Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

To:       Distribution

From:     Gregory A.  Baryza

Date:     16 March 1983

Subject:  Command Environment Extensions

1.  Abstract

This MTB describes  features and functions which can  be added to
the present Multics command  processor as extensions.  They allow
interpretive command  files (such as EC)  or special environments
(such  as LISP)  to be  invoked as  if they  were commands.  This
gives a  more uniform appearance  to the command  environment for
end-users and  damps the effects of  changes in implementation on
all users.

Comments on this MTB should be sent to the author -

     via Multics mail to:


     via posted mail to:

        Gregory A.  Baryza
        Honeywell Information Systems, Inc.
        575 Technology Square
        Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.   02139

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Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
distributed outside the Multics project.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section    Page  Subject
=======    ====  =======

1             i  Abstract
2             1  Introduction
3             2  Present Drawbacks and Limitations
4             3  Outline of Proposed Solution
4.1           3  . . Ground rules
4.1.1         3  . . . . Command Syntax
4.1.2         3  . . . . Localize Modifications
4.1.3         3  . . . . Effects on Subsystems
4.2           4  . . Nature of the Extension
4.2.1         4  . . . . Search List Ordering
4.2.2         4  . . . . Command Names
4.2.3         5  . . . . Transforming the Command Line
4.2.4         5  . . . . The commands search list
4.2.5         6  . . . . Interaction with the Command Processor
4.2.6         6  . . . . How Commands are to be Found
4.3           7  . . Unresolved Issues
4.3.1         7  . . . . Definition of the List
4.3.2         8  . . . . Erroneously Specified Search Procedures
4.3.3         8  . . . . Other Command Changes
4.3.4         8  . . . . Archive Component Access
4.3.5         9  . . . . Additions to Subsystem Commands
5            10  Commands
5            11  . . active_function_error
5            14  . . command_error
6            16  Entry Points
6            18  . . XXX
6            20  . . XXX$XXX_run
6            21  . . XXX$XXX_search
6            22  . . XXX$XXX_find_all
6            23  . . XXX$XXX_info
7            24  Subroutines
7            25  . . cmds_sl_info_
7            26  . . simple_cmd_search_
7            28  . . simple_cmd_find_all_
7            30  . . simple_invocation_
8            31  Include Files
8.1          31  . . cmd_pathnames.incl.pl1
8.2          32  . . cmd_search_info.incl.pl1
9            33  Sample Command Starter
10           36  Demonstration Facility
10.1         36  . . Implementation Status
10.2         37  . . Metering

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

2.  Introduction

The present  Multics command processor  distinguishes between two
classes  of  objects  in  the  virtual  memory:   those  that are
directly executable (i.e.  object segments), and everything else.
Objects  in  the first  class  can be  started running  merely by
typing  their name  because conventions have  been established to
find  out where  their initial  instruction is,  supply them with
virtual  memory space,  make their arguments  accessible to them,
and so on.

However,   many   items   in   the  larger,   second   class  are
"instructions" also  in a higher-level sense.   They are commands
to some interpreter (exec_com, ted, linus, etc.)  which functions
logically   as  an   abstract  machine.   In   these  cases,  the
interpreter is a member of the first type described above, and is
started executing by the command processor through the invocation
of  its name.   One of its  arguments is the  file containing its

This  dichotomy in  execution styles  is effectively  masked from
many users due  to the presence of the  Multics abbrev processor.
Rather than typing

     ec  foo  arg1  arg2  ..

each  time,  "foo" will  be made  to  look like  a command  via a
definition to the abbrev processor of the form

     .ab  foo  exec_com  foo

or  one  of similar  complexity.   Default arguments  or oft-used
options are frequent partners in this scenario.  Indeed, it would
surprise no  one if this  were to be  found as the  most frequent
raison d'etre for abbrev.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

3.  Present Drawbacks and Limitations

The use of abbrev for the  purpose of masking the indirectness of
command files, while very useful,  still leaves some things to be

     1) The   profile   segments   that   contains   each  user's
        abbreviations cannot be nested.   There is no search list
        to  say that  the abbrev  processor should,  for example,
        first  look  in  my  own profile,  then  in  one  or more
        profiles  located  elsewhere in  the  system.  Presently,
        each user has  a copy of the abbrev  definition line in a
        local profile.  More sophisticated users may have several
        specialized    profiles    with    common   abbreviations

     2) The processing  power available in  abbrev definitions is
        limited  to simple  text substitution.   More complicated
        needs  often resort  to invocations  of the  "do" command
        and/or "exec_com".

