock
          identifier, the process  and transaction identifiers of
          all lockers, and the corresponding lock mode for each.

       o  Maintain queues of processes waiting for locks.

       o  Direct  the  supervisor in  synchronization.   That is,
          when  a lock  becomes available,  the routines  at this
          level select  a waiting process, award  the lock to the
          waiting  process, and  direct the  supervisor to remove
          the process from the suspended state.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

       o  When a process must wait  for a lock, determine whether
          deadlock  exists.   If  it  does,  signal  this  to the
          process  to trigger  rollback to  the beginning  of the
          transaction or to a Checkpoint.

       o  Maintain  per-process  lists   of  locks  acquired  and
          checkpoints.   These  lists are  used to  release locks
          when the recovery  management routines reqeust back-out
          to a Checkpoint.

3.3 Per-Process Lock Management

These  routines maintain  the hierarchical locking  protocol in a
manner invisible to the application programmer.  They perform the
following functions:

       o  Maintain cognizance of the locking hierarchy.

       o  Handle  requests  for  locks  to  specific  objects  in
          specific modes.  When such a request is received, these
          routines  maintain  the hierarchical  locking protocol.
          For  example,  no object  is locked  in S  mode without
          first locking some parent in S, X, IS, IX, or X mode.

       o  When  a lock  request is received,  these routines lock
          the minimum number of  objects necessary to satisfy the
          request.  For example, if a lock is requested in S mode
          for an object whose parent is already locked in S mode,
          no locking is done.

       o  Maintain  lists of  locks acquired  by this transaction
          and  Checkpoints.   These  lists are  used  to back-out
          locks acquired since a prior Checkpoint, when requested
          to do so by Recovery Management routines.


To  all  levels of  lock management,  an object  to be  locked is
specified by means of an  object identifier.  The purpose of this
identifier  is to  specify the object  in a manner  common to all
users who might lock that object.  Since arbitrary objects may be
locked,  the assignment  of identifiers  is largely  a convention
established by the designer of the applications system.  However,
the  lock management  routines must  be able  to verify  that the
requester  is  allowed to  hold  a given  lock.   If a  user were
allowed to  pass an arbitrary, unvalidated  lock identifier, user
data security  could be compromised.  To  preclude this, the lock

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

identifier is composed of two parts, as follows:

  o  A  logical  identifier  of  a  file  known  to  the  system.
     Initially, this is a file  in the Storage System.  After the
     implementation of large files, either  a file in the Storage
     System or a large file is  acceptable.  This file is used to
     validate the requestor's access to the object represented by
     the lock  identifier, for the purposes  of locking only.  It
     is used  only for this  purpose.  The object  represented by
     the  lock  identifier  need  have no  relation  to  the file

  o  A string  of bits which  is not interpreted  semantically by
     lock management.  This string  serves to identify the object
     uniquely among those whose identifier is related to the same
     file.  The semantics of this string are at the discretion of
     the  applications  system designer,  subject to  the obvious
     constraint that  each object which  might be locked  must be
     identifier uniquely.

An  example  of constructing  Lock  Identifiers is  given  in the
section "Example", below.


5.1 Services Provided

The  following  services will  be provided  by the  supervisor to
support lock management:

     Suspend -      allows  a  process to  suspend activity  at a
                    control  point until  another process directs
                    that it be reactivated.

     Reactivate -   a  facility  for  one process  to  activate a
                    suspended process at  the control point where
                    it was suspended.

