MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                             MTB-659-01

  To:  MTB Distribution

  From:  Jim Lippard

  Date:  July 10, 1984

  Subject:  message facility

  This MTB describes plans for  the reimplementation of the Multics
  message  facility.   This  reimplementation  is  based  around  a
  message_facility_  subroutine which  will allow  programs such as
  emacs,  xmail,  and  xservice   to  handle  incoming  interactive
  messages without stepping on each other.

  Comments and questions should be sent to the author:

  by Multics mail:

     Lippard.Multics on System M or MIT-Multics

  via forum:

     >site>forum> (msgs)

  or by telephone:

     (602) 862-6641 or HVN 357-6641


  Multics Project  working documentation.  Not to  be reproduced or



                 Problems in the existing message
                  facility  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     4
                 Proposed changes . . . . . . . . . . .     5
                 Changes to accept_messages . . . . . .     5
                    accept_messages . . . . . . . . . .     7
                 Changes to delete_message and
                  print_messages  . . . . . . . . . . .    11
                    delete_message  . . . . . . . . . .    12
                    print_messages  . . . . . . . . . .    15
                 Changes to the last_message active
                  functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    18
                 Changes to send_message  . . . . . . .    19
                    send_message  . . . . . . . . . . .    20
                 Old commands to be deleted . . . . . .    24
                 New commands . . . . . . . . . . . . .    25
                    accepting . . . . . . . . . . . . .    26
                    last_message_destination  . . . . .    27
                    message_status  . . . . . . . . . .    28
                 Implementation of message_facility_  .    30
                    Alarm and wakeup handlers . . . . .    34
                    message_facility_ . . . . . . . . .    35
                       get_next_msgf_mbx_ptr  . . . . .    35
                       get_msgf_mbx_ptr . . . . . . . .    35
                       free_msgf_mbx_ptr  . . . . . . .    36
                       get_wakeup_state . . . . . . . .    36
                       set_wakeup_state . . . . . . . .    37
                       get_mbx_path . . . . . . . . . .    37
                       get_prefix . . . . . . . . . . .    38
                       set_prefix . . . . . . . . . . .    38
                       get_message_format . . . . . . .    39
                       set_message_format . . . . . . .    40
                       get_alarm_handler  . . . . . . .    40
                       set_alarm_handler  . . . . . . .    41
                       get_wakeup_handler . . . . . . .    41
                       set_wakeup_handler . . . . . . .    42
                       get_last_message_info  . . . . .    43
                       get_current_message_info . . . .    44
                       get_msg_array_ptr  . . . . . . .    45
                       read_message . . . . . . . . . .    46
                       set_seen_switch  . . . . . . . .    47
                       send_message . . . . . . . . . .    48
                       send_message_access_class  . . .    49

                         CONTENTS (cont)


                       delete_message . . . . . . . . .    51
                 Changes needed in other parts of the
                  system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    52
                    error_table_  . . . . . . . . . . .    52
                    ring 1 mailbox primitives . . . . .    52

       The current message facility is sadly lacking in many areas,
  as  well as  being full  of bugs.   Most of  the message facility
  commands are written into one  large program, making it difficult
  to maintain.

       This  MTB  proposes  that  the Multics  message  facility be
  reimplemented     around    a     central    subroutine    called
  message_facility_, with the current commands broken into separate
  modules  for  maintainability.  The  message_facility_ subroutine
  should  also allow  temporary interception  of messages  for such
  things as emacs, xmail, and xservice.


     The existing  message facility is plagued  by problems such as
  many  obscure  bugs  and   unmaintainability  of  the  code.   In
  addition, there is a need for a way for applications to determine
  on which mailboxes messages are being accepted, to intercept them
  temporarily, and reset things the way the were when it took over.
  The -call  control argument to accept_messages  is not sufficient
  because there is  still no way for the  procedure being called to
  know  from which  mailboxes to expect  messages.  Another problem
  with  -call is  that if the  reminder feature is  being used, the
  call string will  be executed once for each  undeleted message in
  the mailbox every time the alarm timer goes off.


       Of  primary importance  in changing the  message facility is
  fixing the bugs.  Together  with adding subroutine interfaces and
  adding  new features,  the best  way to take  care of  this is to
  start over  from scratch, building the  message facility commands
  on top of a message_facility_ subroutine (described later in this
  document).  Information  such as on which  mailboxes messages are
  being accepted must be maintained  so that other applications can
  use this information to intercept messages.

       It  is  also  desirable  that all  of  the  message facility
  commands  understand  mail  table entries  and  control arguments
  accepted  by the  mail system.   The send_message  command should
  accept  mail system  addresses (with  exceptions discussed later)
  and  the  other  commands   should  accept  mail  system  mailbox


       A  -no_print  (-npr)  control  argument  will  be  added  to
  override -print.

       The -pathname (-pn) control  argument will be made obsolete,
  retained but undocumented.

       If messages are  accepted on a mailbox which  does not exist
  (and  it is  not the  user's default  mailbox), the  user will be
  queried as to whether or not it should be created.  Currently the
  default mailbox is created, without comment.  A comment about the
  mailbox creation should be given unless -brief (-bf) is given.

       The short name -pfx is  added to -prefix.  The -short_prefix
  (-shpfx)  and  -no_short_prefix (-nshpfx)  control  arguments are
  added.   -short_prefix  gives  the  current behavior  and  is the
  default.  -no_short_prefix  causes the prefix to  be printed only
  for  messages which  are not printed  in short  format (i.e., the
  previous message was from the  same sender, with the same comment
  field,   on   the  same   date,  within   5  minutes).    Use  of
  -no_short_prefix implies -short.

       The  names  of  -hold  and   -no_hold  will  be  changed  to
  -hold_messages  (-hdmsg)  and  -no_hold_messages  (-nhdmsg).  New
  control     arguments     -hold_notifications     (-hdnt)     and
  -no_hold_notifications (-nhdnt) will be added.

       Use   of   the   -time    control   argument   will   assume
  -hold_messages, since -time is useless without it.

       Message numbers will be  consecutive per-mailbox, instead of
  consecutive per-process.

       The text of mail notifications  will be printed, rather than
  just printing "You have mail".   This will allow send_mail to put
  mail  subjects  in  the notifications,  and  allow for  a  way to
  distinguish   computer-generated  messages   (such  as  answering
  service  messages, IO  Daemon notifications,  etc.)  from regular
  interactive  messages.   Only  messages  being  held  change  the
  information  returned  by last_message,  last_message_sender, and

       If the user  is accepting messages on a  mailbox that is not
  the default, the  entry name of the mailbox  will be printed when
  messages are received to avoid confusion.

