MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN 617-03                          page 1

  To:       Distribution

  From:     James A Falksen, Gary Dixon

  Date:     July 2, 1984

  Subject:  Date/time system (2) Commands and subroutines


  This  MTB   describes  the  command   and  subroutine  interfaces
  supporting the changes described in MTB616.

  Version 01 is a re-issue which adds to the command and subroutine
  descriptions as well as  showing interface changes.  The descrip-
  tion of  time strings is  enhanced, including details  of default *

  Version  02  is  a  re-issue (with  change  bars)  which includes
  adjustments  to  format   strings,  new  date_time_$valid_format,
  rename of  display_time_data to display_time_info_,  splitting of
  time_defaults into set_time_defaults and print_time_defaults, and
  addition of a named format table to time_info_.

  Version 03 is  a re-issue (with change bars  with respect to -02)
  which  includes  float  dec(20)  values  in time_offset.incl.pl1,
  conversion of  date_time_$format into a  function using sub_err_,
  addition  of  cv_fstime_, and  slight adjustment  to error_table_
  names and messages.

  Send comments on the MTB by one of the following means:
       In forum meeting:
       By Multics mail:
          Falksenj.Multics at M
          GDixon.Multics at MIT
       By Telephone:
          HVN 357-6618 or 602-862-6618


  Multics Project  working documentation.  Not to  be reproduced or

                              SECTION 3


                                . . .
        The change bars in this section indicate the changes
          which were made against a portion of the existing
                  MPM Reference Guide description.
                                . . .


                                . . .
                          The discussion of
                        time strings does not                       *
            belong under this heading, hence it is being
                   moved to a section of its own.
                                . . .


  Inputting Dates and Times

       Often, the user  must supply date and time  information to a
  command.  Programs which accept date and time information use the
* convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine to convert a time string to an
  internal  (binary) value.   (See MPM  Subroutines for  details on

*      The  time  string  can have  up  to six  parts  -- adverbial
  offset, date,  time, day of  week, signed offset,  and time zone.
  Adverbial  offsets,  if  present,  must  appear  leftmost  in the
  string.  Beyond that, all of the parts are optional and may be in
  any  order.   The  parts may  be  made up  of  alphabetic fields,
  numeric fields, and special characters.

       An alphabetic field is made up of letters and must contain a
  whole word or an abbreviation (usually made up of the first three
  letters of  the word).  No distinction  is made between uppercase
  and lowercase characters.  Although  this description gives exam-
  ples  in  English,  each of  the  words is  available  in several
* languages.  Any of  these languages may be used  in time strings,
  but all words within a given string must be in the same language.
  To see the languages defined on your site, type

       display_time_data -lang

       A numeric field consists of  an optionally signed integer of
  one or more  decimal digits.  The special characters  that may be
  used in either alphabetic or  numeric fields are:  the slash (/),
  the period (.),  the colon (:), the plus (+),  the minus (-), and
  the comma  (,).  Blanks are  not required between  alphabetic and
* numeric fields  in the time  strings; however, they  are required
  between two numeric fields unless  the second field begins with a
  plus (+) or minus (-) sign.  For example:


*      Underscores  may  be used  in  place of  blanks in  the time
  string.  For example:


*    Usually  when a  user enters a  time string, the  time zone is
  omitted.  Although the zone is seldom seen, it is very important.
* The time zone determines the interpretation of items given in the

  time string.  Also, the zone is involved in defaults supplied for
  missing items.  All defaults are  taken from the current absolute
  time, adjusted by a working time zone.  If a zone is given in the
  string,  that becomes  the working zone.   Otherwise, the process
  default time zone is used.

       This  means  that  whether  you  convert  a  string  with an
  explicit zone, such  as "XXXX_ast" or set the  process default to
  "ast"  and  then  convert the  string  "XXXX", you  get  the same
  absolute time.  (Note that setting  the process default will also
  influence output  conversion, while giving an  explicit zone does
  not.)  To display your default zone, type:

       time_defaults -zone

       The six  parts of the  time string are  described below.  In *
  these  descriptions, whenever  an assumed value  is mentioned, it
  refers to the current zone-adjusted date/time.

  1.   date
               is  the day  of the year  and may  be specified only
               once.   Dates  may  be specified  using  normal date
               format, calendar date format,  day of the week, date |
               keywords, fiscal week, request-id, or may be omitted
               entirely.  If  no date is present,  it is assumed to
               be  the next  occurance of the  time specified.  For
               example, "10A" gives the  date on which 10:00am next
               occurs.  If  no date and no  time are specified, the
               current date is used.

               In normal date format,  dates are specified as month
               (or month abbreviation), day  of month, and year; or
               as  day  of month,  month,  and year.   The  year is
               optional and, if omitted, is  assumed to be the year
               in  which  the date  will occur  next.  That  is, if
               today is March 16, 1978, then March 20 is equivalent
               to  March 20,  1978; while March  12 is  the same as
               March  12, 1979.   There are  three forms  of normal
               date, illustrated by the examples below:

                    16 March   16 March 1978
                    March 16   March 16 1978   March 16, 1978
                        (The comma is optional.)
                    3/16    3/16/78    3/16/1978

               Calendar date  format permits dates  to be specified
               as  a year,  month, and  day of  month, separated by
               minus  signs.  This  is the  International Standards
               Organization  (ISO)  standard format.   The  year is
               required, and may be given as a year of the century.
               The  calendar  date  format  is  illustrated  by the
               examples below:

                    79-12-31  or  1979-12-31
                         (represents December 31, 1979)

|              The day of  the week is a date  specifier if present
|              with  no other  form of  date.  It  then selects the
|              first occurance of the named day AFTER today.

               The  date  keywords  are  "yesterday",  "today", and
               "tomorrow".  For example,

                    6:35A today
                    yesterday +120days

               The fiscal  week is of  the form FWyyyyww.   "FW" is
               the  fiscal  indicator (in  English), "yyyy"  is the
               year  number,  and  "ww"  is the  week  number.  The
               fiscal  week begins  on Monday  and ends  on Sunday.
               This form converts to the  date of the Monday, but a
               day within the week may  be selected by adding a day
               name.      For    example,     "FW198413 m"    gives
               "03/26/84  0000. Mon", while  "FW198413 m Wed" gives
               "03/28/84  0000. Wed".  The fiscal  indicator may be
               separated  from  the  number but  the  ordering must
               remain,  i.e.   "FW185425"  or  "FW 185425"  but not
               "185425 FW".

               A  request-id  is  a  19-character  string  used  by
               several   programs   in    the   system,   such   as
               enter_output_request.   It contains  a complete date
               from year, in century down thru microseconds in this


               If no  zone is specified, it  is interpreted in GMT,
               not the  process default.  A  request-id specifies a
               time as well as a  date, so no other time specifica-
               tion may be given.

| 2.   day of week
               is  the day  of the week  (e.g., Monday)  and may be
|              present  only  once.  When  the day  of the  week is
|              present along  with one of  the other forms  of date
|              specification, that date must  fall on the indicated
|              day of the week.

| 3.   time
               is the time of day and may only be present once.  If
               omitted, it is assumed to be the current time.  Time
               may be  given as 24-hour format,  12-hour format, or
               the  time  keyword "now".   The 24-hour  time format
               consists  of  a  four-digit  number  followed  by  a

               period.  (hhmm.,  where hh represents  hours, and mm
               represents minutes)  This number may  be followed by
               an   optional  decimal   fraction-of-a-minute  field
               (e.g.,  hhmm.m).   Also  acceptable  are  hours  and
               minutes  fields separated  by colons  (hh:mm).  This
               may   be    optionally   followed   by    either   a
               fraction-of-a-minute  field (hh:mm.m),  or a seconds
               field  (hh:mm:ss).   The  seconds, in  turn,  may be
               include    a    fraction-of-second    field   (e.g.,
               hh:mm:ss.s).  Examples of 24-hour time are:


               The  12-hour time  format must  end with  a meridiem
               designator  (i.e.,  A,  P,  am,  pm,  noon,  (or n),
               midnight (or m).  Midnight and noon can be indicated
               by  simply  giving  the  meridiem  designator.   The
               designator  may  be  preceded by  time  expressed as
               hours,   hours:minutes,   or   hours:minutes:seconds
               (including  an  optional  fraction  of  a  second or
               fraction of a minute, as mentioned above).
                 Examples of 12-hour time are:

                    5 am
                    12 n

               There is a set  of illegal times, 24:00-24:59, which
               are  handled  anyway.   These   are  taken  to  mean
               0:00-0:59 of the following  day.  Note that midnight
               is the beginning of a day (00:00) not the end.

  4.   signed offset
               is  an  adjustment to  be  made to  the  clock value
               specified  by  the  other  fields.   Offsets  may be
               specified  in  any and  all  of the  following units
               (i.e.  singular, plural, or abbreviation):

                       year         years        yr
                       month        months       mo
                       week         weeks        wk
                       day          days         da
                       hour         hours        hr
                       minute       minutes      min

                       second       seconds      sec
                       microsecond  microseconds usec

               Each  unit may  be present  one or  more times, each
               preceded by an optionally signed fixed point number.
               If  offset fields  are the  only thing  present, the
               offsets are added to the  default values of date and
               time, as described above.

