Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design To: Distribution From: Andre Bensoussan Date: 06/20/83 Subject: Data Management: Before Journal Manager Design ABSTRACT The services provided by the Before Journal Manager have been specified in MTB 559, in terms of a set of primitives callable by the rest of the system, with a detailed description of what they do and how to call them. This document describes in some detail how these primitives do their job and how the data structures they use are organized. The reader is supposed to be familiar with the following MTB's: - MTB-509: Recovery overview - MTB-511: File manager overview - MTB-559: Before journal manager specifications. Comments should be sent to the author: via Multics Mail: Bensoussan.Multics on System M. via US Mail: André Bensoussan Honeywell Information Systems, inc. 575 Tech Square Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 via telephone: (HVN) 261-9334, or (617) 492-9334 _________________________________________________________________ Multics project internal working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project. CONTENTS Page Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Before Journal Logical Records . . . 1 2.1 Logical Record Types . . . . . 1 2.2 Logical Record Contents and Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.3 Summary of the Logical Records Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Before Journal File Characteristics 11 4 Before Journal File Format . . . . . 12 4.1 The before journal header in CI zero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.2 The Control Interval Structure 13 4.2.1 The file manager ci_header structure. . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.2.2 The before journal bj_ci structure. . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.3 Elements . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.4 Logical Record Identifiers . . 17 5 Logical Records Storage and Retrieval Operations . . . . . . . . 18 6 Logical vs Physical Journalization . 19 6.1 Logical Journalization . . . . 19 6.2 Physical Journalization . . . . 20 6.3 File manager services . . . . . 21 6.4 Page Control Services . . . . . 22 7 Tables used by the Before Journal Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 7.1 Per Process Information . . . . 23 7.1.1 The bj_ppt structure. . . 23 7.1.2 The bj_ppte structure. . . 25 7.2 Per System Information . . . . 26 7.2.1 The bj_pst structure. . . 27 7.2.2 The bj_pste structure. . . 29 7.2.3 The bj_pn_table structure 35 7.2.4 The bj_check_in_table Structure . . . . . . . . . . . 36 7.3 Per Transaction Information . . 38 7.3.1 The bj_txt structure. . . 38 7.3.2 The bj_txte structure. . . 39 8 Table used by the Hardcore . . . . . 43 Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 1 INTRODUCTION The before journal manager is organized into a set of primitives, callable as a set of before_journal_manager_$ entry points. These primitives, in order to perform their job, have to write some information into the before journal or read some information from it. When writing, they prepare the data to be written in what is referred to as a logical record; then they call upon a storage utility module of the before journal manager to actually store the data in the journal. Each time the storage module stores a logical record into the journal, it returns a record identifier which can be used later to retrieve that logical record. When reading, these primitives call again upon the storage module, with a record identifier; they get back the logical record as it was presented to the storage module at the time the record was stored. 2 BEFORE JOURNAL LOGICAL RECORDS Logical records stored in a before journal are of various types depending on their function in the journal. Each type of record contains specific information stored according to a specific format. 2.1 Logical Record Types The following logical record types have been defined: o The "begin" type record, stored in the journal at the beginning of a transaction. o The "committed" type record, stored in the journal at the end of a transaction to indicate that the transaction has been committed. The transaction is in fact committed at the very instant the committed record physically appears on the journal. o The "aborted" type record, stored in the journal at the end of a transaction to indicate that the transaction has been aborted. The transaction is in fact aborted at the very instant the abort record physically appears on the journal. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design o The "checkpoint" type record, stored in the journal to indicate that the transaction has performed a checkpoint and to keep (or point to) the information describing the state of the transaction at the time of the checkpoint. o The "rolled_back" type record, stored in the journal after a transaction has been rolled back, partially or completely. It indicates up to which checkpoint the rollback has been performed; it also indicates that all I/O's generated by the rollback have been physically completed. o The "before_image" type record, stored in the journal each time a transaction is about to modify a protected file, to indicate what file is about to be modified and how to undo the modification if the transaction is to be rolled back. o The "rollback_handler" type record, stored in the journal each time a transaction is about to perform an action that could not be rolled back using the standard before image mechanism. In theses situations, the transaction stores in the journal the name of a procedure which would have to be invoked at rollback time to undo the action; the record containing the name of this procedure is called a rollback handler record; it also contains any input information needed by the procedure to do its job. o The "fm_rollback_handler" type record, used by the file manager as a specially tailored rollback handler. The file manager could have used the general form of rollback handler record described above. For ease of implementation, and for robustness reasons, it uses a special form of record. o The "fm_post_commit_handler" type record, used by the file manager to postpone an action until the transaction commits. A typical example of its usage is when a protected file is deleted in the middle of a transaction. Suppose that the file manager really deletes the file. If the transaction needs to be aborted a little later, it would be difficult to recreate the file as it was at the beginning of the transaction, unless the entire file was saved, just in case of an abort. Instead, the file manager does a logical deletion of the file, and makes arrangement with the commit mechanism to get control when the transaction is committed, in order to turn the logical deletion into a real deletion, as a post_commit action. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design There may be several post_commit actions awaiting for a transaction to commit. For each of them, the description of what is to be done is kept in a fm_post_commit handler record. This list of records associated with a transaction must be such that it can be available even after a system crash. Since records in the before journal have this property, the journal has been chosen as the place where to keep that list, even though the list is not needed for rollback purposes. o The "begin_commit" type record is used to indicate the beginning of a commit which has post_commit actions associated with it. The protocol is to write a begin_commit mark in the journal, then do the post_commit actions and then write the committed mark in the journal. As soon as the begin_commit mark is physically in the journal, the transaction cannot be aborted; it has no alternative other than executing the post_commit actions. If the system crashes while executing the post_commit actions, they will be re-executed by the recovery system and the transaction will be committed. Committing a transaction that has no post_commit actions pending is done without a begin_commit record. Additional record types may be defined later, if and when the need for new types arises. 2.2 Logical Record Contents and Formats All before journal records start with a header that has a standard format regardless of the record type; some record types consist only of the header; some other record types consist of the header followed by information with a structure which is specific to the record type. o The logical record header The header has the following structure: dcl 1 bj_rec_hdr aligned based, 2 type char (4), 2 tid bit (36), 2 process_id bit (36), 2 prev_rec_id bit (36), 2 prev_rec_byte_size fixed bin (24), 2 tx_rec_no fixed bin (35), 2 n_txn fixed bin; MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design where: "type" is the type of the record, i.e., one of the types described above. "tid" is the transaction identifier of the transaction which produced the record. "pid" is the process identifier of the process which produced the record. "prev_rec_id" is the record identifier of the previous record produced by the same transaction and still useful to the transaction. This record identifier is used by the rollback procedure to get before journal records in reverse chronological order for a given transaction. It consists of a [control interval number, slot number] pair. "prev_rec_byte_size" is the number of bytes of the previous record produced by the same transaction. "tx_rec_no" is the record number within the transaction. This item is redundant and is used to perform some consistency checking on the before journal. "n_txn" is the number of transactions still in progress and that have stored at least one record in this journal, at the time this particular record is stored in the journal. This item is used by recovery after crash in the following manner: To find all unfinished transactions, recovery after crash starts with the last record written in the journal, and examines all records in the reverse order of their production. With the n_txn item in every record, the last record indicates to the program how many unfinished transactions there are; as soon as this number of unfinished transactions has been found, it is no longer necessary to examine the rest of the journal. Without the availability of this information, the journal would have to be read until the origin is encountered. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design o The "begin" record The begin record consists only of the header. It has no type specific information. o The "committed" record The committed record consists only of the header. It has no type specific information. o The "aborted" record The aborted type record consists of the header only. It has no type specific information. o The "checkpoint" record The checkpoint record consists of the header followed by some information about the checkpoint. This information will be defined later, since checkpoints will not be available in the first release. o The "rolled_back" record The rolled_back type record has the following structure: dcl 1 bj_rolled_back_rec aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 checkpoint_no fixed bin (35), 2 last_written_rec_id bit (36); where: "header" is the logical record header. "checkpoint_no" is the number of the checkpoint to which the transaction was rolled back. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design "last_written_rec_id" is the record id of the last record produced by this transaction. It is kept for debugging purposes. o The "before_image" record The before image record has the following structure: dcl 1 bj_before_image aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 fm_uid bit (36), 2 fm_oid bit (36), 2 ci_no fixed bin (35), 2 n_parts fixed bin (17), 2 image_len fixed bin (24), 2 part dim (refer (bj_before_image.n_parts)), 3 byte_offset fixed bin (24), 3 byte_length fixed bin (24), 2 image char (refer (bj_before_image.image_len)); where: "header" is the logical record header. "fm_uid" is the file unique identifier of the file about to be modified. This identifier will be used by the rollback procedure in order to identify the file on which the modification has to be undone when using this before image record. Since the Multics file system does not provide a search facility to find a file by its unique identifier, the recovery mechanism (and more specifically the file manager) maintains a conversion table from file unique identifiers to file pathnames, for all files that may be needed for rollback. "fm_oid" is the file opening identifier of the file about to be modified. It is used by the rollback procedure when executing in the same process as the transaction to rollback. "ci_no" is the control interval number of the control interval which is about to be modified. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design "n_parts" is the number of parts about to be modified in the control interval. In this context, a part is a bit string defined by its byte offset within the control interval and its length in number of bytes. "image_len" is the length of the record in number of bytes. "part" is an array, with one entry for each part about to be modified. "byte_offset" is the byte offset, in the control interval, of the beginning of the part. "byte_length" is the number of bytes of the part. "image" is the concatenation of the bit string representation of all parts to be modified, in the order in which they are described in the part array. o The "rollback_handler" record This record has the following structure: dcl 1 bj_rollback_handler_rec aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 name_len fixed bin (24), 2 info_len fixed bin (24), 2 proc_name char (refer (bj_rollback_handler_rec.name_len)), 2 info_bits bit (refer (bj_rollback_handler_rec.info_len)); where: "header" is the standard header of any before journal logical record. "name_len" is the number of characters of the proc_name item found below. "info_len" is the number of bits of the info_bits item found below. "proc_name" is name of the procedure to be invoked. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design "info_bits" is the bit string representation of the input information that this procedure needs to do its job. o The "fm_rollback_handler" record. This record has the following structure: dcl 1 bj_fm_handler_rec aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 fm_uid bit (36), 2 fm_oid bit (36), 2 prev_fm_handler_rec_id bit (36), 2 info_len fixed bin, 2 info_bytes char (refer (bj_fm_handler_rec.info_len)); where: "header" is the standard record header. "fm_uid" is the uid of the file for which this record is relevant. "fm_oid" is the file opening id of that file. "prev_fm_handler_rec_id" is the record id of the previous fm_handler_record in this transaction. "info_len" is the length, in number of bytes, of the info_bytes item below. "info_bytes" is the information needed by the file manager procedure to do its job. o The "fm_post_commit_handler" record. This record has the same structure and contents as the fm_rollback_handler record described above. o The "begin_commit" record. This record consists of the header only. It has no type specific information. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 2.3 Summary of the Logical Records Formats The formats of the various before journal record types is given in terms of PL/1 declarations. dcl 1 bj_rec_hdr aligned based, 2 type char (4), 2 tid bit (36), 2 process_id bit (36), 2 prev_rec_id bit (36), 2 prev_rec_byte_size fixed bin (24), 2 tx_rec_no fixed bin (35), 2 n_txn fixed bin; dcl 1 bj_committed_rec aligned like bj_rec_hdr based; dcl 1 bj_begin_commit_rec aligned like bj_rec_hdr based; dcl 1 bj_aborted_rec aligned like bj_rec_hdr based; dcl 1 bj_rolled_back_rec aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 checkpoint_no fixed bin (35), 2 last_rolled_back_rec_id bit (36); dcl 1 bj_rollback_handler_rec aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 name_len fixed bin (24), 2 info_len fixed bin (24), 2 proc_name char (refer (bj_rollback_handler_rec.name_len)), 2 info_bits bit (refer (bj_rollback_handler_rec.info_len)); MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design dcl 1 bj_before_image aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 fm_uid bit (36), 2 fm_oid bit (36), 2 ci_no fixed bin (35), 2 n_parts fixed bin (17), 2 image_len fixed bin (24), 2 part dim (refer (bj_before_image.n_parts)), 3 byte_offset fixed bin (24), 3 byte_length fixed bin (24), 2 image char (refer (bj_before_image.image_len)); dcl 1 bj_fm_handler_rec aligned based, 2 header like bj_rec_hdr, 2 fm_uid bit (36), 2 fm_oid bit (36), 2 prev_fm_handler_rec_id bit (36), 2 info_len fixed bin, 2 info_bytes char (refer (bj_fm_handler_rec.info_len)); Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 3 BEFORE JOURNAL FILE CHARACTERISTICS Logical records of the before journal are stored in a data management file, accessed through the file manager. The contents of the file is to be manipulated by the before journal manager only. The type of file used for the before journal is referred to as a "circular sequential" file. Logical records are always appended to the end of the journal. They are never inserted in the middle, modified, moved, grown, shrunk or deleted. The basic retrieval modes are (a) sequential in reverse order, used by recovery after crash to find all unfinished transactions, and (b) random with a record identifier, used by rollback. When a transaction terminates, all before journal records that it produced become useless since the transaction should no longer be rolled back. As a result, after a certain time, the first n records of the journal become useless. When the file is full, the first n consecutive useless records are "erased" from the beginning of the file and their space is made available to continue to append new records. The beginning of the file is redefined to be at the first useful record. This is why the file used for before journal is said to be a circular file. Because of the special characteristics of Before Journals, a new file format and new access methods, which are tailored for circular sequential files have been defined, rather than using those, more general, defined for the record and index managers (MTB 552). MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 4 BEFORE JOURNAL FILE FORMAT A before journal is stored in a data management file, which is made of Control Intervals (CI's). It consists of a header for the journal, stored in CI zero, followed by a sequence of CI's containing before journal logical records. These CI's start with a CI header, which is very similar to the header used by the record and index managers. In each CI a variable number of variable length elements can be allocated, as for CI's used by the record and index managers; but the structure of these elements has been simplified for the before journal due to the sequential nature of the journal. 