     3) A  change on  the implementation of  an invoked "command"
        can have widespread effects on the abbrevs used to get it
        going.  For example, in large applications systems, it is
        common  to "bread-board"  infrequently used  commands via
        exec_coms.   In  these  cases,  the  fact  that  they are
        exec_coms is disguised by also having the end-user create
        an  abbreviation to  invoke it  as a  command.  When this
        "command" is later converted  to compiled code, care must
        be taken  to eventually get all  the abbrevs removed from
        end-user's profiles.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

4.  Outline of Proposed Solution

This  section  summarizes  the  ground  rules  for  the  proposed
solution  and  indicates  the  general nature  of  the extensions
necessary  to   make  this  happen.    It  also  tries   to  give
implementation choices and areas which are open to further study.

4.1.  Ground rules

4.1.1.  Command Syntax

The  present Multics  command syntax  will not  change.  In fact,
most of  the present Multics  command processor will  not change.
There are about  a dozen lines of code that  do the external call
to find a  Multics command and invoke it.   These will be changed
to  use  the  extension  facility, but  the  user  should  see no

Note also that  this change is being made as  an extension of the
standard Multics command processor.   Therefore, nothing will get
in the way of user-written replacements, and abbrevs can still be
employed as they are now.

4.1.2.  Localize Modifications

The  implementation of  this extension  will try  to minimize the
effects on the rest of the system.  There are changes which could
be made to the search  facility, for example, which would greatly
assist this effort.  However, a  workable product can be designed
and installed with the search paths as they exist.  Therefore, no
such changes  have been proposed.   The only things  affected are
those in the path of command procedure location and execution.


(1) It is acknowledged that it will take longer under this scheme
    to determine that a given string  is not, in fact, a command.
    Depending  on the  system's response  time, the  user may see
    this effect.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

4.1.3.  Effects on Subsystems

Those applications now employing  ssu_ for their internal command
processing will see no difference.  The extensions mentioned here
will not  be available unless explicitly  referenced.  The single
exception is, of course, the use  of ".."  to escape to the full,
and therefore extended, Multics command processor.

4.2.  Nature of the Extension

4.2.1.  Search List Ordering

In order to  locate the object which is to  be "run" as a Multics
command, there will  have to be some way of  finding it.  This is
presently controlled by the order of directories(1) in the search
rules.  There is only one list to look through, and only one kind
of thing to look for.

Since the  intent of the  extension is to  allows exec_com files,
ted macros,  LISP environments, etc.  to  be invoked as commands,
it seems proper to go about  finding these objects in like manner
to object segments.  The mechanism for doing this already exists:
the  search_path_  entries.   In  fact,  this  is  the  discovery
mechanism which will be used.

The meta-problem  of what order to  utilize existing search lists
will  be solved  by the creation  of a(nother)  search list which
specifies  this precedence.   However, it will  be done  so as to
avoid  the  obvious  recursion   trap.   The  system's  (somewhat
spurious) distinction between search  paths and search rules will
also be cosmetically disguised.  This will resolve, on a per-user
basis, whether  exec_coms get recognized  before object segments,
and also resolve which kinds of names can designate commands.  It
also  allows  users  to  build their  own  interpreters  and have
command  files   for  them  found  and   interpreted  via  common


(1) Properly speaking,  "initiated segments" is  not a directory.
    Neither is "-referencing_dir", except in a generic sense.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

4.2.2.  Command Names

Besides  stipulating  the order  of the  other search  lists, the
extension must know  what suffix is to be  optionally appended to
the command name so that  search_paths_ can locate it.  There are
two reasons for  this.  First, the suffix name  is not always the
name  of the  command.  Exec_com files  end in ".ec",  but not so
with  the  list maintenance  panoply:  lister,  listin, listform.
Second,  this additional  information is  necessary if  we are to
support  user-defined interpreters  which have  unpredictable, or
null, suffices.

4.2.3.  Transforming the Command Line

Using an exec_com  invocation as an example, it  is apparent that
locating  the  file  of  commands is  not  sufficient.   In fact,
finding the file serves for  little more than establishing that a
command exists.  In  the case of exec_com, the  command line must
be  transformed  by  changing  the command  name  into  the first
argument of the argument list.  Other arguments must be displaced
one ordinal position upward.(1)

For  more  complex or  for user-written  interpreters, additional
reworking  of  the arguments  given  on the  command line  may be
needed.  Thus,  it seems desirable  to define one  other piece of
information:   a procedure  to prepare the  desired argument list
and forward the call to the target executable module.

4.2.4.  The commands search list

The  mechanism employed  to define  the order  of the  search for
"commands" will be a search  list.  It will be called "commands".
The search  paths which are  its members will  specify procedures
which will  be invoked in  order to locate commands  and to start
them executing.(2)  Specifying object segments  to do the work of
command location avoids the recursion problem because the command
search list cannot reference  itself without considerable work on
the part of the user.


(1) While this is the most  common expected transformation, it is
    not the only one which might be imagined.

(2) Note  that  the dictionary  search  list already  has segment
    paths  as its  members and MTB-565  provides for considerably
    more general objects as members of a search list.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

4.2.5.  Interaction with the Command Processor

It appears that,  in addition to the coding  changes necessary to
implement  the extensions  in the command  processor, several new
commands are necessary.

