MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  To:       Distribution

  From:     Michael A.  Pandolf

  Date:     84.09.21

  Subject:  A Method to Extend the Multics File System


  This document  describes a method whereby  the presentation of the
  Multics file system can be altered to include entries not directly
  supported  by   the  Supervisor.   It  starts   with  the  current
  implementation of  file processing found at  the user ring command
  level and describes some of the limitations of this method.  Next,
  an   alternate   mechanism   is  presented,   starting   with  its
  architecture  and ending  with a  discussion of  its implications.
  Finally,  information  is  provided  for  those  wishing  to  take
  advantage of this facility.  This document also superceeds Multics
  Technical Bulletin  615 (named "A Mechanism  for Managing Extended
  Objects"), which is now to be considered obsolete.

  Revision 1 includes changes to the original document brought about |
  by  its  review.  Change  bars  are used  to  indicate differences |
  between the two.                                                   |

  Send comments on this MTB by one of the following means:

       By Multics Mail, on System-M to:

       By Multics forum, on System-M in:

       By Telephone at:
          (HVN) 492-9391 or (617) 492-9391

  Multics  Project  internal  working   documentation.   Not  to  be
  distributed outside the Multics Project.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  1  Background

  1.1  Low Level Presentation of the File System

  Consider, if you  will, the Multics hierarchy as  it is defined by
  the  ring   zero  environment.   It  is   constructed  from  three
  fundamental building  blocks:  the directory, the  segment and the
  link.  As shall be shown, this may contrast with the perception of
  the hierarchy when one is executing  in the user rings, rings four
  and five.  Up  to this point in time,  additional types of entries
  have  been  individually  implemented,  due   to  the  lack  of  a
  programming  facility to  allow tailoring  of the  file system for
  specific  applications.   As the  number of  entry types  that are
  defined in the user ring  increases, the software support for file
  system  entries  becomes more  difficult,  and almost  begs  for a

  1.2  Inner Ring Entries

  Several file  system objects that  are fabricated outside  of ring
  zero  have  existed  for some  time  now.   We shall  use  them as
  examples  of how  extra entry types  have been  implemented in the
  past,  and  how continuing  to follow  such a  precedent can  be a
  burden to both the user and the developer of these new components.
  Let us firstly consider mailboxes.  These components reside within
  ring one for  a variety of reasons.  What is  interesting to us is
  that ring zero is not very helpful with mailboxes when interacting
  with the user ring.  The ring one mailbox/message segment software
  becomes our way of manipulating  these structures.  For example, a
  call to the supervisor  interface hcs_$delentry_file will delete a
  segment   from   the  hierarchy   for  us,   whereas  a   call  to
  mailbox_$delete is required to delete  a mailbox even though it is
  a segment to ring zero  software.  Conceptually, what has happened
  in this situation  is that one command is used  as an interface to
  hcs_ to  delete segments (delete)  and another command  is used to
  interface to mailbox_ (mbx_delete).  Yet another command exists to
  delete message segments, appropriately enough named ms_delete.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Clearly, if other  inner ring resident components are  to be added
  to the user ring complement, one  pattern to follow is to generate
  another set of commands to interface with some gate into the inner
  ring.  Perhaps with two inner ring components the need to be aware
  of  other sets  of commands  is no  great inconvenience,  but when
  given four (as  is currently proposed) it may  very quickly become
  tiring, and if given five or ten (not unreasonable for some future
  time as Multics continues to  respond to new requirements) then it
  may become downright ugly.  The  desired goal here is that Multics
  be  made to  worry about the  identity of a  file system component
  being  referenced, as  opposed to  the user  being concerned about
  such.  In fact,  this convention has been used  to support another
  type of file system component, the multisegment file.

  1.3    User Ring Entries

  Limited  by a  maximum size  of roughly  a quarter  million words,
  segments  proved  to  be  too   small  a  storage  unit  for  many
  applications.  To  answer this problem, the  multisegment file was
  developed.   It  is  referenced  as  a  single  component  in  the
  hierarchy,  and  (for the  purposes of  this discussion)  can grow
  arbitrarily large.  Ring zero does not recognize this component as
  a  single object,  as it  is manufactured  out of  a directory and
  segments from the user ring.  Because it is a user ring construct,
  the  multisegment  file  suffers  from  a  severe  limitation that
  mailboxes and message segments don't:   it can be manipulated from
  the  user  ring  in  an   arbitrary  manner.   In  this  way,  the
  multisegment  file  is not  a complete  implementation of  a large
  capacity  atomic  file  system component.   Nevertheless,  it does
  behave in another  manner which is very desirable  from the user's
  point of view:   it can be manipulated using  standard file system
  commands.  For instance, the  delete command is intelligent enough
  to ascertain the  identity of what it is to  delete and handle the
  deletion  of  a  multisegment  file differently  than  that  for a
  segment.  This is not without cost, however, as the developer must
  maintain  a  separate execution  path  in the  delete  command for
  multisegment files.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  2  Command Level Integration

  2.1  Integrating Current Entry Types

  Some  file system  commands have  been modified  to allow  them to
  manipulate mailboxes and message  segments.  Without a focal point
  for managing  attributes of entries that  require access through a
  gate other than  hcs_, these changed commands have  had to include
  the code to  determine the identity the entry.   Upon the addition
  of a new file system entry type,  this code would have to be added
  to every command that knows about different entry types, resulting
  in a significant amount of code duplication.

  2.2  Projected Entry Types

  Looking one step past the theoretical,  there is a current need to
  expand the scope  of the file system.  Several  new components are
  to  be  added,  and the  question  becomes,  "What path  is  to be
  followed, that of the multisegment  file, or that of the mailbox?"
  At this  point, a brief look  at the additions to  the file system
  ought to be  helpful.  One new component is  the Forum meeting, an
  inner ring data  base which bears some sort  of outward similarity
  to mailboxes in  that it houses relatively small  items as textual
  information,  and requires  general read/write  permission for all
  users,  at  least while  they  are in  the  inner ring.   As such,
  standard file  system commands will be  unable to manipulate these
  meetings due to validation  level restrictions.  Another component
  to be added is the Data  Management file.  This is also inner ring
  resident,  but is  not used  for a  specific purpose  as are Forum
  meetings.  Its proper classification is that of a "file", implying
  that  there  is  no  single internal  structure  that  defines its
  contents.  For its first application,  it is being used to replace
  the  multisegment   file  in  many   Multics  relational  database
  applications.  As  a file, it  may be thought of  as being grouped
  with  the  (single  segment)  file,  and  the  multisegment  file.
  Finally, there  is a component used  within Data Management called
  the before journal used  for before-modification storage of images
  of Data Management files.

  2.3  Integrating New Entries

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  One may be tempted to say that the implementation of command level
  interfaces  to  these components  has  already been  decided, that
  there are only two avenues to  take:  that of the mailbox and that
  of the multisegment file.  If so, then one would expect that there
  be a  new set of  commands for Forum meetings  and before journals
  and  that Data  Management files  be special  cased in  the "file"
  commands.  The philosophy of this discussion says that while there
  have  been   two  separate  methods  of   dealing  with  hierarchy
  components in the past, the double standard is tolerable only to a
  point:  the  scope of the inconsistency  has been relatively small
  because  so  few  components  were  involved,  and  the  number of
  components has not  changed for several years.  Now  the number of
  components  is  on  the  increase  and  the  inconvenience becomes
  greater for the  developer as well as for  the user.  The proposal
  presented in  this discussion says  that all file  system terminal
  nodes be accessed through the same set of commands.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  3  A New Mechanism

  3.1  General Description

  What is now  proposed is a utility that allows  the user to access
  file system components with little  forethought about what sort of
  component it  is being accessed.  Multics  commands will no longer
  interface  directly  with several  subsystems  in order  to access
  files,  but  will  call  upon  a  centralized  procedure  that  is
  responsible  for  determining  the   nature  of  a  component  and
  forwarding the  call to an appropriate  handler.  This File System
  Utility, as it is called, serves to standardize references to file
  system  primitives  by  accepting  all file  system  related calls
  through a  well defined interface.  The  Utility itself can handle
  calls  for  five  types  of  hierarchy  components:   directories,
  segments,  links, multisegment  files, and  Data Management files.
  The  inclusion of  the latter  two file  types (though  neither is
  currently a fundamental,  ring zero component) is due  to a design
  consideration of  the File System  Utility, and will  become clear

  The Utility  is normally presented  with the pathname  of an entry
  and  some pertinent  arguments passed  to one  of its entrypoints.
  Upon receiving  the entryname of  the object (which  is a separate
  parameter) it extracts  the suffix and uses it  to determine entry
  type.  The suffix is used to  construct a virtual entry value that
  identifies  a  support  routine   by  prefixing  the  string  with
  "suffix_" and adding a "_$validate"  to the end.  For example, the
  entryname   "McDonald.mbx"   will  generate   the   virtual  entry
  "suffix_mbx_$validate."   The  Utility   then  calls  through  the
  virtual entry  to receive confirmation on  the entry type.  Notice
  that  if it  receives confirmation, the  type is  considered to be
  "extended, " that is, not  supported by the supervisor.  There are
  two ways in  which confirmation will not be  given:  either if the
  search for the suffix support routine  produces no match or if the
  validation program rejects the entry.

  If an entry  cannot be validated it is  considered to be standard,
  and  the  Utility processes  the  file system  request internally,
  eventually calling  hcs_.  If the entry  was accepted, the Utility
  does no processing; rather,  it calls the corresponding entrypoint
  in  the  support routine.   It  is in  fact  the presence  of this
  external support routine that defines  the new type of entry:  for
  a given user, the hierarchy will  take on the appearance of a file
  system  as  defined by  all  the support  routines that  have been
  referenced in the currently active process.  Considering that this
  support routine  is found using  the standard search  rules and is
  relatively easy to write, the presentation of the hierarchy can be
  tailored more closely to the needs of the individual user.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  4  Support for the Mechanism

  4.1  Hardcore

  There is  very little support  that the user ring  can expect from
  the hardcore  when creating this extended  file system.  As stated
  at the  start of this  discussion, a components  type is specified
  from  ring  zero by  two  bits, and  three components  are defined
  through  this:   the directory,  the  segment, and  the  link.  At
  present,  there  is  no  ring  zero  interface  to  pass arbitrary
  information about a  file system component, and there  is no place
  in  the supervisor  to store  such information,  anyway.  That is,
  unless  one   considers  the  name   of  a  file   such  arbitrary
  information.  The utility indeed uses  entry names as a repository
  of "arbitrary"  information, the information  being the particular
  type of  component a segment  or directory is.  This  usage is not
  without precedent:   consider the use of  suffixes to indicate the
  identity of  a language source  segment.  There is  mild typing of
  the text segment in this case,  although the ultimate test of type
  is a successful compile.

