Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

To:        MTB Distribution

From:      N.S.Davids

Date:      12/20/83

Subject:   Executive Service, High Level Design

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Multics  Project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced outside the Multics Project.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637


       1.0  INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  1

       2.0  GENERAL OVERVIEW. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2

       3.0  WINDOW MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

       4.0  ASYNCHRONUS OUTPUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

       5.0  INTERNAL ERROR HANDLING . . . . . . . . . . 15

       6.0  CONDITION HANDLING. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

       7.0  MACRO COMMANDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

       8.0  NATIVE LANGUAGE SUPPORT . . . . . . . . . . 18

       9.0  CONTROL SEQUENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

       10.0 TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

       11.0 APPENDIX 1 Example application function . .
                          definition. . . . . . . . . . 20

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637


1.1 Purpose Of This Document
    This  MTB  covers  the  high  level  design  of  the Xservice
    subsystem and plans for implementing  a test driver.  It also
    contains  an example  application function  definition.  This
    example is very detailed and  is used to show how application
    functions will be implemented using the Xservice subsystem.

    The  companion  document  MTB636,  "Executive  Service,  User
    Interface"  discusses  the  functions that  this  design will
    implement.   It  also  contains  a very  high  level Xservice
    project  plan, a  description of the  Xservice prototype, and
    the reason for the Xservice project.

1.2 Goals
    The  design  of  Xservice  has  several  goals.   First,  the
    interface  presented to  the user must  be easy  to learn and
    remember.  Second, the interface should not get in the way of
    the  experienced  user.  Third,  the user  should be  able to
    create new applications from  existing commands or by writing
    new  routines to  interface with Xservice.   Fourth, any text
    displayed to  the user should be  easily replaceable to allow
    for native language customization.

1.3 Definitions

1.3.1 Xservice application function
    An xservice application function is any group of user screens
    and associated executable procedures and commands that can be
    grouped together and given a name.  Examples would be a forum
    or mail  system interface.  Another example  would be the top
    level  of  Xservice,  i.e.   the  first  set  of  menus  (and
    associated procedures) in the Xservice interface.

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2.1 Introduction
    Xservice executes as a sequence of distinct steps.  Each step
    is described by a set  of step information (step-info) in the
    step-info data store.  The step-info data store also contains
    the  information  needed  to  obtain  the  next  set  of step
    information.   There are  7 types  of steps.   Each step type
    causes the driver to execute a different procedure.

2.2 Major Procedures

2.2.1 driver
    This  module  drives  the  Xservice interface;  based  on the
    current  step  information  it  will  enable  the appropriate
    control  sequences  and execute  the appropriate  module.  It
    will  also  get  the  next  step-info,  based  on  the choice
    information returned  from the executed  procedure, making it
    the current step-info.  It is  responsible for writing to the
    per-process  value  segment  any  information  flaged  by the
    step-info   for   the  selected   choice.   Finally,   it  is
    responsible  for creating  an application  function workspace
    segment if the step-info indicates  that one is needed before
    calling the  execute_procedure module (workspace  creation is
    meaningful only if this procedure is being called).

2.2.2 stack_mgr
    This module  maintains a stack  of step-infos for  steps that
    are still active.   A step is active if  some subsequent step
    may return to  it.  The push operation will  push a step-info
    onto the  top of the  stack making it the  current step.  The
    pop  operation will  pop the  step-info for  the current step
    (top  of stack)  from the  stack.  It  will also  destroy any
    application function  workspace that the  step-info indicated
    should be  created and call any  indicated cleanup procedure.
    The look operation will  successively pop step-infos from the
    stack (cleaning up if necessary) until a step is found with a
    particular name.  That  step-info will be left on  the top of
    the stack (making it the current step).

2.2.3 process_ctl_seq
    The  process   control  sequence  module   will  perform  the
    functions for  all of the  control sequences.  In  many cases
    this  will  amount  to  setting  a  flag  (i.e.   help, macro
    definition in  progress, etc.).  All flags  are stored in the
    flags data store and are accessed via the xservice utilities.
    In other  cases, there will  be stack operations,  i.e.  PREV
    SCREEN.  There may also be  extensive work done as in EXPLAIN
    ERROR which outputs texts or INPUT TEXT which sets a value in
    the users profile data store.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

2.2.4 create_display_menu/get_choice_step
    This        module       is        executed       for       a
    create_display_menu/get_choice_step  step.   It  creates  the
    step-info  for  a display_menu/get_choice  step and  the menu
    info for  the menu to  be displayed.  The step  and menu info
    must be  dynamic since the choices  include macro names which
    will  vary  as  the  user creates  and  deletes  macros.  The
    execution  of  a create_display_menu/get_choice_step  step is
    one of two ways to build a display_menu/get_choice step.  The
    resultant   display_menu/get_choice  step   is  automatically
    executed upon completion of this creation step (provided this
    step  completes  without  errors).   Except  for  the  macros
    descriptions  all  the menu  options  are pre-defined  in the
    step-info data store.

2.2.5 create_display_menu/get_choice_step_from_procedure
    This        module       is        executed       for       a
    create_display_menu/get_choice_step_from_procedure  step  and
    has     exactly     the      same     function     as     the
    create_display_menu/get_choice_step    step.      The    only
    difference is  that in this  step the non-macro  menu options
    are  created  dynamically  via   some  procedure  instead  of
    statically from the step-info  data store.  This allows menus
    to  contain  options  based  on  dynamic  structures  such as
    segments in a dir or the contents of a data base.

2.2.6 execute_command_line
    This module is executed for an execute command line step.  It
    will call cu_$cp to execute a command line.  The command line
    is  static and  comes from  the step-info.   Arguments may be
    passed  to  the command  line  via active  function  calls to
    value_$get within  the command line.  This  routine also sets
    up  condition handlers  for command_error  and command_query.
    For command_query the main window will be cleared (via a call
    to a utility) and the question displayed on the first line of
    that window.  For command_error the first N characters of the
    error  message  will  be  displayed in  the  Xservice message
    window (via another call to a  utility).  The value of N will
    be  based on  the user's terminal  width.  If  the message is
    longer than  N characters a  flag indicating that  a detailed
    error message is  present will be set and  the detailed error
    message will be set to the entire error message.

