Multics Technical Bulletin

  To:       Distribution

  From:     Barry Margolin, Gary Palter

  Date:     June 29, 1983

  Subject:  The Mail Table, Revision 1


       The MR10.2 Extended Mail Facility  is required to allow mail
  by Person_id without Project_id.  Earlier plans were to implement
  this capability  using the User  Inquiry System, but  the current
  implementation of  inquire_ in EXL does  not have the performance
  that is necessary.  For MR10.2 we will therefore implement a Mail
  Table which will provide a  simple mapping from Person_id to mail
  address.  This MTB describes the implementation of this table.

       This  revision contains  changes to  the set_mailing_address |
  and  display_mailing_address  commands, and  the addition  of the |
  administrative           commands           add_mail_table_entry, |
  update_mail_table_entry,  and  delete_mail_table_entry.   It also |
  extends the mail table to allow multiple aliases for a mail table |
  entry.  In addition, the relationship  between the Mail Table and |
  the PNT has changed.  Change bars are included.                   |

  Comments  on  this  MTB may  be  entered  in the  System  M Forum
            >udd>Multics>Palter>meetings>Mail_System (mail)

  or sent by Multics mail on System M or MIT to:

  or by U.S.Mail to:
            Gary Palter, Barry Margolin
            CISL, HIS
            575 Technology Square
            Cambridghe, MA  02139
            (617) 492-7300
            HVN 261-9300


  Multics  Project  internal  working  Documentation.   Not  to  be
  reproduced outside the Multics Project.

                     Multics Technical Bulletin


       Currently  (MR10.1) the  Extended Mail  Facility provides an
  undocumented way for users to  have mail system aliases.  This is
  implemented    as   a    set   of   links    in   the   directory
  >udd>Daemon>mailboxes;  an   address  without  a   Project_id  or
  "-at <hostname>" is looked  up in that directory and  the mail is
  delivered to  that mailbox (there  is also a special  case in the
  network mail server software that treats links to Forum meetings,
  user-ring  segments  with a  ".mls"  suffix (mailing  lists), and
  entries  in  the   nonexistent  directory  >FORWARD,  specially).
  Changes  to  this directory  are  generally only  made  by system
  administrators, as users with sma  access would be able to divert
  other users' mail.

  3.  GOALS

       The MR10 PFS specifies that  users should be able to address
  mail by  Person_id, without having  to specify the  Project_id of
  the  intended recipient.   Thus, there has  to be a  concept of a
  default mailing address  for a user.  Our primary  goal is that a
  user may specify  to the system what his  default mailing address
  is,  and  that every  user's default  default mailing  address be
  determined by  his default login project.   This information will
| be kept  in the Mail Table,  which will be protected  by the ring
  mechanism.   At  one  point  we considered  implementing  this by
  moving the  above-described directory of links  into a lower ring
  (at least one customer has actually implemented this on its own);
  however,  the  number of  entries  that we  are dealing  with far
  exceeds  the  capacity of  a  directory, and  any  mechanism that
  implements network  addresses will be  as kludgey as  the current

       The link mechanism (described  in the preceding section) had
  the feature that a user could have many synonyms for his mailbox.
| It also  allows for entries  in the links directory  that are are
| not associated  with registered users.  Since  one requirement of
| this project is that every user  should be registered in the mail
| table, the tools used by  the system administrators when creating
| accounts must be taught to  check the mail table before assigning
| a  Person_id,  to  make  sure  that  there  is  no  conflict with
| already-assigned mail table entries or aliases.

|      Mail  table entries  which do  not correspond  to registered
| users have several uses and present several other problems.  They
| might be used for automatic forwarding of mail to other computers
| on a network, to allow mail to be sent to a mailing list or Forum
| meeting without requiring that the sender know that the recipient
| is  not  a  real  user,  or to  allow  incoming  mail  from other
| computers  to be  addressed to such  objects, even  if their mail
| software  makes  it difficult  to  use Multics'  syntax  for such

                     Multics Technical Bulletin

  addresses.  A System Administrator will  be able to add arbitrary |
  entries  to  the  Mail  Table, and  should  be  able  to delegate |
  maintenance of such entries to a specified user or users by means |
  of ACS segments.                                                  |

       One way in which we would like to remain compatible with the
  current mechanism is in  case-insensitivity.  Currently, the mail
  system searches  the mailbox links  directory first for  an entry
  whose name  matches the given name  exactly, and failing, searces
  for the  name in all  uppercase.  This is  convenient for systems
  that are on  large networks, as many of  the computers from which
  they  will receive  mail are  generally case-insensitive,  so the
  mail senders are very likely  to specify the case incorrectly.  A
  similar scheme should be implemented in the mail table.  In order
  to keep the  interface simple, it will be  considered an error if
  more than  one entry matches  a name case-insensitively  and none
  match it exactly.