  _______________                                   _______________

  accept_messages                                   accept_messages
  _______________                                   _______________



  am {mbx_specification} {-control_args}


  initializes  or  reinitializes the  user's process  for accepting
  both  messages  that are  sent  by the  send_message  command and
  notifications of the form "You have  mail."  that are sent by the
  send_mail command.


  mbx_specification                                                 |
     specifies the  mailbox on which  messages are to  be accepted. |
     If     not     given,    the     user's     default    mailbox |
     (>udd>Project>Person>Person.mbx) is used.                      |

  LIST OF MAILBOX SPECIFICATIONS                                    |

  -mailbox path, -mbx path                                          |
     specifies  the pathname  of a  mailbox.  The  suffix ".mbx" is |
     added if necessary.                                            |

  -user STR                                                         |
     specifies either a  user's default mailbox or an  entry in the |
     system mail table.                                             |

  -save path, -sv path                                              |
     specifies the pathname of a  savebox.  The suffix ".sv.mbx" is |
     added if necessary.                                            |

  -log                                                              |
     specifies the user's logbox and is equivalent to:              |
        -mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>         |

  STR                                                               |
     is any non-control argument and is first interpreted as:       |
        -mailbox STR                                                |
     if no mailbox is found, this specification is then interpreted |
     as:                                                            |
        -save STR                                                   |
     if no savebox is found, this specification is then interpreted |
     as:                                                            |
        -user STR                                                   |


  _______________                                   _______________

  accept_messages                                   accept_messages
  _______________                                   _______________

  -brief, -bf
     prevents  accept_messages from  informing the user  that it is
     creating a mailbox, and prints messages in short format.

  -call {cmdline}
     when the  message is received,  instead of printing  it in the
     default  format, accept_messages  calls the  command processor
     with a string of the form:

        cmdline number sender time message {path}


        is any  Multics command line;  cmdline must be  enclosed in
        quotation  marks  if it  contains  blanks or  other command
        language characters.

        is the  sequence number of  the message, assigned  when the
|       -hold_messages control argument  is used; otherwise, number
        is 0.

        is the User_id of the person who sent the message.

        is the date-time the message was sent.

        is the actual message sent.

        is  the pathname  of the mailbox  to which  the message was
        sent.  If the message was sent to the default mailbox, path
        is omitted.

     To reverse the effect of  a previously specified -call control
     argument, the user can specify the -call control argument with
|    no  cmdline argument.   The maximum  length of  cmdline is 512
|    characters.

  -flush DT
     discards messages  sent before the  specified date-time, where
     DT  is  a  string  acceptable  to  the convert_date_to_binary_
     subroutine (described  in the MPM  Subroutines).  This control
     argument is intended to be used by operators and consultants.

  _______________                                   _______________

  accept_messages                                   accept_messages
  _______________                                   _______________

  -long, -lg
     precedes every  message printed by the  sender's Person_id and
     Project_id.  This is the default.

  -hold_messages, -hdmsg                                            |
     holds messages until explicitly  deleted by the delete_message
     command.   Messages  printed when  the  -hold_messages control |
     argument is in effect are preceded by an identifying number.

  -no_hold_messages, -nhdmsg                                        |
     reverts the -hold_messages control argument.  (Default)        |

  -hold_notifications, -hdnt                                        |
     causes  notifications to  be held  in the  mailbox after being |
     printed.  This implies -notifications.                         |

  -no_hold_notifications, -nhdnt                                    |
     causes  notifications  to  be  deleted  after  being  printed. |
     (Default)                                                      |

  -notifications, -nt                                               |
     causes notifications to be printed.  (Default)                 |

  -no_notifications, -nnt                                           |
     causes notifications to be deleted as they are received.  This |
     implies -no_hold_notifications.                                |

  -prefix STR, -pfx STR                                             |
     causes STR to  be printed before printing a  message from this
     mailbox.  STR can be up to  12 characters long and can contain
     the ioa_ control strings ^/, ^| and ^- if desired.

  -short_prefix, -shpfx                                             |
     specifies that the prefix is printed when messages are printed |
     in short format.  (Default)                                    |

  -no_short_prefix, -nshpfx                                         |
     specifies  that the  prefix is  not printed  when messages are |
     printed in short format.                                       |

  -print, -pr
     prints all messages that were received since the last time the
     user was accepting messages.

  -no_print, -npr                                                   |
     suppresses printing of old messages.  (Default)                |

  -short, -sh
     precedes  consecutive messages  from the  same sender  by "=:"
     instead of the Person_id and Project_id.

  _______________                                   _______________

  accept_messages                                   accept_messages
  _______________                                   _______________

  -time N, -tm N
     prints  undeleted  messages  every  N minutes,  preceded  by a
     message  of  the form  "You have  X messages"  where X  is the
     number  of undeleted  messages.  If N  equals 0,  time mode is
|    reset.  Use of this control argument implies -hold_messages.


  The  user should  not give  conflicting control  arguments in the
  same invocation of  the command (i.e., -long and  -short or -long
  and -brief).

  A default mailbox is created  automatically the first time a user
  issues   either   print_mail,   read_mail,   accept_messages,  or
  print_messages.  The default mailbox is:


  Messages sent when the user is not  logged in or when the user is
  deferring messages (see the  defer_messages command) are saved in
  the mailbox and can be  read later by invoking the print_messages
  command.  The send_mail command stores mail in the same mailbox.

  It is not advisable for several users to share the same mailbox.

  At any  time, only one  process can be accepting  messages from a
  given mailbox.   If a second process  attempts to accept messages
  on a mailbox, If a second  process accepts messages on a mailbox,
  it  will  take  over  the  accept_messages  function.   The first
  process will receive no indication that messages are being routed
  to the second process.

  If the second process then logs out or is destroyed, the messages
  do not  revert to an earlier  process.  Thus, a user  who sends a
  message to  that mailbox will  be informed that  the addressee is
  currently not accepting messages or is not logged in.

| It is possible  to accept messages on more than  one mailbox at a
| time, and to accept messages on a mailbox other than the default.
| If a  mailbox other than the  default is to be  used, and it does
| not exist,  then the accept_messages command  queries the user as
| to  whether  or  not it  should  be created.   When  messages are
| printed  from a  mailbox other than  the default,  the mailbox is
| always identified.


     The  delete_message and  print_messages commands  will add the
  control arguments -match, -exclude, -from (-fm), -comment (-com),
  -before,  and  -after  to  allow  selection  of  messages  to  be
  processed.   Both will  also accept  messages of  ranges, and the
  keywords "all", "first", and "last".

     The -pathname  (-pn) control argument is  obsolete and will be
  retained but undocumented.

     The header printed by  the print_messages command when reading
  a mailbox to which the user  only has "o" permission will now say
  "You have N message(s) in  PATH" (with "messages" properly plural
  or singular) instead of "Messages from yourself".

       Add  -brief  (-bf) to  delete_message  to suppress  an error
  message  when  no  messages  were deleted.   Add  -long  (-lg) to

       The user's default mailbox will be created by print_messages
  if  it does  not already exist.   An appropriate  comment will be
  printed unless -brief is given.

       The  delete_message command  will not  delete messages which
  have not  yet been marked  as seen in the  current process.  This
  prevents "dlm -a" from deleting  a message which has just arrived
  but  has not  yet been printed  on the terminal.   A -force (-fc)
  control  argument  is  provided  to  allow  deletion  of selected
  messages whether or not they have been marked as seen.

       Message  numbers  will  be  assigned to  messages  read from
  mailboxes to  which a user  has "o" but not  "d" extended access.
  These  message numbers  will be understood  by print_messages and
  delete_message.   Currently, delete_message  cannot be  used on a
  mailbox unless the user has "d" extended access.