  4.2  The Suffix Convention

  The  File  System Utility's  use  of suffixes  proceeds  from this
  point.  For a file system  component to be considered extended, it
  must first have a suffix of  its type just as source segments have
  a suffix of the name of the  compiler against which they are to be
  run.   Whereas the  source segment  does not  need to  be compiled
  before  it  is referenced,  the potential  extended entry  must be
  validated  by  the support  routine  before it  can  be considered
  "worthy of wearing its suffix" and have a name added or be deleted
  or what have you.  This requirement that there must be a suffix on
  the name of an entry for it to be considered extended implies that
  any entry type  that does not require a suffix  on its object must
  be regarded as a standard object.  Because multisegment files have
  no suffix requirements and because they have been in existence for
  so long with special case code in various commands, they have been
  designated  as being  standard.  The argument  for Data Management
  files to  be considered standard is  somewhat different:  although
  they are not now completely implemented, they are planned to be an
  entry  known  in  the  supervisor  and  thus  will  be  similar to
  directories and segments to that extent.  They also have no suffix

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  5  Software Architecture

  5.1  Direct Utility Support

  The Utility is  embodied in a single program known  by the name of
  fs_util_.   It  contains  all  the  logic  necessary  to determine
  whether or  not a component  is potentially extended,  to find and
  forward references to a suffix  support routine, and to handle the
  processing  of  standard  objects  itself.   There  are twenty-six
  entrypoints available:  ten for ACL and ring bracket manipualtion,
  five for  typing a component,  four for switch  manipulation, four
  for  length  manipulation and  three for  miscellaneous functions.
  For the most part, these entrypoints  are to replace calls to hcs_
  by user ring programs.

  5.2  Subsystem Support

  When  fs_util_  determines that  it  is dealing  with  a potential
  extended  component,  it  makes  as few  assumptions  as possible:
  control  is  passed directly  to  the suffix  support  routine for
  validation  of  its  type  and,  if  successful,  to  complete the
  requested  operation.   In  a  way,  the  support  program  can be
  considered  a  caretaker of  the  file.  It  is expected  that the
  developer of  the subsystem that  uses the file  wrote the support
  program.  Design of the  suffix program is fairly straightforward:
  nineteen  of its  twenty-two entrypoints are  mapped directly from
  fs_util_, and  the operation of its  "validate" entrypoint is well

  5.3  Degree of Support

  The extent  to which fs_util_ is  used can be as  little as in the
  ACL commands alone, or as great  as in all commands that reference
  an object  in the hierarchy.   Implications of the  latter are far
  reaching, for such an implementation would require a whole new way
  of  conceptualizing the  hierarchy.  For the  time being, fs_util_
  will be called  by a small set of commands;  it is hoped that this
  may expand  in the future  so that a  more consistent view  of the
  file system is presented to its users.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  6  Implementation

  6.1  Areas Affected

  The implementation that follows describes a three phase conversion
  of the  Multics command level  to bring it under  the influence of
  the Utility and extended entry  typing.  Each phase is designed to
  require the installation of the previous phase, and implementation
  can stop after  any of the phases.  Implementing  all three phases
  will  probably  produce a  very  different command  level behavior
  towards the hierarchy.

  A  list  of  the  commands  that  will  be  obviously  affected by
  implementation of one or more phases follows:

       add_name             dump_segment         print
       adjust_bit_count     edm                  qedx
       canonicalize         emacs                rename
       change_default_wdir  enter_output_request save_dir_info
       change_wdir          exists               segments
       compare_ascii        hunt                 set_acl
       contents             hunt_dec             set_bit_count
       convert_characters   list                 set_max_length
       copy                 list_accessible      set_ring_brackets
       copy_acl             list_acl             status
       copy_dir             list_not_accessible  switch_off
       copy_names           merge_ascii          switch_on
       delete               move                 teco
       delete_acl           move_dir             unlink
       delete_dir           move_names           walk_subtree
       do_subtree           nonzero_segments     zero_segments
       dprint               overlay

  6.2  Phase One

  Phase  one  of  command   level  conversion  will  effect  several
  commands.  The  changes necessary to  allow these programs  to use
  the Utility will not require a  user visible change to the command

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Two  fundamental  operations are  the first  to be  considered for
  conversion:   file creation  and deletion.  Within  the context of
  Multics, these two operations are  not especially symmetric.  As a
  general rule of  thumb, a file is not  created through an explicit
  request of  the user.  Text  files are implicitly  created by text
  editors,  mailboxes by  the mail  facility on  an as  needed basis
  (although the user is queried to whether a new mailbox ought to be
  created),  multisegment  files by  vfile_ when  appropriate.  Some
  file  system components  are explicitly  created:  directories and
  links are  the prime examples.   On the other hand,  deletion of a
  file is nearly always explicitly requested.  In addition, creation
  usually concerns itself with the incarnation of one component at a
  time; deletion  can cause a  mass extinction (note the  use of the
  star convention  for the delete command).   For these reasons, the
  File System Utility will not concern itself with creating objects,
  but will have an interface for deleting objects.

  There  will  be a  noticeable  difference in  the behavior  of the
  delete  command:  up  to now, the  delete command  would fail when
  trying  to delete  inner ring objects  such as was  once done with
  mailboxes.  In one  sense this was pleasant behavior:   use of the
  star  convention  when  deleting  would  not  accidentally include
  mailboxes  in  the action  of the  delete command.   However, this
  luxury  no  longer exists:   any inner  ring component  whose name
  matches a  starname is destined  for hierarchy heaven.   It may be
  appropriate for the delete command to  protest a little when it is
  going to perform  any starname processing.  At the  same time that
  the delete command is converted to use the Utility, the delete_dir
  command should  also be converted  so that it might  not delete an
  extended entry  that has a directory  as its underlying structure.
  As  a  matter of  consistancy, unlink  ought to  be made  aware of
  extended typing,  so that when  it reports that the  object of its
  invocation was  not a link,  it can use  the extended type  of the
  object in its message.

  Considering  rename  next,  its  main  concern  with  file  system
  extensions is  that the naming  convention be preserved,  that the
  suffix is  not left off any  new name added to  a directory entry.
  In  this  way,  any  new  or additional  name  for  a  file system
  component  will  include the  suffix  of the  original  name.  The
  copy_names,  move_names,  and  add_name  commands  operate  in  an
  analogous manner when adding names to the target file.

  Copying and moving files are considered together.  As with rename,
  suffix preservation is necessary.   In addition, because the thing
  to  be copied  may reside  in an  inner ring,  it will  have to be
  copied  by  a call  to the  inner ring  subystem.  Past  these two
  items, copying and  moving are the same as  they always have been.
  Effected are copy, copy_dir, move, and move_dir.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Bit  count  manipulation   (adjust_bit_count,  set_bit_count)  and
  length manipulation  (set_max_length) are also  performed by calls
  to fs_util_,  and there is  no difference in  user interface.  The
  suffix support routine may decide  that the bit count attribute is
  not  meaningful  for the  object being  referenced, but  this will
  merely result in an error message being printed.

  Switch  manipulation is  also handled the  way it  has always been
  from the command level, with  the call forwarded to fs_util_.  The
  utility  will  determine which  switches  are appropriate  to set.
  This  effects switch_on  and switch_off.   Additionally, the older
  interfaces (safety_switch_on,  copy_switch_on, etc.)  ought  to be

  Finally, the  status command can  be made to  use fs_util_ without
  requiring  a  new  user  interface.   Status  will  query fs_util_
  several  times to  obtain information about  what to  report for a
  file, but will keep its report format unchanged.

  6.3  Phase Two

  In  the second  phase of converting  the command level  to use the
  Utility, user interface changes are required, but the presentation
  of the file  system as compared to its  traditional form is little
  changed.   For the  most part,  these changes  will involve access
  control commands.

  The  ACL  commands  provide  a   good  example  of  the  need  and
  implications of maintaining an arbitrary set of hierarchy objects.
  Two of them, list_acl and set_acl,  will serve as a basis for this
  example.   These  commands  are  to  be  modified  to  be  able to
  manipulate   access  for   a  variety   of  hierarchy  components,
  regardless of the type of access supported or of the ring in which
  the  component resides.   Of the two,  it is set_acl  that will be
  influenced more and  thus will be considered last.   As opposed to
  set_acl, list_acl does not require  a mode string when referencing
  the ACL of an entry, which  is why changing it is straightforward:
  for the  most part, the  user interface is unchanged.   We add the |
  "-select_entry_type" argument  which will have  a specific meaning |
  when used  in relation to  file system extensions.  It  is used to |
  select only those entries of  a specified type, being particularly
  useful  to  filter  out  unwanted  entries  selected  by  the star
  convention (e.g.  "**").

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  When setting  ACL, a problem arises:   the same mode specification
  may  have different  meaning for different  entries.  Consider the
  command line "set_acl ** sa".  Traditionally, the mode string "sa"
  would  be  mapped to  directories;  however, it  is also  a valid,
  although not  very useful, mode  string for mailboxes  and message
  segments.  We  must prevent set_acl  from applying this  string to
  the  latter two  entries.  For  this reason,  set_acl must process
| star names  carefully.  The restriction it  follows is that access
| is set on  entries whose type is extended only  when the suffix or
| the  -select_entry_type  control  argument is  explicitly  used to
| specify the given extended type, and that access is set on entries
| whose  type   is  standard  whenever  the   starname  matches  and
| -select_entry_type  has  not  been  used.  These  actions  will be
  quiet;  that is,  if an  extended type  file matches  the supplied
  starname (such as "**"), then we  will not report that we excluded
  the file from the set_acl operation.

