Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

To:        MTB Distribution

From:      Ron Barstad

Date:      12/20/83

Subject:   The View Manager Facility:  SQL Parser


The Sequential Query Language (SQL) for the View Manager Facility
is described.  The use of a LALR parser to convert the SQL info a
canonical form is described.

This MTB is only one of a  group of related documents in the View
Manager series.  These documents are

    MTB-641  The View Manager Facility
    MTB-642  The View Manager Facility:  Subroutine Interfaces
    MTB-643  The View Manager Facility:  The View Master Subsystem
    MTB-644  The View Manager Facility:  SQL Parser
    MTB-645  The View Manager Facility:  Data Dictionary Interface

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This document  contains lines longer than  the standard pagewidth
of 65.   The control argument  "-forms elite" should  be used for
hardcopies from the  x9700 and "-rqt pmdc_12c" should  be used on
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Comments may be made

     via forum:
               >udd>Multics>meetings>End_User_Data_Access (euda)

     via electronic mail:
               RBarstad.Multics  at  System M

     via telephone:
               (HVN) 357-6617 or (602) 862-6617


Multics  Project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced outside the Multics Project.

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin


The  Structured Query  Language (SQL) defined  by IBM  in the mid
70's for their  System R project has become  the defacto industry
standard.   Many vendors,  including GCOS,  are converting  to or
adding  a  SQL like  interface  to their  data base  products.  A
Multics  dialect  of  SQL  will  be  used  for  the  View Manager
Facility.  This  dialect will be  familiar to users  of other SQL

Earlier  proposals by  Jim Gray and  others to  provide a unified
query  language which  was a combination  of SQL,  MRDS and LINUS
were  found to  be wanting.   It was  felt that  these approaches
provided a  lowest-common-denominator language that  combined the
worst features of all the  others.  The syntax for Gray's unified
language  also  proved  to  be ambiguous  and  incapable  of LALR
analysis without major change.

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644


2.1 Overview

The parser translates SQL into  a Canonical Query Language (CQL).
The SQL  is the user entered  text such as "select  foo from bar"
and the CQL  is an internal representation passed  on down to the
routines that do  the user's bidding.  (The CQL  is not described

The parser can be considered a kind of compiler that converts the
SQL  source statements  into the CQL  object.  This  is true even
though the  parser deals with  only a single statement  at a time
and appears to the user to  be a pre-processor.  Errors in syntax
or  semantics will  be detected  and passed  back to  the caller.
Some  checking of  column names  and expressions  may be  done to
verify their appropriateness for  the requested table.  Any error
would prevent the creation of the CQL.

The  core of  the parser  is a LALR  translator built  from a BNF
definition of  the SQL.  Semantic processing  code will build the
CQL as each production is scanned and verified.

2.2 About LALR

LALR means  "Look Ahead, Left  to right, Right  most derivation".
The Multics LALR system translates a BNF description of a grammar
into  a  parser  for  that  language.   The  parser  is efficient
compared to traditional "hand coding" and provides an expeditious
way to build and test grammars  like SQL.  After the decision was
made to  use the LALR parser  for the View Manager  SQL, we found
that IBM  made the same  decision when building  their parser for
the  original  SEQUEL for  System  R.  It  too  was a  PL/1 based
interpreter that created a "canonical" form of the SEQUEL.

Based  on an  original design by  Dave Ward and  Jim Falksen, the
Multics  LALR  system is  now  maintained by  Pat Prange  at BCO.
Development there  is continuing with  LALR as part  of the SLANG
project to  support Ada/SIL.  Expectations are  that LALR will be
included in MR11.

2.3 Interfaces, hooks, handles

SQL  statements are  built at  the terminal  in a  variety of the
tradition  ways:  request  loop, editor,  ec, and  so forth.  The
parser expects  a complete statement for  parsing and cannot make
much  sense of  fragments.  However, it  may be  possible to take
advantage of the error recovery  mechanisms to provide some fancy
user interfaces.  For example, if the parser were warned that the
statement passed to it was  incomplete, it could (after verifying
correctness so far)  return a list of possibilities  for the next

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

As in any language, there are  three classes of error possible in
SQL.  First  are simple syntax  errors.  The parser  will give up
processing a statement  on the first one and  indicate the errant
token and most probable error.  Semantic errors will be delt with
similarily.  The parser  will be able to find  some, but not all,
execution  errors.   It  may  be able  to  verify  from  the data
dictionary that the requested columns are in the referenced table
or that the tables even exist  but it can't know if the selection
condition (where clause) is valid.