4.1 The before journal header in CI zero The before journal header is located in CI zero, after the file manager standard ci_header. Its structure is identical to the "bj_pste" stucture used by the before journal manager and described in section 7.2.2 of this memo. Bj_pste stands for "before journal per system table entry". The before journal manager uses a per system table with one entry for each before journal currently used in the system. The entry for a journal is referred to as the bj_pste for that journal. Some items found in the header are of permanent nature, such as the journal identifier, the CI size, the maximum size of the journal; they are used by the before journal manager to initialize the "bj_pste" structure when the before journal is made operational for journalization. Some other items are very dynamic in nature and change frequently while journalization is being performed. The values of these items are always up to date in the "bj_pste" structure and are updated in the header only periodically. They are used after a system crash, when the "bj_pste" is no longer available, as a starting point to find out where the end of the journal was at the time of the crash. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 4.2 The Control Interval Structure Like all control intervals, control intervals of a before journal start with a standard file manager 4-word header, referred to as the "ci_header". It is followed by a structure specific to before journal control intervals. 4.2.1 THE FILE MANAGER CI_HEADER STRUCTURE. The ci_header structure is maintained by the file manager. It is described in detail in MTB-554; it is given here for the reader's convenience. dcl 1 ci_header aligned based, 2 stamp, 3 version bit (9) unal, 3 bj_idx fixed bin (9) uns unal, 3 time_modified fixed bin (53) unal, 2 id, 3 uid bit (36), 3 size_code unal, 4 exponent fixed bin (6) uns, 4 addon fixed bin (3) uns, 3 num fixed bin (27) uns unal; where: "ci_header.stamp.version" is a version number for this structure. "ci_header.stamp.bj_idx" is always zero for unprotected files; therefore it is zero for a before journal. For protected files, it indicates the index of the before journal used to modify the control interval. This index is the index of the journal in the per-system table (See section 7.2); it is also the index of the entry, in the dm_journal hardcore table, which contains the time stamp used by page control to determine if the control interval should be held in main memory or if it may be written to disk (See section 8). MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design "ci_header.time_modified" is clock value at the time the file manager did the last modification to the control interval. Since records are only appended to the journal, control intervals in the journal have a monotonically increasing time value. This property is used by recovery after crash to determine where the end of the journal was at the time of the crash. "" is the file unique identifier. The file manager automatically stores it in all control intervals of the file. "" specifies the size of the control interval in number of bytes, using "exponent" and "addon", according to the following expression: Size = (64 + 8 * addon) * 2 ** exponent. "" is the control interval number of the control interval. The ci_header contains the full identifier of the control interval: file uid and ci number. 4.2.2 THE BEFORE JOURNAL BJ_CI STRUCTURE. dcl 1 bj_ci based aligned, 2 header1 like ci_header, 2 header2, 3 layout_type bit (36), 3 first_rec_id bit (36), 3 n_slots fixed bin (17) unal, 3 first_is_contn bit (1) unal, 3 last_is_contd bit (1) unal, 3 pad bit (16) unal, 3 n_bi fixed bin (35), 3 reserved bit (36) dim (4), 2 slot dim (1:1000), 3 offset fixed bin (18) uns unal, 3 length fixed bin (18) uns unal; where: Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design "header1" is the file manager ci_header described above. "header2" is the before journal manager header. Its items are described below. "layout_type" is a type indicating what kind of control interval it is. The various types used so far are before journal type and collection manager type. By convention, this type is always found after the ci_header. "first_rec_id" is the record id of the logical record of which the first element of this control interval is the continuation. If the first element of the CI is not the continuation of any record, this item is irrelevant and its value is undefined. "n_slots" is the number of elements stored in the control interval. It is incremented by 1 only after the element has been stored. "first_is_contn" is a switch that, when ON, indicates that the first element is the continuation of a record that starts in a previous control interval. This switch is allocated in the same word as the n_slots item and is carefuly set in an atomic store operation which brings into existence the first element, the switch indicating it is the continuation of a record, and the record id of the record in which this first element belongs. "last_is_contd" is a switch that, when ON, indicates that the last element of the control interval is part of a record which is continued in the next control interval. Like the first_is_contn switch, it is allocated in the same word as the n_slots item and it is set in an atomic operation at the same time the n_slots value is incremeneted. "n_bi" is the number of before images that have been stored in this control interval. It is used to keep a count of how many pages may be held in main memory until the control interval is known to be on disk. "slot" is the element postion table, which describes the position and length of all elements stored in the CI. The protocol to add an element into a control interval in an atomic manner is as follows: First, write the contents of the element in the CI, then store its offset and length in the next available MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design slot entry; at this point the element still does not exist. If the element is the first and is the continuation of the previous element, set the value of first_rec_id. Finally, prepare a word with the incremented value of n_slots and the appropiate values for the first_is_contn and last_is_contd switches and store the word in its location in header2. "offset" is the byte offset of the beginning of the element. An element may start at any byte, it does not have to start at a word boundary. This offset is relative to the "addressable portion" of the control interval, that is, relative to the beginning of header2. "length" is the length of the element, in number of bytes. 4.3 Elements The element_position_table describes all elements that are allocated in the CI. An element in the file is identified by its CI number (ci) and its index (ix) in the position table: element_id = (ci, ix) The first element in a control interval is the element with ix equal to 1. The last element in a control interval is the element with the highest ix. The first element of the journal is the first element of the first CI of the journal. The last element of the journal is last element in the last modified CI of the journal. Two elements are consecutive if (a) they are in the same CI and their indices differ by one or (b) one is the last in a CI and the other is the first in the next CI. When a new element is allocated, it is always allocated in such a way as to become the next element relative to the element that was the last element. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design An element is allocated in a CI in order to contain a logical record or part of it. When a logical record needs to be appended to the journal, a new element is allocated, in such a way that it becomes the last element of the list and the next element to the one which was last before the creation of the new element. Since an element is, by definition, entirely in one CI, it is possible that the size of the new allocated element is not large enough to contain the entire logical record. In this case the new element is used to store the first part of the logical record, and one or several new elements are allocated to hold the rest of the logical record. By convention, if more than one element is needed to store a logical record, all these elements are consecutive elements. Like in control intervals used by the record and index managers, whose storage is managed by the Collection Manager (MTB 552), elements come in fours flavors, depending on whether or not they contain a full logical record and on what part of the logical record they contain. An element may contain: - The entire logical record or - Only the first part of a logical record or - Only the last part of a logical record or - Only (one of) the middle part(s) of a logical record. The simplicity of the operations performed on the journal have led to the definition of an element structure simpler than the standard structure used by the Record Manager. An element contains no header, trailer or pointer to another element; it only contains (all or some) bytes of a logical record. 