     Time-Out -     specify  a  time  interval  after  which  the
                    process  will  be  reactivated automatically,
                    even  if  no other  process has  directed its
                    reactivation.  This can be a parameter to the
                    Supervisor call to suspend the process, or it
                    can be a separate facility.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

5.2 Implementation Notes

Several  facilities  exist  within the  current  Supervisor which
could be used for this  purpose, possibly with some modification.
These  facilities are  IPC (Block/Wakeup)  and Event Wait/Notify.
The  choice  of  a  suitable facility  depends  on  the following

       o  Performance - Event Wait/Notify is more responsive than
          IPC for individual interactions.

       o  System Impact - Event  Wait/Notify is considerably more
          expensive in resources than IPC.

       o  Race Conditions - IPC is race-free, when used properly.
          Event Wait/Notify requires the development of race-free

These  points  must  be  considered in  the  design  of  the lock
manager.  The choice  is not relevant in the  present context, as
the Supervisor interface  is not visible to the  user of the lock


6.1 Static Decision Tables

The   following  decision   tables  describe   various  important
functions of the Per-System Lock Management Routines:

1.  Conflict Matrix

This matrix is used to determine  whether a requested lock may be
granted for  a specified object.   A lock may be  granted only if
there  is no  conflict (conflict value  = N) with  with any other
process holding a lock to the same object.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

               Lock Mode Held by Other Process

                Null  S    X    IS   IX   SIX
           S   | N  | N  | Y  | N  | Y  | Y  |
Mode       X   | N  | Y  | Y  | Y  | Y  | Y  |
Requested  IS  | N  | N  | Y  | N  | N  | N  |
           IX  | N  | Y  | Y  | N  | N  | Y  |
           SIX | N  | Y  | Y  | N  | Y  | N  |

2.  Lock Conversion Matrix

This matrix is used to  determine the effective mode requested by
a process to an object.  This  mode depends on the mode requested
and on the mode of the lock currently held by that process to the
object (if any).

               Current Mode Held

                Null  S    X    IS   IX   SIX
           S   | S  | S  | X  | S  | SIX| SIX|
Mode       X   | X  | X  | X  | X  | X  | X  |
Requested  IS  | IS | S  | X  | IS | IX | SIX|
           IX  | IX | SIX| X  | IX | IX | SIX|
           SIX | SIX| SIX| X  | SIX| SIX| SIX|

6.2 Data Structures

The  following data  structures are maintained  by the Per-System
Lock Management Routines.

1.  Global Lock Table

This table has one entry for  each object currently locked by any
process.  Each entry contains the following data:

       o  A  list of  all processes  currently holding  a lock to
          this object, and the mode of each lock.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

       o  A list of all processes  waiting for this lock, and the
          effective mode requested by each.

Note that a process can be in both of these lists.  An example of
this case is a process which owns  a lock in S mode to an object,
requests a lock  in X mode to the same  object, but cannot obtain
the  lock immediately  because another process  owns a  lock in S
mode to the object.

2.  Per-Process Lock Tables

The following data will be  maintained for each process which has
invoked the Per-System Lock Management routines:

A list of actions requested by the process since the beginning of
the  current transaction,  in order  of request.   The actions of
interest are the following:

       o  Locks  granted;  for  each,  the granted  mode  and the
          previous mode.

       o  Checkpoints, with the Checkpoint Identifier of each.

6.3 Services

The  following  services  are  provided  by  the  Per-System Lock
Management routines.  For each  service, the information required
by that service is presented, along with a general description of
the service.

1.  Lock Object

This service is called to  lock a single object.  The information
required  is  the  lock  identifier, the  mode  requested,  and a
time-out  value.   The  information  returned  is  a  status code
indicating  successful lock  acquisition and the  current mode of
lock held to the object.

The function performed is as follows:

       o  Validate  the process'  access to the  lock object.  If
          insufficient access, return an error status code.

       o  Determine  the  effective  mode requested  to  the lock
          object, using the current mode, the mode requested, and
          the Lock  Conversion matrix.  If the  effective mode is
          identical  to  the  current  mode, then  return  with a
          successful status code.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

       o  Check for  conflict with all  other processes currently
          holding a  lock to the same  object, using the Conflict

       o  If conflict  is found and the  time-out is zero, return
          with an error code.