       The current  behavior for mailboxes  to which the  user does
  have "d"  extended access will  remain the same:  if  the user is
  not holding messages  on the mailbox, they will  be deleted after
  being printed  by print_messages, and no  message numbers will be

       The  print_messages command,  when there are  no messages in
  the mailbox,  will print an appropriate  error message instead of
  being  silent.   The -brief  (-bf) control  argument is  added to
  suppress this message.

       The print_messages command, when used  on a mailbox to which
  the user does not have "d" extended access, will no longer delete
  the user's own messages after printing them.

  ______________                                     ______________

  delete_message                                     delete_message
  ______________                                     ______________



| dlm msg_specs {mbx_specification} {-control_args}


  deletes a message sent by the send_message command and saved in a
| mailbox   with  the   -hold_messages  control   argument  to  the
  accept_messages  command.  (See  the accept_messages  command for
  more details.)


| msg_specs
|    is one or  more numbers or ranges.  Numbers  are as printed by
|    the print_message command  when accept_messages -hold_messages
|    is in effect.  Ranges are of the form N:M, where N<=M and both
|    N and M  are valid message numbers.  The  keywords "first" and
|    "last" may  also be used  as message numbers,  and the keyword
|    "all"  may be  used as  a range  (equivalent to "first:last").
|    These  keywords  have  the  short  names  "f",  "l",  and "a",
|    respectively.

| mbx_specification
|    specifies the  mailbox from which messages  are to be deleted.
|    If     not     given,    the     user's     default    mailbox
|    (>udd>Project>Person>Person.mbx) is used.


| -mailbox path, -mbx path
|    specifies  the pathname  of a  mailbox.  The  suffix ".mbx" is
|    added if necessary.

| -user STR
|    specifies either a  user's default mailbox or an  entry in the
|    system mail table.

| -save path, -sv path
|    specifies the pathname of a  savebox.  The suffix ".sv.mbx" is
|    added if necessary.

| -log
|    specifies the user's logbox and is equivalent to:
|       -mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>

|    is any non-control argument and is first interpreted as:

  ______________                                     ______________

  delete_message                                     delete_message
  ______________                                     ______________

        -mailbox STR                                                |
     if no mailbox is found, this specification is then interpreted |
     as:                                                            |
        -save STR                                                   |
     if no savebox is found, this specification is then interpreted |
     as:                                                            |
        -user STR                                                   |


  -all, -a
     deletes all messages from the mailbox.

  -after DATE_TIME                                                  |
     causes only messages sent after DATE_TIME to be deleted.       |

  -before DATE_TIME                                                 |
     causes only messages sent before DATE_TIME to be deleted.      |

  -brief, -bf                                                       |
     suppress error message printed when no messages were deleted.  |

  -long, -lg                                                        |
     print error messages when no messages were deleted.  (Default) |

  -comment STR, -com STR                                            |
     causes only messages with comment  fields containing STR to be |
     deleted.                                                       |

  -from STR, -fm STR                                                |
     causes only messages sent from STR  to be deleted.  STR may be |
     of the form Person.Project, Person, or .Project.               |

  -force, -fc                                                       |
     causes selected messages to be deleted even if unseen.         |

  -no_force, -nfc                                                   |
     prevents deletion of unseen messages.  (Default)               |

  -match STR                                                        |
     causes only messages with text containing STR to be deleted.   |

  -exclude STR                                                      |
     causes  only  messages  with  text not  containing  STR  to be |
     deleted.                                                       |

  -messages, -msg                                                   |
     causes  only   regular  messages  (non-notifications)   to  be |
     deleted.                                                       |

  ______________                                     ______________

  delete_message                                     delete_message
  ______________                                     ______________

| -no_messages, -nmsg
|    overrides -messages.

| -notifications, -nt
|    causes only notifications to be deleted.

| -no_notifications, -nnt
|    overrides -notifications.


  If  no  mailbox  is  specified,  the  user's  default  mailbox is
  assumed.   For  a  description  of  the  mailbox,  refer  to  the
  accept_messages and print_mail commands.

  ______________                                     ______________

  print_messages                                     print_messages
  ______________                                     ______________



  pm {msg_specs} {mbx_specification} {-control_args}                |


  prints any interprocess messages that were received (and saved in
  the user's  mailbox) while the  user was not  accepting messages,
  not logged in, or accept_messages -hold_messages was in effect.   |


  msg_specs                                                         |
     is one or more numbers  or ranges.  Numbers are printed before |
     each message when accept_messages -hold_messages is in effect. |
     Ranges are  of the form N:M,  where N<=M and both  N and M are
     valid  message numbers.   The keywords "first"  and "last" may
     also be used as message numbers,  and the keyword "all" may be
     used as a range  (equivalent to "first:last").  These keywords
     have the short names "f", "l", and "a", respectively.

     specifies the  mailbox from which messages  are to be printed.
     If     not     given,    the     user's     default    mailbox
     (>udd>Project>Person>Person.mbx) is used.


  -mailbox path, -mbx path
     specifies  the pathname  of a  mailbox.  The  suffix ".mbx" is
     added if necessary.

  -user STR
     specifies either a  user's default mailbox or an  entry in the
     system mail table.

  -save path, -sv path
     specifies the pathname of a  savebox.  The suffix ".sv.mbx" is
     added if necessary.

     specifies the user's logbox and is equivalent to:
        -mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>

     is any non-control argument and is first interpreted as:
        -mailbox STR

  ______________                                     ______________

  print_messages                                     print_messages
  ______________                                     ______________

     if no mailbox is found, this specification is then interpreted
        -save STR
     if no savebox is found, this specification is then interpreted
        -user STR


  -all, -a
     prints  all messages,  including those  held by -hold_messages
     mode (see accept_messages).  This is the default.

| -after DATE_TIME
|    causes only messages sent after DATE_TIME to be printed.

| -before DATE_TIME
|    causes only messages sent before DATE_TIME to be printed.

| -brief, -bf
|    suppresses the message "You have no messages" when the mailbox
|    is empty.

  -call CMDLINE
     for  each  message,  instead  of  printing  calls  the command
     processor with the line:
        CMDLINE number sender time message {path}
     For more details, see the accept_messages command.

| -comment STR, -com STR
|    causes only messages with comment  fields containing STR to be
|    printed.

| -from STR, -fm STR
|    causes only messages sent from STR  to be printed.  STR may be
|    of the form Person.Project, Person, or .Project.

  -last, -lt
     reprints only the latest message received.

  -long, -lg
     prints the  sender and date-time  of every message,  even when
     the same for two consecutive messages.

| -match STR
|    causes only messages with text containing STR to be printed.

| -exclude STR
|    causes  only  messages  with  text not  containing  STR  to be
|    printed.

  ______________                                     ______________

  print_messages                                     print_messages
  ______________                                     ______________

  -messages, -msg                                                   |
     causes  only   regular  messages  (non-notifications)   to  be |
     deleted.                                                       |

  -no_messages, -nmsg                                               |
     overrides -messages.                                           |

  -notifications, -nt                                               |
     causes only notifications to be deleted.                       |

  -no_notifications, -nnt                                           |
     overrides -notifications.                                      |

     when accept_messages -hold_messages mode  is in effect, prints
     only those  messages that have  not been printed  before.  The
     default is to print all held messages.