2.2.7 execute_procedure
    This module  will be executed for  an execute procedure step.
    It will execute a procedure with a standard calling sequence.
    The  procedure may  be written  by a  user or  be an Xservice
    utility.  This is the mechanism that is used by the user when
    writing an application function that does not use the command
    level  interface.   There are  three  standard ways  that the
    executing procedure can get  input.  The step-info contains a
    text string  with static information  which is passed  to the

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

    procedure as  an argument.  The procedure  can also reference
    the  per-process  value segment  which  the driver  may store
    things in.  The final "standard"  way is for the procedure to
    get  a pointer  to the  application function  workspace via a
    call to an Xservice utility.   Standard output methods are to
    write into  the per-process value segment  or the application
    function workspace or return a text string to the driver.  If
    the  indicated choice  returned from  the procedure indicates
    that  the  driver  is  to write  into  the  per-process value
    segment the text of the returned string will be used.

2.2.8 display_menu_and_get_choice
    This procedure will be executed for a display_menu/get_choice
    step.  It  will display the limited  response user screen and
    get the user's response.  If the user has input text mode set
    for this screen, he will be prompted for his response and the
    text input converted into a choice  index.  If the user is in
    limited  response  mode, a  menu  will be  displayed  and the
    user's choice obtained via calls to the menu system.

2.2.9 display_text
    This procedure  is executed for  a display text  step.  It is
    used to display a text user screen.

2.2.10 create_application_steps
    This procedure is executed for a create application step.  It
    converts the static description  of an application (stored in
    the application  function definition step-info  and text data
    stores)  into  a  set  of step-infos  which  can  be  used by

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

2.3 Module Control Flow
    The  following diagram  depicts the control  flow between the
    modules.   The driver  is invoked  by a  command.  The driver
    determines  which  module  to   execute  by  looking  at  the
    step-info,  the  control  sequence  flag,  and  choice  index
    returned  by the  previous module.  It  calls the appropriate
    module which returns to the driver.  If the module returned a
    control  sequence, the  driver will  call the process_ctl_seq
    module (which has access to the stack).

    When Xservice is  first invoked, it will have  one hard wired
    step-info  to  get  things   started.   This  step-info  will
    indicate that an application function is to be created.  This
    first  application  function will  be the  top levels  of the
    Xservice interface.   This application function  will have an
    initial  step-info that  indicates that a  menu (the XSERVICE
    TOP  SCREEN) is  to be displayed  and a  user choice obtained
    (display_menu/get_choice).  The  driver may alter  this based
    on the  data in the user's  profile data store or  if this is
    the first time that the user has invoked Xservice.  After the
    execution of this first step  the driver will follow the path
    determined by the step-infos without alteration.

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            |  |----------------------------------------------|
            |  |                                              |
            V  V                                              |
         ----------         -------------                     |
         | DRIVER | <-----> | STACK_MGR | <--------|          |
         ----------         -------------          |          |
             |                 |     |             |          |
             |                 |     |             |          |
             | <---------------|     |             |          |
             |                       V             |          |
             |          -------------------        |          |
             |--------> | PROCESS_CTL_SEQ |-----------------> |
             |          -------------------                   |
             |                                                |
             |          ----------------------------------    |
             |--------> | CREATE_DISPLAY_MENU/GET_CHOICE |    |
             |          |           _STEP                |--> |
             |          ----------------------------------    |
             |                                                |
             |          ----------------------------------    |
             |--------> | CREATE_DISPLAY_MENU/GET_CHOICE |    |
             |          |     _STEP_FROM_PROCEDURE       |--> |
             |          ----------------------------------    |
             |                                                |
             |          ---------------------------           |
             |--------> | DISPLAY_MENU/GET_CHOICE |---------> |
             |          ---------------------------           |
             |                                                |
             |          ----------------                      |
             |--------> | DISPLAY_TEXT |--------------------> |
             |          ----------------                      |
             |                                                |
             |          ------------------------              |
             |--------> | EXECUTE_COMMAND_LINE |------------> |
             |          ------------------------              |
             |                                                |
             |          ---------------------                 |
             |--------> | EXECUTE_PROCEDURE |---------------> |
             |          ---------------------                 |
             |                                                |
             |          ----------------------------          |
             |--------> | CREATE_APPLICATION       |          |
                        |         _FUNCTION_STEPS  |--------> |

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2.4 Utility Modules
    The   utility   modules  perform   screen   manipulation  and
    housekeeping tasks.  They may be called from any of the major
    modules  or from  any user  written function  executed by the
    execute_procedure module.   It is expected  that more utility
    routines will  be defined during low  level design and during
    the implementation of application functions.

2.4.1 xservice_window_mgr
    This module manages  the contents of the all  of the Xservice
    windows  except  the  interactive  message  window.   It also
    performs  all  the user  input.   There will  be  entries for
    clearing  and  writing  to  the  status,  main,  and Xservice
    messages  windows as  well as  prompting the  user for input.
    Some of the entry points are: get_text
    This  module takes  as input  the location  of some  text and
    returns  a pointer  to the text  and the length  of the text.
    The  length is  expressed as  total number  of characters and
    total  number  of printed  pages.  The  number of  pages will
    depend  on the  user's terminal  width and  main window size.
    There  will also  be an  entry for  getting a  pointer to any
    given page of the text. get_new_file_name
    This procedure  will accept input  from the main  window.  It
    interprets  that input  an a segment  name.  It  checks to be
    sure that an  entry with that name does  not already exist in
    the  working  dir.  If  it  does it  generates  a recoverable
    error.   It assumes  that a prompt  in the  status window has
    been set  up by the step  that call it.  Also  that the error
    path is to re-executed the step.

2.4.2 create_work_space
    This  module will  create an  application function workspace.
    Current  plans  are  for  that workspace  to  be  a temporary
    segment in  the user's process dir.   No structure is imposed
    on the workspace,  i.e.  it is not an  area.  There will also
    be  an entry  point that returns  a pointer  to the workspace
    given  the application  function's name.  It  is possible for
    the same  application function setup  step to be  executed by
    the driver multiple times  (the application function might be
    recursive) in which case a call  to get a pointer to the work
    space  will  result  in  the pointer  to  the  last workspace
    created for that application function.  There will be another
    entry to destroy the workspace.