2.4 Subroutine Interface

To  allow for  growth, the parser  is a  free-standing module not
bound  with the  rest of  the view  manager.  This  design allows
other parsers,  as long as  they produce CQL, to  be substited or

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

entry:  convert_sql_to_cql_

     This entry point is used to parse a sql statement string and
generate the associated cql description.


      dcl convert_sql_to_cql_ entry options (variable);

      call convert_sql_to_cql_        (dd_path,       sql_string,
            return_area_ptr,        replacement_arg_1,        ...
            replacement_arg_N, cql_ptr);


      is a  character string char (*)  that contains the pathname
      of the  data dictionary to  be used while  parsing the sql.

      is  a  character  string  char (*)  that  contains  the sql
      statement to be parsed.  (input)

      is a  pointer to an  area where this  routine will allocate
      the returned cql structure.  (input)

      are  a variable  number of arguments  (possibly none), each
      char (*),  that will be used  as substitution arguments for
      &N  in  the sql_str.   The  &N is  associated with  the Nth
      replacement_arg.  (input)

      is  a  pointer  to  the  generated  cql_structure  that  is
      allocated  in  the  area  pointed  to  by  return_area_ptr.

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin


The following BNF  defines the SQL syntax.  This  is the same BNF
that is passed as input to the lalr command.

It  has been  shown to  be a  unambiguous grammar  and capable of
correctly parsing SQL statements.

3.1 Reserved words

These reserved  words are defined  for the SQL.  They  may not be
used in any other context, such as for table or column names.

access            create_tablespace immediate         register_table
add               create_view       in                remove
admin             current           index             restore
all               dec               insert            revoke
alter             decimal           insertion         rollback
alter_tablespace  delete            intersect         save
and               deletion          into              select
any               deregister        is                set
as                deregister_link   like              share
asc               deregister_table  link              special
ascending         desc              lock              sum
assertion         descending        max               synonym
avg               does              min               table
between           drop              minus             tablespace
bin               drop_synonym      mode              then
binary            drop_table        new               to
bit               drop_tablespace   nonvar            trigger
but               drop_view         nonvarying        uc
by                exclusive         not               union
char              exists            null              unique
character         fix               of                update
check             fixed             old               using
column            float             on                values
comment           for               option            var
commit            from              or                varying
contain           grant             order             view
contains          group             read              where
count             having            records           with
create            if                register          work
create_table      image             register_link

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644


(* Begin Multics View Manager SQL *)

<statement> ::=                                             (* 83-12-20.01 *)
          <query>  |
          <dml_statement>  |
          <ddl_statement>  |
          <control_statement>  !

<dml_statement> ::=
          <insertion>  |
          <deletion>  |
          <update>  !

<query> ::=
          <query_expr> <order_clause>  !

<insertion> ::=
          insert into <receiver> <insert_spec>  !

<deletion> ::=
          delete <from_clause> <where_current_clause>  !

<update> ::=
          update <table_label_name> set <set_clause_list> <where_current_clause>  !

          <order_clause> ::=
                    order by <ord_spec_list>  |  !

          <receiver> ::=
                    <table_name>  |
                    <table_name> ( <column_name_list> )  !

          <column_name_list> ::=
                    <column_name>  |
                    <column_name_list> , <column_name>  !

          <insert_spec> ::=
                    <query_expr>  |
                    values <literal_row>  !

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

          <table_label_name> ::=
                    <table_name> <label_name>  |
                    <table_name>  !

          <set_clause_list> ::=
                    <set_clause>  |
                    <set_clause_list> , <set_clause>  !

                    <set_clause> ::=
                              <column_name> = <expr>  |
                              <column_name> = ( <query_block> )  !

          <query_expr> ::=
                    <query_block>  |
                    <query_expr> <set_op> <query_block>  |
                    ( <query_expr> )  !

          <set_op> ::=
                    intersect  |
                    union  |
                    minus  !

          <query_block> ::=
                    <sub_query_block>  |
                    <sub_query_block> <group_clause>  !

          <sub_query_block> ::=
                    <select_clause> <from_clause> <where_clause>  !

          <select_clause> ::=
                    select <sel_list_spec>  <sel_expr_list>  |
                    select <sel_list_spec> *  !