  -short, -sh
     prints  messages  as  with  accept_messages  -short,  omitting
     redundant sender names  in favor of the prefix  "=:".  This is
     the default.


  Messages   are  deleted   after  they  are   printed  unless  the
  -hold_messages argument was given to the accept_messages command.
  The "last" message remains available  for the life of the process
  or until redefined by a new message.

  If  messages are  deferred, it  is a  good practice  to print out
  pending messages periodically.

  A default mailbox is created  automatically the first time a user |
  issues   either   print_mail,   read_mail,   accept_messages,  or |
  print_messages.  The default mailbox is:                          |

       >udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.mbx                      |

  For a  description of the  mailbox, refer to  the accept_messages
  and   print_mail  commands.    See  also   the  active  functions
  last_message, last_message_sender, and last_message_time.


     The  active  functions last_message,  last_message_sender, and
  last_message_time   will    have   a   new    control   argument,
  -inhibit_error  (-ihe),   which  causes  a  null   string  to  be
  printed/returned when there is no last message.


     The  commands  send_message_acknowledge, send_message_express,
  and  send_message_silent will  be obsoleted  in favor  of the new
  send_message.  Control arguments will be added to send_message to
  duplicate  behavior of  the three  obsolete commands,  as well as
  allowing for previously impossible combinations.  The new control
  arguments  are  -acknowledge   (-ack),  -no_acknowledge  (-nack),
  -escape (-esc), -no_escape  (-nesc), -express (-xps), -no_express
  (-nxps),  -comment  (-com),  -no_comment  (-ncom),  -brief (-bf),
  -silent (-sil), -long (-lg), -print (-pr), and -no_print (-npr).

     The comment  field by default  contains a string  specified by
  the variable full_name._ in the user's value segment.

     The  -pathname (-pn)  control argument will  be made obsolete,
  retained but undocumented.

     The  control  arguments -last_message_destination  (-lmds) and
  -last_message_sender (-lms) will be accepted as addresses.

  ____________                                         ____________

  send_message                                         send_message
  ____________                                         ____________



| sm {-control_args} address {message}


  sends  messages (one  or more,  always sent one  at a  time) to a
  given user on a given project or to a given mailbox.


| address
     can be  of the form Person_id.Project_id  to specify a mailbox
     belonging to that person, a string containing at least one ">"
|    or "<" character to specify the  pathname of a mailbox, a mail
|    table  address,  one  of  the  arguments  "-mailbox" ("-mbx"),
|    "-log", "-save" ("-sv"), or  "-user" immediately followed by a
|    string giving the pathname of  a mailbox, logbox, save box, or
|    user        name       respectively;        the       argument
|    "-last_message_destination" ("-lmds") if send_message has been
|    used  before   in  this  process,   or  "-last_message_sender"
|    ("-lms") if a message has  been received in the user's default
|    mailbox.   For   more  information  type   "help
|    -section control argument".  All  arguments beginning with the
|    first non-control argument after  a destination are considered
|    to be message text.

     is anything that appears up to the end of the command.  It may
     be one or more words.  If  message is missing from the command
     line,  send_message  enters an  input  loop, and  a multi-line
     message may be sent.  See below.


| -acknowledge, -ack
|    requests    that   the    recipient's   process    return   an
|    acknowledgement  message when  the message  is read.   It also
|    implies the -brief (-bf) control argument.  See below.

| -no_acknowledge, -nack
|    requests   that   the  recipient's   process  not   return  an
|    acknowledgement message when the message is read.  (Default)

| -escape, -esc
|    turns  on  the  ".."   escape  convention  to  execute Multics

  ____________                                         ____________

  send_message                                         send_message
  ____________                                         ____________

     commands  from  within  input  mode for  the  current message. |
     (Default)                                                      |

  -no_escape, -nesc                                                 |
     turns off the ".."  escape convention.                         |

  -express, -xps                                                    |
     sends the  message only if  the recipient is likely  to see it |
     immediately, that is, is currently accepting messages.         |

  -no_express, -nxps                                                |
     always sends the message.  (Default)                           |

  -comment STR, -com STR                                            |
     adds a comment  of the form (STR) after  the user's person and |
     in the message's header.  The default behavior is to insert in |
     the comment field the value of the variable "full_name._" from |
     the user's value segment.                                      |

  -no_comment, -ncom                                                |
     suppresses insertion of any comment.                           |

  -brief, -bf                                                       |
     does not print an error message  if the message cannot be sent |
     or if the recipient is not accepting messages.                 |

  -silent, -sil                                                     |
     suppresses all error messages.                                 |

  -long, -lg                                                        |
     prints error messages.  (Default)                              |

  -print, -pr                                                       |
     prints  the  destination the  message  is being  sent  to when |
     -last_message_destination   (-lmds)   or  -last_message_sender |
     (-lms) is used.  (Default)                                     |

  -no_print, -npr                                                   |
     does not  print the destination  the message is  being sent to |
     when -last_message_destination (-lmds) or -last_message_sender |
     (-lms) is used.                                                |


  For a  description of the  mailbox, refer to  the accept_messages
  and print_mail descriptions in this manual.

  All control  arguments must precede  the address or  they will be |
  sent as message text.                                             |

  ____________                                         ____________

  send_message                                         send_message
  ____________                                         ____________

  If  the  message  is  to   contain  a  parenthesis,  bracket,  or
  semi-colon character, that character  must be enclosed in quotes.
  These  characters are  not treated specially  by the send_message
  command.  A single quote character may be typed as """".


  If WJones on the Alpha project  sends the following to RTSmith on
  the Beta project by using the command line:

     !  sm RTSmith.Beta need access to your lsg command

  the message prints on RTSmith's terminal (if RTSmith is accepting
  messages) as follows:

     1) WJones.Alpha 04/20/76 1200.6 mst  Tue:  need access to your
     lsg command

  Input Loop:

  When  send_message enters  the input  loop it  types "Input:" and
  accepts lines which are sent, one  line at a time.  Input loop is
  terminated  by a  line consisting  solely of  a period.   When in
  input loop, Multics  commands may be executed if  typed on a line
  beginning with two periods.  The  user can receive messages while
  in the input loop, so this is a way to hold conversations.

  If the user  is who the message(s) are being  sent to changes how
  he is accepting messages (defers messages, accepts messages, logs
  out), send_message  will print a  message to that  effect (unless
  -brief or -silent is specified).


  If an acknowledgement is requested the acknowledgement says:

     From <Person_id.Project_id> <time>:  Acknowledged.

  if the message is read right away, or:

     From <Person_id.Project_id> <time>:
     Acknowledge message of <sent_time>

  if the message is read later.

  If   the   recipient   has   insufficient  access   to   send  an
  acknowledgement, none is sent.  No error message is printed.

  The command line:

  ____________                                         ____________

  send_message                                         send_message
  ____________                                         ____________

     !  sm Person_id.Project_id testing complete; installation this


     testing complete

  and   prints  an   appropriate  error   message  (e.g.,  "Segment
  installation not found.") because  the characters typed after the
  semicolon are interpreted as another command line.