  The  two  remaining  ACL  commands, copy_acl  and  delete_acl, are
  similar to list_acl  in that they do not require  a mode string as
| part  of their  command line.   The only  change in  their command
| level  interface  is  the  addition of  "-select_entry_type"  as a
| control     argument.      Analogously,     list_accessible    and
  list_not_accessible will use the Utility to compute accessibility,
  but will otherwise remain unchanged.

  One may  wonder why IACL  commands are not listed  in section 6.1.
  The   primary   reason  for   this  is   that  in   their  current
  implementation, they  do not easily lend  themselves to outer ring
  manipulation as ACLs do.  In  ring zero, IACLs are associated with
  branch   creation.   As   previously  mentioned,   the  supervisor
  recognizes  links, directories,  and segments as  the only storage
  system entries, and provides an  interface to manage IACLs for the
  branches.   Without  a  mechanism  that allows  the  supervisor to
  recognize more  than three types,  IACLs will be  a feature absent
  from the Utility.  Until such a time, the supervisor will continue
  to honor  IACL setting when  creating a branch.   It is up  to the
  suffix  support  routine  to  determine  how  apporpriate  the ACL
  setting on a newly created entry is.

  A  minor  change is  made to  the command  level interface  of the
  set_ring_brackets command.  The subsystem that manages an extended
  entry  may find  it necessary  to reference  only one  or two ring
  numbers for the  entry.  At the command level,  the correct number
  of ring numbers  must be supplied.  If not,  the command complains
  and returns.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Considering  the change  in ACL modes  effected by  the Utility, a |
  command level interface ought to be  supplied so that the user can |
  determine exactly  with what sort  of beast he or  she is dealing. |
  Two commands are to be added to  Multics to do just this.  The one |
  named list_entry_types  peruses the caller's  search rules looking |
  for suffix support routines.  For  each valid one found, it prints |
  the name of the entry type and the suffix used by an entry of that |
  type.  The  other, describe_entry_type, returns  information about |
  the  characteristics of  an extended entry  type.  It  is by using |
  this command that  a user would find out the  modes that are valid |
  for a given type.                                                  |

  It has proven to  be a labor of agony in the  choosing of a set of |
  consistent short names for these two new commands.  Although there |
  is  an historical  tendency to form  short names  from the leading |
  letter of each  word in the command name,  a more recent agreement |
  specifies that the first letter and next consonant be used to form |
  the  first two  letters of the  short name, followed  by the first |
  letter of each additional name.   It is also strongly desired that |
  the  two  commands  form their  name  in  the same  manner.   In a |
  definitive  stroke  of  arbitrariness,  the  following  names  are |
  defined for  describe_entry_type and list_entry_type:   "dset" and |
  "lset" respectively.                                               |

  One last command to be included in phase two implementation of the
  extended  file system  is the  list command.   While changing list
  will present a  different picture of the file  system to the user,
  it  is very  convenient to have  available, since it  does all the
  work of deciding which entries are  really of an extended type and
  which  have  some arbitrary  suffix.   The list  command currently
  types directories with a non zero bit count as multisegment files,
  but this is the extent of its special casing.  When changed, there
  will be  no special cases;  rather, all entries will  be typed and
  grouped  according to  type.  The  report for  each group  will be
  tailored  for  the  attributes  of the  group.   As  with  the ACL |
  commands, we  will add "-select_entry_type" as  a control argument |
  so that we can select particular entries for display.  By default, |
  list  will print  only those entries  that are typed  as "files" - |
  (single)  segment (file),  multisegment file,  and Data Management |
  file types.                                                        |

  6.4  Phase Three

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  In the  third phase of implementation,  Multics commands will call
  upon the Utility  to determine the validity of  using a particular
  type of entry  for their operations.  One such  check is made when
  preparing  to  send  a file  to  the high  speed  printer:  object
  segments  are  excluded.   Although  there are  no  plans  for the
  Utility to support an entry type  known as "Program", there may be
  entry types which are not  suitable for direct printing (mailboxes
  are  an obvious,  though not entirely  appropriate, example).  Yet
  another check might be made  to prevent change_wdir from placing a
  user into the middle fo a  multi segment file.  As a last example,
  editors may  use information from  the Utility to  decide upon the
  suitability of an entry for editing.

  The list of commands that  lend themselves to the above convention
  is grouped  according to what  the command is  looking for.  Those
  commands that may want to use only entries that contain ASCII data
  are:   canonicalize, compare_ascii,  contents, convert_characters,
  dprint,  edm,  emacs, enter_output_request,  merge_ascii, overlay,
  print, qedx, and teco.  Those commands that expect to reference an
  entry  that  is   known  as  a  directory  to   the  Utility  are:
  change_default_wdir,  change_wdir,   do_subtree,  hunt,  hunt_dec,
  save_dir_info,  and  walk_subtree.  Finally,  those  commands that
  expec  to reference  an entry  that is known  as a  segment to the
  Utility are:  segments, nonzero_segments, and zero_segments.

| A  change is  to be made  to the  "exists" command to  allow it to
| selectively  determine the  existence of  an entry  based upon its
| type.  Here, the control argument "-select_entry_type" is accepted
| by  the  "entry"  keyword,  filtering out  those  entry  types not
| desired.   It  is expected  that  its most  common  use is  in the
| determination of the existence of some entries of an extended type
| in a given directory.

  What  may  be  the major  part  of phase  three  implementation is
  embodied  in providing  a method  of dumping  file system objects.
  Currently, there  is a great difficulty  in obtaining a consistent
  dump  of  a  MRDS  data base.   With  the  implementation  of Data
  Management files the pieces exist to build a mechanism to obtain a
  consistent  saved image  of a relation.   It is  desired that this
  dumping be  as automatic (i.e., system  directed) as possible.  If
  the  first  thought  is  to  "make  the  dumper  know  about  Data
  Management files" then we have  not divorced ourselves enough from
  the idea  of special case  code.  Here is  an area that  can use a
  File  System Utility  interface.  If  an entry  exists that  has a
  special  dumping requirement,  be it that  the object  needs to be
  synchronized  in some  way, or  that the  dump format  needs to be
  different than the file system  format, this requirement should be
  embodied in  a suffix support  routine.  It is  intended that this
  facility  be  available to  the system  at the  level of  the user
  visible hierarchy, which means that  the hierarchy dump tools need
  be changed.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  7  Other Issues

  7.1  Control Arguments

  The  Utility  provides  new  ways  of  referencing  entries  in  a |
  directory.   In  order  to  specify  these  new  options,  control |
  arguments are added to the command environment.  A couple of these |
  were  informally introduced  in previous sections  of this report; |
  now, they are formally defined.                                    |

  The  need  to manipulate  an extended  entry  as if  it were  of a |
  standard type  is an important  facility to system  developers, if |
  not  simply  a  convenience to  standard  users, and  may  be more |
  important  as the  masking of standard  types becomes increasingly |
  comprehensive.   It ought  to be possible  to tell  a command that |
  extended typing  for an entry  ought to be bypassed.   To this end |
  two         control         arguments         are        proposed: |
  "-interpret_as_standard_entry"            ("-inase")           and |
  "-interpret_as_extended_entry" ("-inaee"), with the latter usually |
  being the default.  The first control argument instructs a command |
  that as it manipulates attribute information of an entry, it is to |
  treat  the entry  as if  it were  one of  the five  standard entry |
  types.  This essentially instructs the program to behave as it did |
  before extended entry typing was implemented.                      |

  Up  to  this time,  file system  commands that  allow the  user to |
  select one or more entry types for manipulation use a standard set |
  of  control arguments  to differentiate  between the  entry types. |
  There   are  currently   four  control   arguments  in   the  set: |
  "-segment", "-directory", "-multisegment_file",  and "-link" (Data |
  Management files are new and of  this writing don't have a control |
  argument assigned them).  With the Utility supporting an arbitrary |
  number of  different entry types  it is not practical  to create a |
  specific  control argument  for each  entry type.   A more general |
  mechanism for  selecting entries by  type is employed  by commands |
  using  the  Utility:  to  select  a particular  type of  entry (or |
  entries),  one uses  "-select_entry_type" ("-slet")  followed by a |
  string  of  suffixes delimited  by  commas.  In  the case  where a |
  standard type is desired (since  there is no reserved suffix), the |
  name of the type is printed out;  in fact, the name is formed from |
  the  now obsolete  standard control  argument without  the hyphen. |
  For the standard  types a short name is  permitted, also formed by |
  dropping the hyphen from the short control argument.               |

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

| One  last  control argument  change  is for  the  control argument
| currently  used  to obtain  the  type an  entry is.   The "status"
| command interprets "-type"  to mean that it return  the entry type
| of its object.  When extended entries are implemented, the "-type"
| control  argument  will  be removed  from  documentation (although
| still  recognized  by  commands)  and  replaced  by  "-entry_type"
| ("-ettp").

  7.2  The Star Convention

  Starname processing will acquire an  added twist with the addition
  of  extended  types  to  the file  system.   The  first  issue was
  addressed in the discussion of ACLs.   Here, it was noticed that a
  given mode string  had an ambiguous meaning when  being applied to
  all the  entries that matched  a given star name.   It was decided
  that the  mode string would be  applied to an entry  when a suffix
  was  explicitly  provided or  when  an entry  type  was explicitly
  specified.   Another  issue surfaces  with the  naming operations.
  When  performing  wholesale naming  operations,  names constructed
  from  the  equals convention  may  break the  suffix rules  and be
  rejected by  the suffix support  routine.  Although this  will not
  caause  as much  trouble as setting  a meaningless mode  on a file
  system object, it will give rise  to a lot of complaining from the
  file system.   If the print  command ever validates  its files for
  suitability of printing, it may  complain that many of the entries
  that matched its given starnames are not printable.

  The rule for starname selection (of which, no doubt, there will be
  exceptions) is as follows:

|           if -select_entry_type_ARG_GIVEN
|           else if NO_SUFFIX_SELECTS_EXTENDED_TYPE or
|                     -interpret_as_standard_entry_ARG_GIVEN
|                then PRUNE_EXTENDED_TYPES.