2.4.3 reply_editor
    The reply editor is different from the user's selected editor
    in  that it  splits the main  window in two  and displays the
    text  that the  user is replying  to in the  top window.  The

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    original  text  is  displayed  in display_text  mode  and the
    display_text  control sequences  are enabled  for positioning
    with the original text.  The status window will identify what
    the  original  message  is  and  the  current  and  last page
    numbers.   In  addition  the  COPY control  sequence  will be
    enabled.   The COPY  control sequence will  copy the original
    text into the  bottom window so the user can  form a reply by
    editing the  original instead of  retyping it.  Once  all the
    windows are set up and  loaded, the user's favorite editor is
    invoked to create the reply.

    The application function will have  to call this utility with
    the following information:  a string identifying the original
    message (for  display in the  status window), a  pointer to a
    string  containing  the original  message  and the  number of
    characters in the message.  The utility will return a pointer
    to the reply and the number  of characters in the reply.  The
    data at  the pointer location  will be valid  until the reply
    editor is invoked again or the Xservice system is exited.

2.4.4 flag_manager
    The flag  manager is used to  set and query the  flags in the
    flag data store.  Some of the  flags will be used to indicate
    that  Xservice  is in  a particular  state, i.e.   HELP mode,
    MACRO  DEFINITION mode.   Other flags  will indicate  that an
    event has happened, i.e.  the  user has entered a response to
    a user screen.

2.4.5 user_profile_manager
    This  module will  be used  to set  and query  the attributes
    stored  within  the users  profile  data store.   See section
    2.5.5 for a list of these attributes.

2.4.6 list_all_segs_and_links
    This procedure is used to create a list of segments and links
    in the working dir to be  used in a menu.  The standard input
    string  should  contain the  star  name of  the  segments and

2.4.7 build_menu_from_list
    This procedure is used to create  a list of things to be used
    in a menu.  The list is formed from the lines in a segment, 1
    line per  menu option.  The  segment is assumed to  be in the
    user's  process dir.   The standard input  should contain the
    name of the segment.

2.4.8 xservice_interact_msg_mgr
    This  procedure performs  output to  the Xservice interactive
    message window.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

2.5 Data Stores
    The data  stores are logical locations  where data is stored.
    By referring to these storage  locations as data stores it is
    possible  to  talk about  the  data and  its  meaning without
    implying  any given  structure to  the data.   It is possible
    that  in  low  level  design or  implementation  several data
    stores will be combined into a physical structure.  There are
    two  types of  data stores:   those that  record data between
    processes  and  those that  record  data only  for  the given

2.5.1 step-info (per-process)
    The step-info  data store contains information  about each of
    the steps that the driver may execute.  The information about
    a given step will be  called a step-info instance.  There are
    several types of steps corresponding to the different modules
    that the driver may execute.  The  type of data stored in the
    step-info instance will depend on the type of step.

    The data common to all step types are:
       o  step name
       o  step type
          There are seven types of steps:
       o  pi flag
          If set  to true this  step will be re-executed  if a PI
          condition is signaled.
       o  error path
          o  name  of the  next step  to be  executed in  case of
          o  stack operation
             Either  push the  next step-info  instance making it
             the current step, or look for the preceding instance
             of  the indicated  step.  In  most cases,  the error
             path will  be doing a look  operation (in which case
             the rest of the  following error path information is
             not needed).
          o  location of next step-info instance
          o  location  of  help information  about the  next step
             indicated by this choice
          o  name of  value segment data element  that the choice
             information will be stored as.  If null nothing will
             be stored.
          o  value that will be stored  in the value segment with
             the  above name  if different  from the  name of the
             next step  name.  If null and  the data element name

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             is  not  null, the  name  of the  next step  will be
       o  normal path
          o  name of the next step
          o  stack operation
             Either  push the  next step-info  instance making it
             the current step, or look for the preceding instance
             of the indicated step.
          o  location of next step-info instance
          o  location  of  help information  about the  next step
             indicated by this choice
          o  name of  value segment data element  that the choice
             information will be stored as.  If null nothing will
             be stored.
          o  value that will be stored  in the value segment with
             the  above name  if different  from the  name of the
             next step  name.  If null and  the data element name
             is  not  null  the name  of  the next  step  will be

    Other     information     that     is     used     by     the
    create_display_menu/get_choice_step step:
       o  info for created step
          o  pi flag
          o  line 1 of status window
          o  line 2 of status window
          o  step setable control sequences to be enabled
       o  menu/choice information for each step
          o  menu option description
          o  name of next step
          o  stack operation
          o  location of next step-info instance
          o  location of help info
          o  name of value data element
          o  value of value data element

    Other     information     that     is     used     by     the
    create_display_menu/get_choice_step_from_procedure step:
       o  procedure to execute
       o  standard input
       o  info for created step
             same as for the create_display_menu/get_choice_step
       o  choice information
          o  name of next step
          o  stack operation
          o  location of next step-info instance
          o  location of help info
          o  name of value segment data element
          o  value of value segment data element

    Other information that is used in the display_menu/get_choice
    and display_text steps:

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

       o  line 1 of status window
       o  line 2 of status window
       o  list  of step  setable control sequences  to be enabled
          for this step
       o  location of the menu structure or text information

    Other information that is used in the execute procedure step:
       o  name of function to be executed
       o  static input
       o  procedure's text output
       o  clear main window before execution flag
       o  clear main window after execution flag
       o  pause after execution flag
       o  workspace needed flag
          The workspace will be given the same name as the step
       o  location of cleanup procedure
       o  line 1 of status window
       o  line 2 of status window
       o  step setable control sequences to be enabled

    Other information  that is used  in the execute  command line
       o  text of command line
       o  clear main window before execution flag
       o  clear main window after execution flag
       o  pause after execution flag
       o  line 1 of status window
       o  line 2 of status window

    Other  information  that is  used  in the  create application
    function step-info step:
       o  location   of   the  application   function  definition
          step-info data store
       o  location  of the  application function  definition text
          data store

2.5.2 Stack (per process)
    The  stack  is  used to  keep  track  of all  the  steps that
    Xservice has been  in and which are still  active.  Steps are
    pushed onto the stack whenever the choice information for the
    next step indicates a push.   Steps are popped from the stack
    in response to a PREV  SCREEN or TOP SCREEN control sequence.
    The former will pop all steps until the previous display type
    step is found,  the latter will pop all  steps until the step
    displaying the Xservice top screen is found.  Steps will also
    be popped off the stack if the choice indicates that the next
    step  is  one  of  the  previous steps  or  a  PI  or cleanup
    condition is signalled.