  The command line:

     !  sm Person_id.Project_id so long (for now)

  sends two lines:

     so long for
     so long now

  In  both  of the  above examples,  the sender's  intended message
  would have been sent if it had been enclosed in quotes (e.g., "so
  long (for now)").


       The commands long_message_format (lmf), short_message_format
  (smf), nmf_last_sender, nmf_last_message,  and nmf_last_time will
  be deleted.  They have been undocumented for some time.


       The  accepting command/active  function tells  if somebody's
  accepting messages.

       The    last_message_destination    command/active   function
  prints/returns the  last destination to which  messages were sent
  using the send_message command.

       The message_status command lists mailboxes on which messages
  are  being accepted  or deferred,  which state  they are  in, the
  mailbox prefix, etc.

  _________                                               _________

  accepting                                               accepting
  _________                                               _________



  acc address {-control_args}


  [acc address {-control_args}]


  determines  whether messages  are being  accepted on  the mailbox
  specified by the supplied address.


     can be  of the form Person_id.Project_id  to specify a mailbox
     belonging to that person, a string containing at least one ">"
     or "<" character to specify the  pathname of a mailbox, a mail
     table  address,  one  of  the  arguments  "-mailbox" ("-mbx"),
     "-log", "-save" ("-sv"), or  "-user" immediately followed by a
     string giving the pathname of  a mailbox, logbox, save box, or
     user        name       respectively;        the       argument
     "-last_message_destination" ("-lmds") if send_message has been
     used  before   in  this  process,   or  "-last_message_sender"
     ("-lms") if a message has  been received in the user's default
     mailbox.   For   more  information  type   "help
     -section control argument".


  -print, -pr
     prints the destination for which information is to be returned
     when -last_message_destination (-lmds) or -last_message_sender
     (-lms) is used.  (Default)

  -no_print, -npr
     does not print the destination  for which information is to be
     returned    when     -lat_message_destination    (-lmds)    or
     -last_message_sender (-lms) is used.

  ________________________                 ________________________

  last_message_destination                 last_message_destination
  ________________________                 ________________________



  lmds {-control_arg}


  [lmds {-control_arg}]


  returns the userid of the last destination to which a message was
  sent by the send_message command.


  -inhibit_error, -ihe
     causes  a null  string to  be returned  when there  is no last
     message destination.


  See  also  the   descriptions  of  send_message,  accept_message,
  last_message_sender, and last_message_time.

  ______________                                     ______________

  message_status                                     message_status
  ______________                                     ______________



  msgst {mbx_specification} {-control_args}


  prints  information about  mailboxes on which  messages are being
  accepted or deferred.


     specifies  the  mailbox  for  which message  status  is  to be
     printed.    If   not   given,  the   user's   default  mailbox
     (>udd>Project>Person>Person.mbx) is used.


  -mailbox path, -mbx path
     specifies  the pathname  of a  mailbox.  The  suffix ".mbx" is
     added if necessary.

  -user STR
     specifies either a  user's default mailbox or an  entry in the
     system mail table.

  -save path, -sv path
     specifies the pathname of a  savebox.  The suffix ".sv.mbx" is
     added if necessary.

     specifies the user's logbox and is equivalent to:
        -mailbox >udd>Project_id>Person_id>

     is any non-control argument and is first interpreted as:
        -mailbox STR
     if no mailbox is found, this specification is then interpreted
        -save STR
     if no savebox is found, this specification is then interpreted
        -user STR


  -all, -a
     causes information  to be printed  for all mailboxes  on which
     the user is accepting or deferring messages.


       The subroutines send_message_ and send_mail_ will eventually
  be   obsoleted   in   favor   of   entry   points   in   the  new
  message_facility_  subroutine.   This  new  subroutine  will have
  entrypoints  to  allow  manipulating  all  parts  of  the message

       Initially,   message_facility_   will   not   make   use  of
  mail_system_  for  performance  reasons.   Each  message facility
  command,  however, will  use mlsys_utils_ for  address parsing so
  they will understand mail table entries.  Because mail_system_ is
  not  used,  the  message  facility  will  not  understand foreign
  addresses, forum meetings, or mailing lists.

       The  message_facility_   subroutine  will  be   an  internal
  interface, not  documented for the  general public so  that major
  changes  can  be  made   with  respect  to  mail_system_  without
  compatibility constraints.

       Each   mailbox  on   which  messages  are   accepted  has  a
  msg_facility_mailbox   structure   associated   with   it.   This
  structure  is  used  only by  message_facility_.   This structure
  looks like this:

       dcl     1 msg_facility_mailbox aligned
                                  based (msg_facility_mailbox_ptr),
                 2 version            char(8),
                 2 next_mbx_ptr       ptr,
                 2 dname              char (168),
                 2 ename              char (32),
                 2 uid                bit (36),
                 2 default_mbx        bit (1),
                 2 event_channel      fixed bin (71),
                 2 index              fixed bin,
                 2 wakeup_flags,
                   3 hold_messages    bit (1) unal,
                   3 hold_notifications bit (1) unal,
                   3 notify_mail      bit (1) unal,
                   3 wakeup_state     bit (2) unal,
                   3 mbz              bit (31) unal,
                 2 short_format       bit (1),
                 2 prefix             char (12) var,
                 2 short_prefix       bit (1),
                 2 alarm_time         fixed bin (71),
                 2 alarm_event_channel fixed bin (71),
                 2 last,
                   3 last_message_ptr ptr,
                   3 last_id          bit (72) aligned,
                   3 last_message_index fixed bin,
                   3 last_message_number fixed bin,
                 2 current,
                   3 current_message_ptr ptr,

                   3 current_id       bit (72) aligned,
                   3 current_message_index fixed bin,
                   3 current_message_number fixed bin,
                 2 messages_ptr       ptr,
                 2 n_elements         fixed bin,
                 2 n_messages         fixed bin,
                 2 highest_message    fixed bin,
                 2 wakeup_processor,
                   3 wakeup_handler   entry variable,
                   3 wakeup_info_ptr  ptr,
                 2 alarm_processor,
                   3 alarm_handler    entry variable,
                   3 alarm_info_ptr   ptr;

       dcl     MSG_FACILITY_MAILBOX_VERSION_1 char(8)
                                      internal static
                                      options (constant) init

       dcl     msg_facility_mailbox_ptr         ptr;


     is a pointer to the next mailbox in the linked list.

     is the directory in which this mailbox resides.

     is the entry name of this mailbox.

     is the unique ID of this mailbox.

     is a switch indicating if this is the user's default mailbox.

     is the event channel across which wakeups for messages sent to
     this mailbox are to be sent.

     is the ring 1 index for this mailbox.

     is  a switch  determining whether  messages are  being held on
     this mailbox.

     is a  switch determining whether notifications  are being held
     on this mailbox.

     is a switch determining whether mail notifications are printed
     for this mailbox.

     is a pair of bits indicating if messages are being accepted or
     deferred  on ths  mailbox.  "00"b indicates  that messages are
     not  being  accepted,  "01"b  indicates  that  they  are being
     deferred, and "10"b indicates that they are being accepted.