These  represent additions  to the  interpretive repertoire which
bring its capabilities up to  those of objects segments.  Many of
them mimic actions performed  by standard system subroutines.  An
example of  this is the active_fnc_err_  subroutine.  It is used,
among other things,  to notify the user that  a serious error has
occurred.    It   does   this   by   signalling   the  condition,
"active_function_error".   The  default error  handling  for this
condition suspends the execution of the procedure, and returns to
a new command level so that (presumably) corrective action can be

This  capability  is  not  presently  available  to  things  like
exec_com files.  Yet,  if they are to be  invoked from the user's
point of view as active  functions, this functionality is needed.
Without it, interpretive execution will remain a poor relative as
far as command development is concerned.  It should also be noted
that  this  capability is  especially  important in  the absentee
environment where establishing a new command level while handling
a command error is grounds for process termination.

4.2.6.  How Commands are to be Found

At  this point,  it seems worthwhile  to give the  rules by which
command  names   are  interpreted.   This   will  illustrate  the
interaction  between  what  the  user types  and  what  nooks and
crannies are examined  for the existence of a  command.  They are
applied in the order given.

     1) If the user types a command name containing an entrypoint
        name,  only  the  subroutine  "find_command_"  is called.
        This means that names of the  form, A$B, act like they do
        now.  They may only be used to invoke compiled (or bound)
        object  segments.   The rationale  for  this is  that, by
        Multics convention, this  form applies almost exclusively
        to  object  segments.   Hence,  there  is  no  purpose in
        looking for  anything but object  segments.  Furthermore,
        this rule  applies even when  the "A" part  consists of a
        relative or absolute pathname.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

     2) Otherwise,  the  name given  is  an absolute  or relative
        pathname, or  merely a "simple" name.   In this case, the
        procedures will be called in the order they are specified
        in  the "commands"  search list,  and supplied  with data
        from the  command processor's parse of  the command line.
        Each procedure is expected  to interpret the command name
        in the following manner.

        A) If  the  command  name  typed contains  a  relative or
           absolute pathname,  only the specified  directory will
           be searched.  The subroutine,


           will be used  to form the names.  If  the segment does
           not exist, the procedure will report failure.

        B) If the  name is not  a pathname, an  attempt to locate
           that name will be made via a call to


           The  particular search  list used  will depend  on the
           procedure  doing  the searching.(1)   If it  cannot be
           located, the procedure reports failure.

In all cases, the searching process will terminate as soon as the
first   eligible  candidate   is  found.(2)    Upon  finding  the
appropriate command segment, the procedure which found it will be
responsible for:

     1) finding  the  object  segment  in the  file  system which
        interprets this command segment,

     2) transforming  the  argument  list parsed  by  the command
        processor in a suitable fashion,


(1) The  searching procedures  themselves are the  members of the
    "commands" search list

(2) Eligibility  will  continue to  be determined  as it  is now,
    i.e.,   by   a   successful   access   of   the   object  via

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

     3) invoking the  object segment identified  above and giving
        it the transformed argument list to work on.

4.3.  Unresolved Issues

4.3.1.  Definition of the List

Since this is being proposed as an extension, it is possible that
the  "commands"  search  list will  be  included as  part  of the
system's standard search lists.   However, deletion of the search
list  may  cause problems.   It appears  appropriate to  have the
command  processor's  behavior in  the  absence of  this  list be
identical to its present actions.

4.3.2.  Erroneously Specified Search Procedures

Since  the  user  may  presently  place  any  pathname  into  the
"commands" search list, there is the  question of what to do when
that pathname points at an unsuitable object (e.g.  one that does
not  have all  the required  entry points).   Each time  the user
issues a command,  the command processor will attempt  to use the
procedures  named  in  the   "commands"  search  list  to  locate
commands.  If one or more of  these are unusable, the user should
be told the reason.  Warning the user at every command invocation
seems a  bit heavy-handed.  Not  saying anything and  just trying
the next  item in the  list may appear  to be too  forgiving.  As
noted previously, MTB-565 seems to hold a solution for this also.

4.3.3.  Other Command Changes

There are several commands which must be changed if this facility
is installed.  The  most obvious one is the  "where" command.  It
will have to  be modified to use the  same (new) command location
routines  as  the command  processor.   There are  probably other
commands with similar problems.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

4.3.4.  Archive Component Access

It is an open issue  whether the routines described herein should
search  archives as  part of  their normal  business.  While this
would  make  packaging of  exec_com libraries  easier, it  is not
clear  what  the   cost/benefit  trade-offs  or  representational
problems are.  The "ec" command  presently does not allow archive
components  as  part of  its first  argument.  However,  with the
mechanism proposed  here, it would be  possible to fake execution
from archives as far as the user was concerned.