2.5.3 application function workspace (per process)
    There  may  be  several  of  these  data  stores  created.  A
    workspace is created by the  driver by calling a utility when

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

    an executable procedure step  indicates that a workspace will
    be needed.  The structure of the  workspace is left up to the
    application functions executable procedures.

2.5.4 flags (per-process)
    This data store  is used to store all the  flags that are set
    during the execution  of Xservice.  The flags need  to be set
    and queried from both the  Xservice driver and the procedures
    that the  driver calls.  In addition  some of the application
    functions may need to query the flags.

2.5.5 User profile (permanent)
    The  user profile  contains the  information set  by the user
    when responding to the  PERSONALIZE XSERVICE limited response
    user  screen  and the  EDIT FUNCTIONS  user screens  (see MTB
    636).   It also  contains the  order of  the elements  of the
    FUNCTIONS user screen menu, all the user's macro definitions,
    and  the display  mode of  each limited  response user screen
    (limited response or input text).

2.5.6 Xservice Text (permanent)
    The Xservice text  data store will contain all  the text that
    is application function independent,  (that is the labels for
    the control sequences, and error/warning message text).

2.5.7 Application Function Definition Step-info (permanent)
    The  application  function definition  step-info  is slightly
    different  from the  step-info used  by Xservice.   Since the
    application definition  is independent of  the user's process
    all locations  must be identified by  pathname and entry name
    (with  perhaps a  character offset  within the  entry).  This
    data store refers to all  text strings by location within the
    application function definition text data store.

2.5.8 Application Function Definition Text (permanent)
    This  data  store contains  all the  text associated  with an
    application function.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

2.6 Application Functions
    An application function is defined by two special data stores
    which  contain  all  the  information  for  constructing  the
    step-info instances.  These  application function data stores
    will be  built via an  interactive session with  the Xservice
    user defined  extensions subsystem (see MTB  638).  The first
    time an  application function is  executed in a  process, the
    create application step-info step  is executed to convert the
    process  independent information  in the  data stores  into a
    more efficient form.

    An  application function  will generally consist  of steps to
    display  text  and menus  and steps  to execute  functions to
    perform the  user requested operations.   These functions may
    be  either  Xservice  utilities, procedures  written  for the
    application function, or commands.   To allow these functions
    to  communicate  with  each   other,  a  special  application
    function workspace may be created  when the first step of the
    application  function   is  executed.   A   pointer  to  this
    workspace may be obtained via  a call to an Xservice utility.
    What  structure  the  application  function  imposes  on this
    workspace is immaterial to Xservice.   It is also possible to
    indicate to  Xservice that the responses  to user screens are
    to be recorded in the user's per-process value segment.  This
    allows  applications   making  use  of   commands  to  obtain
    responses  to previous  user screens.   Of course  it is also
    possible for an application to  have a function which creates
    its own workspace, the advantage  of having Xservice do it is
    that Xservice is then responsible for cleaning it up when the
    application exits.

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    Four of  the five Xservice windows  are completely managed by
    the  Xservice  utility  procedure  xservice_window_mgr.   The
    fifth is the interactive  message window.  Completely managed
    means that all Xservice output  to those windows and input to
    Xservice   from    them   is   done   via    calls   to   the
    xservice_window_mgr.  In addition,  the module is responsible
    for  the creation  and destruction  of all  Xservice windows.
    The main  window remains attached to  the user_io iocb.  This
    enables applications using  existing procedures and commands,
    which  do  I/O  directly,  to   use  the  main  window.   The
    interactive    message    window   is    set   up    by   the
    xservice_window_mgr but  all output to it  is handled via the
    xservice_interact_msg_mgr utility procedure.


4.1 Interactive Messages
    When  the Xservice  interactive message window  is created, a
    call to accept_messages is made with arguments of "-hold" and
    "-call       xservice_interact_msg_mgr"       The      module
    xservice_interact_msg_mgr  will  output the  message  and the
    sender's name to the Xservice interactive message window (see
    MTB636).  If the user  removes the interactive message window
    from his screen then another  call to accept_messages is made
    with an  argument of "-call"  which will cause  the output of
    interactive  messages to  behave like  any other asynchronous
    output (see below).

4.2 Other forms of asynchronous output
    Asynchronous output which goes to  the user_io switch will be
    displayed in  the main window.   This output will  be cleared
    whenever Xservice executes a step  that writes a user screen.
    The  user_io switch  must be attached  to the  main window in
    order to allow the user  to execute commands and user written
    functions  from  the Xservice  environment without  having to
    specially modify those commands and functions.

4.3 System changes allowing a cleaner interface
    One way to prevent the output of asynchronous messages to the
    main  window  would  be arbitrarily  redirecting  the output.
    This  would  require that  all  systems that  do asynchronous
    output have  a way to  set and return  a pointer to  the iocb
    that  output  will be  done  on.  The  major systems  are the
    message facility,  memo, and forum.  Entries  for pushing and
    popping the switch would also be useful.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637


5.1 Program Logic Errors
    Errors returned  from calls to system  modules that cannot be
    handled (or  errors which indicate that  the current state of
    the system  is no longer  known and cannot be  reset) will be
    considered  internal programming  errors.  These  errors will
    signal the XSERVICE_POGRAM_LOGIC_ERROR  condition.  A handler
    for  this  condition  will  be  established  by  the Xservice
    driver.  The  action taken by  this handler will  be to first
    output the message:
    Then the context  of the error (supplied by  the module which
    signaled the condition will be  output followed by the actual
    message  as indicated  by the  returned error  code.  At this
    point the instruction to:
              Press RETURN to exit Xservice
    will be issued (in fact  any character will cause Xservice to
    exit).   Exiting  Xservice will  execute all  the established
    cleanup  handlers, destroy  all the  Xservice created windows
    and clear  the user_io screen.   The error message  is output
    before the cleanup to make sure that it is output in case the
    cleanup procedures fail in some unknown way.