          <from_clause> ::=
                    from <table_list>  !

          <where_current_clause> ::=
                    <where_clause>  |
                    where current of <cursor_name>  !

          <where_clause> ::=
                    where <boolean_expr>  |  !

          <group_clause> ::=
                    group by <column_spec_list>  |
                    group by <column_spec_list> <having_clause>  !

          <having_clause> ::=
                    having <boolean_expr>  !

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

          <sel_list_spec> ::=
                    all  |
                    unique  |  !

          <sel_expr_list> ::=
                    <sel_expr>  |
                    <sel_expr_list> , <sel_expr>  !

          <sel_expr> ::=
                    <expr>  |
                    <table_name> . *  !

          <table_list> ::=
                    <table_label_name>  |
                    <table_list> , <table_label_name>  !

          <column_spec_list> ::=
                    <column_spec>  |
                    <column_spec_list> , <column_spec>  !

          <ord_spec_list> ::=
                    <column_spec> <direction>  |
                    <ord_spec_list> , <column_spec> <direction>  |
                    <integer>  !

          <direction> ::=
                    asc  |
                    ascending |
                    desc |
                    descending !

          <boolean_expr> ::=
                    <boolean_term>  |
                    <boolean_expr> <or_op> <boolean_term>  !

          <boolean_term> ::=
                    <boolean_factor>  |
                    <boolean_term> <and_op> <boolean_factor>  !

          <boolean_factor> ::=
                    <boolean_primary>  |
                    <not_op> <boolean_primary>  !

          <boolean_primary> ::=
                    <predicate>  |
                    ( <boolean_expr> )  !

          <predicate> ::=
                    <expr> <comparison> <expr_or_table_spec>  |
                    <table_spec> <comparison> <table_spec_lit>  |
                    exists ( <query_expr> )  |
                    <expr> <maybe_not> like <regular_expr>  |

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

                    <expr> is <maybe_not> null  |
                    <expr> between <expr> <and_op> <expr>  |
                    if <predicate> then <predicate>         (* assert only *)  !

          <expr_or_table_spec> ::=
                    <expr>  |
                    <table_spec>  !

          <regular_expr> ::=
                    <string>  !

          <table_spec> ::=
                    ( <query_expr> )  |
                    '< <literal_row_list> >  |
                    <literal_row>  !

          <table_spec_lit> ::=
                    ( <query_expr> )  |
                    <literal>  !

          <expr> ::=
                    <arith_term>  |
                    <expr> <add_op> <arith_term>  !

          <arith_term> ::=
                    <arith_factor>  |
                    <arith_term> <mult_op> <arith_factor>  !

          <arith_factor> ::=
                    <add_op> <primary>  |
                    <primary>  !

          <primary> ::=
                    <column_spec>  |
                    old <column_spec>  |
                    new <column_spec>  |
                    <set_function> ( <maybe_unique> <expr> )  |
                    <builtin> ( <arg_list> )  |
                    count ( * )  |
                    <constant>  |
                    ( <expr> )  !

          <column_spec> ::=
                    <column_name>  |
                    <table_name> . <column_name>  !

          <comparison> ::=
                    <comp_op>  |
                    <comp_op> any  |
                    <comp_op> all  |
                    contains  |
                    does <not_op> contain  |

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

                    is <maybe_not> in  |
                    <maybe_not> in  !

          <maybe_unique> ::=
                    unique  |  !

          <comp_op> ::=
                     =   |
                    ^=   |
                    >    |
                    >=   |
                    '<   |
                    '<=  |
                    ^>   |
                    ^'<  !

          <add_op> ::=
                    +  |
                    -  !

          <mult_op> ::=
                    *  |
                    /  !

          <or_op> ::=
                    or  |
                    '|  !

          <and_op> ::=
                    and  |
                    &  !

          <not_op> ::=
                    not  |
                    ^  !

          <maybe_not> ::=
                    <not_op>  |  !

          <set_function> ::=
                    avg  |
                    max  |
                    min  |
                    sum  |
                    count  |
                    <symbol>  !

          <builtin> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

          <arg_list> ::=
                    <arg>  |
                    <arg_list> , <arg>  !

          <literal> ::=
                    '< <literal_row_list> >  |
                    <literal_row>  |
                    ( <entry_list> )  |
                    <constant>  !