     is reserved for future expansion and must be zero.

     is a switch determining if messages  to this mailbox are to be
     printed in short format.

     is a  character string printed before  printing a message from
     this mailbox.

     is  a switch  determining if prefixes  are to  be printed when
     messages are printed in short format.

     is the time interval for alarm wakeups.

     is the event channel for alarm wakeups.

     is a pointer  to a mail_format structure for  the last message

     is the ring 1 message ID of the last message received.

     is the index into the msg_array of the last message.

     is the number of the last message.

     is  a  pointer  to  a mail_format  structure  for  the current

     is the ring 1 message ID of the current message.

     is the index into the msg_array of the current message.

     is the number of the current message.

     is a pointer to the message array.

     is the number of array elements currently allocated.

     is the number of undeleted messages in the mailbox.

     is the number of the highest message received on this mailbox.

     is the procedure called to handle wakeups.

     is a pointer to information supplied to the wakeup procedure.

     is the procedure called to process alarm wakeups.

     is a pointer to information supplied to the alarm procedure.

     is the pointer to the above structure.

  The following  structure is also  used internally by  the message
  facility (declared in msg_facility_mailbox.incl.pl1):

       dcl     1 msg_array (msg_facility_mailbox.n_elements) aligned
                           based (msg_facility_mailbox.messages_ptr),
                 2 message_id         bit (72),
                 2 message_number     fixed bin,
                 2 flags,
                   3 printed          bit (1) unal,
                   3 mbz              bit (35) unal;


     is the ring 1 message ID of this message.

     is the message number of  this message.  Messages are numbered
     consecutively  per-mailbox,  starting   with  number  1.   The
     message number  of a message  is passed to  the wakeup routing
     when it is invoked.

     is set to  "1"b if this message has been  processed (by a call
     to message_facility_$set_seen_switch).

     is reserved for future expansion and must be zero.

  Alarm and wakeup handlers

       The alarm  and wakeup handler procedures  should be declared
  and are called as follows:

  declare handler_procedure entry (ptr, ptr);

  call handler_procedure (msgf_mbx_ptr, info_ptr);

       The msgf_mbx_ptr is a pointer  to the mailbox data structure
  for  the  mailbox  on  which messages  are  to  be  handled.  The
  info_ptr is a pointer to  a structure supplied by the application
  setting its own handler.

       The default  alarm and wakeup  handlers use the  info_ptr to
  maintain the call string supplied to accept_messages.

       The message_facility_ subroutine  handles event channels for
  alarms and  wakeups internally.  Wakeups are  sent to the entries
  message_facility_$alarm_processor                             and
  message_facility_$wakeup_processor,   for  alarms   and  wakeups,
  respectively.   The wakeup  procesor updates  the current message
  information  from  the  ring 1  message  ID passed  as  the event
  message  and then  calls msg_facility_mailbox.wakeup_handler with
  the pointer  to that msg_facility_mailbox structure  and the info
  pointer  supplied.   (The current  message information  is ALWAYS
  updated, the last message information  is only updated if the new
  message is a message that  is being held.  Wakeup handlers should
  use the current message information, the last message information
  is   for   the    last_message_sender,   last_message_time,   and
  last_message    commands   and    is   updated    by   calls   to
  message_facility_$set_seen_switch).    The   alarm   and   wakeup
  processors  do not  acknowledge messages.   The default handlers,
  however, do  (by setting the  seen switches on  the messages they
  handle).  Message handlers should read the message, if necessary,
  with   message_facility_$read_message,   and  mark   the  message
  processed            (if             appropriate)            with
  message_facility_$set_seen_switch.                             If
  message_facility_$set_seen_switch is called on a message which is
  the  last  message in  the  msg_array, the  last message  info is
  updated to that message.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________


  This subroutine  is used to  manipulate the information  kept and
  used by the Multics message facility which implements interactive
  messages.    Mailboxes  are   identified  by   a  pointer   to  a
  msg_facility_mailbox structure.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_next_msgf_mbx_ptr

  This entry,  given a message facility  mailbox pointer, returns a
  pointer to the next mailbox in the  chain, or null if there is no
  next mailbox.  If msgf_mbx_ptr is  null, the first mailbox in the
  chain is returned.


  declare message_facility_$get_next_msgf_mbx_ptr entry (ptr, ptr);

  call    message_facility_$get_next_msgf_mbx_ptr    (msgf_mbx_ptr,


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  next_msgf_mbx_ptr (Output)
     is a pointer to the next mailbox.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_msgf_mbx_ptr

  This  entry returns  a message  facility mailbox  pointer for the
  specified mailbox.


  declare   message_facility_$get_msgf_mbx_ptr    entry   (char(*),
  char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));

  call     message_facility_$get_msgf_mbx_ptr     (dname,    ename,
  msgf_mbx_ptr, code);


  dname (Input)
     is the directory in which the specified mailbox resides.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  ename (Input)
     is the entry name of the specified mailbox.

  msgf_mbx_ptr (Output)
     is the returned message facility mailbox pointer.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$free_msgf_mbx_ptr

  This entry makes a mailbox unknown to the message facility.


  dcl   message_facility_$free_msgf_mbx_ptr   entry   (ptr,   fixed

  call message_facility_$free_msgf_mbx_ptr (msgf_mbx_ptr, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_wakeup_state

  This entry determines whether or  not messages are being accepted
  or deferred, held  or not held, and whether  or not notifications
  are printed and/or held for a mailbox.


  declare  message_facility_$get_wakeup_state  entry  (ptr,  bit(*)
  aligned, fixed bin(35));

  call  message_facility_$get_wakeup_state   (msgf_mbx_ptr,  flags,


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a mailbox data ptr.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  flags (Output)
     is  a bit  string indicating  if messages  are being  held, if
     notifications  are  being  held,  if  notifications  are being
     printed, and if messages are being accepted or deferred.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$set_wakeup_state

  This entry is used to accept  or defer messages, hold or not hold
  messages, and  determine whether or  not notifications are  to be
  printed and/or held for a mailbox.


  declare  message_facility_$set_wakeup_state  entry  (ptr,  bit(*)
  aligned, fixed bin(35));

  call  message_facility_$set_wakeup_state   (msgf_mbx_ptr,  flags,


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  flags (Input)
     is a bit  string which determines if messages  are to be held,
     if notifications  are to be  held, if notifications  are to be
     printed,  and if  messages are to  be accepted  or deferred on
     this mailbox.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_mbx_path

  This entry returns  the directory and entry names  of the mailbox
  associated with the structure pointed  to by the supplied mailbox
  data pointer.


  dcl message_facility_$get_mbx_path entry  (ptr, char(*), char(*),
  bit (1) aligned, fixed bin(35));

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  call message_facility_$get_mbx_path  (msgf_mbx_ptr, dname, ename,
  default_mbx, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  dname (Output)
     is the directory in which the mailbox resides.

  ename (Output)
     is the entry name of the mailbox.

  default_mbx (Output)
     is a switch indicating if this is the user's default mailbox.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_prefix

  This  entry returns  the prefix  printed before  each interactive
  message received.