               If  the month  offset results in  a nonexistent date
               (e.g., "Jan 31 3 months"  would yield April 31), the
               last  date  of the  resulting  month is  used (e.g.,
               April 30).  Examples of offset fields are:

                    3 weeks -60 hours
                       (60 hours before 3 weeks after now)
                    1.5 hr 5min
                       (an hour and 35 minutes from now)
                    1 hour 5 minutes
                       (an hour and five minutes from now)

               The order in which offset  values are applied to the
               clock  value can  affect the  resultant clock value.
               Offset values are applied in the following order:

*                    year, month, week, day, hour,
                      minute, second, microsecond

               "Monday  6 am  2 weeks"  means "two  weeks after the
|              next occurrence of Monday, at 6:00 am on that day".

               Assuming that today is September 25, 1979, then:

                    10/1 -1 day +1 month

               results in  a clock value for  10/31/79, rather than
               for 10/30/79.

               There  is  also  a  non-offset use  of  these words,
               available in combination with  the word "this", i.e.
               "this month".  These combinations are NOT forms, but
               may be  used in building  date and time  parts.  For
               example, "this_month_1,_this_year" or "this_hour:23"
               is valid,  while just "this_day" is  not.  The exact
               form  of  this  combination will  vary  according to
               language.   In some  languages, the  word for "this"
               changes  according to  which unit it  is applied to.
               In other languages, there may be a single word which
               does the job.

  5.   adverbial offset
               is a before/after kind of adjustment and may be used
               any number  of times.  This offset  is recognized by
               the  presence of  "before", "on", or  "after" in the *
               time  string.   If present,  adverbial  offsets must
               appear first.  These are the forms available:

                    DAY-NAME before
                    DAY-NAME on or before
                    DAY-NAME before or on
                    DAY-NAME after
                    DAY-NAME on or after
                    DAY-NAME after or on
                    SIGNED-OFFSETs before
                    SIGNED-OFFSETs after

               When adverbial offsets are present, they partition a
               string  into a  series of adjustments  followed by a
               base time.  These sections  are processed in a right
               to  left  manner.   Referring to  the  first example
               below, there are 3 sections.  First "6:00 am 400sec"
               is  handled,  supplying all  necessary  defaults and
               making  the  ordinary  (400sec)  offset  adjustment.
               Then "Monday after" is applied  to give a new value.
               And finally  "2 wk -5min  after" is applied  to this
               new value to give the final value.

                    2 wk -5min after Monday after 6:00 am 400sec
                    20 minutes before now
                    2 days after today
                    2500 weeks after 1776-7-4
                    Tue after Mon on or after 11/1

               This  last item  describes election day  in the USA,
               i.e.   the first  Tuesday after the  first Monday in

  6.   zone
               is the time zone to be used in making the conversion
               to Greenwich  mean time, which is  the internal form
               of  all  clock readings.   It may  be either  a zone
               differential, or any of the zone abbreviations known
               at the  site.  A zone differential  is a 5-character
               string, "sHHMM"  ("s" is a  sign, "HH" is  a 2-digit
               hour, and "MM" is a  2-digit minute).  This may only
               be used immediately  following a time specification.
               "12:15-0330" says  that 12:15 is the  local time and
               -0330 specifies that the local time was generated by
               subtracting  3.5 hours  from GMT.  To  list the zone
               abbreviations known at a site, type:

                    display_time_data -zones

               If any  defaults are needed, the  current instant in
               time is  broken down into years,  months, days, etc.
               with respect to a "working zone".  This working zone
               can  make a  great deal of  difference, because, for
               example, at a given instant it can be Tuesday in New
               York and Wednesday in Bankok,  or it can be 22:07 in
               London and 3:37 in Singapore.   Thus, the zone is as
               important for week days and years as it is for hours
               and minutes.

               Many  of the  date/time commands  allow a  "-zone X"
               argument to  specified.  In this case,  X may be any
               of  the zones  known at the  site.  It may  NOT be a
               time differential.

  Dates and Times:  A Brief History

       Julius Caesar reformed the Roman calendar in 46 B.C.  giving
  what is now  known as the Julian calendar.  This  year came to be
  known as "the last year of confusion" (read on!).  It was decided
  that the vernal equinox would fall  on March 25, the beginning of
  the  year  was moved  to  January 1,  and  an additional  day was
  inserted every 4  years.  The extra day was  added after February
  24, giving  a second February  24.  Somewhat later  the extra day
  was moved to February 29.

       In 325 A.D.  the Council of Nicaea noticed that the calendar
  was lagging the  vernal equinox by 3 days.   It was still thought
  that the  year was 365.25  days long, so they  assumed that there
  had been an error in the  original determination and so moved the
  vernal equinox  to March 21,  believing it would  then be stable.
  This, of course, did not  work since the correct tropical (solar)
  year is 365.2422 days long.

       By 1582, the error in the  Julian calendar of 11 minutes, 14
  seconds  per year  had caused  the calendar  date to  be ten days
  earlier than  it should have  been.  Pope Gregory  XIII corrected
  this  discrepancy by  decreeing that the  day following Thursday,
  October  4, 1582  would be Friday,  October 15,  1582.  Thus, the
  year  1582  had  only  355  days.   He  then  reformed  the  year
  calculation to  avoid discrepancies in  the future by  removing 3
  intercalary (leap)  days every 400 years.   The pope decreed that
  centential years would not be  leap years unless they were evenly
  divisible by 400.  This reformed calendar is called the Gregorian

       This  calendar was  was not accepted  overnight.  France and
  the Netherlands adopted it in  December 1582; the Catholic states
  of Germany, in  1584; and Poland in 1586.   The Protestant states
  in Germany and Switzerland accepted it in 1700.  England (and its
  colonies)  and  Sweden accepted  in  1752.  Lastly,  the orthodox
  countries preserved  the Julian calendar until  the 20th Century,
  by  which time  there was  a 13  day lag.   Thus a  date would be

  written January 10/23, 1920 -- the 10th in old style, the 23rd in
  new style.

       Time  zones  are  a  new  invention,  brought  about  by the
  railroads.  For centuries each town  had its own time, local mean
  time (LMT), based on when the  sun was overhead, or rose, or set.
  The railroads needed some way to be able to publish a schedule so
  that passengers would be at the station when the train was.  They
  standardized times into zones and worked with these times.  These
  times  were not  immediately accepted.   At the  beginning of the
  20th century, Minnesota still used  LMT.  Saudi Arabia still sets
  the clock to midnight at sundown each day.

       This is a great simplification  of the history of calendars.
  For a look at the confusion that has really existed, refer to the
  Encyclopedia Britannica.

       Needless to say, Multics does not take all of these oddities
  into  account.   The  Julian  calendar  is  used  for  dates from
  0001-01-01 thru 1582-10-04.  The dates  from October 5, 1582 thru
  October 14,  1582 do not  exist.  The Gregorian  calendar is used
  for  dates  from 1582-10-15  thru  9999-12-31.  The  leap  day is
  always February 29.   The lower limit on dates of  Jan 1, 0001 AD
  was picked since it begins the  era.  The upper limit on dates of
  Dec 31, 9999  was chosen to limit year numbers  to 4 digits.  The
  time zones as now defined are used regardless of the year.

  Outputting Dates and Times

       One important way to get a  clock value into a readable form
  is  by means  of the date/time  commands:  calendar_clock, clock,
  day_name,  day,  date_time,  date,  hour,  long_year,  long_date,
  month_name, month, minute, time, and year.  The first argument to
  clock is a control string  describing the format wanted.  All the
  rest have intrinsic formats.  Command  use is really going from a
  readable  form to  a readable  form without  keeping the internal

       By means  of convert_date_to_binary_ (CDTB_),  an input time *
  string is converted to internal form.  This is the usual form for
  storing  dates in  data bases.   To convert  one of  these into a
  readable  form, a  programmer may call  upon date_time_  to get a
  24-character form like this:

       03/14/79  0000.0 cet Fri

  But  when other  formats are needed,  date_time_$format is avail-
  able.  It takes a clock value and a control string describing the
  format wanted and returns a string ready for printing.

       We  have tried  as much  as possible  to make  all date/time
  outputs from the system software be usable as date/time inputs to
  system  software.  But,  the control  string mechanism  is highly

  flexible and may be easily used to generate formats which are not
  recognizable.   Worse yet  are the  strings which  are apparently
  recognized.   A  point  in  case  is  the  commonly  used  string
  "7/1/82".  In  the US, this  means the 7th month,  first day; but
  many places in Europe, this would be taken to mean the 7th day of
  the first month.


      The control  string to date_time_$format is  either a keyword
  or a  character string consisting of  text and/or selectors.  The
  selectors are always identified by a leading circumflex character
| (^).  There are 2 types  of selectors; ^<keyword>, which allows a
| keyword to  imbedded within a  format, and the  general form ^XX.
  XX is a 2 letter code which specifies what information is wanted.
  An optional PL/I picture specification  may be placed between the
  ^ and  XX if the  default form is  not adequate.  If  the control
  string does  not contain any circumflex  characters, it must then
  be one of  the known set of keywords.   Each keyword identifies a
  control string for a predetermined format named by that keyword.

  List of format keywords:
     ^9999yc-^my-^dm__^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM^zd_^za_^da ^fi
        ^(6)9fw ^ma dy^dy dc^dc Uc^Uc
     (This line is broken only for publishing purposes,
      there is nothing between "^fi" and "^(6".)
     ^9999yc-^my-^dm  ^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM ^za ^da
     the process default value for date
     the process default value for date and time
     ^9999yc-^my-^dm ^Hd:^MH:^SM ^za
     ^9999yc-^my-^dm ^da
     ^9999yc-^my-^dm ^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM ^za
     ^my/^dm/^yc  ^Hd^99v.9MH ^xxxxza^xxxda

     the system default value for date and time
     the system default value for date
     the system default value for time
     the process default value for time

      A site  may change the "system"  strings.  For an application
  which depends upon the historic  formats, the 3 builtin "multics"
  strings are available.