       A final goal is that the  default mailing address be able to
  specify  network addresses,  mailing lists, and  anything else to
  which the mail system allows mail to be delivered.


       The  mail  table will  be  implemented as  an  ms_table (MSF
  managed by ms_table_mgr_), just as the PNT and URF currently are.
  Its pathname will be
  It  will  reside in  ring-2  so that  it  will be  protected from
  improper  updates.   Two  types  of  entries  will  exist  in the
  database:   regular  entries  and alias  entries.   The following
  information will be recorded in  each regular entry:  the default |
  project, a flag specifying whether the entry corresponds to a PNT |
  entry, the  ACS pathname, and the  mailing address.  In addition, |
  the first and last aliases will be recorded in the regular entry; |
  this  is  the head  and  tail of  a  doubly-linked list  of alias |
  entries.   Alias entries  will just  contain the  primary name, a |
  flag specifying whether the alias corresponds to a PNT alias, and |
  the  previous and  next aliases; any  lookups by  alias will just |
  return the same information it would have if the primary name had |
  been specified.  In the  mail_table_entry structure (described in |
  the  Documentation  section) the  flags.alias_entry  component is
  used to distinguish the two types  of entries.  In most cases the
  interfaces deal only with regular  entries; the exception is that |
  all the aliases of an entry  are deleted when the entry itself is |
  deleted with  mail_table_priv_$delete.  Aliases may  be added and |
  removed      by     using      mail_table_priv_$add_alias     and |
  mail_table_priv_$delete_alias.                                    |

       Users will be able to modify the mailing address information
  in  their  own entry.   Also,  if there  is a  non-blank acs_path |

                     Multics Technical Bulletin

| component then any  user with rw to the  segment specified by the
| pathname may update the mailing  address information in an entry.
  Whenever a  user's default project is  changed (either by logging
  in  with  the -change_default_project  control  argument or  by a
  system  administrator using  new_user$cg) the  default_project in
  the mail table will be updated.  In addtion, new_user will create
  an  entry for  a user  when he is  registered on  the system, and
  create  an  alias  entry if  the  user  is given  an  alias.  The
  remove_user command will delete  the appropriate entries from the
| mail  table.  The  add_mail_table_entry, update_mail_table_entry,
| and delete_mail_table_entry commands may also be used by adminis-
| trators to  maintain entries that are  not associated with regis-
| tered users or  to manipulate entries in ways  which normal users
| are prohibited.

       Three gate  procedures will be  provided to access  the mail
  table.  The  mail_table_ gate will be  the interface normal users
  will  use  to retrieve  and  update the  information in  the mail
  table.  In general it will  be called by address parsing routines
  in mail_system_ and  by the command provided for  users to update
  their mailing address.  The  mail_table_initializer_ gate will be
  used  by the  Answering Service  to update  an entry  when a user
  changes   his   default   project    while   logging   in.    The
  mail_table_priv_  gate will  be used by  system administrators to
  create and manage  the mail table.  In general  it will be called
  by existing  system administrative commands  (primarily new_user)
  and by commands  provided with the mail table  software.  See the
  documentation  section for  complete information  on these proce-


       The  following is  MPM-style documentation  for the commands
  and subroutines  associated with the  mail table.  Much  of it is
  not actually  intended for user  consumption, but is  included in
  this  document  as  internal  documentation  for  Multics  System
  Development.  For  instance, much of  the documentation describes
  installation procedures which should not be documented in manuals
  (but  probably should  be in installation  instructions), and the
  documentation for privileged entrypoints need not be published.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  set_mailing_address                           set_mailing_address
  ___________________                           ___________________

  Names:  set_mailing_address, smla

  This command is  used by a user to  specify his preferred mailing
  address,  which  will be  used by  the mail  system when  mail is
  addressed  to him  by his  Person_id alone  (i.e.  "sdm Opus", as
  opposed to "sdm Opus.Bloom").  The user may also specify that his
  mailing address  be reset to  the default, which  means that mail
  addressed to "Milo" will be sent to Milo.DProject, where DProject
  is  whatever Milo's  default project is  at the time  the mail is
  sent.   This  may also  be used  by users  who are  designated as |
  maintainers of other Mail Table entries to update these entries.  |


       smla {ADDRESS} {-CONTROL_ARGS}


            This  may  be  any  recipient address  accepted  by the
            send_mail                 command.                 Type
            "help >doc>subsystem>mail_system>" for more
            information  on  allowable  address  forms.   Only  one
            address may be specified, and this is incompatible with
            the -default_project control argument.