4.3.5.  Additions to Subsystem Commands

In  many  ways,  this  extension  would  also  be  useful  in the
subsystem  environment for  the same  reasons it  is proposed for
normal  commands.  How  this is to  be done  within the subsystem
confines has not been thoroughly studied.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

5.  Commands

The following  pages describe several commands  which are used to
augment the facilities available to interpreted programs.  Please
note that  these commands are useful  in themselves regardless of
the attractiveness of the  command processor extensions described

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
_____________________                       _____________________

active_function_error                       active_function_error
_____________________                       _____________________


   active_function_error {code {name {error_msg {arg1 ...}}}}

FUNCTION:   Invokes the  active_fnc_err_ subroutine  from command
level using the arguments supplied on the command line.


   is a  character string which represents  the error status code
   to  be  used  in  reporting  the  error.   See  below  for its
   construction and interpretation.

   is the name  of the procedure or program  on whose behalf this
   error status is being reported

   is  a control  string acceptable  to ioa_.   It is  used as an
   elaboration of the error status message accompanying the error
   code defined as the first argument.

   are  character  strings  to  be substituted  into  the control
   string  defined  by  "error_msg".   For  further  details, the
   reader is  referred to the ioa_description  in the Subroutines
   Manual (AG92).


Before invoking the active_fnc_err_ subroutine, the code given as
the first argument must be found and converted into an acceptable
form.   Its internal  value is  found according  to the following

     1) If the argument  is the null string (""),  then the error
        status will set to zero.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
_____________________                       _____________________

active_function_error                       active_function_error
_____________________                       _____________________

     2) If  the code  is of the  form A$B, then  the command will
        attempt to find it via the normal system search rules.

     3) If "code" is a simple name  not containing a "$", then it
        is assumed  to be an  entry in the  standard system error
        table.  An attempt will be made to find it there.

     4) If  "code"  is not  given, or  if the  appropriate status
        cannot be located via either  of the preceding two rules,
        the     value     of     this     will     default     to

If the  second argument is  not given, the name  of the reporting
procedure   will    be   replaced   with    the   command   name,
active_function_error.   Note  that  the  most  commonly expected
value for this argument is the  name of the command file in which
it  is  embedded.   In the  case  of  an exec_com  file,  this is
represented by &ec_name.

If the reporting procedure's name is  a null string, or is blank,
then active_fnc_err_$af_suppress_name entry  to this routine will
be called instead of active_fnc_err_.

The   ancillary   message   text   and   substitution   arguments
("error_msg" and  argi), will not  be interpreted or  verified by
this command.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
_____________________                       _____________________

active_function_error                       active_function_error
_____________________                       _____________________


In the following  examples, the command line used  to invoke this
command is  shown as well  as what appears at  the terminal.  The
user should also  be aware that this command  will also cause the
"active_function_error" condition to be signalled in the process.
The default handler for this condition suspends execution, prints
the error message, and returns to command level.(1)  The terminal
output  which  this  engenders  is  not  shown  in  the following

Command:  active_function_error

Result:   active_function_error: A fatal error has occurred.

Command:  active_function_error "" Foo "Warning - missing data"

Result:   Foo:  Warning - missing data

Command:  active_function_error bad_date

Result:   active_function_error: The date is incorrect.

Command:  active_function_error mrds_error_$bad_ident ""

Result:   An identifier contains invalid characters.

Command:  active_function_error not_done print "Missing ^a" foo

Result:   print: Not processed. Missing foo


(1) The  user is  referred to  the Multics  Programmers Reference
    Manual,  AG91-03, chapter  7, "Handling  Unusual Occurences",
    for a more complete description.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
_____________                                       _____________

command_error                                       command_error
_____________                                       _____________


   command_error {code {name {error_msg {arg1 ...}}}}

FUNCTION:   Invokes  the com_err_  subroutine from  command level
using the arguments supplied on the command line.


   is a  character string which represents  the error status code
   to  be  used  in  reporting  the  error.   See  below  for its
   construction and interpretation.

   is the name  of the procedure or program  on whose behalf this
   error status is being reported

   is  a control  string acceptable  to ioa_.   It is  used as an
   elaboration of the error status message accompanying the error
   code defined as the first argument.

   are  character  strings  to  be substituted  into  the control
   string  defined  by  "error_msg".   For  further  details, the
   reader is referred to the  ioa_ description in the Subroutines
   Manual (AG92).


The  command functions  analogously to  the active_function_error
command.   The   arguments  to  it   are  subject  to   the  same
interpretation rules.  The major differences are:

     1) The default  command name is  "command_error" rather than

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
_____________                                       _____________

command_error                                       command_error
_____________                                       _____________

     2) The     command     invokes      the     com_err_     and
        com_err_$suppress_name   subroutines   instead   of   the
        active_fnc_err_ entrypoints.