  declare  message_facility_$get_prefix  entry (ptr,  char(12) var,
  bit(1) aligned, fixed bin(35));

  call  message_facility_$get_prefix  (msgf_mbx_ptr, prefix_string,
  short_prefix, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  prefix_string (Output)
     is the current message prefix.

  short_prefix (Output)
     is  a  switch indicating  whether the  prefix is  printed when
     messages are printed in short format.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  Entry:  message_facility_$set_prefix

  This  entry  sets  the  prefix  printed  before  each interactive
  message received.


  declare  message_facility_$set_prefix  entry (ptr,  char(12) var,
  bit(1) aligned, fixed bin(35));

  call  message_facility_$set_prefix  (msgf_mbx_ptr, prefix_string,
  short_prefix, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  prefix_string (Input)
     is the new message prefix.

  short_prefix (Input)
     is  a  switch indicating  whether the  prefix is  printed when
     messages are printed in short format.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_message_format

  This  entry  returns  a   switch  indicating  whether  successive
  messages from the same user  (with the same comment field, within
  5 minutes  and on the same  date as the prior  message) are to be
  printed in short format.


  declare  message_facility_$get_message_format entry  (ptr, bit(1)
  aligned, fixed bin(35));

  call      message_facility_$get_message_format     (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  short_format, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  short_format (Output)
     is  a  switch  indicating  if messages  are  printed  in short

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$set_message_format

  This entry sets the switch indicating whether successive messages
  from  the  same  user  (with the  same  comment  field,  within 5
  minutes, and  on the same  date as the  prior message) are  to be
  printed in short format.


  declare  message_facility_$set_message_format entry  (ptr, bit(1)
  aligned, fixed bin(35));

  call      message_facility_$set_message_format     (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  short_format, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  short_format (Input)
     is  a  switch  indicating  if messages  are  printed  in short

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_alarm_handler

  This entry returns the current alarm handler.


  declare  message_facility_$get_alarm_handler  entry  (ptr, entry,
  ptr, fixed bin(71), fixed bin(35));

  call      message_facility_$get_alarm_handler      (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  alarm_entry, alarm_info_ptr, alarm_time, code);


  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  alarm_entry (Output)
     is the alarm procedure.

  alarm_info_ptr (Output)
     is     a     pointer     to     information     supplied    to

  alarm_time (Output)
     is the interval between alarm wakeups.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$set_alarm_handler

  This entry sets the alarm handler.  Messages are then held on the
  mailbox if they  were not already.  Messages must  be accepted on
  the mailbox.


  declare  message_facility_$set_alarm_handler  entry  (ptr, entry,
  ptr, fixed bin(71), fixed bin(35));

  call      message_facility_$set_alarm_handler      (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  alarm_entry, alarm_info_ptr, alarm_time, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  alarm_entry (Input)
     is the alarm procedure.

  alarm_info_ptr (Input)
     is a pointer to information to be used by the alarm procedure.

  alarm_time (Input)
     is the interval between alarm wakeups.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_wakeup_handler

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  This entry returns information about the wakeup handler.


  declare  message_facility_$get_wakeup_handler entry  (ptr, entry,
  ptr, fixed bin(35));

  call      message_facility_$get_wakeup_handler     (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  wakeup_entry, wakeup_info_ptr, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  wakeup_entry (Output)
     is the wakeup procedure.

  wakeup_info_ptr (Output)
     is     a     pointer     to     information     supplied    to

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$set_wakeup_handler

  This entry sets the wakeup handler.  Messages must be accepted on
  the mailbox.


  declare  message_facility_$set_wakeup_handler entry  (ptr, entry,
  ptr, fixed bin(35));

  call      message_facility_$set_wakeup_handler     (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  wakeup_entry, wakeup_info_ptr, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  wakeup_entry (Input)
     is the wakeup procedure.

  wakeup_info_ptr (Input)
     is  a  pointer  to  information  to  be  used  by  the  wakeup

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_last_message_info

  This  entry returns  information about  the last non-notification
  message received.


  declare message_facility_$get_last_message_info  entry (ptr, ptr,
  fixed bin(35));

  call    message_facility_$get_last_message_info    (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  last_message_info_ptr, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  last_message_info_ptr (Input/Output)
     is  a   pointer  to  the  following   structure  (declared  in

        dcl 1 last_message_info aligned
                                based (last_message_info_ptr),
              2 version char (8),
              2 last_message_ptr ptr,
              2 last_message_id bit (72) aligned,
              2 last_message_index fixed bin,
              2 last_message_number fixed bin;

     where:  version
        is   the   version   of   the   structure.    It   must  be
        LAST_MESSAGE_INFO_VERSION_1           (declared          in

        is  a  pointer  to   the  last  message.   The  appropriate
        structure is declared in message_info.incl.pl1.

        is  the ring  1 message-ID of  the last  message.  The last
        message date/time may be obtained from this ID by assigning
        it to the following structure:

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

           dcl 1 mbx_msg_id aligned,
                 2 unknown bit(18) unal,
                 2 time bit(54) unal;

        unknown is undefined and should not be referenced.

        time  may be  converted to a  standard time  using the PL/I
        binary builtin.

        is the index into the msg_array of the last message.

        is the number of the last message.

  Entry:  message_facility_$get_current_message_info

  This entry returns information about the last message received.


  declare  message_facility_$get_current_message_info  entry  (ptr,
  ptr, fixed bin(35));

  call   message_facility_$get_current_message_info  (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  current_message_info_ptr, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  current_message_info_ptr (Input/Output)
     is  a   pointer  to  the  following   structure  (declared  in

        dcl 1 current_message_info aligned
                                   based (current_message_info_ptr),
              2 version char (8),
              2 current_message_ptr ptr,
              2 current_message_id bit (72) aligned,
              2 current_message_index fixed bin,
              2 current_message_number fixed bin;


        is   the   version   of   the   structure.    It   must  be

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

        CURRENT_MESSAGE_INFO_VERSION_1         (declared         in

        is  a  pointer  to  the current  message.   The appropriate
        structure is declared in message_info.incl.pl1.

        is  the  ring 1  message-ID  of the  current  message.  The
        current message  date/time may be obtained  from this ID by
        assigning it to the following structure:

           dcl 1 mbx_msg_id aligned,
                 2 unknown bit(18) unal,
                 2 time bit(54) unal;

        unknown is undefined and should not be referenced.

        time  may be  converted to a  standard time  using the PL/I
        binary builtin.

        is the index into the msg_array of the current message.

        is the number of the current message.