      Processing  of  a  control  string proceeds  by  scanning the
  control  string until  a circumflex is  found, or the  end of the
  string is  reached.  Any text (including  any blanks) passed over
  is copied to the output string.  The selector is then interpreted
  and executed.  This causes a datum  from the input clock value to
  be edited  into the output string.   Processing continues in this
  way until the control string is exhausted.

          Dates  and  times  placed  in the  output  string  may be
  expressed in units of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes,
  seconds  and  microseconds.   The  total  calendar  value  can be
  expressed  as  a single  unit.  For  example, the  calendar value
  representing 79-09-08 9:42A GMT could be expressed as 1979 years,
  as  722702 days,  or as 722702.112499  days.  This is  the set of
  "total" selectors:

     ^yc    total number of Years in the Calendar value.

     ^mc    total number of Months in the Calendar value.

     ^dc    total number of Days in the Calendar value.

     ^Hc    total number of Hours in the Calendar value.

     ^Mc    total number of Minutes in the Calendar value.

     ^Sc    total number of Seconds in the Calendar value.

     ^Uc    total number of Microseconds in the Calendar value.

      Dates and times may also be  expressed as the number of units
  remaining after a larger unit  has been removed from the calendar
  value.  For example, 09/08/79 09:42  includes units for 9th month
  of the year, 8th day of the  month, 9th hour of the day, and 42nd
  minute of the hour.  The following are the most common:

     ^my    Month in the Year

     ^dm    Day of the Month.

     ^dw    Day of the Week.

     ^Hd    Hour of the Day (24-hour format).

     ^Hh    Hour in Half-day (12-hour format).

     ^MH    Minute of the Hour.

     ^SM    Second of the Minute.

     ^US    Microsecond of the Second

      There  are   several  items  of  date/time   data  which  are
  non-numeric,  such as  day of week,  day of month,  and time zone
  used for conversion.

     ^mn    month name

     ^ma    Month name, Abbreviated (char (3))

     ^dn    Day Name

     ^da    Day name, Abbreviated (char (3))

     ^zn    time Zone Name

     ^za    time Zone name, Abbreviated (char (4))

     ^zd    Zone differential (char(5))

     ^mi    Meridiem Indicator ("A" or "P")

     ^fi    Fiscal Indicator ("FW" in english)

      The selectors of  numeric data are, in general,  made up of 2
  letters taken from this sequence:  c y m w d H M S U

      The letters stand for calendar, year, month, week, day, Hour,
  Minute,  Second, and  microsecond.  All 81  combinations are not,
  however,  valid.   The form  can  generally be  read as  "unit of
  unit", i.e.  "seconds of week".  The first unit is always smaller
  than the second one.  In trying to keep the specifiers reasonably
  mnemonic (in English) there is  a problem.  Both month and minute
  begin  with an  "m".  To  that end, all  date values  are used as
  lower case letters while all time values are in upper case.

      It proves difficult to try to  handle all the forms needed in
  a general manner.  "Hd" is Hour  in Day and is thus 24-hour time.
  This is  not always what  is wanted.  "Hh"  is chosen as  Hour in

  Half-day to get the 12-hour form  of time.  To go along with this
  there is "mi"  for Meridiem Indicator.  This gives  "A" or "P" to
  make up AM  or PM.  This does not give  "AM" or "PM" because ANSI
  and ISO standards specify that time  be given as "3P", not "3PM".
  The  users who  want the  M will  just put  the literal  in, i.e.

      One other way  of looking at a calendar value  is in terms of
  fiscal week.  This is selected with the "^fw" code.  Its value is
  4  digits  of year  followed  by 2  digits  of week  number, i.e.
  "yyyymm".  The default picture has been chosen to give a value of

      This  table  shows the  complete set  of selectors.   The row
  specifies what  unit is wanted, the  column specifies within what
  other unit, i.e.  ^Sy is "Seconds of Year".

                                DATE/TIME SELECTORS
         | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   |
         |calen-| year |month | week | day  | hour |minute|second|
  -------|  dar |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
  micro- +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
  second | ^Uc  | ^Uy  | ^Um  | ^Uw  | ^Ud  | ^UH  | ^UM  | ^US  |
  second | ^Sc  | ^Sy  | ^Sm  | ^Sw  | ^Sd  | ^SH  | ^SM  |
  minute | ^Mc  | ^My  | ^Mm  | ^Mw  | ^Md  | ^MH  |
    hour | ^Hc  | ^Hy  | ^Hm  | ^Hw  | ^Hd  |
     day | ^dc  | ^dy  | ^dm  | ^dw  |        month    day    zone
         +------+------+------+------+      +------+------+------+
   month |      | ^my  |             name   | ^mn  | ^dn  | ^zn  |
         +------+------+                    +------+------+------+
    year | ^yc  |                    abbrev | ^ma  | ^da  | ^za  |
         +------+                           +------+------+------+
         | ^Hh  | <-hour of half-day      differential    | ^zd  |
         +------+    (12 hour form)                       +------+
         | ^mi  | <-meridiem indicator
         | ^fw  | <-fiscal week (form: yyyyww)
         | ^fi  | <-fiscal indicator ("FW" in english)

      The formatting of  date and time values can  be controlled by
  an optional PL/I picture  specification included in the selector.
  For  example, a  code of "^99yc"  formats the total  years in the
  calendar value into a 2-digit  year of the 20th century.  ^9999yc
  provides  a  full,  4-digit  year.   The  following  is  a  brief
  description of the most  frequently-used picture characters.  For
  a more complete discussion of PL/I pictures, refer to the Multics
  PL/I  Language  Specification manual,  Order  No.  AG94,  and the
  Multics PL/I Reference Manual, Order No.  AM83.

   9  represents a mandatory decimal digit in the displayed value.

   z  represents   a   decimal  digit   in  the   displayed  value.
      Nonsignificant zeros on the left are replaced by a space when
      they occupy a "z" digit position.

   .  produces  a  period  in  the displayed  value.   This  has no
      relation to  the location of  the decimal point  in the value
      actually being displayed.  If  zero suppression is in effect,
      this is replaced with a space.

   ,  produces  a comma  in the  displayed value.   It has  all the
      characteristics of the period.

           v locates the value's decimal point in the result.  This
      determines how the value digits  are oriented with respect to
      the picture specification.  If no "v" is given, it is assumed
      to appear after the rightmost picture character.

      The  picture characters  above are  sufficient for displaying
  most   numeric   values.    For  example,   the   control  string
  ^99Hd^99.v9MH represents the time in  hours, minutes and tenth of
  minutes.  The control string ^zz9.999vUS represents the number of
  milliseconds of  the second, using  the decimal point  and "v" to
  scale the microsecond  unit.  Scaling can also be  performed by a
  picture scale factor.

  f(N)      scales the value by multiplying  or dividing by a power
            of 10, thus shifting the  location of the decimal point
            in the  value.  For example, f(2)  shifts the decimal 2
            places  left,  effectively dividing  the value  by 100.
            f(-3) shifts 3 places right, effectively multiplying by

      Using a picture scale factor, the milliseconds in excess of a
  second can  be displayed to  the nearest tenth  using the control
  A  value  of 48634  microseconds  would be  displayed  as " 48.6"

      There are 2 extensions to numeric picture handling.

   Z  represents   a   decimal  digit   in  the   displayed  value.
      Nonsignificant  zeros to  the left  of the  decimal point are
      omitted from the displayed value when they occupy a "Z" digit
      position.  Nonsignificant  zeros to the right  of the decimal
      point are omitted from the displayed value when they occupy a
      "Z" digit position.

       "Z"  characters  must appear  as  the leftmost  or rightmost
       digit  positions in  the picture  specification, since these
       are  the  positions which  nonsignificant zeros  can occupy.
       "Z" performs a selective ltrim  or rtrim (of zero) operation

       on  the  displayed  value.   For  example,  our  millisecond
       specification given  above could be  specified as ^ZZ9.9ZZUS
       without using a picture  scale factor.  With this specifica-
       tion,  48630  microseconds  would  be  displayed  as "48.63"
       milliseconds (without the leading space or trailing zero).

   O  represents a  decimal digit in  the displayed value  which is
      not  wanted.   Specifying ^99yc  for  a year  like  1941 will |
      result in a size condition, since it takes 4 digits to handle
      that  number.   To  get  the year  in  century,  you  may use
      ^OO99yc.  This gives 4 digits  into which the value is placed
      and  then  the first  2  digits are  discarded.  Note  that a |
      picture like OOz9 with a value of 1502 will give "02" because |
      the zero-suppression applies to the 1502 and then the first 2 |
      digits are dropped.                                           |

      Character  date/time values  such as  day of  the week, month
  name, and  time zone can  be formatted using  a character picture
  specification with the "x" picture character.

  x         represents a position which  may contain any character.
            Since  national characters  occur in  some of  the time
            names, the use of the  "a" character should be avoided.
            Values are left-justified in the picture specification,
            with  truncation  of  the rightmost  characters  if the
            value  is  longer  than  the picture,  or  padding with
            spaces on  the right if  the value is  shorter than the

      For example, ^xxxxxxxxdn causes  Wednesday to be displayed as
  "Wednesday" and Monday to be displayed as "Monday   ".  A picture
  repetition factor  can be used  to shorten the  control string to
  "^(9)xdw".  With ^(5)xmn, January is displayed as "Janua" and May
  is displayed as "May  ".(1)

      The selector picture specification allows an extension of the
  "x" picture specification.