    Information about  program logic errors  will be sent  to the
    xservice_suggestion mailbox  if the site has  provided such a
    mailbox.   If  the  site  has not  provided  the  mailbox the
    information is reported only to the user.

5.2 Recoverable Errors
    Recoverable  errors  will  be  handled  by  filling  an error
    message  structure  and  signaling  the XSERVICE_REPORT_ERROR
    condition.  A handler for this condition will be setup in the
    Xservice driver.   It will display the  primary error message
    in the Xservice  message window and if a  more detailed error
    message  is  available  a  flag will  be  set  to  enable the
    EXPLAIN_ERROR  control sequence.   After the  message flag is
    set,  control  will be  returned  to the  signaling procedure
    which will indicate  that the next choice is  to be the error
    choice.  The error message will  stay in the Xservice message
    window until the user enters  a keystroke that indicates that
    he  wishes to  go on  to some  other step.   An example  of a
    recoverable error is when the user invokes a disabled control

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin


6.1 Command_error
    The handler for this condition will  be set up in the execute
    command  line  procedure.   The  command  error  condition is
    signaled by com_err_  which will be called if  a command that
    is executed as part of  a user defined application reports an
    error.  The handler will cause  the first N characters of the
    error  message (where  N is  the width  of the  window) to be
    displayed  in  the  Xservice  message window.   If  the error
    message has  more than N characters  than the flag indicating
    that the EXPLAIN_ERROR control  sequence should be enabled is
    set.  The last  thing that the handler will do  is go back to
    the last step that required user input.  If the EXPLAIN_ERROR
    control  sequence  is enabled  and  the user  invokes  it the
    entire  error  message is  displayed  (including the  first N

6.2 Pi
    The  handler for  this condition  is set  up in  the Xservice
    driver.   At each  step the application  builder can indicate
    whether he  wants the step  re-executed if a  pi condition is
    signaled.  Xservice will start with the current step and if a
    cleanup handler  has been established will  execute it.  Then
    if the step  has the pi flag set it  will re-execute the step
    or proceed to the previous step.  The function being executed
    can establish its own pi handler if it wants to.

6.3 Cleanup
    The  handler  for this  condition  is setup  in  the Xservice
    driver.  When a cleanup is  signaled Xservice will start with
    the  most  recently  executed  step and  execute  its cleanup
    handler if  one was indicated.  It  will then proceed popping
    steps off of its stack  and executing their cleanup handlers.
    When  all steps  have been  removed from  the stack, Xservice
    will  clean itself  up.  This  entails restoring  the user_io
    window  and  clearing  it,  freeing  any  temporary  segments
    created  for application  storage or  Xservice working space,
    and restoring the video environment.

6.4 Command_query
    A  handler for  this condition will  be setup  in the execute
    command  line  procedure.   The  command_query  condition  is
    handled so  that any command  query issued by  a user defined
    application is handled correctly.  The main window is cleared
    and if the query is shorter than the width of the terminal it
    is displayed in the Xservice  status window.  If the query is
    longer  than  the  width  of  the  terminal  it  is displayed
    starting  at  the  top of  the  main window.   The  user will
    respond in the main window.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

    A macro command is a sequence of responses which perform some
    set  of actions  which the user  wants to be  able to perform
    without  entering  each  response  individually  and  without
    having  each user  screen displayed on  the terminal.  Macros
    may be defined only for limited response user screens.

    A macro definition is composed of the following:
    o  the name of the step the macro is defined for
    o  the macro name
          the name is also the menu option description.
    o  number of responses
       for each response:
       o  the step name the response is for
       o  dynamic response flag
       o  response
          responses  are stored  as next-step step  names so that
          macro responses are independent of changes in the order
          of the choices.

    The  create_display_menu/get_choice_step step  will query the
    user's profile  for any macros and  incorporate them into the
    menu options along with the static choices.

7.1 Execution of a Macro
    A macro is executed in the following way.  The first response
    in  the macro  is a response  to the menu  that contained the
    macro.   All  other responses  are  associated with  the step
    generated by the previous response.  The step name associated
    with the response is checked to  be sure that the response is
    being applied to  the correct step.  If the  check fails then
    an error is  reported and execution of the  macro stops.  The
    user is left at the step  that the error occurred in.  When a
    macro  is executing,  the main  window will  contain the user
    screen  that  invoked  the  macro.   The  status  window will
    indicate that a macro is executing and the name of the macro.
    The second line will list  the steps that are being executed.
    Only  the  steps  that  the  user  would  normally  see, i.e.
    display steps  will be listed.   The exception to  this is if
    the dynamic response  flag is set.  For that  step the status
    and main windows will be cleared and the user screen for that
    step will  be displayed so  that the user  can respond.  Once
    the user has responded, the status window will again indicate
    that the  macro is running  and what step  is being executed.
    The  macro  completes execution  when  a step  requiring user
    input  is reached  and and  all the  macro's stored responses
    have  been used.   At this point  the windows  are updated to
    show the user screen which requires the input.

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin


    All Xservice  textual material will be  contained in segments
    separate  from  the executable  code  (the Xservice  text and
    application  function  definition  text  data  stores).   The
    content  of  these segments  will  be documented  and special
    editing  tools  will be  made available  to change  the text.
    This will allow  easy conversion of the text  from English to
    some other language.  Special editing tools will be developed
    not  only  to  assist  (in  an  Xservice  like  way)  in  the
    translation  but to  assure that any  non-textual material is
    correctly updated to reflect textual changes.

    Text that  Xservice has no  control over, i.e.   system error
    messages will be output as is.