            Specifies  that  the mailing  address  be reset  to the
            default project.  This control argument is incompatible
            with the specification of a mailing address.
       -user NAME                                                   |
            Specifies  the  entry  whose  mail  address  is  to  be |
            updated.  The  name should be enclosed  in quotes if it |
            contains  whitespace.   If name  is  an alias  then the |
            associated  normal entry  is updated.   If this control |
            argument is used,  the user must have rw  access to the |
            ACS segment associated with  the entry.  (Default:  the |
            user's own entry).                                      |

  ___________________                           ___________________

  set_mailing_address                           set_mailing_address
  ___________________                           ___________________


            Either   an   address  or   -default_project   must  be
|           specified, but not  both.  The -default_project control
|           argument  should  not  be  used  if  the  entry  is not
|           associated with  a registered user,  because only users
|           have default projects.  If  this is attempted, an error
|           will be reported.

  _______________________                   _______________________

  display_mailing_address                   display_mailing_address
  _______________________                   _______________________

  Names:  display_mailing_address, dsmla

  Displays the  specified mail table entries.   The display will be |
  in the format used in message headers displayed by read_mail.  In |
  addition,  if the  mail table entry  specifies an  ACS segment to |
  allow other maintainers, this pathname is displayed.              |

  SYNTAX AS A COMMAND                                               |

       dsmla {NAMEs}                                                |


       Name                                                         |
            Specifies the  name or alias of  the user whose mailing |
            address should be displayed, or  the name or alias of a |
            mail table  entry for a  non-user.  If none  are given, |
            then this defaults to the  current user.  More than one
            may be given, and this command will display the mailing
            address for all of them (printing a warning message for
            any invalid ones).

  _________________                               _________________

  create_mail_table                               create_mail_table
  _________________                               _________________

  Name: create_mail_table

  This  command  is used  by  system administrators  to  create the
  initial mail  table.  It is initially  populated with information
  taken from the Person Name Table (PNT).




  The user must have access  to the gate mail_table_priv_, r access
  to the  PNT, and sma  access to >site>mail_system  in ring-2.  In
  addition, the access class of the  mail table will be the current
  authorization of the creator, so this user should be logged in at
  system_low (this may be ignored if the site does not use multiple
  AIM  levels);  the  command  will  attempt  to  set  dir  and seg
  privileges,  in  which case  the  mail table  will be  created at
  system low, regardless of the authorization of the creator.


  This command should generally only be needed once, the first time
  the system  is booted when  it is delivered,  or when the  a site
| first upgrades to MR10.2.  It must be used after the PNT has been
| created, but before the system is brought up for regular service;
| the  safest  way is  to run  it before  the Answering  Service is
| brought up.

  __________________                             __________________

  compact_mail_table                             compact_mail_table
  __________________                             __________________

  Names: compact_mail_table, salvage_mail_table

  This command  is used by  a system administrator to  fix the mail
  table after it has been damaged  or has become full.  As the mail
  table and the PNT contain a parallel set of entries, any time the
  PNT  needs to  be compacted  (using salvage_mstb)  the mail table
  should also be compacted.  This  works by copying the mail table;
  the old mail table is renamed to mail_table.MM/DD.HHMM.


       compact_mail_table {SIZE}


            This specifies the size of  the new mail table.  If not
            specified this  defaults to the number  of used entries
            (both regular  and alias entries)  multiplied by three, |
            which is close to  optimum for the accessing algorithm.
            In general, it is best to  keep the mail table the same
            size as  the PNT.  If  the size specified  is not large
            enough to  hold the existing  entries an error  will be
            generated.                                              *


  This  command  should  be  run before  the  Answering  Service is |
  brought up.                                                       |

  ____________________                         ____________________

  add_mail_table_entry                         add_mail_table_entry
  ____________________                         ____________________

| Name: add_mail_table_entry
| Adds an entry to the Mail  Table, and specifies its mail address.
| This command is used by system administrators to define names for
| mailing  lists and  other possible  mail destinations,  and added
| names for users, so that users  may send mail to these objects as
| if  they  were  other  users, i.e.   not  requiring  pathnames or
| Project_ids.  The name  must not already exist in  the Mail Table
| or the PNT, disregarding case.
|      add_mail_table_entry NAME ADDRESS {-CONTROL_ARGS}
|      name
|           is  a string  which specifies the  name to  be given to
|           this mail  table entry.  It must  be enclosed in quotes
|           if it contains whitespace.
|      address
|           is    a    destination    specifier,    as    used   by
|           set_mailing_address.  This is  the initial mail address
|           associated with the specified name.
|      -alias NAME
|           specifies an alternate name for the name being defined.
|           If this  control argument is  specified multiple times,
|           all the names are defined as aliases for the entry.
|      -acs_path PATH
|           specifies the ACS segment which controls who may update
|           the entry's mail address.  rw access to the ACS segment
|           indicates that a user may update the entry.  If this is
|           not specified  or is the  null string, only  users with
|           access to mail_table_priv_ may update the entry.
| e access to the gate mail_table_priv_.