     3) The  default error  handler for  the condition  raised by
        this command,  command_error, does not  suspend execution
        and force another command level.   It prints a message on
        the terminal  and continues.  Therefore,  if this command
        is  invoked from  within an  exec_com file,  it should be
        followed normally by an &quit.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

6.  Entry Points

The  following  pages  give  the specification  for  entry points
expected  of  procedures  that  implement  the  command processor
extensions.   The entries  described here  are not  the only ones
allowed,  however,  they will  be expected  by the  program which
drives the command search.

Assume  that  "XXX"  is the  name  of  a segment  in  the working
directory which  implements that searching  conventions described
in  this  document.  The  user  might add  it  to the  end  of an
established "commands" search list by issung the command

     add_search_paths  commands  XXX

By  definition,  then,  certain  entrypoints are  expected  to be
present  in  the segment,  "XXX".   Their names  are formed  in a
manner  analogous  to  that  used  by  the  I/O  system.(1)   The
following table gives, by example, entrypoints which are expected
to be present in this hypothetical "XXX" object segment.

Entrypoint            Type              Description
====================  ================  =========================

XXX                   command           This   entrypoint  prints
                      active function   information   about   the
                                        parameters  it   uses  in
                                        locating        candidate
                                        command segments  when it
                                        is invoked  as a command.
                                        As an active function, it
                                        returns     this     data
                                        (requoted  if  necessary)
                                        separated by a blanks.

XXX$XXX_run           subroutine        This subroutine  entry is
                                        given a  command name and
                                        is  expected to  find its
                                        location according to the
                                        search list  it uses.  If
                                        a  candidate  segment  is
                                        found,   this  entrypoint
                                        will start it running.


(1) For  example,  the entrypoint  used  by iox_  in  attaching a
    switch   under   control   of   the   vfile_   io-module   is

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

XXX$XXX_search        subroutine        This subroutine  entry is
                                        given a  command name and
                                        is  expected to  find its
                                        location according to the
                                        search list  it uses.  If
                                        a  candidate  segment  is
                                        found,   this  entrypoint
                                        returns      its     full

XXX$XXX_find_all      subroutine        This subroutine  is given
                                        a   command    name   and
                                        returns      the     full
                                        pathnames  of  all  items
                                        which    are   candidates
                                        under  any of  the search

XXX$XXX_info          subroutine        This  entrypoint  returns
                                        the  same  information as
                                        that supplied  by the XXX
                                        command.  It  is provided
                                        for    direct    use   by

The command,  active function, and subroutine  write-ups for this
hypothetical  "XXX"  segment  follow  in  the  remainder  of this

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
___                                                           ___

XXX                                                           XXX
___                                                           ___


   XXX {-control_args}


   [XXX {-control_args}]

FUNCTION:  Provides information on various parameters used by the
"commands" search list entry to locate command files.


-all, -a
   is equivalent to "-procedure -search_list -suffix".

-procedure, -proc
   returns  the  name  of the  object  segment which  is  used to
   interpret command files found by this procedure.

-search_list, -sl
   returns  the name  of the search  list used  to locate command

-suffix, -sfx
   returns  the  suffix  (possibly  null)  which  is  appended to
   command file names if not present.


If the subject  command does not use a search  path to locate its
command files, the search list value  will be a null string, with
one exception.  If  the system search rules are  used to find the
command  file,  the  value  returned  for  -search_list  will  be

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
___                                                           ___

XXX                                                           XXX
___                                                           ___

Invoking  the command  or active  function without  any arguments
will  return  all  available  information.  The  user  can obtain
information from all the modules  listed in the "commands" search
list (assuming they are all valid) by typing the command line:

     ([print_search_paths  commands])

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
___________                                           ___________

XXX$XXX_run                                           XXX$XXX_run
___________                                           ___________


This entrypoint  conducts a search  for a specific  command file.
If the search is successful, this entry will attempt to place the
first such file found into  execution.  Failure to find the file,
or  failure  to  place  it  successfully  in  execution  will  be
indicated by a non-zero status return.


declare XXX$XXX_run entry (char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));

call XXX$XXX_run (P_command, P_arg_list_p, P_code);


     is  the  command  string  which was  parsed  by  the command
     processor.  (Input)

     is the argument list developed by the command processor from
     the command line.  (Input)

     is a standard status code.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
______________                                     ______________

XXX$XXX_search                                     XXX$XXX_search
______________                                     ______________

NAME:  XXX$XXX_search

This entrypoint  conducts a search  for a specific  command file.
If the search is successful, the  pathname of the command file is
returned.   Failure  to  find the  file  will be  indicated  by a
non-zero status return.


declare XXX$XXX_search entry (char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35));

call XXX$XXX_search (P_command, P_pathname, P_code);


     is  the  command  string  which was  parsed  by  the command
     processor.  (Input)

     is the file system pathname of the command file.  (Output)

     is a standard status code.  (Output)

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
________________                                 ________________

XXX$XXX_find_all                                 XXX$XXX_find_all
________________                                 ________________