  For a suffix  to select an extended type, it  must have no special
| starname  characters in  it (asterisks  or question  marks).  This
| algorithm will differentiate between entries that have a suffix of
| an  extended type  but are  not themselves  of that  type (e.g., a
| directory named "mine.mbx")  when the "-select_entry_type" control
| argument is supplied,  but will select all entries  having a given
| suffix when the suffix is at  the end of a starname.  An exception
  to this rule that immediately comes to mind is in the command line
  "delete **" where everything is  to evaporate, regardless of type.
  Such exceptions ought to be as rare as possible.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  7.3  Switch Name Processing                                        |

  The File System Utility allows a subsystem to define any number of |
  switches for an  extended entry.  There is not yet  a set of rules |
  governing  the naming  convention of switches,  something which to |
  this point  has not created  much confusion because  there are not |
  all  that  many  switches  defined by  the  standard  entry types. |
  Within the context of the Utility, a set of rules shall be created |
  to prevent switch naming from getting out of hand.                 |

  Each switch supported by an entry  type shall be identified by its |
  "primary  name", which  shall describe  that attribute  the switch |
  enables.  The  primary name shall also  be considered the switch's |
  "long name".  In addition to its  primary name, a switch must have |
  one or more "secondary" or  "short" names.  The short names should |
  be formed  using the same  rules that command  or control argument |
  short  names use.   The string "switch"  should not  appear in the |
  name  of  the  switch  if  its only  purpose  it  to  identify the |
  attribute as a switch (e.g., the long name of the safety switch is |
  "safety" and its short name is  "sf").  For those instances when a |
  secondary  name  is  to  be  the same  as  the  primary  name, the |
  secondary name  must be separately  listed, even though  it is the |
  same  as  the  primary  name.  There  is  no  implicit  or default |
  secondary name for the primary name of a switch.                   |

  When a  command wants to  use the switch  name string, it  has the |
  responsibility of  appending an "_switch"  at the end  of the long |
  name.  In the  cases where it is desired that  there are more than |
  one long-type names, the following convention shall be used:  if a |
  command encounters  a secondary name containing  an underscore, it |
  shall append "_switch" to the end of the name; otherwise, it shall |
  append "s".   Essentially, the primary  name rule as  stated above |
  provides  a mechanism  whereby a  (rather short)  switch name that |
  contains no underscores can be referenced as "XXX_switch".         |

  Current  command  level  convention  handles  switches  with short |
  primary  names  differently than  switches  with long  names:  the |
  copy,  damaged,  and safety  switches  form their  short  names by |
  appending  "sw" to  the first  letter of  the switch  name, giving |
  "csw", "dsw", and "ssw",  respectively.  Although these names will |
  have  to be  recognized so as  to prevent  existing exec_coms from |
  breaking,  the correct  switch name  abbreviations will  be "cps", |
  "dms", and "sfs".                                                  |

  7.4  ACL Mode Processing                                           |

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

| In the course  of providing a simpler ACL  interface for the user,
| we  have  moved the  complications  of the  process to  the suffix
| support  routine.   This routine  must  deal with  directory ACLs,
| segment ACLs, extended segment  ACLs, extended directory ACLs, and
| a couple other related structures.   To consider a simple example,
| when a user wishes to set ACL on the mythical chessgame entry type
| as defined in  the programming example at the  end of this report,
| set_acl  creates a  general ACL  structure and  passes this  in to
| fs_util_.  The chessgame stores its  "regular" ACL as the extended
| ACL of  its base segment,  and must therefore  convert the general
| ACL structure  to an extended ACL  structure.  Most ACL interfaces
| to  fs_util_ involve  a similar conversion.   The set  of all such
| conversions is  not exceedingly large  and may be  able to receive
| support  from  fs_util_ itself.   In  this way,  these conversions
| which  are common  to all suffix  support routines  won't be found
| duplicated many times over.

| Due to time limitations, a generalized ACL conversion mechanism as
| suggested above will  not be in the first  release of the Utility;
| however, it  is hoped that the  support will be soon  in coming so
| that as few  suffix support routines as possible  will be required
| to write ACL internal conversion subroutines.

  7.5  Performance

  Adding these extensions  to the file system requires  the layer of
  fs_util_ accessing to be executed, and this represents some degree
  of overhead.  There are two  paths within fs_util_ that are easily
  identifiable as needing some sort of optimization in the future.

  First,  there is  the search for  a suffix  support routine.  This
  uses  the  dynamic searching  mechanism,  so that  past  the first
  search  for  a  support routine  the  search will  be  short.  Our
  concern  is when  we search for  the suffix support  routine of an
  entry   carrying   an   unmatched  suffix.    The   potential  for
  inefficiency may  be greatest here due  to the following behavior.
  Given a suffix that is  not explicitly supported, the Utility will
  search  for it  via the search  rules.  If not  found, the Utility
  will simply  go on its  way, figuring that the  entry is standard.
  Upon encountering the  suffix at any subsequent time  (on the same
  or a different entry) the Utility will (again) search for a suffix
  support routine  and again not  find it.  Searching  for something
  and not finding it is expensive;  it should be tolerated only once
| per  process.   To  bypass  this problem,  the  Utility implicitly
| relies on  a property of  the dynamic search facility  to create a

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  list  of  unmatched  suffixes:   upon failing  to  find  a support |
  routine,  the  Utility  will  add  the  entryname  portion  of the |
  fabricated virtual entry as a  reference name to a procedure named |
  "undefined_suffix_."   This  routine   has  only  one  entrypoint, |
  "validate,"    which    always    returns    the    status    code |
  "error_table_$not_seg_type."   Future  encounters  with  an  entry |
  ending   in   the   unsupported    suffix   will   be   given   to |
  undefined_suffix_ and the entry will be declared standard.         |

  The second identifiable  overhead is in the validation  of a typed
  entry.   The existence  of a  suffix is  not enough  to consider a
  segment typed:  it must be accepted by the support routine.  After
  a  suffix  support routine  is found,  its validate  entrypoint is
  invoked  to  accept or  reject  the entry.   The overhead  here is
  dependent upon the validation routine.  For illustration, consider
  this rather absurd scenario:  there is  to be a typed entry called
  "pl1  source"  with  its  required  support  routine, suffix_pl1_.
  Whenever someone  wishes to reference  a pl1 source  segment (even
  when  simply listing  it) suffix_pl1_$validate is  invoked and, to
  properly validate the  file as being pl1 source,  compiles it with
  the "-check"  argument.  Listing the contents  of a directory when
  it contains even ten pl1 source files may take a very long time.

  Experiments with access commands  have generated virtual cpu times
  two to four times longer when using fs_util_ than when interfacing
  directly  with  hcs_.  The  use  of an  experimental  list command
  provides a greater variation:   depending on the options requested
  of list,  execution can be  as brief as the  (very well optimized)
  standard list  command or as  much as ten times  longer.  The only
  conclusion that  can be drawn  from the second  experiment is that
  use of fs_util_ can add  considerable processing time to a command
  under  some  circumstances.  Overall  system degradation  has been
  measured on  a test system using  a standard performance benchmark
  script.  The results of this  test have shown almost no difference
  in  response  times.   While  it  is  agreed  by  nearly  all that
  individual uses of the Utility  will produce longer response times
  in those programs that use it, it  seems that when used as part of
  a larger scenario, the delays become acceptable.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  8  Subroutine Interface

  Name:  fs_util_

  The fs_util_ subroutine provides for uniform handling of file
  system entries.  The operations it performs are validate, copy,
  delete, chname, get_switch, set_switch, get_max_length,
  set_max_length, set_bit_count, and ACL manipulation.  The
  subroutine first checks to see if the entry name provided is that
  of an extended entry and if it is, calls the corresponding
  entrypoint of the appropriate suffix_XXX_ subroutine.  If the name
  is not that of an extended entry, then fs_util_ calls the
  appropriate standard entry entrypoint handler for the entry.

  Entry:  fs_util_$chname_file

            This entry changes the name of an entry.


       declare fs_util_$chname_file entry (char(*), char(*),
            char(*), char(*), fixed bin (35));

       call fs_util_$chname_file (dir_name, entryname, old_name,
            new_name, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the entryname that is to be changed.  (Input)


            is the new name to be given to the entry.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$delentry_file

            This entry deletes the name of an entry.


       declare fs_util_$delentry_file entry (char(*), char(*), fixed
            bin (35));

       call fs_util_$delentry_file (dir_name, entryname, code)



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$copy

            This entrypoint is used to copy an entry.


       declare fs_util_$copy entry (ptr, fixed bin (35));

       call fs_util_$copy (copy_options_ptr, code);



            is a pointer to the copy_options structure.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


            The copy_options structure and the named constant
            COPY_OPTIONS_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file

            The copy_options structure is defined as follows:

                 1 copy_options aligned based (copy_options_ptr),
                 2 version char (8),
                 2 caller_name char (32) unal,
                 2 source_dir char (168) unal,
                 2 source_name char (32) unal,
                 2 target_dir char (168) unal,
                 2 target_name char (32) unal,
                 2 flags,
                   3 no_name_dup bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 raw bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 force bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 delete bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 target_err_switch bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 mbz bit (31) unaligned,
                 2 copy_items like copy_flags;



            is the current version of this structure and has the
            value of the named constant COPY_OPTIONS_VERSION_1.


  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

            is the name of the program calling fs_util_, required
            when querying the user about duplicate names.  See
            no_name_dup below.