  _______________________                   _______________________

  update_mail_table_entry                   update_mail_table_entry
  _______________________                   _______________________

  Name: update_mail_table_entry                                     |
  Modifies an entry in the Mail Table.                              |
  SYNTAX AS A COMMAND                                               |
       update_mail_table_entry NAME {ADDRESS} {-CONTROL_ARGS}       |
  ARGUMENTS                                                         |
       NAME                                                         |
            Specifies the name of the  mail table entry which is to |
            be updated.  The name must  be enclosed in quotes if it |
            contains  whitespace.   If the  name  is an  alias, the |
            associated normal entry is updated.                     |
       ADDRESS                                                      |
            is    a    destination    specifier,    as    used   by |
            set_mailing_address.  If this is  given, it becomes the |
            new mail address of the entry.                          |
  CONTROL ARGUMENTS                                                 |
       -alias NAME                                                  |
            Specifies an alternate name for  the entry.  If this is |
            specified multiple times, each alias is added.          |
       -acs_path PATH                                               |
            specifies the ACS segment which controls who may update |
            the entry's mail address.  rw access to the ACS segment |
            indicates that a user may update the entry.  If path is |
            the null string there will  be no ACS segment, and only |
            system   administrators   (anyone    with   access   to |
            mail_table_priv_) may update the entry.                 |
       -delete_alias NAME                                           |
            causes the  specifiedalternate name to  be removed from |
            the entry.   In order to maintain  consistency with the |
            PNT, this alias may not be the user's login alias.      |
  ACCESS REQUIRED                                                   |
  e access to the gate mail_table_priv_.                            |

  _______________________                   _______________________

  delete_mail_table_entry                   delete_mail_table_entry
  _______________________                   _______________________

| Name: delete_mail_table_entry
| Removes enties from the Mail  Table which are not associated with
| a registered user.
|      delete_mail_table_entry NAMES
|      NAME
|           is a string which specifies a mail table entry which is
|           to  be deleted.   It must be  enclosed in  quotes if it
|           contains whitespace.
| e access to the gate mail_table_priv_.
| In  order to  maintain consistency  with the  PNT, this  will not
| permit entries  which are associated with  registered users to be
| deleted.   If the  mail table  entry has  aliases then  the alias
| entries are also deleted.

  ___________                                           ___________

  mail_table_                                           mail_table_
  ___________                                           ___________

  Name: mail_table_

  These  entrypoints are  used by normal  users to  access the mail

  Entry: mail_table_$get

       Function:   This  entrypoint retrieves  a  specified mailing |
  address.   This  address  is  in a  form  suitable  for  use with |
  mail_system_ entrypoints.  The name  given is matched against the |
  names and aliases in the mail table.   If it is not found, then a |
  case-insensitive search is performed.


       declare   mail_table_$get   entry   (char (*) varying,  ptr, |
            char (*), fixed bin (35);                               |
       call mail_table_$get (name, address_ptr, acs_path, code);    |


       name                                                         |
            is  either the  name or  alias of  a Mail  Table entry. |
            This  specifies  the  mailing  adress  which  is  to be |
            returned.  (Input)                                      |

            is a pointer  to an address object which  may be passed
            to several mail_system_  entrypoints.  The structure of
            this object is internal to  the mail system, and is not
            documented  here; only  mail_system_ entrypoints should
            be used to manipulate this object.  (Output)
       acs_path                                                     |
            is  the pathname  of the  segment whose  access control |
            list specifies who may  update the specified entry.  If |
            this  is the  null string  then only  the owner  of the |
            entry  (if it  corresponds to  a registered  user) or a |
            user  with  access to  mail_table_priv_ may  update the |
            entry.                                                  |

            is  a   standard  system  status  code.    If  this  is
            mlsys_et_$ambiguous_address then the name did not match |
            any name  or alias exactly,  but matched more  than one |
            without regard to case.  (Output)

  ___________                                           ___________

  mail_table_                                           mail_table_
  ___________                                           ___________

  Entry: mail_table_$set

|      Function:  This entrypoint updates the a mailing address.

|      declare   mail_table_$set   entry   (char (*) varying,  ptr,
|           fixed bin (35));
|      call mail_table_$set (name, address_ptr, code);

|      name
|           is  the name  or alias  of the  mail table  entry whose
|           mailing address should be changed.  If this is the null
|           string, then the caller's mail table entry is updated.

            is a  pointer to a  mail_system_ address object,  or is
|           null.  If it is non-null  then it specifies the entry's
            new mailing  address.  The structure of  this object is
            internal to the mail system and is not documented here;
            appropriate mail_system_ subroutines  should be used to
            create  and manipulate  this object.   If it  is a null
            pointer,  then  it specifies  that the  mailing address
            should  be removed,  i.e.  that  mail addressed  to him
            should be delivered to his mailbox in his home directo-
            ry        for        his        default        project,
            >udd>Default_Proj>Person_id>Person_id.mbx (this  is the
            default if  the user has never  set a mailing address).
|           This  is only  permitted for entries  associated with a
|           registered Person_id.  (Input)

*           is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  _______________________                   _______________________

  mail_table_initializer_                   mail_table_initializer_
  _______________________                   _______________________

  Name: mail_table_initializer_

  This  gate is  used by the  Answering Service to  manage the mail
  table on behalf of users.  Only Initializer.SysDaemon.z need have
  access to this gate.