       o  If  a  conflict  is  found and  the  time-out  value is
          non-zero, determine  whether a deadlock  would occur if
          this process were to wait for the lock.  If no deadlock
          would result, enter the process and effective mode into
          the list of processes waiting for the lock and call the
          Supervisor to suspend the process.  Supply the time-out
          value to the Supervisor  appropriately.  On return from
          the  Supervisor,  attempt  to  lock  the  object again,
          adjusting the time-out value for the time elapsed since
          the original call.  If  a deadlock would result, signal
          this  to the  process.  As  a parameter  in the signal,
          pass the  identifier of the latest  Checkpoint to which
          the  process  can  roll-back  in  order  to  break  the

       o  If no conflict is found,  either add the process to the
          list  of  lock  holders  (with the  effective  mode) or
          change the the mode of the lock for this process is the
          list,   as  appropriate.    Append  an   entry  to  the
          per-process   action   list,    indicating   the   lock
          identifier, previous mode, and effective mode.

2.  Unlock All

This service unlocks all locks acquired by this process.  It does
this by  scanning the list  of locks acquired  in the per-process
table for this process  in reverse-chronological order.  For each
lock found in the table, unlock it as follows:

       o  If this process does not own the lock, ignore it.

       o  Otherwise, remove this process from the list of locking
          processes associated with the lock object.

       o  For  each  process  waiting   for  this  lock,  do  the

            -  Check  for  conflict  with  all  processes holding
               locks on the object,  except for the process being
               examined, using the Conflict Matrix.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

             - If  there is  no conflict,  award the  lock to the
               process and reactivate the process.

3.  Checkpoint

This  service  is  called  by  the  Recovery  Management routines
following completion  of a Checkpoint.   The information required
is  the  Checkpoint  identifier.   The  Checkpoint  is  noted  by
appending  the  Checkpoint identifier  to the  per-process action
list.  No other action is taken.

4.  Unlock to Checkpoint

This  service  is  called  by  the  Recovery  Management routines
following a data  roll-back to a Checkpoint.  Its  function is to
release  all  locks  acquired  since  that  Checkpoint.   To this
service, a Checkpoint can be the beginning of a transaction.  The
information   required   is  the   Checkpoint   identifier.   The
information returned is a list  of locks released; for each lock,
the lock  identifier, prior lock  mode, and current  lock mode is
indicated.  This service examines  the per-process action list in
reverse-chronological  sequence  until it  reaches  the specified
Checkpoint identifier.  For each lock found on this list, it does
the following:

       o  Change  the mode  of the lock  for this  process in the
          Global Lock Table to the previous mode.

       o  For  each  process  waiting   for  this  lock,  do  the

            -  Check  for  conflict  with  all  processes holding
               locks on the object,  except for the process being
               examined, using the Conflict Matrix.

            -  If  there is  no conflict,  award the  lock to the
               process and reactivate the process.

       o  Remove the entry from the per-process action list.

5.  Status

This service  returns to the  caller information on  locks owned.
This information includes what locks are owned and in what modes.
Queries against specific locks will also be supported.

6.  Privileged Services

The following  services will be provided  for suitably privileged
users and routines:

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

       o  Extended Status  - returns information on  all locks in
          the system.

       o  Manipulate Single  Lock - allows a  lock to be unlocked
          or marked out-of-service.  This  service is intended to
          allow an administrator or salvaging routines to correct
          unusual unforseen circumstances.   To ensure integrity,
          a non-privileged process will  not be allowed to unlock
          a single lock.

       o  Adopt Locks - allows a  process to adopt all locks held
          by a  specified process.  This service  is intended for
          recovery   routines   activated  by   abnormal  process
          termination,  which  are  performing  recovery  for the
          terminated process.

6.4 Implementation Notes

The   Per-System   Lock    Management   routines   require   some
synchronization mechanism to protect  the integrity of the global
lock  management tables.   A single  lock-like object  to protect
these  tables  is  probably  adequate.   This  mechanism, however
implemented,  will   not  use  the   Lock  Management  mechanisms
described here.  Instead, more primitive mechanisms will be used.