NAME:  XXX$XXX_find_all

This entrypoint  conducts a search  for a specific  command file.
It  will return  the names  of all  command files  which could be
considered candidates to be run.


declare XXX$XXX_find_all entry (char(*), ptr, char(8), ptr, fixed

call XXX$XXX_find_all (P_command, P_area_p,  P_version, P_list_p,


     is  the  command  string  which was  parsed  by  the command
     processor.  (Input)

     is a pointer to an area where the return info structure will
     be allocated.  (Input)

     is the version of the information desired.  (Input)

     is a  pointer to the structure  which contains the pathnames
     of  the  candidate command  files.  It  is described  by the
     include file, cmd_pathnames.incl.pl1.  (Output)

     is a standard system status code.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
____________                                         ____________

XXX$XXX_info                                         XXX$XXX_info
____________                                         ____________


This entry  returns information about  the parameters controlling
the search for command files.


declare XXX$XXX_info entry (ptr, char(8), ptr, fixed bin(35));

call XXX$XXX_info (P_area_p, P_version, P_info_p, P_code);


     is a pointer to an area where the return info structure will
     be allocated.  (Input)

     is the version of the information desired.  (Input)

     is a pointer to the  structure which contains the parameters
     controlling the  search for command files.   It is described
     by the include file, cmd_search_info.incl.pl1.  (Output)

     is a standard system status code.  (Output)

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

7.  Subroutines

The following pages describes  subroutines and data structures of
use to  those writing procedures responsible  for finding command
files and getting them into  execution.  These interfaces will be
made available as part of the standard command processor support.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
_____________                                       _____________

cmds_sl_info_                                       cmds_sl_info_
_____________                                       _____________

NAME:  cmds_sl_info_

This    subroutine     handles    the    processing     of    the
command/active function  invocation of  a procedure  named in the
"commands" search  list.  It is passed  the argument list pointer
of the command  and does the standard parsing  of arguments given
on the command line for the (say) "XXX" command entrypoint.


declare cmds_sl_info_ entry (char(*),   ptr,   char(*),  char(*),
                             char(*), fixed bin(35));

call cmds_sl_info_ (P_command_name,   P_arg_list_p,  P_procedure,
                    P_search_list, P_suffix, P_code);


     is the name of the command which was invoked.  (Input)

     is the argument list pointer of the caller.  (Input)

     is the name of the object segment used to interpret commands
     of this type.  (Input)

     is the name  of the search list which is  used to locate the
     command file.  (Input)

     is the suffix  which is appended to the  command name if not
     present.  (Input)

     is a standard system status code.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
__________________                             __________________

simple_cmd_search_                             simple_cmd_search_
__________________                             __________________

NAME:  simple_cmd_search_

This subroutine conducts a search  for a given segment name using
a   specified  suffix,   search  list  name,   and  command  file
interpreter name.   If the designated segment  is found, its full
pathname is returned (including suffix, if any).


declare simple_cmd_search_ entry (char(*),    char(*),   char(*),
                                  char(*), fixed bin(35));

call simple_cmd_search_ (P_command,     P_suffix,    P_list_name,
                         P_pathname, P_code);


     is  the  command  string  which was  parsed  by  the command
     processor.  (Input)

     is  the  suffix which  is  added to  the segment  portion of
     P_command (if  not present) when looking  through the search
     paths.  (Input)

     is the  name of the search  list which will be  used to find
     the command file.  (Input)

     is the full  pathname of the command segment  found by means
     of the search rules.  (Output)

     is a standard status code.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
__________________                             __________________

simple_cmd_search_                             simple_cmd_search_
__________________                             __________________


This routine will  stop its search at the  first segment found by
the  given search  rules.  If the  argument supplied  to hold the
full pathname  of the command  segment found is  not long enough,
the error status, error_table_$pathlong, will be returned.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
____________________                         ____________________

simple_cmd_find_all_                         simple_cmd_find_all_
____________________                         ____________________

NAME:  simple_cmd_find_all_

This subroutine conducts a search  for a given segment name using
a   specified  suffix,   search  list  name,   and  command  file
interpreter name.  It returns the  pathnames of all segments with
that suffix which "match" the command file name.


declare simple_cmd_find_all_ entry (char(*),   char(*),  char(*),
                                    ptr,   char(8),   ptr,  fixed

call simple_cmd_find_all_ (P_command,    P_suffix,   P_list_name,
                           P_area_p,     P_version,     P_list_p,


     is  the  command  string  which was  parsed  by  the command
     processor.  (Input)

     is  the  suffix which  is  added to  the segment  portion of
     P_command (if  not present) when looking  through the search
     paths.  (Input)

     is the  name of the search  list which will be  used to find
     the command files.  (Input)

     is  a pointer  to an area  where the  structure described by
     cmd_pathnames.incl.pl1 may be allocated.  (Input)

     is the version of the information desired.  (Input)

     is  a  pointer to  the  structure giving  all  the candidate
     command files.  (Output)