  X         represents  an  optional   character  position  in  the
            displayed value.  The character  position is omitted if
            there is no corresponding  character in the value being

      "X" characters  must appear as the  rightmost character posi-
  tions in the picture specification, since this is the position in
  which nonsignificant spaces can occupy.  "X" performs a selective
  rtrim operation on the displayed value.


  (1) Remember that  in some languages, the  abbreviation of a time
      name is not the first 3 letters of it.

      The code  ^(9)Xdw displays Wednesday and  Monday both without
  trailing spaces.

      This table  shows the default picture  specifications for all
  selectors.   The row  specifies what  unit is  wanted, the column
  specifies within what other unit, i.e.  ^Sy is "Seconds of Year".
                               DEFAULT PICTURE VALUES
         | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   | of   |
         |calen-|year  |month |week  | day  |hour  |minute|second|
  _______|  dar |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
  micro- +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+
  second |(18)Z9|(14)Z9|(13)Z9|(12)Z9|(11)Z9|(10)Z9|(8)Z9 |(5)Z9 |
  second |(12)Z9|(12)Z9|(8)Z9 |(6)Z9 |(5)Z9 |(4)Z9 |  99  |
  minute |(10)Z9|(6)Z9 |(5)Z9 |(5)Z9 |(4)Z9 |  99  |
    hour |(8)Z9 |(4)Z9 |(3)Z9 |(3)Z9 |  99  |
     day |(7)Z9 | 999  |  99  |  9   |      month    day    zone
         +------+------+------+------+      +------+------+------+
   month |      |  99  |             name   |(32)X |(32)X |(64)X |
         +------+------+                    +------+------+------+
    year | OO99 |                    abbrev | (8)X | (8)X | (8)X |
         +------+                           +------+------+------+
         | 99   | <-hour of half-day      differential    |s9999 |
         +------+    (12 hour form)                       +------+
         |  x   | <-meridiem indicator
         |OOO999| <-fiscal week (form: yyyyww)
         |  xx  | <-fiscal indicator

          Examples:  The  following table shows how  date and times
  strings are displayed by a variety of control strings.

       ^mn ^Z9dm, ^9999yc
          "September 8, 1979"
       ^mn ^z9dm, ^9999yc
          "September  8, 1979"
       ^dm ^ma ^9999yc ^zn
          "08 Sep 1979 Mountain Standard Time"
       ^my/^dm/^yc  ^Hd^99v.9MH ^za ^da
          "09/08/79  0242.4 mst Sat"

  In and Out In No Time At All

       Sometimes  the  action  of  the  date/time  software  can be
  confusing.  This  often relates to input  vs.  output time zones.
  To aid in understanding why a "funny" looking thing has happened,
  we  present  a description  of steps  involved in  the in-and-out
  processing of  date/time data.  A command  execution will be used
  as an example.

       This is what happens when the user types
                 clock date_time 6P 82-3-2 -zone cet mdt 2weeks

       1)        The command processor calls clock, passing the
                 arguments "date_time", "6P", "82-3-2", "-zone",
                 "cet", "mdt", and "2weeks".

       2)        clock builds the string "6P 82-3-2 mdt 2weeks"
                 from all the positional arguments.

       3)        clock calls convert_date_to_binary (CDTB), passing
                 the string that was formed.

       3.1)      CDTB parses the string, recognizing the forms.

       3.2)      CDTB calls date_time_$from_clock (DTFC), passing
                 the current clock value and the input zone "mdt".

       3.2.1)    DTFC decodes the current time relative to zone

       3.2.2)    DTFC returns: year, month, etc. values.

       3.3)      CDTB creates a complete set of time values (year,
                 month, etc.) and offsets.  It begins with the
                 things specified in the string and then fills in

                 any missing values from the decoded current time
                 by applying the defaulting rules.  The time
                 values include the input zone "mdt".

       3.4)      CDTB calls date_time_$to_clock (DTTC), passing
                 the time values.

       3.5.1)    DTTC combines the values into a clock value

       3.5.2)    DTTC returns: 2561414400000000

       3.6)      CDTB calls date_time_$offset_to_clock (DTOTC),
                 passing the clock value and the set of offsets.

       3.6.1)    DTOTC applies the offsets to this clock value

       3.6.2)    DTOTC returns: 2562624000000000

       3.7       CDTB will call DTOTC once for each adverbial
                 offset present, working from right to left as
                 things appeared in the original string.

       3.8)      CDTB returns: 2562624000000000

       4)        clock calls date_time_$format (DTF), passing the
                 control string "date_time", the clock value, and
                 the output zone "cet".

       4.1)      DTF examines the control string, finds no format
                 selectors, and so checks for a format keyword.
                 Since it is one of the defined ones, it supplies
                 the real control string needed.

       4.2)      DTF calls date_time_$from_clock, passing the
                 current clock value and the zone "cet"

       4.2.1)    DTFC decodes the clock value relative to zone

       4.2.2)    DTFC returns: year, month, etc.

       4.3)      DTF processes format control string, using the
                 set of decoded values as needed.

       4.4)      DTF returns "03/17/82  0100.0 cet Wed"

       5)        clock prints "03/17/82  0100.0 cet Wed"

       Whether the user types "time  ahst" or "time ist" or "time",
  the result is  the same.  This may not  seem right, but examining
  the action  shows why it  is correct.  In the  first example, the
  current instant, "T" (in GMT), is used relative to AHST to create

  a set of values (all default).  When this set is converted into a
  clock value, it  gets adjusted to GMT.  The  adjustment into AHST
  is exactly opposite  that into GMT, thus the  result is identical
  to  the original  "T".  So  all 3  instances will  yield the same
  clock value.  The  output zone is not specified,  so all 3 output
  strings are equal.

  The  table  below  demonstrates  the  conversion  of  3 different
  strings, all at the same instant  in time, with a process default
  of  MST.  Each  result is  shown under  3 different  output zones

       | string  | OZ |      converts to        |
       |1/20     |mst |01/20/84  1618.3 mst Fri |
       |1/20     |ast |01/20/84  1918.3 ast Fri |
       |1/20     |sast|01/21/84  0848.3 sastSat |
       |1/20 ast |mst |01/20/84  1618.3 mst Fri |
       |1/20 ast |ast |01/20/84  1918.3 ast Fri |
       |1/20 ast |sast|01/21/84  0848.3 sastSat |
       |1/20 sast|mst |01/19/84  1618.3 mst Thu |
       |1/20 sast|ast |01/19/84  1918.3 ast Thu |
       |1/20 sast|sast|01/20/84  0848.3 sastFri |

                              SECTION 2

                       SUBROUTINE DESCRIPTIONS


  Name: convert_date_to_binary_

  The convert_date_to_binary_ subroutine  converts a character rep-
  resentation of a  date and time into a  72-bit clock reading.  It
  accepts  a wide  variety of  date and  time forms,  including the
  output of the date_time_ subroutine.


     declare convert_date_to_binary_ entry (char(*), fixed bin(71),
        fixed bin(35));

     call convert_date_to_binary_ (string, clock, code);


     the string to be  converted.  (Input) See Multics Programmers'
     Reference Manual for a description of acceptable strings.

     the  resulting clock  value.  (Output)  Unchanged if  an error

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

  _______________________                   _______________________

  convert_date_to_binary_                   convert_date_to_binary_
  _______________________                   _______________________

           a conversion condition occurred while trying to convert
           a value.

           there is no language common to all words in the time

           fiscal_week < 1 or fiscal_week > year_max (which is 52
           or 53).

           the hour given exceeds 12.

           more than one instance of a date has been given.

           day of the week specified more than once.

           the time string does not have the same meaning in all
           potential languages, these being the intersection of
           all the languages possible for all words present.

           more than one instance of a time has been given.

           the zone may only be specified once.

           For any of the following reasons:
            a.  General syntax error
            b.  Month without a day number.
            c.  Midnight or noon preceded by an hour other than 12.
            d.  Improper use of comma or period.
            e.  Improper use of offset.

           the  size condition  occurred while  converting the time

           the time string contains more tokens than the
           routine is prepared to handle.

  _______________________                   _______________________

  convert_date_to_binary_                   convert_date_to_binary_
  _______________________                   _______________________

           a word in a time string is not found in the time_info_
           token list.

  Entry:  convert_date_to_binary_$relative

  This entry point is  similar to the convert_date_to_binary_ entry
  point,  except  that  the  clock  reading  returned  is  computed
  relative  to an  input clock time  rather than  the current clock
  time.  Thus the clock reading  returned for the string "March 26"
  is the clock  reading for the first March  26 following the input
  clock time, rather than the clock  reading for the first March 26
  following the current  clock time.  Given a 72-bit  clock time to
  use, this  entry point converts  a character representation  of a
  date and time to the equivalent 72-bit clock reading.


     declare convert_date_to_binary_$relative entry (char(*), fixed
        bin(71), fixed bin(71), fixed bin(35));

     call convert_date_to_binary_$relative (string, clock,
        clock_in, code);


     is the character representation  of the clock reading desired.

     is the computed clock value relative to the clock_in argument.

     is the clock time used to compute the clock value.  (Input)

  code (output)
     is a standard status code.