  Entry: mail_table_initializer_$set_dft_proj

       Function:  Sets the default project  field in the mail table
  entry  for  a  specified user.   This  is used  by  the Answering
  Service  when  a user  logs  in with  the -change_default_project
  control  argument.  This  ensures that if  the user  is using the
  default mailing address that his  mail always goes to his current
  default project.


       declare      mail_table_initializer_$set_dft_proj      entry |
            (char (*) varying, char (*) varying, fixed bin (35));   |
       call mail_table_initializer_$set_dft_proj        (person_id, |
            default_proj, code);                                    |


            is the  Person_id of the user  whose default project is
            being changed.  (Input)

            is  the  new  default  project of  the  specified user.

            is a standard system status code.  (Output)             *

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

  Name: mail_table_priv_

  These entrypoints  are used by system  administrators to maintain
  the  mail  table.   Access  to  this  gate  should  be  given  to

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$create

       Function:  This entrypoint creates the mail table.


       declare     mail_table_priv_$create     entry    (fixed bin,
            fixed bin (35));
       call mail_table_priv_$create (size, code);


            is the  number of entries  to be allocated  in the mail
            table.  For  best operation this should  be three times
            the number of  entries that will be used,  which is the
|           number  of names  and aliases that  will be registered.

            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


  The mail_table_priv_$create  subroutine is called as  part of the
  operation  of  the  create_mail_table  command.   If  a  site  is
  upgrading   to    MR10.2   from   an    earlier   release,   this
  mail_table_priv_$fill_from_pnt subroutine should  be called imme-
  diately after  this subroutine in  order to initialize  the data;
  this will also be done by create_mail_table.

  The process should have sma  access to >site>mail_system.  If the
  mail   table    already   exists   it   will    be   renamed   to
  mail_table.MM/DD.HHMM.  The process should also be logged in with
  an  authorization  of system_low  if the  site runs  multiple AIM
  levels; the access class of the the mail table will be set to the
  process' authorization.   If the process  has dir and  seg privi-
  leges enabled then the mail table  will be created with an access
  class of system_low.

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$fill_from_pnt

       This entrypoint  has been deleted, as  its functionality can
  be  provided by  the user-ring  portion of  the create_mail_table

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$add

       Function:   Adds  a  new  entry  to  the  mail  table.  This |
  entrypoint  will  not  add  aliases  for  existing  entries;  use |
  mail_table_priv_$add_alias for this purpose.                      |


       declare mail_table_priv_$add entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
       call mail_table_priv_$add (mte_ptr, code);


            is  a  pointer  to  a  mail_table_entry  structure,  as
            declared          in         mail_table_entry.incl.pl1.
    specifies  the  entry  which  is |
            being added.                                            |

       code                                                         |
            is a  standard system status code.   (Output) It can be |
            one of the following:                                   |
                0   The entry (or entries) was added successfully.  |
                 error_table_$unimplemented_version                 |
                    The  version component  of the mail_table_entry |
                    was not set properly by the caller.             |
                error_table_$id_already_exists                      |
                    The  name  component   specified  a  name  that |
                    already existed in the mail table.              |


  This subroutine is normally only called by new_user when a new ID
  is being registered on the system, and by add_mail_table_entry to |
  create an entry for a non-user.                                   |

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$delete

       Function:   Deletes  an  entry  from the  mail  table.  This
  should be done whenever a Person_id is deregistered.


|      declare  mail_table_priv_$delete   entry  (char (*) varying,
|           fixed bin (35));
|      call mail_table_priv_$delete (name, code);


|      name
|           is either a name or an alias.  This specifies the entry
|           which should be removed.  If the entry has any aliases,
|           then either  the primary name  or analias may  be used,
|           and all the entries will be deleted.  (Input)

            is a  standard system status code.   (Output) It can be
            one of the following:
                0   The entry (or  entries) was deleted successful-
|                   There is no entry with the specified name.


  This  subroutine  will  normally  be  called  by  the delete_user
| command prior  to deleting the user  from the PNT and  URF, or by
| the  delete_mail_table_entry  command  when  deleting  a non-user
| entry.

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$update

       Function:  Replaces a user's mail table entry.  The replace-
  ment mail_table_entry  should generally be  created by retrieving
| the entry,  modifying it, and then  calling this routine.  Alter-
| nate  names  may not  be  manipulated with  this  entrypoint; use
| mail_table_priv_$add_alias,   mail_table_priv_$delete_alias,  and
| mail_table_priv_$get_aliases to manipulate aliases.