    Xservice will have two forms of control sequences.  The first
    form will use single keys  (function keys and the <>?  keys).
    The  second  form  will  use  the  sequence  ESCx_  where "_"
    identifies the requested control sequence.

    Since there  are 23 control sequences  and VIP terminals have
    only 12 function keys each function key must be used for more
    than  1  control sequence.   This is  done by  assigning each
    control sequence  to the next unused  function key.  Since no
    more  than 7  control sequences  requiring function  keys can
    appear  in the  control window at  any one  time, the minimum
    number of  function keys required  is 7.  Note  that the PREV
    CONTROL, NEXT CONTROL, and HELP control sequences use the <>?
    keys not the function keys.

    Each  three-character escape  sequence is assigned  to only 1
    control sequence.

    When Xservice is invoked, it will issue commands to the video
    editor to determine if the  ESCx sequence has been defined by
    the user (the video line editor  will not define it).  If the
    sequence has  been defined, a warning  message will be issued
    indicating  that  Xservice  will   be  pre-empting  it.   All
    original information will be saved and restored when Xservice
    exits.  If the sequence has  not been defined no warning will
    be issued.

    This will require that the capability to get information on a
    key-binding be added to the video-editor system.

    There  are two  types of control  sequences, step-enabled and
    xservice-enabled.   The  step enabled  control  sequences are

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

    enabled  by  the current  step  and are  therefore  under the
    control of the person  writing the application function.  The
    step-enabled control sequences are:
          TOP SCREEN
          PREV SCREEN
          NEXT SCREEN
          OPEN MACRO
    These control are disabled at the end of each step.

    All other  control sequences are  enabled or disabled  by the
    Xservice driver based on the current step-info and the user's
    environment,    e.g.    if    the   user's    site   has   an
    xservice_suggestion  mailbox  than   the  suggestion  control
    sequence will be enabled.


    In order  to test the  Xservice system a test  driver will be
    built.  This driver  will cause Xservice to enter  one of two
    special testing modes.  In the  first mode (build test mode),
    Xservice  will  record  the  contents of  user's  screen (all
    lines) after  any output to  any Xservice window.   Also user
    input  will  be recorded.   This  will allow  a  developer to
    create  a test  script by executing  it once.   In the second
    mode (execute test mode), a  test script will be executed and
    the user screens again stored away.  After the test completes
    the  original  screen record  will be  compared with  the new
    screen record for any discrepancies.   It will be possible to
    indicate that  for an given user  screen, certain portions of
    the screen are not to be compared.  This will allow date-time
    or other  environment dependant features to  be ignored.  The
    test driver will not be part of the Xservice product.

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

                           APPENDIX 1
             Example application function definition

The following is an example of the steps and data that would need
to  be  defined for  implementing an  archive function  using the
archive  command interface.   This application is  similar to the
the archive function implemented by the prototype (MTB 636).  The
major difference is that this  version will display in the status
window the archive command line that it is executing.

There are  two parts to this  example.  The first part  is a flow
chart  of the  execution of the  steps.  Note  that paths labeled
with an E represent error paths.  The second part of this example
is a detail of the information  that must be supplied by the user
for each step.   Note that the user would  define these steps and
data via the Xservice  utility for defining application functions
(MTB 638).

Note also that part two does not show the way any data structures
will actually  be defined but  merely what data  will be defined.
Also, not all data elements need to be defined in all cases.  For
instance, the values of location of help info, name of value data
element, and value of value data element for a choice need not be
defined  if the  choice's stack  operation is  a look.   Also the
value of "value of data element"  need not be defined if the name
of the value data element is not set (displayed here as NONE).

The value "PATH" stands for some  Multics path the user typed in.
The value "BLANKS" stands for a blank line.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

    |                                 |                       |
    |                                 V                       |
    |                      xservice functions menu            |
    |                                 |                       |
    |                                 V                       |
    |<------------------E create main archive menu            |
    |                                 |                       |
    |                                 V                       |
    |                         main archive menu               |
    |                                 |                       |
    |                    |-------------------------|          |
    |                    |                         |          |
    |      |------------>|                         |          |
    |      |             V                         V          |
    |      |<-E create a new archive     select an existing E-|
    |                   file                archive file
    |                    |                         |
    |                    V                         |
    |<-------E create append archive               V
    |               options menu                  (2)
    |                    |
    |                    V
    |         append archive options
    |                  menu
    |                    |
    |    |---------------|----------------|
    |    |               |                |
    |    V               V                V
    |  append        append then    append then
    |    |             delete       force delete
    |    |               |                |
    |    |-------------->|<---------------|
    |                    |
    |                   (3)<------------------------|
    |                    |                          |
    |                    V                          |
    |<------E list all segs and links               |
    |                    |                          |
    |                    V                          |
    |                files menu                     |
    |                    |                          |
    |                    V                          |
    |<-----E display append archive command         |
    |                    |                          |
    |                    V                          |
    |<-------E append archive command               |
                         |                          |

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

                   archive files menu
  (1)<-------E create all archive options menu
                 all archive options menu
            |               |                    |
            V               |                    |
         append             |                    V
   append then delete       |                   (5)
append then force delete    |
        replace             |
   replace the delete       |
            |               |
            V               |
           (3)              |
                     table of contents
                   long table of contents
                   brief table of contents
                 long table with no headings
  (1)<---------E display table archive command
  (1)<------------E table archive command

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

                    extract then delete
                force the extract then delete
                     force the extract
                            V                |
  (1)<--------E get archive component list   |
                            |                |
                            V                |
  (1)<---E create menu of archive components |
                            |                |
                            V                |
               menu of archive components    |
                            |                |
                            V                |
  (1)<-----E display general archive command |
                            |                |
                            V                |
  (1)<--------E general archive command      |
                            |                |

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

Step 1
   This first step indicates  that a display_menu/get_choice step
   and its associated menu are to be created.  If an error occurs
   control will  be returned to the  xservice functions step.  If
   no errors occur  control will be transfer to  the just created
   display_menu/get_choice step.  Since the step is being created
   no location  information is required.  Since  there is no user
   response  there  is  no need  for  a  help path  and  since no
   information  is to  be recorded  there is  no need  for a data
   element name or  value.  A create_display_menu/get_choice_step
   step info produces no visible output (unless an error occurs).
   The  pi  flag  setting  indicates   that  this  step  will  be
   re-executed in response to a pi condition.