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions
____________________                         ____________________

simple_cmd_find_all_                         simple_cmd_find_all_
____________________                         ____________________

     is a standard status code.  (Output)

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions
__________________                             __________________

simple_invocation_                             simple_invocation_
__________________                             __________________

NAME:  simple_invocation_

This subroutine inserts a pathname into an existing argument list
at  the  front.  It  then passes  this new  argument list  to the
object segment whose name is specified as its first argument.


declare   simple_invocation_ entry (char(*), char(*),  ptr, fixed

call simple_invocation_ (P_processor_name,            P_pathname,
                         P_arg_list_p, P_code);


     is the name of the interpreter for the command file given as
     the second argument.  (Input)

     is   the   pathname   which   is   to   be   interpreted  by
     P_processor_name.  It is to be  inserted at the front of the
     argument list pointed to be P_arg_list_p.  (Input)

     is the argument list built by the command processor from the
     additional arguments supplied on the command line.

     is a standard status code.  (Output)


The  subroutine,  find_command_,  will  be  used  to  locate  the
interpreter  given   as  P_processor_name.   Thus,   relative  or
absolute  pathnames  may  be  supplied as  well  as segment$entry

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

8.  Include Files

This  section  contains the  declarations and/or  descriptions of
several include files available for use with this facility.

8.1.  cmd_pathnames.incl.pl1

This structure is returned  by the XXX$XXX_find_all entrypoint of
the "commands" search list entry.

/* Begin include file ...  cmd_pathnames.incl.pl1 */

dcl  cmd_pathnames_version_1
                          char (8) internal static
                          options (constant) init ("cmdpn_1");

dcl  cmd_pathnames_p      ptr;

dcl  cmd_pathnames_count  fixed bin (17);

dcl  1  cmd_pathnames     aligned based (cmd_pathnames_p),
        2  version        char (8),
        2  entryname      char (32),
        2  count          fixed bin (35),
        2  directory      char (168)
                          dimension (cmd_pathnames_count
                          refer (cmd_pathnames.count));

/* End include file ...  cmd_pathnames.incl.pl1 */

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

8.2.  cmd_search_info.incl.pl1

This structure is returned by  the XXX$XXX_info entrypoint of the
"commands" search list entry.

/* Begin include file ...  cmd_search_info.incl.pl1 */

dcl  cmd_search_info_version_1
                          char (8) internal static
                          options (constant) init ("cmdsi_1");

dcl  cmd_search_info_p    ptr;

dcl  1  cmd_search_info   aligned based (cmd_search_info_p),
        2  version        char (8),
        2  suffix         char (32),
        2  procedure      char (65),
        2  search_list_name
                          char (32);

/* End include file ...  cmd_search_info.incl.pl1 */


The structure member, "procedure", is declared char(65) to permit
full,  32-character segment  and entrynames  with the dollar-sign

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

9.  Sample Command Starter

Using  the simple_cmd_search_  and simple_invocation_ subroutines
described  earlier,  it  is  possible to  give  an  example  of a
fragment  of a  procedure which  can be  added to  the "commands"
search list.  In this example, the object segment allows exec_com
segments  to  be invoked  as  commands.  The  properties  of this
procedure are given in the table below:

Property                    Explanation
=========================   =====================================

ec_cmd                      The name of  the object segment which
                            is entered into  the "command" search
                            list.   Also,   the  entrypoint  name
                            which print/returns parametric data.

ec_cmd_run                  Subroutine    entrypoints    in   the
ec_cmd_search               segment, ec_cmd, which  can be called
ec_cmd_find_all             by  the  command processor  to locate
ec_cmd_info                 command  files,  run  them,  or  find
                            information   about  how   they  were

exec_com                    The name of the system-defined search
                            list  which  contains  the  names  of
                            directories  to  be examined  for the
                            existence  of the  given command file

ec                          The   default  suffix   for  exec_com
                            command files.

exec_com                    The name of  the object segment which
                            interprets EC command files.

The  program  is rather  brief  since most  of  the work  is done
elsewhere.  A program of this form could be generated very easily
to do  most simple requests  of this kind.   The calling sequence
defined  in this  example, however,  is the  one presumed  by the
command processing extension.

NOTE  - the  entrypoints ec_cmd_find_all and  ec_cmd_info are not
shown in this sample program fragment.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

Once this program has been compiled  and is accessible, it may be
incorporated as another thing to look for by the command

     add_search_paths commands [where ec_cmd] -last

which places this after all  other default types of command files
to look for.