4.4 Logical Record Identifiers A logical record identifier is the element identifier of the element in which it is stored. If the logical record is stored in several elements, its identifier is the element in which its first part is stored. The other parts are stored in consecutive elements. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 5 LOGICAL RECORDS STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL OPERATIONS The Before Journal Manager has a utility module which provides a set of operations to store and retrieve logical records in and from a Before Journal. This module does not understand the contents of a logical record and views it merely as a bit string. This storage module and its primitives are described in detail in MTB-567: "DM: Before journal storage operations". It provides the following services: 1. Append a logical record at the end of a Before Journal and return the record id assigned to the appended record. 2. Flush the journal to disk up to, and including, a given logical record, and wait for I/O completion. 3. Get the logical record specified by its record identifier from a Before Journal. 4. Get the logical record that precedes the logical record specified by its record id from a Before Journal, with its record identifier. 5. Get the last logical record that was appended to a Before Journal, with its record identifier. 6. Recycle that portion of the journal which is no longer useful. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 6 LOGICAL VS PHYSICAL JOURNALIZATION When the Before Journal Manager is called to write some information in the journal, say it is called to journalize a protected file modification about to take place, it appends the appropriate logical record to the journal and returns to its caller with no guarantee that the appended record is effectively on disk. Logical journalization is completed after the record is appended to the journal and control is returned to the caller. Physical journalization is completed when the logical record physically appears on disk. The Transaction Manager must be aware of this distinction in order to correctly implement the commitment of a transaction. The Before Journal Manager, in turn, must provide adequate support for the Transaction Manager to deal with physical journalization. 6.1 Logical Journalization When the Before Journal Manager is called to store some information in the Journal, it manufactures the logical record and calls the storage utility primitive bj_storage_append, to append it to the end of the journal. The append procedure appends the record by storing it in a temporary buffer that looks exactly like the control interval in which the record is to be stored. When a new record needs to be appended, possibly by another transaction, it is put in the temporary buffer, and so on while the temporary buffer has enough room to accommodate the new record. For all these records, logical journalization is considered completed, even though they have not been stored in the journal file yet. When the temporary buffer is full, the append procedure copies it in the journal file, in the appropriate CI, by calling the file manager at its "put" entry point. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 6.2 Physical Journalization The physical journalization of a logical record start when the write to disk request has been queued; it is completed when the disk I/O is completed. The Before Journal Manager provides the "flush" primitive which allows the transaction manager to request that physical journalization be performed for all logical records appended to the journal by a given transaction: call before_journal_manager_$flush_transaction (txn_id,...) When issuing this call, the Transaction Manager requests that, for all records appended to the journal by the current transaction, physical journalization be started if necessary, and completed. What happens when the flush procedure is executed is described below. The before_journal_manager_$flush_transaction procedure determines the record id of the last logical record appended by the transaction to the journal. It finds it in the "bj_txte" for this transaction, which contains before journal information related to that transaction (See section 7.3). It translates the request into a call to its storage utility module, to cause physical journalization of all records of the journal, up to and including the last record appended by the transaction: call bj_storage_flush (bj_oid, last_record_id,...) The bj_storage_flush procedure keeps track of the last record for which physical journalization is completed, the last record for which physical journalization has been started, the last record which was copied from the temporary buffer to the journal file and the last record still in the temporary buffer. The sequential nature of the journal makes this housekeeping easy. By looking at the last_record_id passed by the caller, it can determine which ones of the following steps have to be taken, if any, in order to satisfy the caller's request: - Copy the temporary buffer into the journal file, if necessary. - Flush the necessary CI's. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design In order to flush the journal, the bj_storage_flush procedure calls upon a file manager primitive provided for that purpose, which causes physical journalization of a specified number of consecutive control intervals starting from a specified control interval of a given file. call file_manager$flush_consecutive_ci (pf_oid, first_ci, n_ci) The file manager, in the first implementation on top of multi-segment files, will call upon page control to really issue the necessary I/O's and wait for them. When "non-segmented files" are implemented, the file manager will probably be the "non-segmented file" manager and will be able to issue I/O requests and wait for them without going through page control. 6.3 File manager services The before journal manager expects that the file manager will provide the following services: 1. file_manager$flush_consecutive_ci (pf_oid, first_ci, n_ci) This procedure flushed a number of consecutive CI's specified by "n_ci", starting at the CI specified by "first_ci" in the page file specified by its opening id "pf_oid", and waits until all CI's specified by the caller are physically written to disk. 2. file_manager$open_by_uid (file_uid, file_opening_id) This function is needed by the rollback facility, when executed in a process other that the process which started the transaction. When a before image is recorded in the journal, the file is identified by its unique id; storing the entire pathname of the file in the before image would be too inefficient. So, the file manager is responsible for keeping a uid-pathname table with one entry for each file susceptible of being rolled back. The open_by_uid procedure starts by searching the uid_pathname table for the pathname associated with the file_uid passed by the caller; then it uses the standard open mechanism. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 6.4 Page Control Services In order to be able to rollback after a system crash with ESD failure, it is necessary to enforce a protocol referred to as the "Write Ahead Log" (WAL) protocol, which requires always writing a before image to disk before the associated data base modification is itself written to disk. In the current implementation, all control intervals are pages written out by page control. It is therefore necessary to have page control cooperate with the data management system in order to enforce the WAL protocol. This is described in detail in MTB-564: "Phasing Page Control and Before Journal". A short description is also given in section 8. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 7 TABLES USED BY THE BEFORE JOURNAL MANAGER During journalization, the before journal manager uses several tables in addition to the journal itself. These tables contain before journal information of 3 categories: - Per process information - Per system information - Per transaction information 7.1 Per Process Information The before journal manager uses a per process table, the pj_ppt, which consists of a header followed by an array of entries, one for each journal open in this process. This table is created and initialized at dm_per_process initialization. The bj_ppt table is read and modified by one process only; no lock is necessary. Modifications to the table are made by carefully written programs in such a way as to appear atomic, even if a process fails in the middle of an update operation. The PL/1 declarations for the bj_ppt and the bj_ppte are given below, with a short description for each item in the structures. 