   o  name:  create main archive menu
   o  type:  create display_menu/get_choice step
   o  pi flag:  ON
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  main archive menu
   o  info for created step
      o  pi flag:  OFF
      o  line 1 of status window:  Xservice first archive menu
      o  line 2 of status window:
            Create a new, or select an existing, archive file
      o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  menu/choice information
      o  choice 1
         o  menu option description:
                create a new archive file
         o  name of next step:  create a new archive file
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  name of value data element:  NONE
         o  menu option description:
                select an existing archive file
      o  choice 2
         o  name of next step:  select an existing archive file
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  NONE

Step 2
   This         step        executes         the        procedure
   xservice_utility_$get_new_file_name.   In  the   event  of  an
   error,  control  will be  returned  to the  xservice functions
   step.  Otherwise  control will be passed  to the create append
   archives option menu step.  The  help path will supply help on

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

   what the user is suppose to  enter, i.e.  the new archive file
   to be created.  Before control is  passed to that step a value
   with  the  name  archive_file  will be  placed  in  the user's
   per-process  value   segment.   Since  no   static  value  for
   archive_file   is    recorded   the   value    returned   from
   get_new_file_name  will be  used.  To  allow the  user a clear
   space to  enter the file  name (or control  sequence) the main
   window  is cleared  before the  get_new_file_name procedure is

   o  name:  create a new archive file
   o  type:  execute procedure
   o  name of function:  xservice_utility_$get_new_file_name
   o  static input:  NONE
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window before execution flag:  ON
   o  clear main window after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  OFF
   o  work space needed flag:  OFF
   o  name of cleanup procedure:  NONE
   o  line 1 of status window:
         Xservice creating a new archive file
   o  line 2 of status window:
         The name of the new archive file is ?
   o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  create a new archive file
      o  stack operation:  push
      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  name of value data element:  NONE
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:
            create append archive options menu
      o  stack operation:  push
      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  name of value data element:  archive_file
      o  value of value data element:  NONE

Step 3
   This  step indicates  that a  menu and display_menu/get_choice
   step  are  to be  created.   The menu  created lists  only the
   append  options of  the archive  function since  those are the
   only  functions  available when  you  create an  archive.  The
   information  supplied with  the menu options  indicates that a
   data value with the name  archive_option will be placed in the
   user's  per-process  value segment.   The  value of  that data
   element will depend on the user's choice.

   o  name:  create append archive options menu
   o  type:  create display_menu/get_choice step

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  append archive options menu
   o  info for created step
      o  pi flag:  OFF
      o  line 1 of status window:  Xservice archive options
      o  line 2 of status window:
            Select the option to be used to archive the file
      o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  menu/choice information
      o  choice 1
         o  menu option description:  append
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  a
      o  choice 2
         o  menu option description:  append then delete
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  ad
         o  menu option description:  append then force delete
      o  choice 3
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  adf

Step 4
   This step  creates a menu and  a display_menu/get_choice step.
   However,  instead of  the menu  options being  supplied by the
   person  creating the  step they  are dynamically  created by a
   procedure.   In this  case the  menu will  consist of  all the
   segment and  link names in the  user's working directory.  The
   standard input **  represents the star name to  match on.  The
   same information  is applied to all  choices.  Note that since
   the name of the value data element is set and the value of the
   data  element  is not  set,  the name  of  the choice  will be
   stored.  In  this case the name  of the choice is  the same as
   the name of the segment or link.

   o  name:  list all segs and links
   o  type:  create display_menu/get_choice step from procedure

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

   o  procedure to execute:
   o  standard input:  **
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  files menu
   o  info for created step
      o  pi flag:  OFF
      o  line 1 of the status window:  List of archivible files
      o  line 2 of status window:  Select a file to be archived
      o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  choice information
      o  name of next step:  display append archive command
      o  stack operation:  push
      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  name of value segment data element:  seg_to_be_archived
      o  value of value segment data element:  NONE

Step 5
   This step will execute a  procedure which will query the value
   segment to get the archive file name, archive option, and file
   to be archived  It will also display in  the status window the
   actual command that the user could have typed in if he were at
   command level.

   o  name:  display append archive command
   o  type:  execute procedure
   o  name of function to be executed:
   o  standard input:  NONE
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window before execution flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  OFF
   o  work space needed flag:  OFF
   o  name of clean up procedure:  NONE
   o  line 1 of status window:  BLANKS
   o  line 2 of status window:  BLANKS
   o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  append archive command
      o  stack operation:  push

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  name of value data element:  NONE

Step 6
   This  step  executes the  archive  command.  The  command line
   makes  a  call  to  value to  get  the  arguments  recorded by
   previous  steps.  After  a successful  execution, control will
   return to  the list all  segs and links  step (Step 4)  so the
   user can select another segment  or link for archiving.  While
   the command  is executing, the  main and control  windows will
   continue to  show the display from  the previous steps.  Since
   there  is no  status window text  set, the  status window will
   also continue to show the display  from the previous step - in
   this case the archive command line output from step 5.

   o  name:  append archive command
   o  type:  execute command line
   o  command line:
         archive     [value_get     archive_option]    [value_get
         archive_file] [value_get seg_to_be_archived]
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window before execution flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  OFF
   o  line 1 of status window:  NONE
   o  line 2 of status window:  NONE
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
      o  stack operation:  look

Step 7
   The  menu  created  by this  step  will list  all  the archive
   segments in  the user's working  dir.  The user's  choice will
   indicate which archive file he wants to deal with.  The choice
   is   stored  under   the  name  archive_file   in  the  user's
   per-process value segment.

   o  name:  select an existing archive file
   o  type:  create display_menu/get_choice step from procedure
   o  procedure to execute:
   o  standard input:  **.archive
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

      o  name of next step:  archive files menu
   o  info for created step
      o  pi flag:  OFF
      o  line 1 of status window:  Xservice list of files
      o  line 2 of status window:  Select a file to archive
      o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  choice information
      o  name of next step:  create all archive options menu
      o  stack operation:  push
      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  name of value data segment element:  archive_file
      o  value of value data segment element:  NONE