  Entry:  get_msg_array_ptr

  This  entry  returns  a  pointer to  the  message  array  for the
  specified mailbox.


  dcl  message_facility_$get_msg_array_ptr  entry  (ptr,  ptr, ptr,
  fixed bin, fixed bin(35));

  call message_facility_$get_msg_array_ptr (msgf_mbx_ptr, area_ptr,
  msg_array_ptr, n_messages, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  area_ptr (Input)
     is the area in which the message array is to be allocated.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  msg_array_ptr (Output)
     is  a  pointer  to  the message  list  structure,  declared in

     dcl 1 msg_array (n_messages) aligned based (msg_array_ptr),
           2 message_id  bit (72) aligned,
           2 message_number fixed bin,
           2 flags,
             3 printed bit (1) unal,
             3 mbz bit (35) unal;

  n_messages (Output)
     is  the number  of messages in  the mailbox and  the number of
     elements in the array.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$read_message

  This entry reads a message from a mailbox.


  declare message_facility_$read_message (ptr, fixed bin, ptr, ptr,
  fixed bin(35));

  call       message_facility_$read_message      (msgf_mailbox_ptr,
  message_index, area_ptr, message_info_ptr, code);


  msgf_mailbox_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  message_index (Input/Output)
     is the index into the msg_array of this message.

  area_ptr (Input)
     is an area in which the message is to be allocated.

  message_info_ptr (Input/Output)
     is  a   pointer  to  the  following   structure  (declared  in

        dcl 1 message_info aligned based (message_info_ptr),
              2 version char (8),
              2 sender char (32),

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

              2 message_ptr ptr,
              2 authorization bit (72) aligned;


        is  the  version number  of  the structure.   It  should be
        MESSAGE_INFO_VERSION_1 (declared in message_info.incl.pl1).

        is the group id of the sender of the message.

        is a pointer to the  message.  The appropriate structure is
        declared in mail_format.incl.pl1.

        is the sender's AIM authorization.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$set_seen_switch

  This  entry marks  a message as  having been  processed, sends an
  acknowledgement if the acknowledge switch  is on, and deletes the
  message  if it  is a  notification or  if messages  are not being
  held.  If the message being marked as seen is the last message in
  the message array, the last message information is set for it.


  dcl  message_facility_$set_seen_switch  entry  (ptr,  fixed  bin,
  fixed bin (35));

  call       message_facility_$set_seen_switch       (msgf_mbx_ptr,
  message_index, code);


  msgf_mbx_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  message_index (Input)
     is the index into the msg_array for this message.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  Entry:  message_facility_$send_message

  This entry sends a message to the specified mailbox.


  dcl   message_facility_$send_message  entry   (char(*),  char(*),
  char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));

  call   message_facility_$send_message  (dname,   ename,  message,
  send_mail_info_ptr, code);


  dname (Input)
     is the directory in which the specified mailbox resides.

  ename (Input)
     is the entry name of the mailbox.

  message (Input)
     is the message to be sent.

  send_mail_info_ptr (Input)
     is  a pointer  to a  send_mail_info structure,  as declared in

     dcl 1 send_mail_info aligned,
          2 version fixed bin,
          2 sent_from char(32) aligned,
          2 switches,
           3 wakeup bit(1) unal,
           3 mbz1 bit(1) unal,
           3 always_add bit(1) unal,
           3 never_add bit(1) unal,
           3 notify bit(1) unal,
           3 acknowledge bit(1) unal,
           3 mbz bit(30) unal;


        is   the   version   of   this  structure.    It   must  be
        send_mail_info_version_2            (declared            in

        is the comment  string which is to be  placed in the header
        of the message.  If it is "", no comment is used.  If it is
        the  person  ID  of  the  sending  user,  and  the variable

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

        full_name._ is defined in the user's default value seg, its
        value  will be  used as the  comment string.  If  it is not
        defined, no comment is used.

        is a switch specifying that this message is a wakeup.

        is reserved for future expansion and must be zero.

        is a switch specifying that this  message is to be added to
        the mailbox regardless of whether or not messages are being
        accepted on the destination mailbox.

        is a switch specifying that the  message is not to be added
        to the destination mailbox.

        is a switch specifying that the message is a notification.

        is  a   switch  specifying  that  the   message  is  to  be

        is reserved for future expansion and must be zero.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$send_message_access_class

  This entry sends a message to the specified mailbox, allowing the
  user to specify the access class of the message.


  dcl  message_facility_$send_message_access_class  entry (char(*),
  char(*), char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));

  call  message_facility_$send_message_access_class  (dname, ename,
  message, send_mail_info_ptr, access_class, code);


  dname (Input)
     is the directory in which the specified mailbox resides.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

  ename (Input)
     is the entry name of the mailbox.

  message (Input)
     is the message to be sent.

  send_mail_info_ptr (Input)
     is  a pointer  to a  send_mail_info structure,  as declared in

     dcl 1 send_mail_info aligned,
          2 version fixed bin,
          2 sent_from char(32) aligned,
          2 switches,
           3 wakeup bit(1) unal,
           3 mbz1 bit(1) unal,
           3 always_add bit(1) unal,
           3 never_add bit(1) unal,
           3 notify bit(1) unal,
           3 acknowledge bit(1) unal,
           3 mbz bit(30) unal;


        is   the   version   of   this  structure.    It   must  be
        send_mail_info_version_2            (declared            in

        is the comment  string which is to be  placed in the header
        of the message.  If it is "", no comment is used.  If it is
        the  person  ID  of  the  sending  user,  and  the variable
        full_name._ is defined in the user's default value seg, its
        value  will be  used as the  comment string.  If  it is not
        defined, no comment is used.

        is a switch specifying that this message is a wakeup.

        is reserved for future expansion and must be zero.

        is a switch specifying that this  message is to be added to
        the mailbox regardless of whether or not messages are being
        accepted on the destination mailbox.

  _________________                               _________________

  message_facility_                               message_facility_
  _________________                               _________________

        is a switch specifying that the  message is not to be added
        to the destination mailbox.

        is a switch specifying that the message is a notification.

        is  a   switch  specifying  that  the   message  is  to  be

        is reserved for future expansion and must be zero.

  access_class (Input)
     is the access class of this message.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.

  Entry:  message_facility_$delete_message

  This entry deletes a message from a mailbox.


  declare  message_facility_$delete_message entry  (ptr, fixed bin,
  fixed bin(35));

  call      message_facility_$delete_message     (msgf_mailbox_ptr,
  message_index, code);


  msgf_mailbox_ptr (Input)
     is a message facility mailbox pointer.

  message_index (Input)
     is the index into the msg_array for this message.

  code (Output)
     is a standard system error code.



       The   message   for   error_table_$messages_off   should  be
  "Messages are not being accepted" rather than "User not accepting
  messages or not logged in", since the mailbox may or may not be a
  user's   default    mailbox.    Similarly,   the    message   for
  error_table_$messages_deferred should be "Messages are deferred."

  ring 1 mailbox primitives

       There are  a number of  entry points in  mbx_mseg_ for which
  there are  no corresponding mailbox_ gate  entries.  Although not
  strictly  necessary  for  the  reimplementation  of  the  message
  facility, they would be useful for user programs.  An entry point
  to  allow  determination of  the  message acceptance  state  on a
  mailbox would also be useful.

       An entry point to allow messages to be "unaccepted"--so that
  mailboxes can go back to zero records--would be nice.

       Urgent messages are implemented in  ring 1 although they are
  not  in  ring  4.  To  implement  them  in ring  4  would require
  correcting   a   number  of   inconsistencies   in  the   ring  1

       It has also been pointed out that the current implementation
  of  urgent  messages  is  really just  another  class  of regular
  messages  (i.e.,  they are  not  really "urgent").   To implement
  truly urgent messages would require more extensive changes in the
  inner ring.