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________


       declare mail_table_priv_$update entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));
       call mail_table_priv_$update (mte_ptr, code);


            is  a  pointer  to   a  mail_table_entry  structure  as
            declared in  mail_table_entry.incl.pl1.  The subroutine
            will    modify    the   entry    identified    by   the |
   component;  if this is  an alias, |
            then the regular entry will be modified.                |

        is a standard  system status code.  (Output) It  can be one
        of the following:
            0   The entry (or entries) was updated successfully.
                The version  component of the  mail_table_entry was
                not set properly by the caller.
                There is no entry with the specified name.          |


  This subroutine  will normally be  called by the  new_user$cg and
  new_user$cga  commands if  any of  the information  needed by the
  mail table (currently only the  default project) was changed, and |
  by the update_mail_table_entry command  when changing the mailing |
  address.                                                          |

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$get                                       |

       Function:   Retrieves a  mail table  entry given  either its |
  name or alias.                                                    |

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________


|      declare  mail_table_priv_$get entry  (char (*) varying, ptr,
|           fixed bin (35));
|      call mail_table_priv_$get (name, mte_ptr, code);


|      name
|           is  the  name or  alias  of the  entry which  should be
|           retrieved.  (Input)

            is  a  pointer  to   a  mail_table_entry  structure  as
            declared in  mail_table_entry.incl.pl1.  This structure
|           should  already  be  allocated  and  have  the  version
|           component  set; if  the pointer  is null  an error code
            will be returned.  (Input)

            is a  standard system status code.   (Output) It can be
            one of the following:
                0   The entry was retrieved successfully.
                    The  version component  of the mail_table_entry
                    was not set properly by the caller.
|                   There is no entry with the specified name.


| The  new_user$cg, new_user$cga,  and update_mail_table_entry com-
| mands  use this  subroutine to retrieve  the old  contents of the
| mail   table   entry   in   order   to   update   it,   and   the
| display_mail_table_entry command uses this.
| Entry: mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_name
|      Function:  Retrieve  a real mail  table entry given  the its
| key, which is either a name  or alias.  If an alias is specified,
| then the actual  alias entry will be returned.   This is intended
| as a low-level interface, and  no commands are provided which use
| this.

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

  USAGE SYNTAX                                                      |
       declare  mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_name (char (*) varying, |
            ptr, fixed bin (35));                                   |
       call mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_name    (name,    mtre_ptr, |
            code);                                                  |
  ARGUMENTS                                                         |
       name                                                         |
            is the name of the entry to be retrieved.  (Input)      |
       mtre_ptr                                                     |
            is  a  pointer to  a mail_table_raw_entry  structure as |
            declared in mail_table_entry.incl.pl1.  It must already |
            be  allocated  and  the  version  component  filled in. |
            (Input)                                                 |
       code                                                         |
            is a  standard error code.   (Output) It may  be one of |
            the following:                                          |
                0   The entry was retrieved successfully.           |
                error_table_$unimplemented_version                  |
                    The      version      component      of     the |
                    mail_table_raw_entry  was  not set  properly by |
                    the caller.                                     |
                error_table_$id_not_found                           |
                    No entry  with the specified name  was found in |
                    the mail table.                                 |

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_index                          |

       Function:  Retrieve a real mail  table entry given its index |
  into the mail table (which  is effectively a sparse array).  This |
  will  return  alias entries  as  well as  regular  entries.  This |
  subroutine is useful for listing the contents of the mail table.  |

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________


       declare  mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_index  (fixed bin, ptr,
            fixed bin(35));
       call mail_table_priv_$get_raw_by_index (N, mte_ptr, code);


            is the  index of the  entry which should  be retrieved.
            It must be greater than 0.  (Input)

|           is  a  pointer to  a mail_table_raw_entry  structure as
|           declared in  mail_table_entry.incl.pl1.  This structure
            should already  be allocated and  the version component
            should  be set;  if the pointer  is null  an error code
            will be returned.  (Input)

            is a  standard system status code.   (Output) It can be
            one of the following:
                0   The entry was retrieved successfully.
                    The  version component  of the mail_table_entry
                    was not set properly by the caller.
                    The specified index corresponds to an unused or
                    deleted record.
                    The specified  index references beyond  the end
                    of the mail table.
                    The index was not greater than 0.


  The standard use  of this entry is by a  routine which loops over
  all    the    possible    indices   starting    from    1   until
  error_table_$bad_index   is   returned.    If   a   call  returns
  error_table_$no_record then  the procedure should just  go to the
  next iteration of the loop, as this is to be expected.