7.1.1 THE BJ_PPT STRUCTURE. dcl 1 bj_ppt based aligned, 2 version fixed bin, 2 max_n_entries fixed bin, 2 n_entries_used fixed bin, 2 highest_ix_used fixed bin, 2 default_bj, 3 user_set_oid bit (36), 3 last_opened_oid bit (36), 2 process_id bit (36), 2 process_ix fixed bin, 2 mod_list_area (100) fixed bin (35), 2 e dim (dm_system_data_$ bj_max_n_journals refer (bj_ppt.max_n_entries)) like bj_ppte; MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design where: "version" is the version of the bj_ppt structure. "max_n_entries" is the maximum number of "e" entries in this table. It is initialized with the value of dm_system_data$bj_max_n_journals, at dm_per_process initialization, when the bj_ppt table is created. "n_entries_used" is the number of entries used, that is, the number of journals opened by this process. "highest_ix_used" is the highest index of all used entries. "default_bj.user_set_oid" is the bj opening id of the journal established as the default journal in this process by an explicit call to the entry point set_default_bj in the before journal manager. "default_bj.last_opened_oid" is the opening id of the last journal opened in this process, and still open. "process_id" is the process id of the current process. It is set at dm_per_process initialization, and is used in any fast paths where it is desirable to save an external call to get_processid_ ( ). "bj_process_ix" is the index assigned to this process in a system table of the before journal manager, the bj_check_in_table. This table has 2 parts: The first part consists of an array of process_ids, with one used entry for every process registered in the before journal manager; bj_process_ix is the index assigned to the process in this array. The second part of the bj_check_in_table consists of a 2 dimensional matrix where each element (p, j) is a one bit element, equal to 1 if the journal with index j is opened by process with index p (See section 7.2.4). Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 7.1.2 THE BJ_PPTE STRUCTURE. dcl 1 bj_ppte based aligned, 2 version fixed bin, 2 bj_uid bit (36), 2 pf_oid bit (36), 2 n_opening fixed bin, 2 bj_pste_ptr ptr, 2 open_time fixed bin (71); where: "version" is the version number of this structure. "bj_uid" is the unique identifier of the journal. By convention, it is the same as the file uid. "file_oid" is the opening id assigned by the file manager to the data management file used to implement the journal. This file_oid is how the file must be referred to by the before journal manager when calling the file manager to perform a get, put or flush operation on the file. "n_opening" is the number of times this process requested this before journal to be opened, by calling the "open" entry point of the before journal manager. It is incremented by 1 each time before_journal_manager_$open is called, and decremented by 1 each time before_journal_manager_$close is called. When it reaches 0, the process is "checked out" of the per system bj_check_in_table, that is, its process_id is removed from the table of process_ids in the bj_check_in_table, and the number of processes using this journal is decremented in the bj_pste entry (See section 7.2.2). "bj_pste_ptr" is a pointer to the per system entry describing this journal, in the per system table bj_pst. "open_time" is the time this journal was open in this process. It is used to determine what the default before journal should be, when no default is in effect. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 7.2 Per System Information The before journal manager uses a per system table which consists of a header and an array of entries, one for each journal opened by at least one process in the system. This table is created and initialized at dm_per_system initialization. The table is referred to as the bj_pst, and an entry in the table as a bj_pste. Every bj_pste in use contains system shared information describing a particular before journal currenly in use by at least one process. If a given journal is open in several processes, each process has its own bj_ppte, but all these bj_ppte point to a unique bj_pste for this journal. Two bj_pste's never describe the same journal. The bj_pst and bj_pste's are shared by all processes executing in the before journal manager. Concurrent access to the same information is prevented by the use of exclusive locks. These locks must be fast to acquire and to release and they must not be held until the end of the transaction. The before journal manager must be able to set them and release them as required by its logic. Fast locks will be available for this purpose, modeled after the locks provided by "set_lock" but implemented with actual notification rather than with the calender clock. Two classes of operations need synchronization: Operations on the header of the table, to allocate or free an entry; and operations on a specific entry, to perform journalization on a given journal. A lock will be associated with the header, and a lock will be associated with each entry. Modifications to the header or to individual entries are made by carefully written programs in such a way as to appear atomic, even if a process fails in the middle of an update operation. The PL/1 declarations for the bj_pst and bj_pste structures are given below, with a short description for each item in the structure. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 7.2.1 THE BJ_PST STRUCTURE. dcl 1 bj_pst based aligned, 2 version fixed bin, 2 pad1 bit (36), 2 lock, 3 pid bit (36), 3 event bit (36), 2 time_of_bootload fixed bin (71), 2 max_n_entries fixed bin, 2 n_entries_used fixed bin, 2 highest_ix_used fixed bin, 2 pn_table_offset fixed bin (18) uns, 2 check_in_table_offset fixed bin (18) uns, 2 buffer_table_offset fixed bin (18) uns, 2 max_n_buffers fixed bin, 2 pad2 bit (36), 2 meters, 3 n_calls_begin_txn fixed bin (71), 3 n_calls_before_image fixed bin (71), 3 n_calls_abort fixed bin (71), 3 n_calls_commit fixed bin (71), 3 n_calls_rb_mark fixed bin (71), 3 n_calls_fm_pc_mark fixed bin (71), 3 n_calls_fm_rbh fixed bin (71), 3 n_calls_rollback fixed bin (71), 3 meter dim (9:50) fixed bin (71), 2 mod_list_area (100) fixed bin (35), 2 e dim (dm_system_data_$ bj_max_n_journals refer (bj_pst.max_n_entries)) like bj_pste; where: "version" is the version number of the structure. "lock" is a 2-word lock in the format assumed by the fast lock facility of the lock manager. The first word contains the process id of the process that has the lock. The before journal manager uses this lock to perform open and close operations. Any process doing an open or a close of the before journal must acquire the lock, and keeps it for the entire operation. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design "time_of_bootload" is the time the Multics system was last initialized. It is set at dm_per_system initialization using the value of system_control_$time_of_bootload. "max_n_entries" is the maximum number of before journals that can be "active" at the same time. This item is set at dm_per_system_init time to the value found in dm_system_data_$bj_max_n_journals. "n_entries_used" is the number of entries in this table actually used. "highest_ix_used" is the highest index in this table of all used entries. "pn_table_offset" is the offset of the uid_pathname table maintained by the before journal manager for all journals that are active, i.e., that have an entry in the bj_pst segment. This uid_pathname table is allocated in the same segment as the bj_pst. It is used by recovery after crash to determine what before journals must be recovered. "check_in_table_offset" is the offset of the bj_check_in_table. This table is allocated in the same segment as the bj_pst table; it is used to record what process has what journal open. "buffer_table_offset" is the offset to the bj_buffer_table. This table is allocated in the same segment at the bj_pst table. Each entry in this table is one page long and starts at a page boundary. Entry i is associated with the journal described in bj_pst.e(i), and is used as the buffer for that journal. "max_n_buffers" is no longer used. "meters" are various meters maintained by before journal manager procedures. "mod_list_area" is not used currently. "e" is an array of entries like bj_pste's. Each entry, when used, describes an active before journal. The number of entries of this array is specified by dm_system_data_$bj_max_n_journals. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 7.2.2 THE BJ_PSTE STRUCTURE. dcl 1 bj_pste based aligned, 2 version fixed bin, 2 bj_ix fixed bin, 2 lock aligned, 3 pid bit (36), 3 event bit (36), 2 bj_uid bit (36), 2 ci_size fixed bin, 2 max_size fixed bin, 2 active bit (1) aligned, 2 time_header_updated fixed bin (71), 2 earliest_meaningful_time fixed bin (71), 2 update_frequency fixed bin, 2 last_rec_id bit (36), 2 n_processes fixed bin, 2 n_txn fixed bin, 2 last_ci_info aligned, 3 last_ci_buffered fixed bin (24) uns, 3 last_ci_put fixed bin (24) uns, 3 last_ci_flushed fixed bin (24) uns, 3 last_ci_on_disk fixed bin (24) uns, 3 stamp_for_last_ci_put fixed bin (71), 3 stamp_for_last_ci_on_disk fixed bin (71), 2 n_bi_still_unsafe fixed bin, 2 n_bi_being_saved fixed bin, 2 buffer_offset fixed bin (18) uns, 2 pad1 fixed bin, 2 cl aligned, 3 origin_ci fixed bin (24) uns, 3 lowest_ci fixed bin (24) uns, 3 highest_ci fixed bin (24) uns, 3 number_ci fixed bin (24) uns, 2 append_state aligned, 3 current_operation char (4), 3 pending_n_txn fixed bin, 3 pending_last_rec_id bit (36), 3 pending_last_element_id bit (36), 3 txte_rec_id_relp bit (18), MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 2 pad_to_even_word1 bit (36) aligned, 2 meters aligned, 3 n_bi_written fixed bin (71), 3 n_bi_bytes_written fixed bin (71), 3 n_journal_full fixed bin (71), 3 n_successful_recycles fixed bin (71), 3 n_ci_recycled fixed bin (71), 3 n_txn_started fixed bin (71), 3 n_non_null_txn fixed bin (71), 3 meter (8:10) fixed bin (71), 2 pad_to_64_words (6) bit (36); where: "version" is the version number of the bj_pste structure. By convention, if version = 0, the entry is not used. While an entry is being initialized to describe a journal being activated, the value of version is 0. It is set to the non null value only as the last step of the journal activation. "bj_ix" is the index of this entry in the array of bj_pste's. It is used for consistency checking and also to get the index of the entry when one has a pointer to the bj_pste. "lock" is a 2-word lock in the format assumed by the fast lock facility of the lock manager. It is used always as an exclusive lock. All storage operations, i.e. append, get and flush must acquire this lock. A process can be working on only 1 bj_pste at a time, so there is no possibility of deadlock due to locks on 2 bj_pste's. The bj_pst.lock is set by a process that does an open or close operation; this does not prevent another process from acquiring the lock on a particular bj_pste for the purpose of doing an append, get or flush operation on a journal already active and not involved in an open or close operation. "bj_uid" is the unique id of the before journal described by this entry. It is copied from the before journal header kept in CI, when the journal is activated. "ci_size" is the control interval size for this journal, expressed in number of bytes. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design "max_size" is the maximum size of the journal file, expressed in the number of control intervals. "active" is a switch showing that the journal is active, i.e. that it is being used by at least 1 process. This switch is always ON in the bj_pste. The before journal header, bj_header in CI zero, has the same structure as the bj_pste. When this switch is ON in bj_header, it indicates that the journal is currently active, or that it was active in a previous invocation of the data management system, while the system crashed, and may contain information about unfinished transactions. "time_header_updated" is the calendar clock time at which the before journal header was last updated. The header is updated periodically to help finding the end of the journal after a system crash. "earliest_meaningful_time" is a calendar clock time also kept in the header to help finding the end of the journal after a system crash. Any CI whose time modified is smaller than this "earliest_meaningful_time" contains no useful information. This time is set to the current time when the journal is activated. "update_frequency" is a number indicating how often the header is to be updated. Updating the header consists of writing the bj_pste information into the bj_header structure in CI zero. An update frequency of N means that the header should be updated after N control intervals have been written. "last_rec_id" is the record identifer of the last record successfully appended to the journal. "n_processes" is the number of processes that have opened this journal. The journal cannot be "deactivated" while n_processes is greater than zero. The list of processes using the journal is recorded in the bj_check_in_table. Each process that has the journal opened has its process_id registered in the check_in_table. Dead processes have their process_id removed from the check_in_table by a "garbage collector" which automatically adjusts bj_pste.n_processes to the number of alive processes. "n_txn" is the number of unfinished transactions that have stored at least 1 record in the journal. The journal cannot be deactivated while this item is greater than zero, even if n_processes = 0. The reason is that all MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design processes that were using the journal may have died, but some unfinished transactions are still to be rolled back by the Data Management Daemon, using this journal. "last_ci_buffered" is the CI number currently in the buffer. When a CI is in the buffer, its info is not in the file. When the buffer is full, it is written into the file, by a "put" request to the file manager. When the put is completed, the buffer is initialized as the next CI of the journal, showing no element in it. "last_ci_put" is the CI number of the last CI copied from the buffer to the file. It is updated only after the buffer is completely "put" in the file. For a short time, the last_ci_put is equal to the last_ci_buffered. This is a legitimate situation, indicating that the buffer must be initialized with the next CI. "last_ci_flushed" is the CI number of the last CI for which a flush was requested. The I/O may still be in progress. "last_ci_on_disk" is the CI number of the last CI on disk and such that all previous CI's are also on disk. "stamp_for_last_ci_put" is the time stamp associated with the last CI put. It is needed by the flush function. "stamp_for_last_ci_on_disk" is the time stamp associated with the last CI on disk. This stamp is the stamp that is stored in the ring zero dm_journal_seg, in the entry associated with this journal (See section 8). It is used by the flush function. "n_bi_still_unsafe" represents the number of before images that have not yet been secured to disk. This number indicates how many data base CI's may be pinned in main memory. (It actually is an upper bound.) It is used by the "append" procedure to decide if the journal should be flushed because too many data base CI's are held in main memory, in order to allow them to go to disk. "n_bi_being_saved" indicates how many before images are actually being written to disk. It is used by the flush function. "buffer_offset" is the offset of the beginning of the buffer associated with this journal. The size of the buffer is the same as the size of the CI for this journal. In the current design, all buffers are one page long and start Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design at a page boundary. They are all allocated in the same segment as the bj_pst. "cl.origin_ci" is the CI number of the CI which is currently the origin of the cirular list. Each time the end of the journal is reached, the origin is "advanced" as much as possible, over all CI's that no longer contain useful information. "cl.lowest_ci" is the lowest CI number in the circular list. In the current design it is always 1, and does not change when the origin is advanced. "cl.highest_ci" is the highest CI number in the circular list. In the current design, it is aways equal to the last CI number of the file, and does not change when the origin is advanced. "cl.number_ci" is the number of CI's in the circular list. In the current design, it is always equal to the maximum size of the file minus 1 (control interval zero is not part of the circular list), and does not change when the origin is advanced. "append_state" contains information about the append operation, while a record is being appended to the journal. The information is used to make the append operation "atomic". Regardless of where a process may stop (or die) while in the before journal manager, if a record has been completely stored in the journal, all before journal manager control structures (bj_pste and bj_txte) are automatically updated to reflect the existence of this record. "current_operation" is a character string which is null while no record is being appended. It is equal to "appe" while a record is being appended. It is restored to a null character string after the record is completely stored in the journal, and the various structures (bj_pste and bj_txte) have been updated accordingly. "pending_n_txn" is the value that bj_pste.n_txn should have after the record is successfully appended. This allows for potentially redoing any number of times the adjustment of an interrupted append operation, even if the process crashes during the adjustment. "pending_last_rec_id" is the value that bj_pste.last_rec_id should have after the record is successfully appended. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design "pending_last_element_id" is the element id of the element about to be stored in the journal. Storing an element is atomic: storing the last element of a record makes the entire record appear in the journal in an atomic manner. The protocol is as follows: All storage operations are done under the bj_pste lock. If an append operation is interrupted in the middle, the process executes a cleanup handler which finds the pj_pste lock set to the process; if it finds that an append operation was in progress, it finds out if the last element of the record was stored. If it was stored, the relevant items in the bj_pste are updated and the record id of the new record is stored in the bj_txte, causing a more complete update of the bj_txte items later. Then the bj_pste lock is relased. If the cleanup handler is not given a chance to be executed, the process must execute a crawl out procedure to exit the data management inner ring. This crawl out procedure executes what the cleanup handler would have executed. In the worst case where the crawl out procedure is not given a chance to run, the process must soon be terminated. At a later time, another process will try to lock the bj_pste and will find that it is locked by a dead process; then it executes what the cleanup handler would have executed. "txte_rec_id_relp" determines the location, in the bj_txte, which must be filled with the record id of the new appended record, as explained above. It is a relative pointer in the segment containing the bj_txte. "meters" are various meters. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 7.2.3 THE BJ_PN_TABLE STRUCTURE The bj_pn_table is a table maintained by the before journal manager to associate the pathname of a journal with its unique id. For each journal which has a bj_pste, that is, which is open in at least one process, there is an entry in the bj_pn_table, with the pathname and the uid of the journal. For a given journal, the index in the array of bj_pste's and the index in the bj_pn_table array are the same. The bj_pn_table is necessary to perform the recovery after crash. It is the starting point, showing what before journals were open at the time of the crash. Therefore, this table must be modified using careful coding, so that it is never inconsistent; in addition, the table must be flushed to disk after every modification. It is the only table, with the uid-pathname table maintained by the file manager, which is needed by recovery after crash. The bj_pn_table has the following structure: dcl 1 bj_pn_table based aligned, 2 max_n_entries fixed bin, 2 bj_path_to_uid_relation dim (dm_system_data_$bj_max_n_journals refer (bj_pn_table.max_n_entries)), 3 dir char (168), 3 entry char (32), 3 bj_uid bit (36); where: "max_n_entries" is the maximum number of entries in the table. It is needed by recovery after crash. It is set at dm_per_system initialization. Its value is copied from dm_system_data_$bj_max_n_journals, and is equal to the maximum number of bj_pste entries. "bj_path_to_uid_relation" is an array with one entry for each journal. Entry i contains the uid and pathname of the journal described by entry i of the array of bj_pste's. "dir" is the directory name of the journal. "entry" is the entry name of the journal. "bj_uid" is the unique id of the journal. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 7.2.4 THE BJ_CHECK_IN_TABLE STRUCTURE The before journal manager maintains a table showing, for each journal that has a bj_pste entry, what are the processes in which the journal is open. It is allocated in the same segment as the bj_pst. It is not needed for recovery after crash and it does not have to be flushed to disk after every modification. It is initialized at dm_per_system initialization, with the rest of the bj_pst segment. The bj_check_in_table has the following structure: dcl 1 bj_check_in_table based aligned, 2 max_n_processes fixed bin, 2 max_n_journals fixed bin, 2 process_id dim (dm_system_data_$ bj_max_n_processes refer (bj_check_in_table.max_n_processes)) bit (36), 2 cross_proc_bj dim (dm_system_data_$bj_max_n_processes refer (bj_check_in_table.max_n_processes), dm_system_data_$bj_max_n_journals refer (bj_check_in_table.max_n_journals)) bit (1) unaligned; where: "max_n_processes" is the maximum number of processes allowed to do data management at the same time. This item is initialized with the value found in dm_data_$bj_max_n_processes. "max_n_journals" is the maximum number of before journals that can be described in the before journal tables, that is the maximum number of bj_pste entries. This item is initialized with the value found in dm_data_$bj_max_n_journals. "process_id" is an array of process ids. The number of entries in this array is determined by dm_data_$bj_max_n_processes. Each entry is either zero or contains the value of a process id. The first time a Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design process uses the before journal manager, its process_id is entered in this array. The index of the entry assigned to this process is used to identify the process in the cross_proc_bj table (See below). "cross_proc_bj" is a 2 dimentional matrix. Each element [p,j] has a one bit value; it is equal to "1"b if process with index p in the table of process ids has open the journal with index j in the array of bj_pste's. One might think that a count of processes associated with each journal would have been sufficent. In theory, this is true; but in practice, it is not possible to know, from a count, which processes are still alive and which processes are dead. This is the reason why, instead of a count, the list of process ids is kept for each journal. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 7.3 Per Transaction Information For each transaction in progress, the before journal manager maintains some information relevant to the transaction and the Before Journal associated with it. This information is kept in a system shared table which consists of a header, referred to as the bj_txt, followed by an array of entries, referred to as bj_txte's, with one entry for each transaction. The array of bj_txte's is an array parallel to the array used by the transaction manager to describe transactions. In fact, entry number (i) in the array of bj_txte's must be regarded as the extention of entry number (i) in the array of tm_tdte's in the transaction definition table used by the transaction manager. The bj_txt is created and initialized at dm_per_system initialization. Modifications to the structure are made by carefully written programs, in such a way as to appear atomic, even if a process fails in the middle of an update operation. The PL/1 declarartions for the bj_txt and bj_txte are given below, with a short description of each item in these structures. 7.3.1 THE BJ_TXT STRUCTURE. dcl 1 bj_txt based aligned, 2 version fixed bin, 2 max_n_entries fixed bin, 2 n_entries_used fixed bin, 2 pad_header_to_32_words bit (36) dim (29), 2 entry dim (dm_system_data_$ max_n_transactions refer (bj_txt.max_n_entries)) like bj_txte; where: "version" is a version number associated with this stucture. "max_n_entries" is the maximum number of entries in this table. It is initialized to the value of dm_system_data$max_n_transactions, when the table is created, at Data Management system initialization. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design "n_entries_used" is the number of entries currently used. "entry" is an array each element of which has the structure of bj_txte described below. 7.3.2 THE BJ_TXTE STRUCTURE. dcl 1 bj_txte based aligned, 2 tid bit (36), 2 bj_uid bit (36), 2 entry_state aligned, 3 last_completed_operation char (4), 3 ok_to_write bit (1), 2 owner_info aligned, 3 process_id bit (36), 2 operator_info aligned, 3 process_id bit (36), 3 ppte_ptr ptr, 3 bj_oid bit (36), 2 records_info aligned, 3 curr_checkpoint_rec_id bit (36), 3 first_bj_rec_id bit (36), 3 last_bj_rec_id bit (36), 3 n_rec_written fixed bin (35), 3 n_bytes_written fixed bin (35), 3 last_fm_postcommit_handler_rec_id bit (36), 2 append_state aligned, 3 current_operation char (4), 3 pending_bj_rec_id bit (36), 3 pending_n_rec_written fixed bin (35), 3 pending_n_bytes_written fixed bin (35), 2 pad_entry_to_32_words bit (36) dim (13); where: "tid" is the transaction id of the transaction that has been assigned this entry. It is initialized at the time a transaction begins. The entry number as well as the transaction id are assigned by the transaction manager and passed as input argument to the before journal manager. MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design "bj_uid" is the uid of the before journal used by this transaction. "last_completed_operation" is the last operation the before journal manager performed for this transaction. It is used for consistency checking. "ok_to_write" is a switch which is set ot 1 at the beginning of the transaction and turned off after a committed or aborted mark has been written. "owner_info.process_id" is the process id of the process which started the transaction. It is kept in the bj_txte even though the process may be dead. "operator_info.process_id" is the process id of the process operating on this transaction. In general this process id is the same as the owner's process id. However, if the process that started the transaction dies or abandons the transaction while the transaction is still in progress, it is the Data Management Daemon's responsibility to abort that transaction. When performing its duty on the transaction, the Daemon is said to be the "operator" of the transaction, and before being able to do any before journal operation, the bj_txte.operator_info items have to be initialized with information relevant to the Daemon process. "operator_info.ppte_ptr" is a pointer to the bj_ppte structure associated with the before journal used by this transaction, in the process which is currently operating the transaction. "record_info.current_checkpoint_rec_id" is the record id of the current checkpoint record. At the end of a checkpoint, a checkpoint record is written in the before journal. "records_info.first_bj_rec_id" is the record id of the earliest record written by this transaction and which is still of interest to the transaction. The before journal manager uses the following optimization: when a transaction begins, the bj_txte is initialized, but no "begin" record is actually written in the journal. The first_bj_rec_id is null. If the transaction commits or aborts without having written in the journal, no commit/abort mark is actually written in the journal. The first time a transaction writes a record (other than commit or abort), first_bj_rec_id is set to be the Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design record id of the record. When a transaction is rolled back, a "rolled_back" record is written