            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry to be copied.


            is the name of the entry to be copied.


            is the absolute pathname of the directory into which a
            copy of the entry is to be placed.


            is the name of the entry created to hold the copy of the
            original entry.


            is set to "0"b if the user is to be queried in case of a
            duplication of the target_name and "1"b if there is to
            be no query, in which case an error code will be


            is set to "0"b if fs_util_ is to honor the extended type
            of the entry, and "1"b if it is to bypass this by
            calling hcs_.


            is set to "1"b if access to the target is to be forced.


            is set to "1"b if the original is to be deleted after it
            is copied.


            is set if an error occurred referencing the target.


            is reserved for future use and must be set to zero.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671


            is structured like the copy_flags structure, which is
            defined in the include file copy_flags.incl.pl1.  The
            structure is defined as follows:

               1 copy_flags aligned based,
                 2 names bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 acl bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 ring_brackets bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 max_length bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 copy_switch bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 safety_switch bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 dumper_switches bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 entry_bound bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 extend bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 update bit (1) unaligned,
                 2 mbz bit (26) unaligned;

            When variables in the copy_flags structure have a value
            of "1"b, the designated attribute are copied to the new
            entry.  In the case of extend, the contents of the
            original entry may be appended to the end of the target
            entry.  In the case of update, the contents of the
            original entry may replace the contents of the target

|           Before the copy is performed, the copy_items members are
|           ANDed with copy_flags members as defined by the
|           suffix_info entrypoint.  Only those options specified by
|           both structures are considered.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$get_max_length

            This entry returns the maximum length setting for an


       declare fs_util_$get_max_length entry (char(*), char(*),      |
            fixed bin (35), fixed bin (35));                         |

       call fs_util_$get_max_length (dir_name, entryname,
            max_length, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the maximum length of the entry in machine words.     |
            (Output)                                                 |


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$set_max_length

            This entry sets the maximum length that a particular
            entry can be.


       declare fs_util_$set_max_length entry (dir_name, entryname,
            max_length, code);

|      call fs_util_$set_max_length (char(*), char(*), fixed
|           bin(35), fixed bin(35));



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


|           is the maximum length in machine words to which the
|           entry is to be set.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$get_bit_count

            This entry returns the number of useful bits in an


       declare fs_util_$get_bit_count entry (char(*), char(*), fixed |
            bin(41), fixed bin (35));                                |

       call fs_util_$get_bit_count (dir_name, entryname, bit_count,



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the number of bits considered useful in the entry.


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$set_bit_count

            This entry sets the number of bits considered useful for
            the entry.


|      declare fs_util_$set_bit_count entry (char (*), char (*),
|           fixed bin (41), fixed bin (35);

       call fs_util_$set_bit_count (dir_name, entryname, bit_count,



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the number of bits to be considered useful in the
            entry.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$get_user_access_modes


       declare fs_util_$get_user_access_modes entry (char(*),
            char(*), char(*), fixed bin, bit(36) aligned, bit(36)
            aligned, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$get_user_access_modes (dir_name, entryname,
            user_name, ring, modes, exmodes, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the user in the form
            User_id.Project_id.instance_tag.  (Input)


            is the ring number in which the program is running.


            are the standard ACL modes of an entry.  (Output)


            are the extended ACL modes of an entry.  (Output)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$get_ring_brackets

            This entry returns the ring brackets of an entry.


       declare fs_util_$get_ring_brackets entry (char(*), char(*),
            (*)fixed bin(3), fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$get_ring_brackets (dir_name, entryname,
            ring_brackets, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            are the upper and lower bounds of the ring structure
            from which an entry is accessible.  (Output)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$set_ring_brackets

            This entry sets the ring brackets for an entry.


       declare fs_util_$set_ring_brackets entry (char(*), char(*),
            (*)fixed bin(3), fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$set_ring_brackets (dir_name, entryname,
            ring_brackets, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            are the upper and lower bounds of the ring structure
            from which an entry is accessible.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$get_switch

            This entry returns the value of a storage system switch
            for an entry.


       declare fs_util_$get_switch entry (char(*), char(*), char(*),
            bit(1) aligned, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$get_switch (dir_name, entryname, switch_name,
            value, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the switch whose value is sought.  This
            may be either "copy," "complete_volume_dump," "damaged,"
            "incremental_volume_dump," "safety," "synchronized," or
            any switch on an entry.  (Input)


            is the value of the requested switch.  (Output)


            is a standard system status code.  It should be set to
            error_table_$argerr if switch_name is invalid.  (Output)

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$set_switch

            This entry sets the value of a storage system switch for
            an entry.


       declare fs_util_$set_switch entry (char(*), char(*), char(*),
            bit(1) aligned, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$set_switch (dir_name, entryname, switch_name,
            value, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the switch whose value is to be set.
            This may be either "copy," "complete_volume_dump,"
            "damaged," "incremental_volume_dump," "safety,"
            "synchronized," or any switch on an entry.  (Input)


            is the value to which the switch is to be set.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  It should be set to
            error_table_$argerr if switch_name is invalid.  (Output)

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$add_acl_entries

|           This entrypoint is used to add to the Access Control
|           List of an entry.


       declare fs_util_$add_acl_entries entry (char(*), char(*),
            ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$add_acl_entries (dir_name, entryname, acl_ptr,



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the general_acl structure.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


            The general_acl structure and the named constant
            GENERAL_ACL_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file

            The general_acl structure is defined as follows:

               1 general_acl aligned based (acl_ptr),
                 2 version char (8) aligned,
                 2 count fixed bin,
                 2 entries (acl_count refer (general_acl.count))
                      aligned like general_acl_entry;

               1 general_acl_entry based,
                 2 access_name character (32) unaligned,
                 2 mode bit (36) aligned,
                 2 status_code fixed bin (35);


  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN


            is the current version of this structure and has the
            value of the named constant GENERAL_ACL_VERSION_1.


            is the size of the entries array in general_acl.


            is the name of a user in the form of


            is a bit string where each bit represents a possible
            access mode which, when true, indicates an allowed
            access for the file.


            is a standard system status code indicating success or
            the reason for failure to set the ACL entry.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$add_extended_acl_entries

|           This entrypoint is used to add to the Extended Access
|           Control List of a standard entry.


       declare fs_util_$add_extended_acl_entries entry (char(*),
            char(*), ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$add_extended_acl_entries (dir_name, entryname,
            acl_ptr, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the structure general_extended_acl.


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


|           This interface is intended to be used only by extended
|           entry type support routines which map an ACL mode
|           provided to fs_util_ into a standard mode/extended mode
|           pair to be placed on the underlying standard entry or
|           entries which are being used to implement the extended
|           entry type.

            The general_extended_acl structure and the named
            constant GENERAL_EXTENDED_ACL_VERSION_1 are defined in
            the include file acl_structures.incl.pl1.

            The general_extended_acl structure is defined as

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

               1 general_extended_acl aligned based (acl_ptr),
                 2 version char (8) aligned,
                 2 count fixed bin,
                 2 entries (acl_count refer
                      aligned like general_extended_acl_entry;

               1 general_extended_acl_entry aligned based,
                      2 access_name character (32) unaligned,
                      2 mode bit (36) aligned,
                      2 extended_mode bit (36) aligned,
                      2 status_code fixed bin (35);



            is the current version of this structure and has the
            value of the named constant


            is the size of the entries array in


            is the name of a user in the form of


            is a bit string where each bit represents a possible
            access mode which, when true, indicates an allowed
            access for the file.


            is a bit string where each bit represents a possible
            extended access mode which, when true, indicates an
            allowed access for the file.


            is a standard system status code indicating success or
            the reason for failure to set the extended ACL entry.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$delete_acl_entries

|           This entrypoint deletes a member of an entry's Access
|           Control List.


       declare fs_util_$delete_acl_entries entry (char(*), char(*),
            ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$delete_acl_entries (dir_name, entryname,
            acl_ptr, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the structure general_delete_acl.


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


            The general_delete_acl structure and the named constant
            GENERAL_DELETE_ACL_VERSION_1 are defined in the include
            file acl_structures.incl.pl1.

            The general_delete_acl structure is defined as follows:

               1 general_delete_acl aligned based (acl_ptr),
                 2 version char (8) aligned,
                 2 count fixed bin,
                 2 entries (acl_count refer
                      aligned like delete_acl_entry;

            declare 1 general_delete_acl_entry aligned based,
                      2 access_name character (32) unaligned,
                      2 status_code fixed bin (35);

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN



            is the current version of this structure and has the
            value of the named constant


            is the size of the entries array in general_delete_acl.


            is the name of a user in the form of


            is a standard system status code indicating success or
            the reason for failure to set the extended ACL entry.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$list_acl

|           This entry lists the components of an entry's Access
|           Control List.


       declare fs_util_$list_acl entry (char(*), char(*), char(*),
            ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$list_acl (dir_name, entryname, version,
            area_ptr, acl_ptr, fixed bin(35));



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the version of the acl structure.  (Input)


|           is a pointer to an area where fs_util_ can allocate the
|           general_acl structure.  If area_ptr is null, then the
|           user wants access modes for certain ACL entries; these
|           will be specified by the structure pointed to by
|           acl_ptr.  (Input)


|           is a pointer to the general_acl structure.  (Input or
|           Output)
|           Input:  if area_ptr is null, then acl_ptr points to a
|           general_acl structure filled with access names and into
|           which modes will be placed.
|           Output:  if area_ptr is non null, then acl_ptr will
|           point to the start of a newly allocated general_acl
|           structure.


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

            If acl_ptr is used to obtain modes for specified access  |
            names (rather than for all access names on an entry),    |
            then each ACL entry in the general_acl structure either  |
            has status_code set to 0 and contains the entry's mode   |
            or has status_code set to error_table_$user_not_found    |
            and contains a mode of 0.                                |

            The general_acl structure and the named constant         |
            GENERAL_ACL_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file    |
            acl_structures.incl.pl1.  For a description of the       |
            general_acl structure, see the add_acl_entries           |
            entrypoint above.                                        |

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$list_extended_acl

|           This entrypoint returns the contents of the Extended
|           Access Control List of a standard entry.


       declare fs_util_$list_extended_acl entry (char(*), char(*),
            char(*), ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$list_extended_acl (dir_name, entryname,
            version, area_ptr, acl_ptr, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the version of the acl structure.  (Output)


|           is a pointer to an area where fs_util_ can allocate the
|           general_extended_acl structure.  If area_ptr is null,
|           then the user wants access modes for certain extended
|           ACL entries; these will be specified by the structure
|           pointed to acl_ptr.  (Input)


|           is a pointer to the general_acl structure.  (Input or
|           Output)
|           Input:  if area_ptr is null, then acl_ptr points to a
|           general_extended_acl structure filled with access names
|           and into which modes will be placed.
|           Output:  if area_ptr is non null, then acl_ptr will
|           point to the start of a newly allocated
|           general_extended_acl structure.