A  salvager  will be  required  to validate  the  lock management
tables  following  a system  crash, since  the crash  could occur
while  the Per-System  Lock Manager  was modifying  these tables.
This salvager will be invisible to users of the Lock Manager, but
will interface with the Recovery Manager.

The  deadlock detection/resolution  mechanism described  above is
rather   crude,  but   it  is   believed  adequate   for  initial
implementation.  The design is based on the premise that deadlock
is  a  rare  event,  and that  more  intelligent  selection  of a
lock/process pair  to pre-empt is not  useful.  Should this prove
not to be  the case in practice, more  intelligent mechanisms can
be  designed.   The  mechanism  for   one  process  to  signal  a
pre-emption to another process exists (viz., IPS signals).  Users
of the  Lock Manager would handle  such a pre-emption identically
to a deadlock signalled from within the same process.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design


7.1 Static Decision Tables

The following tables describe  important functions of Per-Process
Lock Support.

1.  Parent Transform

This transform  is used to  determine the lock  mode required for
all ancestors in the lock hierarchy  prior to obtaining a lock on
the child.  Note  that the mode indicated is  the mode which must
be  requested for  the ancestor lock  objects.  The  mode of lock
actually  held may  be different,  depedning on  the mode already
held  on the  ancestor objects (reference  the Conversion Matrix,

          Requested        Mode
          Mode for         Required for
          Child            All Ancestors

          S                IS
          X                IX
          IS               IS
          IX               IX
          SIX              IX

This  transform has  the property  that Parent  Transform (Parent
Transform (M)) = Parent Transform (M) for any lock mode M.

2.  Need-to-Lock Matrix

This  matrix  is used  to  determine whether  it is  necessary to
obtain a lock for a lock  object, given the requested mode of the
lock  for  the object  and the  modes of  locks held  by ancestor
objects.  It is not necessary to  obtain the lock if the value of
this matrix is N for any ancestor of the object.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

                    Mode of Ancestor

                  S    X    IS   IX   SIX
            S   | N  | N  | Y  | Y  | N  |
            X   | Y  | N  | Y  | Y  | Y  |
 Mode       IS  | N  | N  | Y  | Y  | N  |
 Requested  IX  | Y  | N  | Y  | Y  | Y  |
            SIX | Y  | N  | Y  | Y  | N  |

7.2 Data Structures

The following  data structures are maintained  by the Per-Process
Lock Management Routines:

1.  Lock Hierarchy

This is a list of pairs  of the form (Child, Parent), where Child
and Parent  are both lock  identifiers, and the  pair defines the
obvious  relationship between  the lock  identifiers in  the lock

2.  Lock List

A  list of  lock identifiers of  objects currently  locked by the
process, and the mode held for each.

7.3 Services

The  following  are  services  provided by  the  Per-Process Lock
Management routines.

1.  Define Hierarchy

This service is used to define a parent-child relationship in the
lock hierarchy.  The information required is the lock identifiers
of  the  two  objects  concerned.   This  service  validates  the
information  provided, and  enters it into  the hierarchy tables.
The rules for using this service are as follows:

       o  Before calling this service  for a (Child, Parent) pair
          of lock identifiers, the  Parent must have been defined
          as a Child in a previous call.  This is not required if

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

          the Parent  is Null (i.e.,  the Child lock  object is a
          root object in the locking hierarchy).

       o  No non-root object may be locked in any mode unless its
          parent has  been defined as  a Child in a  call to this
          service.   A root  object is  an object  in the locking
          hierarchy which has a null parent.

       o  No object may  have more than one parent  object in the
          lock hierarchy.