          <literal_row_list> ::=
                    <literal_row>  |
                    <literal_row_list> , <literal_row>  !

          <literal_row> ::=
                    '< <entry_list> >  !

          <entry_list> ::=
                    <entry>  |
                    <entry_list> , <entry>  !

          <entry> ::=
                    <constant>   |  !

          <constant> ::=
                    <string>  |
                    <real literal>  |
                    <integer>  |
                    null  !


Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

<ddl_statement> ::=
          <create_table> |
          <alter_table> |
          <create_tablespace> |
          <alter_tablespace> |
          <create_index> |
          <create_view> |
          <create_synonym> |
          <comment> |
          <drop> !

<create_table> ::=
          create table <table_name> ( <column_defn_list> ) !

          <column_defn_list> ::=
                    <column_defn_list> , <column_defn> |
                    <column_defn> !

                    <column_defn> ::=
                              <column_name> <data_type> <maybe_type_mod>  !

          <data_type> ::=
                    <arith_data_type>  |
                    <string_data_type>  !

                    <string_data_type> ::=
                              <string_type> ( <integer> ) <variability> !

                              <string_type> ::=
                                        character  |
                                        char  |
                                        bit  !

                              <variability> ::=
                                        varying  |
                                        var  |
                                        nonvarying  |
                                        nonvar  !

                    <arith_data_type> ::=
                              <scale> <base> <precision> !

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

                              <scale> ::=
                                        fixed  |
                                        fix    |
                                        float  !

                              <base> ::=
                                        binary  |
                                        bin  |
                                        decimal  |
                                        dec  !

                              <precision> ::=
                                        ( <integer> )  |
                                        ( <integer> , <integer> )  !

          <maybe_type_mod> ::=
                    , <type_mod> | !

                    <type_mod> ::=
                              not null |
                              image <image_mod> |
                              image !

                              <image_mod> ::=
                                        unique |
                                        uc !

<alter_table> ::=
          alter table <table_name> add <column_defn> !

<create_tablespace> ::=
          create tablespace <tablespace_name> in <path> <maybe_with_records> !

          <maybe_with_records> ::=
                    with <integer> records | !

<alter_tablespace> ::=
          alter tablespace <tablespace_name> <alter_mode> <integer> records !

          <alter_mode> ::=
                    add |
                    remove !

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

<create_index> ::=
          create <maybe_unique> index <index_name> on <table_name> ( <ord_spec_list> )  !

<create_view> ::=
     create view <view_name> <maybe_column_name_list> as <query> <maybe_check_option> !

          <maybe_check_option> ::=
                    with check option | !

<drop> ::=
          drop <system_entity> <name> !

          <system_entity> ::=
                    assertion  |
                    index  |
                    synonym  |
                    table  |
                    tablespace  |
                    trigger  |
                    view  !

<create_synonym> ::=
          create synonym <table_name> for <table_name> !

<comment> ::=
          comment on table <table_name> is <string> |
          comment on column <table_name>.<column_name> is <string> !


MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

<control_statement> ::=
          <assert> |
          <trigger> |
          <grant> |
          <revoke> |
          <lock> |
          <register_table> |
          <deregister_table> |
          <register_link> |
          <deregister_link> |
          <commit> |
          <save> |
          <restore> !

<assert> ::=
     create assertion <assert_name> <maybe_immed> <maybe_assert_cond> is <boolean_expr> !

          <maybe_immed> ::=
                    immediate | !

          <maybe_assert_cond> ::=
                    on <assert_condition> | !

          <assert_condition> ::=
                    <action_list> |
                    <table_label_name> !

          <action_list> ::=
                    <action> |
                    <action_list> , <action> !

          <action> ::=
                    insertion of <table_label_name> |
                    deletion of <table_label_name> |
                    update of <table_label_name> <maybe_column_name_list> !

<trigger> ::=
          create trigger <trigger_name> on <trigger_condition> is ( <statement_list> ) !

          <trigger_condition> ::=
                    <action> |
                    read of <table_label_name> !

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

          <statement_list> ::=
                    <conditional_statement> |
                    <statement_list> ; <conditional_statement> !

                    <conditional_statement> ::=
                              <statement> |
                              if <boolean_expr> then <statement> !

<grant> ::=
          grant <authorization> <maybe_on_table> to <user_list> <maybe_grant_opt> !