  __________                                    ___________________

  cv_fstime_                                    encode_clock_value_
  __________                                    ___________________

| Name: cv_fstime_

| Given a file  system time value, this function  returns a Multics
| clock value.


|    declare cv_fstime_ entry (bit(36) aligned) returns (fixed
|       bin(71));

|    clock_value = cv_fstime (fstime);


| fstime
|    the file system time to be converted.  (Input) This is a value
|    as is returned by hcs_$status_, etc.

| clock_value
|    the Multics clock value which corresponds to fstime.  (Output)


  Name: encode_clock_value_

  This subroutine (obsolete) is a temporary replacement for correct
  calling of the new date/time  facilities.  It relays data between
  the user and the date/time system.

  takes a  given month, day  of the month,  year, hour of  the day,
  minute, second,  microsecond, and time zone  and returns a system
  clock  reading.  When  given a  day of  the week,  it performs an
  optional check  on the clock  reading to ensure that  it falls on
  the given day.

  A system clock  reading is encoded as the  number of microseconds
  from  January 1,  1901 0000.0, Greenwich  mean time  (GMT) to the
  given date, time, and time zone.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  encode_clock_value_                           decode_clock_value_
  ___________________                           ___________________


     declare encode_clock_value_ entry (fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed
        bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin(71), fixed
        bin, char(3), fixed bin(71), fixed bin(35));

     call encode_clock_value_ (month, dom, year, hour, minute, sec-
        ond, microsecond, dow, zone, clock, code);

  This entry point takes a system clock reading, a day of the week,
  and  year,  month, day,  hour,  minute, second,  and microsecond,
  offset values.   The offset values may  be positive, negative, or
  zero.  It returns a clock reading  that has been adjusted to fall
  on the  given day of  the week, and  which is then  offset by the
  given number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and


     declare encode_clock_value_$offsets entry (fixed bin(71),
        fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin,
        fixed bin, fixed bin(71), fixed bin, char(3), fixed
        bin(71), fixed bin(35));

     call encode_clock_value_$offsets (clock_in, month_off,
        day_off, year_off, hour_off, minute_off, second_off,
        microsec_off, dow_offset, zone, clock_out, code);


  Name: decode_clock_value_

  This subroutine (obsolete) is a temporary replacement for correct
  calling of the new date/time  facilities.  It relays data between
  the user and the date/time system.

  takes a given system clock reading and returns the month, the day
  of the month, the year, the time of day, the day of the week, and
  the local time zone.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  decode_clock_value_                           decode_clock_value_
  ___________________                           ___________________


     declare decode_clock_value_ entry (fixed bin(71), fixed bin,
        fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin(71), fixed bin, char(3));

     call decode_clock_value_ (clock, month, dom, year, tod, dow,


     is the system clock value to be decoded.  (Input)

     is the month (January = 1, ..., December = 12).  (Output)

     is the day of the month, i.e., 1 to 31.  (Output)

     is the year, e.g., 1978.  (Output)

     is the  time of day  (number of microseconds  since midnight).

     is  the  day  of  the week  (Monday  =  1, ...,  Sunday  = 7).

     is a  three-character lowercase abbreviation of  the time zone
     currently  used  by  this  process  (for  example,  mst, edt).


  If the clock value does not  lie within the range 0001-01-01 thru
  9999-12-31, then  zero values are returned  for month, dom, year,
  tod, and dow.

  This entry point is given a  system clock reading and returns the
  month, the day of the month,  the year, the hour, the minute, the
  second, the  microseconds within a  second, the day  of the week.

  ___________________                                    __________

  decode_clock_value_                                    date_time_
  ___________________                                    __________

  The time zone in which the decoded clock reading is expressed may
  be given as input, or the current time zone can be used.


     declare decode_clock_value_$date_time entry (fixed bin(71),
        fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin, fixed bin,
        fixed bin, fixed bin(71), fixed bin, char(3), fixed

     call decode_clock_value_$date_time (clock, month, dom, year,
        hour, minute, second, microsecond, dow, zone, code);


  Name: date_time_

  The  date_time_  system  is  a  utility  which  encodes, decodes,
  adjusts, or formats a Multics standard calendar clock value.  The
  clock  reading  is  assumed  to be  in  microseconds  relative to
  1901-01-01  0:00 gmt.   The ASCII  times involved  may be  one of
  several languages and in a choice of time zones around the world.

  The date_time_ subroutine converts a  system clock value to ASCII
  representation.   It  will be  in  terms of  the  process default
  language and zone.


     declare date_time_ entry (fixed bin(71), char(*));

     call date_time_ (clock, str);


     is the clock value to be formatted

  str (output)
     is the resultant character string.  (Input)

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________


  The format string which produces the resultant string is:
    "^my/^dm/^yc  ^Hd^99v.9MH ^za ^da"
  which produces strings like this:
     07/14/83  1435.4 mst Thu
|    mm/dd/yy  HHMM.M zzz ddd
  See  Multics Programmers'  Reference Manual for  a description of
  acceptable strings.

  The  ASCII representation  of time, which  date_time_ attempts to
  return in string,  is 24 characters long.  If  string is declared
  by the caller with a length of N and N is less than 24, then only
  the first  N characters are  returned.  If N is  greater than 24,
  then the result is returned padded on the right with spaces.

  If  clock  is  not  a valid  date,  "01/01/01  0000.0 gmt Tue" is

  Entry:  date_time_$format

  This entry  does a generalized  formatting of a  Multics standard
  calendar  clock  value.   A   format  string  is  supplied  which
  describes the layout and content of the desired result.  The zone
  and/or  language in  which the result  is to be  displayed may be


|    declare date_time_$format entry(char(*), fixed bin(71),
|       char(*), char(*)) returns (char(250) var);

|    result = date_time_$format (format, clock, zone, lang);


     either a keyword, or an ioa-like control string describing the
     desired  result in  terms of literal  characters and date/time
     selectors.  (Input)

     a clock value to be displayed

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

  zone (input)
     the  short  name of  the zone  in which  output time  value is
     expressed.  "system_zone"  means use the  system default zone.
     "" means use the per-process default zone.  (Input)

  lang (input)
     the language  in which month  names, day names  and time zones
     are  expressed.   "system_lang" means  use the  system default
     time  language.  ""  means use  per-process default  time lan-

     is the string which is the result of the conversion.  (Output)

  Error Handling                                                    |

     There are many errors which may occur while trying to format a |
     string.   These  will seldom  occur  in a  thoroughly debugged |
     environment,  so there  is no  error code  used to  report the |
     (usual) success.  Instead, the sub_err_ mechanism is used when |
     an  error  occurs.   The  information  in  the  sub_error_info |
     structure is generally quite explicit  as to the type of error |
     and  usually  quite  detailed  in its  explanation.   Within a |
     sub_error_  handler  it is  quite easy  to display  this data. |
     First, will  contain "date_time_$format". |
     Then a nice-looking message will be produced by:               |

       call com_err_ (sub_error_info.status_code, "my_name", "^a",  |
         sub_error_info.info_string);                               |

     This is  an example of  a detailed message  which could result |
     from this:                                                     |
         my_name: The picture contains a syntax error.              |
         Format is: "^yc-^98my-^99dm"                               |
          error at:       ^                                         |

     This  is  the  set  of  values which  may  be  present  in the |
     status_code field:                                             |

           the environment was not set up properly before calling
           this procedure.

           a conversion condition occurred while trying to convert
           a value.

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

           unrecognized selector in format string.

           the date given is after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.

           the date given is before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.

           the format string contains no selectors and is not a
           known keyword.

           the language specified by the caller was not found in

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is after the year 9999.

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is before the year 0001.

           the picture supplied is in error.

           the picture scale factor not in the range -128:+127.

           the normalized picture exceeds 64 characters.

           the size condition occurred during processing.

           a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.

           the time zone specified by the caller was not found in

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________


       The control string to  date_time_$format is either a keyword
  or a  character string consisting of  text and/or selectors.  The
  selectors are always identified by a leading circumflex character
  (^).  There are 2 types  of selectors; ^<keyword>, which allows a |
  keyword to  imbedded within a  format, and the  general form ^XX. |
  XX is a 2 letter code which specifies what information is wanted.
  An optional PL/I picture specification  may be placed between the
  ^ and  XX if the  default form is  not adequate.  If  the control
  string does  not contain any circumflex  characters, it must then
  be one  of the known  set of keywords.   See Multics Programmers'
  Reference Manual for a description of acceptable strings.

  Entry:  date_time_$from_clock

  Given a Multics standard calendar  clock value and an output time
  zone name, return the month, day of the month, the year, the hour
  of the day, the minute of the hour, the second of the minute, the
  number of microseconds, the day in week, the day in year, and the
  day in  clock.  The caller may  specify one of the  time zones in
  the  time_info_  in  which  the  decoded  clock  value  is  to be
  expressed, or may  request that the value be  expressed in one of
  the default time zones.


     declare date_time_$from_clock entry (fixed bin(71), char(*),
        ptr, fixed bin(35));

     call date_time_$from_clock (clock, zone, addr(time_value),


     is the clock value to be decoded.  (Input)

  zone (input)
     the  short  name of  the zone  in which  output time  value is
     expressed.  "system_zone"  means use the  system default zone.
     "" means use the per-process default zone.