2.  Lock Object

This service locks  a specified object in a  specified mode.  The
information required  is the lock  identifier of the  object, the
lock identifier  of the parent  of the object (this  may be Null,
but only for a root object), the mode requested for a lock, and a
time-out value  indicating how long  the process should  wait for
the lock.  The  information returned by this service  is a status
code  indicating  successful locking,  and the  mode of  the lock
acquired.   The  mode acquired  can  be different  from  the mode
requested in two cases.  First, it may be unnecessary to lock the
object  because of  a lock currently  held on an  ancestor of the
lock in the locking hierarchy.  Second, the process may currently
hold a  lock on the  object, necessitating a  different lock than
requested.  An example of the latter  is the case where a process
holds  an S  lock on an  object and  requests an IX  lock on that
object.  The object will then be locked in SIX mode, as indicated
by the Lock Conversion Matrix, above.

The functions performed by this service are as follows:

       o  If the object is a  root object (null parent), validate
          that it  is not defined in  the hierarchy as otherwise.
          Then acquire the lock, as described below.

       o  If  the  object is  not  a root  object, walk  the lock
          hierarchy from  the root for this  object to the parent
          of this object,  in that order.  The goal  of this walk
          is  to acquire  a lock in  mode Transform  (M) for each
          ancestor object, where M is  the mode requested for the
          object.    For  each   ancestor  encountered,   do  the

            -  If M'  is the mode  of the lock  currently held on
               the  ancestor,  then  no  additional  lock  on the
               ancestor is required in the case that

                    Conversion Matrix (Transform (M), M') = M

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

            -  Otherwise, acquire  a lock on  the ancestor object
               in mode

                    Conversion Matrix (Transform (M), M')

            -  If any ancestor  is found with a lock  in mode M',
               and the value of

                    Need-to-Lock (M, M')

               is N, then no further action is required.  In this
               circumstance, the Per-Process Lock Manager returns
               to  its called  with a successful  status code and
               null mode.

       o  A lock is acquired as follows:

            -  If M' is  the mode of the lock  currently held for
               the  object  (this  may  be Null),  return  to the
               immediate caller with a successful status mode and
               M' mode  if Conversion Matrix (M,  M') = M' (i.e.,
               lock is already held in the required state).

            -  Otherwise,  call  the  Per-System  Lock Management
               routines to  obtain a lock for  the object in mode
               Conversion  Matrix (M,  M').  When  these routines
               return,  pass  the  status  code  returned  to the
               immediate caller.

The rule mentioned above is  enforced here--namely, that before a
lock can be requested of any  non-root object, the parent of that
object  (and  hence all  ancestors  of that  object) in  the lock
hierarchy must have been defined by  means of calls to the Define
Hierarchy service.

3.  Unlock All

This service unlocks all locks currently held by the process.  It
purges  its  lock  tables  of all  entries,  and  then  calls the
Per-System Lock  Management routines to unlock  all locks held by
the process.

4.  Checkpoint

This service notes that a  Checkpoint has occurred.  It is called
by Recovery Management following completion of a Checkpoint.  The
information provided is the  Checkpoint identifier.  This service
merely passes  the information to the  Per-System Lock Management
Routines by calling the Per-System Checkpoint service.

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

5.  Unlock to Checkpoint

This  service  unlocks  all  locks  acquired  since  a  specified
checkpoint.  It calls the  Per-System Lock Management routines to
unlock these locks, and it uses the returned set of actions taken
to adjust its tables.

7.4 Implementation Notes

The  Need-to-Lock  Matrix and  the  logic which  uses it  are not
strictly  necessary, but  have been  included for  efficiency, as
employing  this  logic  reduces  calls  to  the  Per-System  Lock
Manager.  An alternative method would be for the Per-Process Lock
Manager to do the following when a lock on an object is requested
in  mode M.   Beginning at  the root,  lock each  ancestor of the
object in the mode Parent Transform  (M), from root to the parent
of the  object, in that  order; then lock  the object in  mode M.
The  method described  above depends critically  on the following
attributes of  the locking strategy.   First, that all  locks are
held until the end of a  transaction, when they are released as a
unit.  Second, when a transaction is rolled-back to a Checkpoint,
all locks released  are released as a unit.   If these attributes
are altered, the method described above will not work.