/* =========================================================== */

/* Data declarations - Parameters */

dcl  P_arg_list_p         pointer           parameter;

dcl  P_command            character (*)     parameter;

dcl  P_command_pathname   character (*)     parameter;

dcl  P_return_status      fixed binary (35) parameter;

/* Data declarations - Local, Constants, External Routines */

dcl  arg_list_p           ptr;

dcl  cmds_sl_info_        entry (char(*), ptr, char(*),
                                 char(*), char(*));

dcl  command_pathname     char(300);

dcl  cu_$arg_list_ptr     entry (ptr);

dcl  my_name              char(32) internal static
                          options (constant) init ("ec_cmd");

dcl  processor_name       char(65) internal static
                          options (constant) init ("exec_com");

dcl  search_list          char(32) internal static
                          options (constant) init ("exec_com");

dcl  simple_cmd_search_   entry (char(*), char(*), char(*),
                                 char(*), fixed bin(35));

dcl  simple_invocation_   entry (char(*), char(*),
                                 ptr, fixed bin(35));

dcl  suffix               char(32) internal static
                          options (constant) init ("ec");

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

/* This  entrypoint  is called  for  command and  active function
   information. */

     entry ()

     call cu_$arg_list_ptr (arg_list_p);
     call cmds_sl_info_ (my_name,   arg_list_p,   processor_name,
                         search_list, suffix);


/* This   entrypoint   is  called   by   the  command_processor's
   interpreter to get a exec_com command segment in operation */

     entry (P_command, P_arg_list_p, P_return_status);

     P_return_status = 0;
     call simple_cmd_search_ (P_command,   suffix,   search_list,
                              command_pathname, P_return_status);
     if P_return_status = 0 then
          call simple_invocation_ (processor_name,


/* =========================================================== */

/* This entry is used just to find the command location */

     entry (P_command, P_command_pathname, P_return_status);

     P_return_status = 0;
     call simple_cmd_search_ (P_command,   suffix,   search_list,
                              command_pathname, P_return_status);
     if P_return_status = 0 then
          P_command_pathname = command_pathname;


MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

10.  Demonstration Facility

In  order to  refine some of  the ideas presented  here, and gain
actual  experience in  the issues  which this  facility raises, a
demonstration implementation has been built.  It is available for
trial use.  Please contact the author, if you are interested.

10.1.  Implementation Status

At  the time  of the  writing of this  MTB, the  following is the
status  of the  items described  in this  document.  No inference
should be drawn as to the final form or disposition of any of the
items described here.  It is intended, at present, as a prototype

     A) The  commands,  command_error  and active_function_error,
        have been  written an incorporated into  a version of the
        module bound_command_env_.

     B) The module, command_processor_, has been modified to call
        interpret_command_   rather  than   find_command_.   This
        module is  driven by the  "commands" search list.   It is
        part of bound_command_loop_.

     C) The procedures  described earlier in  this document which
        assist  in  building  a  module  for  insertion  into the
        "commands" search list:


        have been  implemented and are part  of the demonstration

     D) PL/I  procedures have  been written which  conform to the
        protocols  expected  of  items in  the  "commands" search
        list.   They are  part of  bound_cp_extension_.  The ones
        presently available are:


        There  are  plans to  provide  for qedx  and  ted command
        files, and for saved LISP environments.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-612
Command Environment Extensions

     E) The "where" command has not  yet been modified to use the
        new searching conventions.

10.2.  Metering

Initial  tests  of  the  facility  have  been  done  to establish
overheads  incurred in  using this  mechanism.  Three  tests were
run.  In all cases, each  of the modules comprising the extension
was  compiled with  the options:   -map -table.   Some additional
speed-up  may   be  expected  without  these   options  and  with

     Test #1 - Invocations of "nothing$nothing".

               This shows the minimum  overhead introduced by the
               additional  routine  which  the  command processor
               must   call   to   properly   interpret  commands.
               According to the conventions  defined, this is the
               shortest path through command processing.

     Test #2 - Invocations of "nothing".

               This shows  the average additional  time needed to
               find  an  object  segment when  the  routine which
               invokes  then  is first  in the  "commands" search
               path.  This  will most likely be  the average path
               when there is a "commands" search list defined and
               object  segments  are looked  for  before anything

     Test #3 - Invocations of an exec_com which just returns.

               This  test was  done with 1)  the standard command
               processor explicitly invoking the "empty" exec_com
               and 2) by the new facility implicitly invoking the
               same exec_com via the  "-working_dir" entry in the
               "exec_com" search list.  In  this second case, the
               procedure  which interpreted  commands as exec_com
               file names  was the second item  in the "commands"
               search list.

No tests were  run with the facility in  place, but no "commands"
search list  defined.  The additional time  involved in this case
should be somewhere between that of tests #1 and #2.

MTB-612                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                   Command Environment Extensions

The  table below  gives some of  the results  of this preliminary
metering.  The  numbers are averages over  a thousand invocations
of the kind specified within a single driver file.

               Standard     Extended             
     Test      Cmd Proc     Cmd Proc        Delta
    Number         (ms)         (ms)         (ms)
    ======   ==========   ==========   ==========

       1         16.699       17.250        0.551

       2         16.065       16.927        0.862

       3        117.154      146.560       29.406