Step 8
   This step will  create a menu of all  the archive options plus
   the display_menu/get_choice  step (needed to  display the menu
   and the  users choice).  Since  the menu options  are supplied
   the choice  information for each choice  is listed separately.
   The user's choice is recorded under the name archive_option.

   o  name:  create all archive options menu
   o  type:  create display_menu/get_choice step
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice_functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  all archive options menu
   o  info for created step
      o  pi flag:  OFF
      o  line 1 of the status window:  Xservice archive options
      o  line 2 of the status window:  Select an archive option
      o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  menu/choice information
      o  choice 1
         o  menu option description:  table of contents
         o  name of next step:  display table archive command
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  t
      o  choice 2
         o  menu option description:  long table of contents
         o  name of next step:  display table archive command
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  tl
      o  choice 3

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

         o  menu option description:  brief table of contents
         o  name of next step:  display table archive command
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  tb
      o  choice 4
         o  menu option description:
                long table with no headings
         o  name of next step:  display table archive command
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  tlb
      o  choice 5
         o  menu option description:  append
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  a
      o  choice 6
         o  menu option description:  append then delete
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  ad
      o  choice 7
         o  menu option description:  append then force delete
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  adf
      o  choice 8
         o  menu option description:  replace
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  r
      o  choice 9
         o  menu option description:  replace then delete
         o  name of next step:  list all segs and links
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  rd
      choice 10
         o  menu option description:  delete
         o  name of next step:  get archive component list

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  d
      o  choice 11
         o  menu option description:  extract
         o  name of next step:  get archive component list
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  x
      o  choice 12
         o  menu option description:  extract then delete
         o  name of next step:  get archive component list
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  xd
      o  choice 13
         o  menu option description:
                force the extract then delete
         o  name of next step:  get archive component list
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  xdf
      o  choice 14
         o  menu option description:  force the extract
         o  name of next step:  get archive component list
         o  location of help info:  PATH
         o  stack operation:  push
         o  name of value data element:  archive_option
         o  value of value data element:  xf

Step 9
   This step will execute a  procedure which will query the value
   segment to get the archive  file name, and archive option.  It
   will also display in the status window the actual command that
   the user could have typed in if he were at command level.

   o  name:  display table archive command
   o  type:  execute procedure
   o  name of function to be executed:
   o  standard input:  NONE
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window before execution flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  OFF
   o  work space needed flag:  OFF
   o  name of clean up procedure:  NONE

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

   o  line 1 of status window:  BLANKS
   o  line 2 of status window:  BLANKS
   o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  table archive command
      o  stack operation:  push
      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  name of value data element:  NONE

Step 10
   This step executes an archive command.  It is used only if the
   user selects  a table of  contents option so it  uses only the
   archive_option  and  archive_file  value  data  elements.   In
   addition,  it  clears  the  main window  before  executing the
   command  so that  the output from  archive will go  to a clear
   window.   It  also will  pause after  the command  finishes to
   allow the user to read the  screen.  During the pause a prompt
   will  be issued  telling the user  to press the  return key to
   return to  the previous menu.   If the output  from archive is
   longer than the main  window then standard more-mode prompting
   will be done.

   o  name:  table archive command
   o  type:  execute command line
   o  command line:
         archive     [value_get     archive_option]    [value_get
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main before_execution flag:  ON
   o  clear main after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  ON
   o  pause message:  return to the previous menu
   o  line 1 of status window:  NONE
   o  line 2 of status window:  NONE
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  create all archive options menu
      o  stack operation:  look

Step 11
   This step  executes a command  line to produce  a segment with
   the names of all the  components of the archive.  This segment
   will be used to input produce a menu at the next step.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

   o  name:  get archive component list
   o  type:  execute command line
   o  command line:
         file_output  [pd]>archive_components  -tc; archive_table
         [value_get archive file]; revert_output
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window before execution flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  OFF
   o  line 1 of the status window:  BLANK
   o  line 2 of the status window:  BLANK
   o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  create menu of archive components
      o  location of help info:  NONE
      o  stack operation:  push
      o  name of value data element:  NONE

Step 12

   This step creates a menu out of the list generated in the last
   step.    The   user's  choice   is   stored  under   the  name

   o  name:  create menu of archive components
   o  type:  create display_menu/get_choice step from procedure
   o  procedure to execute:
   o  static input:  archive_components
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  menu of archive components
   o  info for created step
      o  pi flag:  OFF
      o  line 1 of status window:  NONE
      o  line 2 of status window:  NONE
            Select a component from the archive
      o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  choice information
      o  name of next step:  display general archive command
      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  stack operation:  push

MTB 637                                Multics Technical Bulletin

      o  name of value data element:  seg_to_be_archived
      o  value of value data element:  NONE

Step 13
   This step will execute a  procedure which will query the value
   segment to get the archive file name, archive option and file.
   It will also  display in the status window  the actual command
   that the  user could have typed  in if he had  been at command

   o  name:  display general archive command
   o  type:  execute procedure
   o  name of function to be executed:
   o  standard input:  NONE
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window before execution flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  OFF
   o  work space needed flag:  OFF
   o  name of clean up procedure:  NONE
   o  line 1 of status window:  BLANKS
   o  line 2 of status window:  BLANKS
   o  step setable control sequences to be enabled:
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions
      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  general archive command
      o  stack operation:  push
      o  location of help info:  PATH
      o  name of value data element:  NONE

Step 14
   This step executes the archive command.

   o  name:  general archive command
   o  type:  execute command line
   o  command line:
         archive  [value_get  archive_option]  [value_get archive
         file] [value_get seg_to_be_archived]
   o  pi flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window before execution flag:  OFF
   o  clear main window after execution flag:  OFF
   o  pause after execution flag:  OFF
   o  line 1 of the status window:  NONE
   o  line 2 of the status window:  NONE
   o  error path
      o  name of next step:  xservice functions

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB 637

      o  stack operation:  look
   o  normal path
      o  name of next step:  get archive component list
      o  stack operation:  look