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$add_alias                                 |
       Function:  Adds an alternate name  to an existing mail table |
  entry.                                                            |
  USAGE SYNTAX                                                      |
       declare     mail_table_priv_$add_alias    (char (*) varying, |
            char (*) varying, fixed bin (35));                      |
       call mail_table_priv_$add_alias (name, alias, code);         |
  ARGUMENTS                                                         |
       name                                                         |
            is the name of the  existing entry which is being given |
            an alternate name.  This may be the primary name or one |
            of its aliases.  (Input)                                |
       alias                                                        |
            is the new alternate name being added.  (Input)         |
       code                                                         |
            is a  standard system status code.   (Output) It can be |
            one of the following:                                   |
                0   The alias was added successfully.               |
                error_table_$id_already_exists                      |
                    The  specified alias  is already in  use in the |
                    mail table as a name or alias.                  |
                error_table_$id_not_found                           |
                    There is  no entry in  the mail table  with the |
                    specified name.                                 |
  Entry: mail_table_priv_$delete_alias                              |
       Function:  Deletes an alias from the mail table.             |

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

|      declare   mail_table_priv_$delete_alias   (char (*) varying,
|           fixed bin(35));
|      call mail_table_priv_$delete_alias (alias, code);
|      alias
|           is  the  alias which  should be  deleted from  the mail
|           table.  This may  not be the primary name  of an entry;
|           use mail_table_priv_$delete to delete the regular entry
|           itself.   It also  may not  be the  login alias  of the
|           user.  (Input)
|      code
|           is a  standard system status code.   (Output) It can be
|           one of the following:
|               0   The alias was removed successfully.
|               error_table_$bad_subr_arg The alias specified was the primary
|                   name of the entry or  was a user's login alias,
|                   so it could not be deleted.
|               error_table_$id_not_found
|                   The specified  alias did not exist  in the mail
|                   table.
| Entry: mail_table_priv_$get_aliases
|      Function:  Returns a list of all the names of an entry.
|      declare    mail_table_priv_$get_aliases   (char (*) varying,
|           char (*), ptr, ptr, fixed bin (35));
|      call mail_table_priv_$get_aliases (name,  version, area_ptr,
|           mta_ptr, code);
|      name
|           is the name or alias of the entry whose names should be
|           listed.  (Input)

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

       version                                                      |
            is the version of the mail_table_aliases structure that |
            the caller  wishes returned.  Currently  this should be |
            set to MAIL_TABLE_ALIASES_VERSION_1,  which is declared |
            in mail_table_entry.incl.pl1.  (Input)                  |
       area_ptr                                                     |
            is a pointer to an area in which the mail_table_aliases |
            structure  should be  allocated.  It  may not  be null. |
            (Input)                                                 |
       mta_ptr                                                      |
            will be set to point to a mail_table_aliases structure, |
            as declared in  mail_table_entry.incl.pl1.  This struc- |
            ture  will contain  an array  of all  the names  of the |
            entry, including the primary name.  (Output)            |
       code                                                         |
            is a  standard system status code.   (Output) It can be |
            one of the following:                                   |
                0   No errors were encountered.                     |
                error_table_$unimplemented_version                  |
                    The version  specified is not  supported by the |
                    subroutine.                                     |
                error_table_$id_not_found                           |
                    No entry  with the specified name  was found in |
                    the mail table.                                 |

  Entry: mail_table_priv_$count_entries

       Function:  Returns  the number of  used entries in  the mail
  table.   This  is useful  for  determining the  proper size  of a
  compacted mail table  (the mail table works optimally  when it is
  one-third full).


       declare  mail_table_priv_$count_entries   entry  (fixed bin,
            fixed bin (35));
       call mail_table_priv_$count_entries (N, code);


            is  the  number  of  used entries  in  the  mail table.

  ________________                                 ________________

  mail_table_priv_                                 mail_table_priv_
  ________________                                 ________________

            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  _________________________               _________________________

  mail_table_entry.incl.pl1               mail_table_entry.incl.pl1
  _________________________               _________________________

  Name: mail_table_entry.incl.pl1

  declare 1 mail_table_entry              aligned
                                          based (mail_table_entry_ptr),
            2 version                     char (8),
            2 name                        char (32) varying,        |
            2 acs_path                    char (168),               |
            2 default_project             char (12) varying,
            2 mailing_address             char (256) varying;

  declare MAIL_TABLE_ENTRY_VERSION_1      char (8) int static
                                          options (constant)
                                          init ("mte_0001");