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

            This interface is intended to be used only by extended   |
            entry type support routines which map an ACL mode        |
            provided to fs_util_ into a standard mode/extended mode  |
            pair to be placed on the underlying standard entry or    |
            entries which are being used to implement the extended   |
            entry type.                                              |

            If acl_ptr is used to obtain modes for specified access  |
            names (rather than for all access names on an entry),    |
            then each ACL entry in the general_extended_acl          |
            structure either has status_code set to 0 and contains   |
            the entry's mode or has status_code set to               |
            error_table_$user_not_found and contains a mode of 0.    |

            The general_extended_acl structure and the named         |
            constant GENERAL_EXTENDED_ACL_VERSION_1 are defined in   |
            the include file acl_structures.incl.pl1.  The           |
            general_extended_acl structure is described in the       |
            add_extended_acl_entries entrypoint described above.     |

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$replace_acl

|           This entrypoint is used to replace Access Control List
|           components for an entry.


       declare fs_util_$replace_acl entry (char(*), char(*), ptr,
            bit(1), fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$replace_acl (dir_name, entryname, acl_ptr,
            no_sysdaemon, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the structure general_extended_acl.


            is a switch that indicates whether an rw *.SysDaemon.*
            entry is to be put on the ACL of the segment after the
            existing ACL has been deleted and before the
            user-supplied general_acl entries are added.  (Input)
            "0"b adds rw *.SysDaemon.* entry
            "1"b replaces the existing ACL with only the
            user-supplied general_acl


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


            The general_acl structure and the named constant
            GENERAL_ACL_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file
            acl_structure.incl.pl1.  The general_acl structure is
            described above in the entrypoint add_acl_entries.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$replace_extended_acl

            This entry is used to replace Extended Access Control    |
            List components for a standard entry.                    |


       declare fs_util_$replace_extended_acl entry (char(*),
            char(*), ptr, bit(1), fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$replace_extended_acl (dir_name, entryname,
            acl_ptr, no_sysdaemon, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the structure general_extended_acl.


            is a switch that indicates whether an rw *.SysDaemon.*
            entry is to be put on the ACL of the segment after the
            existing ACL has been deleted and before the
            user-supplied general_acl entries are added.  (Input)
            "0"b adds rw *.SysDaemon.* entry
            "1"b replaces the existing ACL with only the
            user-supplied general_acl


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


            This interface is intended to be used only by extended   |
            entry type support routines which map an ACL mode        |
            provided to fs_util_ into a standard mode/extended mode  |
            pair to be placed on the underlying standard entry or    |
            entries which are being used to implement the extended   |
            entry type.                                              |

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

            The structure general_extended_acl and the named
            constant GENERAL_EXTENDED_ACL_VERSION_1 are defined in
            the include file acl_structures.incl.pl1.  The structure
            general_extended_acl is described in the
            add_extended_acl_entries entrypoint above.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$suffix_info

            This entry returns information about an entry's type.


       declare fs_util_$suffix_info entry (char(*), char(*), ptr,
            fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$suffix_info (dir_name, entryname,
            suffix_info_ptr, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the suffix_info structure.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


            The suffix_info structure and the named constant
            SUFFIX_INFO_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file

            The suffix_info structure is defined as follows:

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

               1 suffix_info aligned based (suffix_info_ptr),
                 2 version char (8),
                 2 type char (32) unaligned,
                 2 type_name char (32) unaligned,
                 2 plural_name char (32) unaligned,
                 2 flags unaligned,
                   3 standard_object bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 extended_acl bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 has_switches bit (1) unaligned,
                   3 mbz1 bit (33) unaligned,
                 2 modes char (36),
                 2 max_mode_len fixed bin,
                 2 num_ring_brackets fixed bin,
                 2 copy_flags like copy_flags,
                 2 info_pathname char (168) unaligned;



            is the current version of this structure and has the
            value of the named constant SUFFIX_INFO_VERSION_1.


            is the suffix found on entry names of entries if this
            type (e.g., "mbx").


            is the singular name of the entry type (e.g.,


            is the plural name of the entry type (e.g.,


            is set to indicate that the entry is to be handled by
            fs_util_ itself.


            is a switch indicating whether or not the entry type
            supports an extended Access Control List.  The switch
            should be on if the type sufforts extended ACLs, and off


  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

            is on if the entry type supports the get_switch and
            set_switch entries.


            is reserved for future use and must be zero.


            is a string containing the access modes for the entry
            type.  This string contains one character for each mode
            bit.  The position of the character in the string
            indicates which bit in the ACL represents that mode.


            is the maximum number of modes on a single entry of this
            type.  This is used by the list_acl command for


            is the number of ring brackets on an entry.


            for its format, see the copy_flags structure described

            The flags configuration provided by suffix_info define   |
            what copy operations are valid for the extended entry    |
            type.  During the copy operation, these flags are ANDed  |
            with the copy flags provided with the call to fs_util_.  |
            Only the operations allowed by suffix_info and requested |
            by the copy call are performed.  fs_util_ does not       |
            notify its caller that certain flags were ignored;       |
            however, the identity of these flags is computable via a |
            call to suffix_info.                                     |


            is the pathname of an info segment containing more

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$suffix_info_for_type

            This entrypoint returns information about the
            characteristics of an entry that is of a given type.  It
            behaves exactly as the suffix_info entrypoint except
            that a directory and entry name are not used to
            determine the type for which suffix info is to be


       declare fs_util_$suffix_info_for_type entry (char(*), ptr,
            fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$suffix_info_for_type (type, suffix_info_ptr,



            is the suffix for the type for which information is to
            be returned.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the suffix_info structure.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)


            The suffix_info structure and the named constant
            SUFFIX_INFO_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file
            suffix_info.incl.pl1.  The suffix_info structure is
            described in the suffix_info entrypoint above.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$list_switches

            This entry returns a list of switches supported by the
            entry type.


       declare fs_util_$list_switches entry (char(*), char(*),
            char(*), ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35)));

       call fs_util_$list_switches (dir_name, entryname, version,
            area_ptr, switch_list_ptr, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the version of the switch list structure.  (Input)


            is a pointer to an area where fs_util_ can allocate the
            structure switch_list.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the switch_list structure.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Input)


            The list_switches structure and the named constant
            SWITCH_LIST_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file

            The list_switches structure is defined as follows:

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

               1 switch_list aligned based (switch_list_ptr),
                 2 version char (8),
                 2 switch_count fixed bin,
                 2 switch_name_count fixed bin,
                 2 switches (alloc_switch_count
                      refer (switch_list.switch_count)),
                   3 name_index fixed bin,
                   3 name_count fixed bin,
                   3 default_value bit (1) aligned,
                   3 mbz1 bit (36) aligned,
                 2 names (alloc_switch_name_count refer
                      (switch_list.switch_name_count)) char (32);



            is the current version of this structure and has the
            value of the named constant SWITCH_LIST_VERSION_1.


            is the number of switches defined for this entry type.


            is the total number of names of the switches; a switch
            can have multiple names.


            is the index into suffix_list.names aray of the first
            name for this switch.


            is the number of names for this switch.  The names for
            this switch are located in switch_list.names(name_index)
            through switch_list.names(name_index + name_count - 1).


            is the default setting for this switch when the entry is


            is the array of switch names.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$list_switches_for_type

            This entry returns a list of switches for a particular
            type of entry.


       declare fs_util_$list_switches_for_type entry (char(*),
            char(*), ptr, ptr, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$list_switches_for_type (type, version,
            area_ptr, switch_list_ptr, code);



            is the type of entry for which a list of switches is
            desired.  (Input)


            is the version of the switch_list structure.  (Input)


            is a pointer to an area where fs_util_ can allocate the
            structure switch_list.  (Input)


            is a pointer to the switch_list structure.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Input)


            The list_switches structure and the named constant
            SWITCH_LIST_VERSION_1 are defined in the include file
            suffix_info.incl.pl1.  The list_switches structure is
            described in the list_switches entrypoint above.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$make_entry

            This entry constructs an entry variable to a specified
            suffix support subroutine entry for a specified extended


       declare fs_util_$make_entry entry (char(*), char(*), char(*),
            entry, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$make_entry (dir_name, entryname, entrypoint,
            entry_to_call, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entrypoint that is is to be
            constructed.  (Input)


            is the entry variable constructed.  (Output)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  Entry:  fs_util_$make_entry_for_type

            This entry constructs an entry variable to a specified
            suffix support subroutine entry for a specified type of
            extended entry.


       declare fs_util_$make_entry_for_type entry (char(*), char(*),
            entry, fixed bin(35));

       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (type, entrypoint,
            entry_to_call, code);



            is the type of entry for which a list of switches is
            desired.  (Input)


            is the name of the entrypoint that is is to be
            constructed.  (Input)


            is the entry variable constructed.  (Output)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  Entry:  fs_util_$get_type

            This entry returns the type of a specified entry.


       declare fs_util_$get_type entry (char(*), char(*), char(*),

       call fs_util_$get_type (dir_name, entryname, type, code);



            is the absolute pathname of the directory containing the
            entry.  (Input)


            is the name of the entry.  (Input)


            is the type of entry for which a list of switches is
            desired.  (Input)


            is a standard system status code.  (Output)

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  9  Command Level Interfaces

  describe_entry_type, dset

  Syntax:  dset suffix {-control_args}

  Syntax as an active function:  [dset suffix -control_arg]

  Function:  prints  or returns information about  an extended entry


       is the suffix that identifies the entry type to be described.

  Control arguments:

  -all, -a
       prints all  information about the entry  type.  This includes
       name,  plural name,  access modes,  supported attributes, and
       the default values and all  names for switches.  This control
       argument may not be used if invoked as an active function.

  -attributes, -attr
       prints or returns the names  of the storage system attributes
       that this entry type supports.  These are the attributes that
       may be copied or moved by the copy and move commands.

  -default NAME
       prints or  returns the default value  of the specified switch
       for  this  entry type.   Only  one -default  argument  may be
       given.  This  control argument is incompatible  with -all and

  -extended_acl, -xacl
       returns "true" if the entry  type supports extended ACLs, and
       "false" if it does not.  This may not be used if invoked as a

  -info_pathname, -ipn
       prints or returns the pathname  of an info segment containing
       more  information  about  the  entry type,  if  such  an info
       segment is available

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

       prints or returns the acceptable  access modes for this entry

  -name, -nm
       prints or returns the name of an entry of this type.

  -plural_name, -plnm
       prints or returns the name of a group of entry of this type.

       prints the names and default values of all switches supported
       by this entry type.

  Notes:   When invoked  with no  arguments, the  command prints the
  name,  plural name,  modes, attributes, info  seg pathname, switch
  names and default values.