The  Transform described  above is  the weakest  of several valid
transforms.  A stronger valid transform  requires IX mode for all
ancestors,  under  the  assumption that  a  lock in  X  mode will
probably  be required  of the object  at some  point.  The method
described  above  works for  either  transform, and,  indeed, for
several  others.   The  choice  of a  transform  is  based  on an
intuition about likely lock scenarios.  It could be tuned easily,
based  on experience.   Indeed, different transforms  could be in
effect for different data bases, users, or transactions.


The following example illustrates  how the Lock Manager described
above  might   be  used  to  control   concurrency  on  a  simple
application.  Suppose the following hierarchy is established:

          Data Base => File => Record => Field

The following assignment of lock identifiers is possible:

       o  Each lock identifier is of the  form (A, B, C), where A
          is  the logical  identifer of a  file, and B  and C are
          integers (i.e.,  the bit string which  forms the second
          part of the generic Lock Identifier described above has

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-558
DM: Lock Manager Design

          been divided into two numeric fields).

       o  The lock identifier associated with  a Data Base is (D,
          0, 0),  where D is a  canonical control file associated
          with the  data base.  It  is assumed that  this control
          file contains no data.

       o  Assuming  that each  file is  implemented as  a Multics
          multi-segment file, the lock identifier associated with
          a file is (F, 0, 0),  where F is the first component of
          the multi-segment file.

       o  The lock identifier for a record  is (F, R, 0), where F
          is  the first  component of  the multi-segment  file in
          which  the record  resides, and R  is the  index of the
          record in that file.

       o  The lock identifier  for a field is (F,  R, B), where F
          is  the first  component of  the multi-segment  file in
          which the record resides, R  is the index of the record
          to which the  field belongs in that file,  and B is the
          bit offset of the field within the record.

If the application is such  that the functional unit of operation
is a field within a record, and hence the typical lock request is
for a field, then the following operations are required:

       o  When a Data  Base is opened, define the  Data Base lock
          identifier with Null Parent.

       o  When a File is opened,  define the File lock identifier
          with  the appropriate  Data Base  lock identifier  as a

       o  When  a  Record  is  accessed, define  the  Record lock
          identifier with the appropriate File lock identifier as
          a parent.

       o  Before reading  the contents of a  Field, obtain a lock
          with mode S on the identifier representing the Field.

       o  Before writing  the contents of a  Field, obtain a lock
          with mode X on the identifier representing the Field.

An intelligently designed application  could use the lock manager
to  greater  advantage,  as  the  following  example illustrates.
Suppose that in the above  example, the record accessing routines
knew whether the record requested was going to be modified (e.g.,
the semantics  of the application required  update to be declared
when accessing the record).   The record accessing routines could

MTB-558                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                          DM: Lock Manager Design

then lock  the identifier associated  with the record in  IX or X
mode at the time the record is accessed.  Locking the record in X
mode implicitly obtains X mode locks  on all of the fields in the
record.   Locking the  record in  IX mode  prevents the potential
conflict which would occur if the  field to be updated were first
locked in S mode, and then in  X mode.  In this case, the lock on
the  record (and  also on  the file and  the data  base) would be
upgraded from IS to IX.  Acquiring  the lock on the record in the
mode ultimately  required can prevent roll-backs  due to deadlock

This  example  is intentionally  simple  to illustrate  the basic
interaction  with the  Lock Manager.   It assumes,  for instance,
that  the information  needed to  access a  Data Base,  File, and
Record  never  changes, and  hence  there are  no  locks required
merely to find a particular Record.  If this is not the case, the
example could  be extended with  a locking hierarchy  on the data
structures  needed  to locate  individual records  (indices, hash
tables, etc.).