<revoke> ::=
          revoke <authorization> <maybe_on_table> from <user_list> !

          <authorization> ::=
                    all  |
                    <privilege_list>  |
                    all but <privilege_list>  !

          <maybe_on_table> ::=
                    on <table_name>  | !

          <user_list> ::=
                    <user_list> , <user_name> |
                    <user_name> !

          <maybe_grant_opt> ::=                     (*  not to *.*.*  *)
                    with grant option | !

          <privilege_list> ::=
                    <privilege_list> , <privilege> |
                    <privilege> !

          <privilege> ::=
                    <table_privilege>  |
                    <dict_privilege>  |
                    <tablespace_privilege>  |
                    null  !

                    <table_privilege> ::=
                              alter  |            (*  not views  *)
                              delete |
                              index  |            (*  not views  *)
                              insert |
                              link   |
                              select |
                              update <maybe_column_name_list>  !

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

                              <maybe_column_name_list> ::=
                                        ( <column_name_list> )  |  !

                    <dict_privilege> ::=
                              access  |
                              admin  |
                              create_tablespace  |
                              create_view  |
                              deregister_link  |
                              deregister_table  |
                              drop_synonym  |
                              drop_tablespace  |
                              drop_view  |
                              register_link  |
                              register_table  !

                    <tablespace_privilege> ::=
                              alter_tablespace  |
                              create_table  |
                              drop_table  !

<lock> ::=
          lock table <table_name> in <lock_mode> mode !

          <lock_mode> ::=
                    exclusive |
                    share !

<register_table> ::=
     register table <path> <maybe_as_table> <maybe_col_defn_list> <maybe_using> <special> !

          <path> ::=
                    <symbol> |
                    <string> !

          <maybe_as_table> ::=
                    as <table_name>  | !

          <maybe_col_defn_list> ::=
                    ( <column_defn_list> ) | !

          <maybe_using> ::=
                    using <procedure_name> | !

          <special> ::=
                    special <string> | !

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644

<deregister_table> ::=
          deregister table <table_name>  !

<register_link> ::=
          register link <link_name> <maybe_as_link> from <path> !

          <maybe_as_link> ::=
                    as <link_name> | !

<deregister_link> ::=
          deregister link <link_name>  !

<commit> ::=
          commit work !

<rollback> ::=
          rollback work !

<save> ::=
          save <save_name> !

<restore> ::=
          restore |
          restore <save_name> !

MTB 644                                Multics Technical Bulletin

          <name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <assert_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <column_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <cursor_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <index_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <label_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <link_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <procedure_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <save_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <table_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <tablespace_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <trigger_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <view_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  !

          <user_name> ::=
                    <symbol>  |
                    <symbol> . <symbol> |
                    * . <symbol> |
                    <symbol> . * !

(* End Multics View Manager SQL *)

Multics Technical Bulletin                               MTB 644


Astrahan, M.M., et  al.  "A History and Evaluation  of System R",
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Astrahan,  M.M.,  et  al.   "System  R:   Relational  Approach to
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Astrahan,  M.M.   and  Chamberlin,  D.D.,  "Implementation  of  a
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Vol.  18, No.  10, October 1975.

Chamberlin, D.D., et al.  "SEQUEL  2:  A Unified Approach to Data
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Codd,   E.F.   and   Blasgen,  Michael,   "Relational  Data  Base
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MDC Proposal, Rev.  4.0, September, 16, 1981.

Kroenke,  David M.,  Database Processing:   Fundamentals, Design,
Implementation, (2nd ed.)  Science Research Associates, 1983.

IBM, Database 2 SQL Usage Guide, IBM Document GG24-1583-00, 1983.

Prange,  P.,  "LALR,  a  Translator  Construction  System", SLANG
Project Technical Bulletin, July 26, 1983.

Prange,   P.    and  Margulies,   Benson,  "LALR,   a  Translator
Construction System", MTB 602, October 4, 1982.

Reisner, Phyllis,  et al.  "Human factors  evaluation of two data
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National Computer Conference, AFIPS, 1975.

Relational Software Inc., ORACLE User's Guide, Version 2.3, 1981.

Rosensteel,  K.,  Relational  Access  Manager  (RAM)  EPS-1, LCPD
document number 58075029, Rev.  4, September 21, 1982.

Shneiderman, Ben, "Improving the Human Factors Aspect of Database
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No.  4, December 1978.