  This interface is intended to be  used only by extended entry type
  support routines which map an ACL mode provided to fs_util_ into a
  standard mode/extended  mode pair to  be placed on  the underlying
  standard entry  or entries which  are being used  to implement the
  extended entry type.

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  list_entry_types, lset

  Syntax:  lset

  Function:  Prints or  returns a list of all  of the extended entry
  types that can be found using the caller's search rules.

  Syntax as an active function:  [lset]

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  10 Writing a Suffix Support Routine

  What follows is a very elementary  example of using the Utility to
  support  an  extended  entry  type.   A  hypothetical  object  for
  representing  the progression  of a chessgame  between two Multics
  users  is  stored in  a segment  and is  defined by  the following

       dcl chessgame_ptr pointer;
       dcl CHESSGAME_VERSION_1 char (8) internal static
            options (constant) init ("CHESS1.0");

       dcl 1 chessgame based (chessgame_ptr) aligned,
           2 version char (8),
           2 board dim (1:8, 1:8) char (2) unaligned,
           2 white aligned like participant,
           2 black aligned like participant;

       dcl participant_ptr pointer;

       dcl 1 participant based (participant_ptr) aligned,
           2 name char (32),
           2 clock fixed bin (35),
           2 move dim (1:150) aligned,
             3 from char (2) unaligned,
             3 to char (2) unaligned;

  The chessgame  segment has a  suffix of "chess".   A chessgame has
  two ACL modes,  participant (p) and spectator (s),  which map into
  read/write and read privilege,  respectively.  Note how the suffix
  support routine performs the conversion.

  The support routine  is not written with any  sort of optimization
  in  mind, but  with the  goal of  demonstrating general  issues of
  supporting extended  entries.  For instance, most  of the calls to
  fs_util_$make_entry_for_type and  handler could be  replaced by an
  appropriate hcs_ call (remember that the suffix support routine is
  allowed  to  be  cognizant  of  the  underlying  structure  of its

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  /* ***********************************************************
     *                                                         *
     * Copyright, (C) Honeywell Information Systems Inc., 1984 *
     *                                                         *
     *********************************************************** */
       procedure (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
     suffix_chess_ - sample typed file support routine.
     written 1984.09.20 by M. Pandolf
       procedure (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
  this entrypoint called by fs_util_ to certify the identity of
  a suffixed entry.  To be considered a valid chess game, the
  entry must be readable by the user, and the version must be
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       entry (p_suffix_info_ptr);
     this entrypoint called to obtain information about
     an entry type.
     a more efficient way to fill in suffix info is to copy
     it from a previously compiled data segment, such as:
     p_suffix_info_ptr -> suffix_info = chess_info_$suffix_info;
       suffix_info_ptr = p_suffix_info_ptr;
       suffix_info.type = "chess";
       suffix_info.type_name = "Chess game";
       suffix_info.plural_name = "Chess games";
       suffix_info.flags = ""b;
       suffix_info.flags.has_switches = "1"b;
       suffix_info.modes = "ps";

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

       suffix_info.max_mode_len = 2;
       suffix_info.num_ring_brackets = 1;
       suffix_info.copy_flags = ""b;
       suffix_info.copy_flags.names = "1"b;
       suffix_info.copy_flags.acl = "1"b;
       suffix_info.copy_flags.safety_switch = "1"b;
       suffix_info.copy_flags.dumper_switches = "1"b;
       suffix_info.copy_flags.update = "1"b;
       suffix_info.info_pathname = "";
       entry (p_desired_version, p_area_ptr, p_switch_list_ptr,
     this entrypoint called to obtain a list
     of switches supported for an entry type.
     unlike segments, we don't support the copy switch
     or synchronized switch.
       if p_area_ptr = null ()
       then user_area_ptr = get_user_free_area_ ();
       else user_area_ptr = p_area_ptr;
       if p_desired_version ^= SWITCH_LIST_VERSION_1
       then do;
                 p_code = error_table_$unimplemented_version;
       alloc_switch_count = 4;
       alloc_switch_name_count = 6;
       allocate switch_list
            in (user_area);
       switch_list.version = SWITCH_LIST_VERSION_1;
       switch_list.switches (1).name_index = 1;
       switch_list.switches (1).name_count = 2;
       switch_list.switches (1).default_value = "0"b;
       switch_list.names (1) = "damaged";
       switch_list.names (2) = "dm";
       switch_list.switches (2).name_index = 3;
       switch_list.switches (2).name_count = 2;

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

       switch_list.switches (2).default_value = "0"b;
       switch_list.names (3) = "safety";
       switch_list.names (4) = "sf";
       switch_list.switches (3).name_index = 5;
       switch_list.switches (3).name_count = 2;
       switch_list.switches (3).default_value = "0"b;
       switch_list.names (5) = "complete_volume_dump";
       switch_list.names (6) = "cvd";
       switch_list.switches (4).name_index = 7;
       switch_list.switches (4).name_count = 2;
       switch_list.switches (4).default_value = "1"b;
       switch_list.names (7) = "incremental_volume_dump";
       switch_list.names (8) = "ivd";
       p_switch_list_ptr = switch_list_ptr;
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            p_old_name, p_new_name, p_code);
     entrypoint to change/add/delete a name of a file.
     after checking the new name, we forward the call
     to the handler for segments.
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_CHNAME_FILE, handler, p_code);
       if p_code = 0
       then if valid_chessgame_name (p_new_name) | p_new_name = ""
            then call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
                      p_old_name, p_new_name, p_code);
            else p_code = error_table_$badstar;
       entry (p_copy_options_ptr, p_code);
     entrypoint to copy a chess game.

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

     forward the call to the handler for segments.
  /* make a copy of copy_options so that we can validate it */
       if p_copy_options_ptr = null ()
       then do;
                 p_code = error_table_$argerr;
       my_copy_options = p_copy_options_ptr -> copy_options;
       unspec (my_copy_options.copy_items) =
            COPY_FLAGS_MASK &
                 unspec (p_copy_options_ptr -> copy_options.copy_items);
       call validate_chessgame (my_copy_options.source_dir,
            my_copy_options.source_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       if ^valid_chessgame_name (my_copy_options.target_name)
       then do;
                 p_code = error_table_$badstar;
  /* forward the copy operation to fs_util_ */
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_COPY, handler, p_code);
       if p_code = 0
       then call handler (addr (my_copy_options), p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
     entrypoint to delete a chess game.
     delete the chess game as a segment.
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

            FS_DELENTRY_FILE, handler, p_code);
       if p_code = 0
       then call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
     then next listed entrypoints have no meaning for
     chess games, and should not appear in the object.
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_max_length, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_max_length, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_bit_count, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_bit_count, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            p_ring_brackets, p_code);
     entrypoint to return the ring bracket for the chess game.
     get them directly from the segment entry type manager.
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_GET_RING_BRACKETS, handler, p_code);
       if p_code = 0
       then do;
                 call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
                      ring_brackets, p_code);
                 based_ring_bracket (1) = ring_brackets (1);

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            p_ring_brackets, p_code);
     entrypoint to set the ring bracket of a chess game.
     there is only one ring bracket for chess games,
     so we massage the parameter a bit.
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       ring_brackets (*) = based_ring_bracket (1);
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_SET_RING_BRACKETS, handler, p_code);
       if p_code = 0
       then call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            ring_brackets, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            p_switch_name, p_switch_value, p_code);
     entrypoint to return the value of a chess game switch.
     we pass only those switches we recognize to the
     segment entry type manager.
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       if p_switch_name = "damaged" |
            p_switch_name = "dm" |
            p_switch_name = "safety" |
            p_switch_name = "sf" |
            p_switch_name = "complete_volume_dump" |
            p_switch_name = "cvd" |
            p_switch_name = "incremental_volume_dump" |
            p_switch_name = "ivd"
       then do;
                 call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (
                      FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT, FS_GET_SWITCH,
                      handler, p_code);

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

                 if p_code = 0
                 then call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
                      p_switch_name, p_switch_value, p_code);
       else p_code = error_table_$argerr;
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            p_switch_name, p_switch_value, p_code);
     entrypoint to set one of the chess game switches.
     we pass only those switches which we recognize to the
     segment entry type manager.
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       if p_switch_name = "damaged" |
            p_switch_name = "dm" |
            p_switch_name = "safety" |
            p_switch_name = "sf" |
            p_switch_name = "complete_volume_dump" |
            p_switch_name = "cvd" |
            p_switch_name = "incremental_volume_dump" |
            p_switch_name = "ivd"
       then do;
                 call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (
                      FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT, FS_SET_SWITCH,
                      handler, p_code);
                 if p_code = 0
                 then call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
                      p_switch_name, p_switch_value, p_code);
       else p_code = error_table_$argerr;
     there is not extended ACL defined for chess games;
     therefore, the entrypoints should not be available.
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_acl_ptr, p_code);

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_desired_version,
              p_area_ptr, p_acl_ptr, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            p_acl_ptr, p_no_sysdaemon, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_acl_ptr, p_code);
     entrypoint to add ACL entries for a chess game.
     the chess game ACL is mapped onto the extended
     ACL of a standard segment, which means we
     forward the call to segment support.  we receive
     a non-extended ACL array, and convert it to an
     extended ACL array for the call.
  /* perform initial validation of the ACL structure */
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       if p_acl_ptr = null ()
       then do;
                 p_code = error_table_$null_info_ptr;
       acl_ptr = p_acl_ptr;
       if general_acl.version ^= GENERAL_ACL_VERSION_1
       then do;
                 p_code = error_table_$unimplemented_version;
  /* validate mode bits */
       acl_count = acl_ptr -> general_acl.count;
       if acl_count = 0
       then return;
       do mode_no = 1 to acl_count;
            if (acl_ptr -> general_acl.mode (mode_no) & MODE_MASK) ^= ""b
            then do;
                      p_code = error_table_$bad_acl_mode;