  version   is the version of  the structure being used.  Currently
            this   should   always   be   set  to   the   value  of
  name      is the name of the  entry.  When this structure is used |
            as  input  to a  mail_table_priv_ entrypoint  then this |
            component may  be the primary  name or an  alias of the |
            entry.  When this structure is  used for output it will |
            always be the primary name.                             |
  acs_path                                                          |
            is the pathname of a  segment whose access control list |
            controls  who  may modify  the mailing_address  of this |
            entry.  If  this is the  null string, then  only a user |
            with  access to  mail_table_priv_ or  the owner  of the |
            entry  may  modify  it  (the owner  is  the  user whose |
            Person_id is the same as the name of the entry).        |
            is   the   user's   default  login   project.    If  no
            mailing_address is  set for the user  then this will be
            used  to determine  the mailing address.   This will be |
            null for entries which  do not correspond to registered |
            users.                                                  |
            is a  character string form  of a mail  destination, as
            might  appear in  a standard  header.  mail_table_$set,
            mail_table_priv_$add, and  mail_table_priv_$update will
            verify  that  this  is   in  correct  format.   Various
            entrypoints  in  mail_system_ can  be used  to generate
            this form  of address.  If  the entry corresponds  to a |
            registered user  then this may be  blank, in which case |

  _________________________               _________________________

  mail_table_entry.incl.pl1               mail_table_entry.incl.pl1
  _________________________               _________________________

|           the default project component will be used to determine
|           the user's default mailbox.  cbf 1
| declare 1 mail_table_raw_entry          aligned
|                                         based (mail_table_raw_entry_ptr),
|           2 version                     char (8),
|           2 name                        char (32) varying,
|           2 primary_name                char (32) varying,
|           2 flags,
|             3 alias_entry               bit (1) unaligned,
|             3 registered_user           bit (1) unaligned,
|             3 mbz                       bit (34) unaligned,
|           2 n_name                      fixed bin,
|           2 next_name                   char (32) varying,
|           2 prev_name                   char (32) varying,
|           2 acs_path                    char (168),
|           2 default_project             char (12) varying,
|           2 mailing_address             char (256) varying;
| declare MAIL_TABLE_RAW_ENTRY_VERSION_1  char (8) int static
|                                         options (constant)
|                                         init ("mtre_001");
| Where:
| version   is the version of  the structure being used.  Currently
|           this   should   always   be   set  to   the   value  of
| name      is the name or alias of this entry.
| primary_name
|           is the  name of the  regular entry that  corresponds to
|           this entry.   If this is  a regular entry  this will be
|           the  same as  the name  component.  If  it is  an alias
|           entry then this is the  name of the regular entry which
|           contains all the normal information.
| flags.alias_entry
|           indicates that the entry is an alias entry.  If this is
|           on  then  the   default_project,  mailing_address,  and
|           acs_path information are not  valid; the regular entry,
|           identified by the  primary_name component, contains the
|           correct values for these components.
| flags.registered_user
|           indicates that the entry or  alias corresponds to a PNT
|           entry.   Such entries  should only be  deleted when the
|           corresponding PNT  entry is deleted, in  order to main-
|           tain  consistency between  the PNT and  the mail table.
|           If  this  flag  is  off in  a  regular  entry  then the
|           mailing_address  compontent  may not  be blank  and the

  _________________________               _________________________

  mail_table_entry.incl.pl1               mail_table_entry.incl.pl1
  _________________________               _________________________

            default_project component must be blank.                |
  flags.mbz                                                         |
            are reserved and should be set to "0"b.                 |
  n_names   is the  number of names  for this entry.   This is only |
            set in  the regular entry,  and the count  includes the |
            regular entry.                                          |
  next_name                                                         |
            is the next name for this  entry.  This is used to make |
            a  linked  list  of the  names  for an  entry.   In the |
            regular entry this contains the first alias, if any, or |
            the  null string.   The last alias  always contains the |
            null string in this field.                              |
  prev_name                                                         |
            is the previous name for  this entry.  This is like the |
            next_name component, except that  it chains the entries |
            together  in the  reverse direction.   It is  used as a |
            redundancy check; someday the  mail table salvager will |
            use this.                                               |
  acs_path, default_project, mailing_address                        |
            are the same as in the mail_table_entry structure.      |
  declare 1 mail_table_aliases            aligned                   |
                                          based (mail_table_aliases_p|tr),
            2 version                     char (8),                 |
            2 n_names                     fixed bin,                |
            2 names                       (mail_table_aliases_extent|refer
                                          char (32) varying;        |
  declare mail_table_aliases_extent       fixed bin;                |
  declare MAIL_TABLE_ALIASES_VERSION_1    char (8) int static       |
                                          options (constant)        |
                                          init ("mta_0001");        |
  Where:                                                            |
  version   is the version number of the structure.  Currently this |
            should  always  be set  to  the value  of  the variable |
            MAIL_TABLE_ALIASES_VERSION_1.                           |
  n_names   is  the number  of names  for the  entry, including the |
            primary name.                                           |
  names     is an array  of the names for the  entry.  When this is |
            used  as  output from  mail_table_priv_$get_aliases the |
            first element of this array is the primary name.        |
  mail_table_aliases_extent                                         |
            is  an  automatic variable  which is  used only  by the |
            procedure which allocates the structure.                |