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

     is the  structure containing time parts.   (Output) The struc-
     ture is defined in time_value.incl.pl1.

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

           the date given is after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.

           the date given is before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is after the year 9999.

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is before the year 0001.

           a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.

           the time zone specified by the caller was not found in


  This is  the structure used by  date_time_$from_clock to hold the
  parts of a  clock value.  It is also  used by date_time_$to_clock
  to  hold the  offset values  which are to  be combined  to make a
  clock value.

  dcl 1 time_value    aligned based(Ptime_value),
        2 version     char (8),
        2 yc          fixed bin,
        2 my          fixed bin,
        2 dm          fixed bin,
        2 Hd          fixed bin,
        2 MH          fixed bin,
        2 SM          fixed bin,
        2 US          fixed bin,
        2 fw          fixed bin,
        2 dw          fixed bin,
        2 dy          fixed bin,

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

        2 dc          fixed bin(22),
        2 Uc          fixed bin(71),
        2 za          char (5),
        2 zone_index  fixed bin,
        2 leap_year   fixed bin;


     Version of this structure (Vtime_value_1).

     Year part of date (e.g.   1978).  All values in this structure
     are time zone adjusted.

     Month part of date (e.g.  7= July)

     Day of month part of date (e.g.  4)

     Hour of the day (e.g.  18)

     Minute of the hour (e.g.  35)

     Second of the minute (e.g.  59)

     Microseconds in excess of second

     Fiscal week (a number representing yyyyww)

     Day of the week (1=Mon, 7=Sun).

     Day of the year (e.g.  12/31 = 365 or 366).

     Number of days in calendar value (e.g.  Jan 1, 0001 => 1).

     Number of  microseconds in calendar  value (e.g.  Jan  1, 0001
     midnight => 0).

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

     The name of the zone in which the data is expressed.

     The index in time_info_$zone_names of the zone.

     This is a 1 if it is a leap year, otherwise it is a 0.

  Entry:  date_time_$from_clock_interval

  Given 2 clock values, return  the number of years, months, weeks,
  days,  hours,  minutes, seconds,  and microseconds  between them.
  The set of units to use is  specified, as well as whether any are
  to include the fractional remainder.


     declare date_time_$from_clock_interval entry (fixed bin(71),
        fixed bin(71), ptr, fixed bin(35));

     call date_time_$from_clock_interval (clock1, clock2, addr
        (time_offsets), code);


     is  the  base time  value.   (Input) The  output  is expressed
     relative to this value.

     is  the  offset  time  value.  (Input)  clock1  is  in essence
     subtracted  from  this value.   If  this value  is  later, all
     results  will  be positive.   If  this value  is  earlier, all
     results will be negative.

     is the  structure containing resulting  time values.  (Output)
     Structure is defined in time_offsets.incl.pl1.

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

           the returned clock reading does not fall on the given
           day of the week.

           day_in_month<1 or day_in_month>month_size.

           day_in_year < 0 or day_in_year > year_size (which is
           355 for 1582).

           month_in_year<1 or month_in_year>12.

           the date given is in the non-existant range of
           1582-10-05 through 1582-10-14

           the date given is after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.

           the date given is before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.

           no units given in which to express the interval.

           an offset is so big that when it is applied, it
           yields a date before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.

           a negative offset is so big that when it is applied,
           it yields a date after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is after the year 9999.

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is before the year 0001.

           a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________


  This    is    the    structure    which   is    used    by   both
  date_time_$from_clock_interval   and  date_time_$offset_to_clock.
  For  from_clock_interval, it  contains all  of the  offset values
  which  define  the indicated  interval.  For  offset_to_clock, it
  contains all the values to be added to clock value.

  dcl 1 time_offset             aligned based(Ptime_offset),
        2 version     char (8),
        2 flag,
          3 yr        fixed bin,
          3 mo        fixed bin,
          3 wk        fixed bin,
          3 da        fixed bin,
          3 hr        fixed bin,
          3 min       fixed bin,
          3 sec       fixed bin,
          3 Usec      fixed bin,
        2 dw          fixed bin,
        2 val,
|         3 yr        float dec (20),
|         3 mo        float dec (20),
|         3 wk        float dec (20),
|         3 da        float dec (20),
|         3 hr        float dec (20),
|         3 min       float dec (20),
|         3 sec       float dec (20),
|         3 Usec      float dec (20);


     Version of this structure (Vtime_offsets_1).

     For from_clock_interval, this  structure specifies which units
     are to be used to  express the interval.  For offset_to_clock,
     it  specifies  which fields  contain data  to be  used.  These
     fields may  contain one of  3 values.  The  meaning depends on
     which operation is being done.
        value  $offset_to_clock     $from_clock_interval
          0         unused                unused
          1          used                 integer
          2          used             integer+fraction
     The  fields  in  this sub-structure  represent  years, months,
     weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds.

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

     This field specifies a day of week adjustment to be applied to
     the base  clock value.  It  may range from  -7 to +7  with the
     negative  amount  refering  to  the  past  (-7=last  Sun, ...,
     -1=last  Mon, 0=unused,  1=next Mon,  ..., 7=next  Sun).  This
     field is not used by from_clock_interval.

     The fields  in this sub-structure contain  the various values.
     For  offset_to_clock they  are the values  to be  added to the
     clock.  They may be negative if need be.  For FCO they are the
     values which  made up the  indicated interval.  Each  of these
     fields is  in use only if  its flag is set.   These fields are
     named just like the flags are.

  Entry:  date_time_$fstime

  This entry  performs the same  function as date_time_$date_time_,
  given a 36-bit storage system date value.


     declare date_time_$fstime entry (bit(36) aligned, char(*));

     call date_time_$fstime (ssclock, str);


     is an internal storage system clock value.  (Input)

     is the resultant character string .  (Output)

  Entry:  date_time_$offset_to_clock

  This entry point  creates a new Multics clock  value by adjusting
  an input clock  value to a specified day-of-week  and then adding
  relative  date/time  offsets.    The  relative  date/time  values
  include  a year  offset, month  offset, week  offset, day offset,
  hour  offset,  minute  offset,  second  offset,  and  microsecond
  offset.  Any  of these values  may be zero (no  offset from input
  clock  value)  or  negative  (backwards offset  from  input clock
  value).  In addition, an input time zone is specified.

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________


     declare date_time_$offset_to_clock entry (ptr, fixed bin(71),
        char(*), fixed bin(71), fixed bin(35));

     call date_time_$offset_to_clock (addr(time_offsets), clock_in,
        zone, clock, code);


     is  the  structure  containing  time  offsets  to  be  aplied.
     (Input) Structure is defined in time_offsets.incl.pl1

     is the clock value to which offsets are applied.  (Input)

     is the zone in which clock_in is to be interpreted.  (Input)

     is the resulting clock value.  (Output)

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

           the returned clock reading does not fall on the given
           day of the week.

           day_in_month<1 or day_in_month>month_size.

           day_in_year < 0 or day_in_year > year_size (which is
           355 for 1582).

           month_in_year<1 or month_in_year>12.

           the date given is in the non-existant range of
           1582-10-05 through 1582-10-14

           the date given is after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

           the date given is before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.

           an offset is so big that when it is applied, it
           yields a date before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.

           a negative offset is so big that when it is applied,
           it yields a date after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is after the year 9999.

           the clock value given, when converted to the specified
           time zone, is before the year 0001.

           a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.


  See  the  notes   under  date_time_$from_clock_interval  for  the
  description of the time_offsets structure.  The order of applying
  these  offsets  can affect  the  resultant clock  value.   In all
  cases,  the  order required  by convert_date_to_binary_  has been
  used.  The order is as follows:

    1) decode the input clock  value into absolute date/time values
       specified in  terms of the  input time zone.   This zone may
       affect the day-of-week represented by the input clock value,
       and hence, may affect any day-of-week offset adjustment.

    2) apply  any  day-of-week  offset  by  adding/subtracting days
       to/from the absolute date  until the day-of-week represented
       by the decoded clock value equals the specified day-of-week.

    3) apply  any  year  offset  to the  decoded  clock  value.  If
       applying  the year  offset results  in a  non-existant date,
       then use the previous  existing day, e.g.  "1583-10-10 -1yr"
       would yield 1582-10-04.

    4) apply  any  month offset  to  the decoded  clock  value.  If
       applying  the month  offset results in  a non-existent date,
       then use the  last day of the month  (taking leap years into

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

       account),  e.g.   "Jan 31  3 months"  would yield  April 31.

    5) apply  the day  offset, hour  offset, minute  offset, second
       offset, and microsecond offset.

    6) encode the  resultant absolute date/time  specification into
*      the output clock value.

  Entry:  date_time_$set_lang

  This entry sets or resets the user's default time language.


     declare date_time_$set_lang entry(char(*), fixed bin(35));

     call date_time_$set_lang (lang, code);


  lang (input)
     the language which is to be made current.  "system_lang" means
     use the system default time language.

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

           the language specified by the caller was not found in

  Entry:  date_time_$set_zone

  This entry sets or resets the user's default zone.


     declare date_time_$set_zone entry(char(*), fixed bin(35));

     call date_time_$set_zone (zone, code);

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________


  zone (input)
     the  short  name of  the  zone which  is  to be  made current.
     "system_zone" means use the system default zone.