in the journal, and its record id becomes the first_bj_rec_id, unless the transaction was rolled back to a checkpoint, in which case first_bj_rec_id retains its value. "records_info.last_bj_rec_id" is the record id of the last record written in the journal by this transaction. If no record was written yet, this item is null. "records_info.n_rec_written" is the number of records written by this transaction. It is used for consistency and metering purposes. "records_info.n_bytes_written" is the number of bytes this transaction has written in the before journal. It is used for consistency and metering purposes. "records_info.last_fm_postcommit_handler_rec_id" is the record id of the last file manager post commit handler record written by this transaction. For economy of mechanism, the information needed at post commit time is stored in the before journal as post_commit_handler records. The before journal manager threads them together and keeps the end of the thread in this item of the bj_txte. "append_state" contains some information to implement the atomicity of the append operation, with respect to the bj_txte items. When an append operation is interrupted, either the record is in the journal or it is not. The storage manager part of the before journal manager is capable of finding out; if the record was written, it updates the bj_pste items accordingly. The bj_txte.items relevant to the appended record are also updated using the same method as for the bj_pste. "append_state.current_operation" is a character string which is null when no append is in progress. It is non-null when an append is in progress. "append_state.pending_bj_rec_id" is the record id of the record which has just been appended. It appears here just after the storage manager has successfully appended the last element of a new record, indicating to the bj_txte manager that the record is in the journal and that the bj_txte items relevant to this record must be updated. If the append operation is interrupted in the little window after the record is appended and before its record id appears in this item of the bj_txte, the MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design mechanism described for bj_pste.append_state causes the bj_txte to be adjusted. "append_state.pending_n_rec_written" is the value that bj_txte.records_info.n_rec_written" should have after the record is successfully appended. This item is initialized before calling the storage manager to append the record. If the append operation is interrupted after the record appears in the journal, this item is copied into bj_txte.records_info.n_rec_written by the bj_txte manager adjustment mechanism. "append_state.pending_n_bytes_written" is the value that bj_txte.records_info.n_bytes_written should have after the record is successfully appended. Used as the previous item. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design 8 TABLE USED BY THE HARDCORE The dm_journal table is a ring 0 system table maintained by the hardcore support programs for data management. Its purpose is to provide page control with some of the data needed to implement the "Write Ahead Log" (WAL) protocol. It consists of three parts: o A header with various constants and counters for metering. o An array with one entry per before journal; the number of entries in this array is equal to the maximum number of before journals that can be open at the same time in the system. o An array with one entry for each page that can be held in main memory to honor the "WAL" protocol. The number of entries in this array is equal to the maximum number of pages that page control is willing to hold at the same time. It is the responsibility of the before journal manager to regulate the number of these temporarily wired pages by flushing before journals as required. The dm_journal table is in a hardcore segment whose name is dm_journal_seg and whose ring brackets are 0, 2, 2. The declaration for the entire table is given below, with a description of only those items that are relevant to the before journal manager. dcl 1 dm_journal aligned based, 2 lock bit (36) aligned, 2 wait_event bit (36) aligned, 2 notify_sw bit (1) aligned, 2 n_journals fixed bin, 2 n_journals_inuse fixed bin, 2 max_held_pages_mem fixed bin, 2 n_held_pages_mem fixed bin, 2 max_held_per_journal fixed bin, 2 per_aste_pool (0:3) aligned, 3 threshold fixed bin, 3 n_active fixed bin, 2 free_list_relp bit (18) aligned, 2 synch_write_calls fixed bin (35), 2 synch_write_holds fixed bin (35), 2 synch_write_invalid fixed bin (35), MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design 2 synch_write_tosses fixed bin (35), 2 unlink_calls fixed bin (35), 2 unlink_steps fixed bin (35), 2 activate_calls fixed bin (35), 2 deactivate_calls fixed bin (35), 2 activate_denied fixed bin (35), 2 set_stamp_calls fixed bin (35), 2 allocate_calls fixed bin (35), 2 free_calls fixed bin (35), 2 per_journal (n_dm_journals refer (dm_journal.n_journals)) aligned like dm_per_journal, 2 page_entry (max_dm_pages refer (dm_journal.max_held_pages_mem)) aligned like dm_page_entry; dcl 1 dm_per_journal aligned based, 2 time_stamp fixed bin (71), 2 n_held fixed bin, 2 uid bit (36) aligned, 2 access_class bit (72) aligned, 2 entry_relp bit (18) aligned, 2 pad bit (36) aligned; dcl 1 dm_page_entry aligned based, 2 fp bit (18) unal, 2 bp bit (18) unal, 2 cme_relp bit (18) unal, 2 journal_relp bit (18) unal; where: "dm_journal.n_journals" is the maximum number of before journals that may be "active", i.e. that may have a bj_pste entry, at the same time in the system. "dm_journal.n_journal_inuse" is the actual number of before journals currently active in the system. Multics Technical Bulletin MTB-560 DM: Before Journal Design "dm_journal.max_held_pages_mem" is the maximum number of held pages that page control is willing to honor. It is a constant defined at bootload time. "dm_journal.n_held_pages_mem" is the number of pages currently in main memory that page control would normally have written out but actually did not, in order to honor the "WAL" protocol. "dm_journal.max_held_per_journal" is the result of the division of dm_journal.max_held_pages_mem by dm_journal.n_journals_inuse. The hardcore maintains this item and updates it each time the number of journals in use changes. The before journal manager can read the dm_journal_seg_ from ring 2. It uses this item to make sure that the total number of held pages never exceeds the threshold allowed by page control. For each journal, it keeps a count of the number of pages currently held by the journal; when this count becomes greater than max_held_per_journal, it flushes the journal. "dm_journal.per_journal" is an array with one entry per journal. By convention, for a given journal, the index in this array is the same as the index of the bj_pste entry. Each entry has a structure defined by the "dm_per_journal" declaration. "dm_per_journal.time_stamp" is a clock value indicating that all before images produced in this journal up to this time are known to be on disk; any before image produced after this time is not on disk yet. Each time the before journal manager flushes a journal, it knows the value of this time stamp; it calls upon the hardcore to enter the time stamp in the entry with the same index as the bj_pste of the journal. When a file's control interval is modified, a before image is first taken, say at time T. This time T and the index of the journal are then stored in the header of the CI to be modified. Before writing out a page, page control compares the time stored in the CI and the time stored in the corresponding dm_per_journal entry. If the time in the CI is greater, it means that the journal has not been flushed far enough yet, and the page is to be held. Otherwise, the page can be written out. "dm_per_journal.n_held" is the number of pages currently in main memory that page control would normally have MTB-560 Multics Technical Bulletin DM: Before Journal Design written out but actually did not because of the time stamp in this entry. "dm_per_journal.uid" is the unique id of the before journal described by this entry. By convention, if it is zero, this entry is free. When the before journal manager "activates" a new journal, it calls ring zero, with the uid of the journal, to allocate an entry. Ring zero finds a free entry in the dm_journal, initializes it with the uid of the journal, and returns the index to the before journal manager, which uses it as a bj_pste index. "dm_per_journal.access_class" is the AIM access class of the process which activated the journal. In the current implementation, there is only one dm_journal table for the entire Multics system. It is not possible to use 2 data bases of different AIM classes in the same process. It is possible to have data bases of different classes in the system; however, this requires having one data management system for each access class. Each data management system would have its own set of bj_pst and bj_txt tables. Since the dm_journal table is unique for all AIM classes, it is necessary for ring 2 to ask ring 0 to allocate an entry and use the index assigned by ring 0. "dm_per_journal.entry_relp" is a relative pointer to the list of pages held for this journal. "page_entry" is an array with one entry for each page that can be held. It is not relevant to the before journal manager design.