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

           the time zone specified by the caller was not found in

  Entry:  date_time_$to_clock

  Given any  or all of  the following- years,  months, days, hours,
  minutes, seconds, microseconds, day in  week, day in year, or day
  in  clock, returns  a standard  clock value  which represents the
  encoding  of these  values.  All the  values must  be valid, i.e.
  hours ^> 23, etc.


     declare date_time_$to_clock entry (ptr, fixed bin(71), fixed

     call date_time_$to_clock (addr (time_value), clock, code);


     is the structure containing time parts.  (Input) The structure
     is defined in time_value.incl.pl1.

     is the encoded clock value.  (Output)

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

           the time represented by hour, minute and second is
           invalid, e.g.  23:60 or negative time values

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________

           the returned clock reading does not fall on the given
           day of the week.

           day_in_month<1 or day_in_month>month_size.

           day_in_year < 0 or day_in_year > year_size (which is
           355 for 1582).

           month_in_year<1 or month_in_year>12.

           there is a conflicting combination of day-in-calendar,
           day-in-year, month-in-year, day-in-month and

           the date given is in the non-existant range of
           1582-10-05 through 1582-10-14

           the date given is after 9999-12-31_23:59:59.999999_GMT.

           the date given is before 0001-01-01_00:00:00.000000_GMT.

           a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.

           the time zone specified by the caller was not found in


  See the notes under  date_time_$from_clock for the description of
  the time_value structure.

  "day"  (as  opposed  to "time")  data  is only  valid  in certain
  combinations.  This table shows with  the *'s which fields may be
  present together.  All others must be zero.

    time_value.yc | * | * |   |   |  In cases 1, 2, & 4, if dw is

  __________                                             __________

  date_time_                                             date_time_
  __________                                             __________ | * |   |   |   |  present,  it is used to verify | * |   |   |   |  the value converted.
    time_value.fw |   |   | * |   |
    time_value.dw |   |   |(*)|   |  In case 3 it actually defines
    time_value.dy |   | * |   |   |  a day.  If not present, Monday
    time_value.dc |   |   |   | * |  is assumed.
                    |   |   |   +-clock_days = dc
                    |   |   +-----clock_days = converted (fw,dw)
                    |   +---------clock_days = converted (yc,dy)
                    +-------------clock_days = converted (yc,my,dm)

  Entry:  date_time_$valid_format

  This entry checks the validity of a format string using precisely
  the same tests as date_time_$format.


     declare date_time_$valid_format entry (char(*), fixed bin,
        fixed bin(35));

     call date_time_$valid_format (format, errloc, code);


     either a keyword, or an ioa-like control string describing the
     desired  result in  terms of literal  characters and date/time
     selectors.  (Input)

     is the  character index in  the format string  where the error
     occured.  (Output) This is meaningful  only if it and code are
     both non-zero.

  code (output)
     is a standard  status code.  It can have  one of the following

           unrecognized selector in format string.

           a conversion condition occurred while trying to convert
           a value.

  __________                                            ___________

  date_time_                                            request_id_
  __________                                            ___________

           the format string contains no selectors and is not a
           known keyword.

           the picture supplied is in error.

           the picture scale factor not in the range -128:+127.

           the normalized picture exceeds 64 characters.

           the size condition occurred during processing.

           a structure is not a version this procedure can handle.

|             ________________________________________

| Name: request_id_

| Given a Multics standard clock  value, this entry point returns a
| char(19)   formatted  date   (expressed  in  GMT)   in  the  form
| "^yc^my^dm^Hd^MH^99.999999UM",      e.g.      830718105806.808512
| (yymmddHHMMSS.SSSSSS)  This is  a request id  as used  by ear and
| eor.


|    declare request_id_ entry(fixed bin(71)) returns(char(19));

|    result = request_id_ (clock);


| clock
|    is the clock value to be formatted.  (Input)

| result
|    is the resultant character string.  (Output)

                              SECTION 3



  Name: calendar_clock


  calendar_clock {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [calendar_clock {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns the complete clock value  from the 4-digit year down thru |
  the  microsecond in  a sequence  which allows  direct comparison, |
  e.g., "1982-12-23__18:06:30.421857_gmt_Thu" The  format string to |
  produce this is "^9999yc-^my-^dm__^Hd:^MH:^99.(6)9UM_^za_^da".    |


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  ______________                                              _____

  calendar_clock                                              clock
  ______________                                              _____


  -language STR, -lang STR
     STR  specifies the  language in  which month-names, day-names,
     and zone-names are to be expressed.  The default is ENGLISH.

  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is GMT
|     (Greenwich Mean Time).


  Use  the  print_time_defaults  command  to  display  the  default
  language and zone.


  Name: clock


  clock FORMAT {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [clock FORMAT {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

| returns a string whose content is entirely controlled by specifi-
| cations in the FORMAT string.


     an ioa_-like  control string describing the  desired result in
     terms of  literal characters and/or  date/time selectors.  See
     MPM Reference Guide for a description of this control string.

  _____                                                        ____

  clock                                                        date
  _____                                                        ____

     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".


  -language STR, -lang STR
     STR  specifies the  language in  which month-names, day-names,
     and  zone-names  are  to  be expressed.   The  default  is the
     process default.

  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use  the  print_time_defaults  command  to  display  the  default
  language and zone.


  Name: date


  date {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [date {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns  a date  of the  form "mm/dd/yy",  e.g., "12/23/82".  The |
  format string to produce this is "^my/^dm/^yc".                   |

  ____                                                    _________

  date                                                    date_time
  ____                                                    _________


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.

| Due to exec_coms, etc.  which have been built around the expected
| date format, this command does  not honor the process date format
| (set  by set_time_default).   Users are encouraged  to use "clock
| date"  in  place  of  this  command  to  get  the  proper default
| handling.


  Name: date_time


  date_time {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [date_time {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns a  date and time  value for a specified  date-time or the
* current  date-time consisting  of a date,  a time  from 0000.0 to

  _________                                               _________

  date_time                                               date_time
  _________                                               _________

  2359.9, a  time zone, and a  day of the week.   The date and time
  value  is  returned  as  a  single,  quoted  string  of  the form |
  "mm/dd/yy  hhmm.m  zzzzwww",   e.g.   "06/01/84  0840.9 mst Fri". |
  The      format      string      to      produce      this     is |
  "^my/^dm/^yc  ^Hd^99v.9MH ^xxxxza^xxxda".                         |


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".


  -language STR, -lang STR
     STR  specifies the  language in  which month-names, day-names,
     and  zone-names  are  to  be expressed.   The  default  is the
     process default.

  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use  the  print_time_defaults  command  to  display  the  default
  language and zone.

  Due to exec_coms, etc.  which have been built around the expected |
  date_time  format,  this  command  does  not  honor  the  process |
  date_time format (set by set_time_default).  Users are encouraged |
  to  use "clock  date_time" in  place of  this command  to get the |
  proper default handling.                                          |

  __________________                             __________________

  date_time_interval                             date_time_interval
  __________________                             __________________

  Names: date_time_interval, dti


  dti {date1} date2 {-control_args}


  [dti {date1} date2 {-control_args}]

  returns  the difference  between 2  date values,  relative to the
  first, in offset terms:
    "0 yr 0 mo -2 da -6 hr 0 min -4.64 sec"
  The user is  able to specify that the result  be only in terms of
  certain units.


     is  the  beginning of  the  interval.  If  not  specified, the
     current time is used.

     is the  end of the interval.   If the end is  earlier than the
     beginning, all numbers will be preceeded by a minus sign.


  -brief, -bf
     specifies that the units displayed  will be in the abbreviated
     form (Default).

  -fractional_digits {N}, -fd {N}
     specifies  the  maximum  number  of  fractional  digits  to be
|    included on  the smallest unit.  The  value being formatted is
|    rounded to the number of digits specified.  All trailing zeros
     are removed and  then the decimal point if it  is last.  N may
|    not  exceed 20.   Default is  2.  If  N is  not specified, the
     maximum is used.

  __________________                             __________________

  date_time_interval                             date_time_interval
  __________________                             __________________

  -zero_units, -zu
     specifies that all units will be output even if their value is
       Example:  "2 da 0 hr 0 min 4.2 sec"

  -language STR, -lang STR
     STR  specifies  the  language in  which  the result  is  to be
     expressed.  This may  be in any of the  languages known to the
     date/time system.  If STR is "system_lang", the system default
     is  used.   If this  control argument  is not  given or  it is
     present with STR being "", the per-process default is used.

  -long, -lg
     specifies   that   the  units   displayed   will  be   in  the
     singular/plural form.

  -no_zero_units, -nzu
     specifies that any unit which has  a value of zero will not be
     included in the  output.  However, if all units  are zero, the
     smallest will be shown with the value of "0".  (Default)
       Example:  "2 da 4.2 sec"

  -units STRs
     specifies  that the  result is to  be expressed in  terms of a
     given  set of  units.  All  arguments following  -units on the
     command line are taken as the  set of units to use.  Therefore
     -units, if present, must be the last control argument present.
     The units may be entered in any language available on the site
     and  in any  order.  All units,  however, must be  in the same
     language.  These are the units which may be specified:
           year month week day hour minute second microsecond
     The output will appear in the order shown in the list above.


  When no units have been specified, this set is used:
     years months days hours minutes seconds
  A default result could look like this:
   "-2 da -6 hr -4.05 sec"
  But if the arguments given were:
    -fd -units hr min
  the same interval could be:
   -54 hr -0.0676252166666666666 min                                |

  Note  there is  a truncation in  the first instance  to 2 decimal
  places with the corresponding loss of accuracy.

  ___                                                           ___

  day                                                           day
  ___                                                           ___

  Name: day


  day {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [day {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

| returns a one- or two-digit number of  a day of the month, from 1
| thru 31.  The format string to produce this is "^Z9dm".


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.

  ________                                                 ________

  day_name                                                 day_name
  ________                                                 ________

  Name: day_name


  day_name {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [day_name {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns the full  name of a day of the  week for a specified date |
  or the current date.  The format string to produce this is "^dn". |


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".


  -language STR, -lang STR
     STR  specifies the  language in  which month-names, day-names,
     and  zone-names  are  to  be expressed.   The  default  is the
     process default.

  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use  the  print_time_defaults  command  to  display  the  default
  language and zone.

  _________________                               _________________

  display_time_info                               display_time_info
  _________________                               _________________

  Names: display_time_info, dsti


  dsti -control_args

  This command displays information selected from time_info_.


  -all, -a
     specifies all data are to be printed.

     asks for a list of all the day names.

  -format, -fmt
     asks for  a list of all  the named formats known  on the site.
     These  are names  which may  be given  to date_time_$format in
     place  of  an  explicit  format string.   This  list  does not
     include  "date",  "date_time",  and  "time"  as  they  are not
     contained in time_info_.  Use print_time_defaults to see them.

  -language, -lang
     asks for a  list of all the time  languages available, showing
     the name of  each language IN each language.   This form would
     usually be used alone to enable a person to see what languages
     she can refer to.

  -language STR, -lang STR
     asks for the output to be  given in language STR.  The default
     is to show requested data in the process default language.

     asks for  a time zone map  of the world, with  all the defined
     time  zones and  their offsets.   Each zone  is at  its proper
     place on  this map.  The map  is horizontally broken according
     to the linelength currently in effect.

     asks for a list of all the month names.

  _________________                                            ____

  display_time_info                                            hour
  _________________                                            ____

     asks for all the offset words to be printed.

  -table STR, -tb STR
     STR specifies the pathname of  the table to be displayed.  The
     default is the reference name "time_info_".

  -token {STR}
     Displays  the structure  used for binary  searching the tokens
     declared  in  the table.   The display  shows all  words, with
     their meanings,  in all languages, grouped  by token.  A token
     is a word converted to lowercase.   If STR is given, then only
     the  data for  that token  is shown.   Since STR  represents a
     token and not a word, it must be entered in lowercase.

     asks for all of the miscellaneous words to be printed.

     asks for a list of all the zones available.


  Name: hour


  hour {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [hour {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns the one- or two-digit number  of an hour of the day, from |
  0 to 23.  The format string to produce this is "^Z9Hd".           |


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.

  ____                                                    _________

  hour                                                    long_date
  ____                                                    _________

     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.


  Name: long_date


  long_date {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [long_date {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

| returns a month name, a day number, and a year as a single string
| in  the  form "month  day,  year", e.g.,  November 2,  1976.  The
| format string to produce this is "^mn ^dm, ^9999yc".


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  _________                                               _________

  long_date                                               long_year
  _________                                               _________


  -language STR, -lang STR
     STR  specifies the  language in  which month-names, day-names,
     and  zone-names  are  to  be expressed.   The  default  is the
     process default.

  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use  the  print_time_defaults  command  to  display  the  default
  language and zone.


  Name: long_year


  long_year {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [long_year {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns the  four-digit number of  a year in the  clock from 0001 |
  thru 9999.  The format string to produce this is "^9999yc".       |


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  _________                                                  ______

  long_year                                                  minute
  _________                                                  ______


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.


  Name: minute


  minute {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [minute {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

| returns  the one-  or two-digit number  of a minute  of the hour,
| from 0 to 59.  The format string to produce this is "^Z9MH".


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  ______                                                      _____

  minute                                                      month
  ______                                                      _____


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.


  Name: month


  month {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [month {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns the one- or two-digit number of a month of the year, from |
  1 to 12.  The format string to produce this is "^Z9my".           |


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  _____                                                  __________

  month                                                  month_name
  _____                                                  __________


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.


  Name: month_name


  month_name {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [month_name {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

| returns the full  name of a month of the  year (e.g.  "June") The
| format string to produce this is "^mn".


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  __________                                    ___________________

  month_name                                    print_time_defaults
  __________                                    ___________________


  -language STR, -lang STR
     STR  specifies the  language in  which month-names, day-names,
     and  zone-names  are  to  be expressed.   The  default  is the
     process default.

  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use  the  print_time_defaults  command  to  display  the  default
  language and zone.


  Names: print_time_defaults, print_time_default, ptd


  ptd {keys} {-control_arg}


  [ptd key {-control_arg}]

  This  command displays  system or  process time-related defaults.
  If set_time_default has pushed any  values, these are also shown.
  The keys  specify which defaults  to print.  When  called with no
  keys,  all  time-related defaults  are  shown.  When  used  as an
  active  function,  it returns  the  current value  of one  of the


     selects which default value is to be displayed.

  ___________________                           ___________________

  print_time_defaults                           print_time_defaults
  ___________________                           ___________________


  -system, -sys
     This requests that the system defaults be displayed instead of
     the process defaults.

  LIST OF keys

     Display  the  default date  format.  A  date format  shows the
     year, month, and day in month.

     Display the default date/time format.  This combines both date
     and time.

  language, lang
*    Display the  default language.  Any time  words in output time
     strings will be in this language.

     Display  the  default time  format.  A  time format  shows the
     hour, minutes, and perhaps seconds.

     Display the default time  zone name.  Unless explicitly speci-
     fied, all  input time strings will  be interpreted relative to
     this  zone, and  all output time  values will  be expressed in
     this zone.


  The values displayed are in this order:
     date, date_time, time, language, zone.

  _________________                               _________________

  set_time_defaults                               set_time_defaults
  _________________                               _________________

  Names: set_time_defaults, set_time_default, std                   |


  std key value {-control_arg}


  [std key value {-control_arg}]

  This  command  sets a  default date/time  value for  the process.
  When used as an active function,  it returns "true" if the action
  requested was successful.  Otherwise, it returns "false".


     is a keyword representing the default to set.

     is  a  value  to become  the  new  default.  If  the  value is
     "-system"  (or "-sys"),  the system  default is  used.  If the
     value is -pop, it uses a remembered value, saved by an earlier
     setting with the  -push option.  It is an  error if no earlier
     -push has been done.


     saves the current  value of the default before  setting to the
     new value.

  LIST OF keys

     Set the process default date.  The value must be acceptable to
     date_time_$format (see note below).                            |

  _________________                                   _____________

  set_time_defaults                                   set_time_zone
  _________________                                   _____________

     Set the process default date_time.   The value must be accept-
|    able to date_time_$format (see note below).

  language, lang
     Set the process default language.  The language name may be in
     any of the languages known to the date/time system.

     Set the process default date.  The value must be acceptable to
|    date_time_$format.  (see note below).

     Set the process default zone.  The zone abbreviation may be in
     any of the languages known to the date/time system.


| The named  format strings acceptable to  date_time_$format may be
| seen  by typing  "display_time_info -format".   The names "date",
| "time", and "date_time" are not allowed in this context.


  Names: set_time_zone, stz


  stz {zone {offset}} {-control_arg}

  This command (obsolete)  sets the default time zone  used in this
  process.  Use set_time_default instead.


     is the  zone name to be  used as the default  in this process.
     This name must be present in time_info_.

  _____________                                                ____

  set_time_zone                                                time
  _____________                                                ____

     is the difference in hours  between the time zone specified by
     "zone" and  Greenwich Mean Time  (GMT) or Universal  Time (Z).
     It  must match  the offset  found in  time_info_ for  the zone


  -system, -sys
     causes  the user's  process to  use the  system default system
     time zone.


  Name: time


  time {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [time {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

  returns a  five-character time of  day of the  form "HH:MM", e.g. |
  "16:15".  The format string to produce this is "^Hd:^MH".         |


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  ____                                                         ____

  time                                                         year
  ____                                                         ____


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.

| Due to exec_coms, etc.  which have been built around the expected
| time format, this command does  not honor the process time format
| (set  by set_time_default).   Users are encouraged  to use "clock
| time"  in  place  of  this  command  to  get  the  proper default
| handling.


  Name: year


  year {date_time_words} {-control_args}


  [year {date_time_words} {-control_args}]

| returns  the two-digit  number of a  year of the  century from 00
| thru 99.  The format string to produce this is "^yc".


     these arguments  indicate the date about  which information is
     desired.   If  none are  present,  the current  time  is used.
     These arguments  are concatenated into a  date/time string and
     passed  to   convert_date_to_binary_.   These  words   may  be
     interspersed with control args, i.e.  "gmt -zone gmt 10:00".

  ____                                                         ____

  year                                                         year
  ____                                                         ____


  -zone STR
     STR  specifies the  zone which  is to  be used  to express the
     result.  The default is the process default.


  Use the print_time_defaults command to display the default zone.



  Section 3Naming, Command Language, and Terminal Usage .  3-1
              Constructing and Interpreting Names . . . .  3-1
              Date/Time Handling  . . . . . . . . . . . .  3-16
                 Inputting Dates and Times  . . . . . . .  3-16
                       Dates and Times:  A Brief History   3-22
                 Outputting Dates and Times . . . . . . .  3-23
                    Format Strings  . . . . . . . . . . .  3-24
                 In and Out In No Time At All . . . . . .  3-31