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  /* get an entry value for the ACL function */
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_ADD_EXTENDED_ACL_ENTRIES, handler, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
  /* prepare for the allocation of the XACL structure */
       xacl_ptr = null ();
       on cleanup
                 if xacl_ptr ^= null ()
                 then free xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl
                           in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
                 xacl_ptr = null ();
  /* allocate and fill in the XACL structure */
       allocate general_extended_acl
            set (xacl_ptr) in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
       xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.version =
       do mode_no = 1 to acl_count;
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.access_name (mode_no) =
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.access_name (mode_no);
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.mode (mode_no) =
                 translate (acl_ptr -> general_acl.mode (mode_no));
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.extended_mode (mode_no) =
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.mode (mode_no);
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.status_code (mode_no) = 0;
  /* forward the call to the handler with the XACL structure */
       call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, xacl_ptr, p_code);
  /* pass on the status codes */
       acl_ptr -> general_acl.status_code (*) =
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.status_code (*);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_acl_ptr, p_code);

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

     entrypoint to delete ACL entries from a chess game.
     forward directly to segment support.
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_DELETE_ACL_ENTRIES, handler, p_code);
       if p_code = 0
       then call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_acl_ptr, p_code);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_desired_version, p_area_ptr,
            p_acl_ptr, p_code);
     entrypoint to list some or all ACL entries for a chess game.
     we must convert from general ACL to extended ACL so
     that we can pass this to segment support using
     extended ACLs.
  /* perform initial validation of the ACL structure */
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       if p_acl_ptr = null ()
       then if p_desired_version ^= GENERAL_ACL_VERSION_1
            then do;
                      p_code = error_table_$unimplemented_version;
       else if p_acl_ptr -> general_acl.version ^=
            then do;
                      p_code = error_table_$unimplemented_version;

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  /* get an entry value for he ACL function */
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_LIST_EXTENDED_ACL, handler, p_code);
       if p_code ^=0
       then return;
  /* prepare for the allocation of the XACL structure */
       xacl_ptr = null ();
       on cleanup
                 if xacl_ptr ^= null ()
                 then free xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl
                           in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
                 xacl_ptr = null ();
  /* if caller did not provide acl_ptr, the list everything */
       if p_acl_ptr = null ()
       then do;
                 call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
                      get_system_free_area_ (), xacl_ptr, p_code);
                 if p_area_ptr = null ()
                 then user_area_ptr = get_user_free_area_ ();
                 else user_area_ptr = p_area_ptr;
  /* allocate and fill in the ACL structure we will return */
                 acl_count = xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.count;
                 allocate general_acl
                      set (acl_ptr) in (user_area);
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.version =
                 if acl_count = 0
                 then do;
                           free xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl;
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.access_name (*) =
                      xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.access_name (*);
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.mode (*) =
                      xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.extended_mode (*);
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.status_code (*) =
                      xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.status_code (*);
                 free xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

                      in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
                 p_acl_ptr = acl_ptr;
  /* caller wants only some of the ACL entries */
       else do;
  /* transfer ACL info to XACL structure */
                 acl_count = p_acl_ptr -> general_acl.count;
                 allocate general_extended_acl
                      set (xacl_ptr) in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
                 xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.version =
                 xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.count = acl_count;
                 xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.access_name (*) =
                      p_acl_ptr -> general_acl.access_name (*);
                 xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.status_code (*) = 0;
  /* get the info */
                 call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
                      null (), xacl_ptr, p_code);
  /* convert back to ACL form */
                 p_acl_ptr -> general_acl.mode (*) =
                      xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.extended_mode (*);
                 p_acl_ptr -> general_acl.status_code (*) =
                      xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.status_code (*);
                 free xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl
                      in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_acl_ptr, p_no_sysdaemon,
     entrypoint to replace (change) the ACL of a chess game.
     after accepting a general ACL structure, fabricate an
     extended ACL structure and pass it on to segment
     support for extended ACLs.
  /* get an entry value for the ACL function */

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_REPLACE_EXTENDED_ACL, handler, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
  /* the job is easy if acl_ptr is null */
       if p_acl_ptr = null ()
       then do;
                 call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
                      p_acl_ptr, p_code);
  /* validate ACL structure */
       acl_ptr = p_acl_ptr;
       if acl_ptr -> general_acl.version ^= GENERAL_ACL_VERSION_1
       then do;
                 p_code = error_table_$unimplemented_version;
  /* prepare for the allocation of the XACL structure */
       acl_count = acl_ptr -> general_acl.count;
       if acl_count = 0
       then return;
       xacl_ptr = null ();
       on cleanup
                 if xacl_ptr ^= null ()
                 then free xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl
                           in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
  /* allcoate and fill in the XACL structure */
       allocate general_extended_acl
            set (xacl_ptr) in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
       xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.version =

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

       do mode_no = 1 to acl_count;
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.access_name (mode_no) =
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.access_name (mode_no);
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.mode (mode_no) =
                 translate (acl_ptr -> general_acl.mode (mode_no));
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.extended_mode (mode_no) =
                 acl_ptr -> general_acl.mode (mode_no);
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.status_code (*) = 0;
  /* forward call to the handler and copy back results */
       call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name,
            xacl_ptr, p_no_sysdaemon, p_code);
       acl_ptr -> general_acl.status_code (*) =
            xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl.status_code (*);
       free xacl_ptr -> general_extended_acl
            in (get_system_free_area_ () -> system_area);
       entry (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_user_name, p_ring,
            p_modes, p_exmodes, p_code);
     entrypoint to return the effective access to a
     chessgame given a user name and ring number.
     the effective mode for a chessgame is the same as
     its effective extended mode when viewed as a segment,
     so we get segment support to do most of the work.
       p_modes, p_exmodes = ""b;
       call validate_chessgame (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_code);
       if p_code ^= 0
       then return;
       call fs_util_$make_entry_for_type (FS_OBJECT_TYPE_SEGMENT,
            FS_GET_USER_ACCESS_MODES, handler, p_code);
       if p_code = 0
       then call handler (p_dir_name, p_entry_name, p_user_name, p_ring,
            modes, p_modes, p_code);

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

       procedure (dir_name, file_name, status);
     this procedure validates the format of a potential chess game.
  dcl  dir_name char (*) parameter;
  dcl  file_name char (*) parameter;
  dcl  status fixed bin (35) parameter;
       chessgame_ptr = null ();
       on cleanup
                      if chessgame_ptr ^= null ()
                      then call terminate_file_ (chessgame_ptr, 0, ""b, code);
       call initiate_file_ (dir_name, file_name, R_ACCESS,
            chessgame_ptr, bit_count, status);
       if chessgame_ptr = null ()
       then return;
       if chessgame_ptr -> chessgame.version ^= CHESSGAME_VERSION_1
       then p_code = error_table_$not_seg_type;
       else p_code = 0;
       call terminate_file_ (chessgame_ptr, 0, ""b, code);
  end validate_chessgame;
       procedure (file_name)
       returns (bit (1) aligned);
     the suffix on a chessgame must exactly be "chess".
     check length, then contents of entryname suffix.
  dcl  file_name char (*) parameter;
       if (length (rtrim (file_name)) > 32) |
            (length (rtrim (file_name)) < 7)
       then return ("0"b);
       if substr (reverse (rtrim (file_name)), 1, 6) ^= "ssehc."

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

       then return ("0"b);
       else return ("1"b);
  end valid_chessgame_name;
       procedure (ps_mode)
       returns (bit (36) aligned);
  dcl  ps_mode bit (36) aligned parameter;
  dcl  rw_mode (0:3) bit (36) aligned internal static
       options (constant) init ("000"b, "100"b, "101"b, "101"b);
     translation from chessgame modes to segment modes:
     ^s^p -> null
     s^p  -> r
     ^sp  -> rw
     sp   -> rw
       return (rw_mode (binary (substr (ps_mode, 1, 2))));
  end translate;
  /* Parameter */
  dcl (
       p_dir_name char (*),
       p_entry_name char (*),
       p_old_name char (*),
       p_new_name char (*),
       p_code fixed bin (35),
       p_copy_options_ptr pointer,
  /*   p_max_length fixed bin (19),  not used in this procedure */
  /*   p_bit_count fixed bin (24),   not used in this procedure */
       p_user_name char (*),
       p_ring fixed bin,
       p_modes bit (36) aligned,
       p_exmodes bit (36) aligned,
       p_ring_brackets (*) fixed bin (3),
       p_switch_name char (*),
       p_switch_value bit (1) aligned,
       p_acl_ptr pointer,
       p_area_ptr pointer,
       p_desired_version char (*),
       p_no_sysdaemon bit (1),
       p_suffix_info_ptr pointer,
       p_switch_list_ptr pointer) parameter;

  MTB-671                                 MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN

  /* Automatic */
  dcl (
      1 my_copy_options aligned like copy_options,
       bit_count fixed bin (24),
       modes bit (36) aligned,
       user_area_ptr pointer,
       ring_brackets (1:3) fixed bin (3),
       xacl_ptr pointer,
       code fixed bin (35),
       mode_no fixed bin) automatic;
  /* Based */
  dcl  based_ring_bracket (1) fixed bin (3)
       based (addr (p_ring_brackets));
  dcl  user_area area based (user_area_ptr);
  dcl  system_area area based;
  /* Static, External */
  dcl (
       error_table_$not_seg_type fixed bin (35),
       error_table_$unimplemented_version fixed bin (35),
       error_table_$badstar fixed bin (35),
       error_table_$argerr fixed bin (35),
       error_table_$bad_acl_mode fixed bin (35),
       error_table_$null_info_ptr fixed bin (35)) external static;
  /* Constant */
  dcl (COPY_FLAGS_MASK init ("110001100100000000000000000000000000"b),
       MODE_MASK init ("110000000000000000000000000000000000"b))
            bit (36) aligned internal static options (constant);
  /* Entry (in order of appearance, well almost) */
  dcl  handler entry variable options (variable);
  dcl  initiate_file_ entry (char(*), char(*), bit(*), ptr,
       fixed bin(24), fixed bin(35));
  dcl  terminate_file_ entry (ptr, fixed bin(24), bit(*),
       fixed bin(35));
  dcl  fs_util_$make_entry_for_type entry (char(*), char(*), entry,
       fixed bin(35));
  dcl  get_user_free_area_ entry () returns (ptr);
  dcl  get_system_free_area_ entry () returns (ptr);
  /* Condition */
  dcl  cleanup condition;

  MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN                                 MTB-671

  /* Builtin */
  dcl (
       substr) builtin;
  /* Include Files */
  %page;%include chessgame;
  %page;%include copy_options;
  %page;%include copy_flags;
  %page;%include file_system_operations;
  %page;%include suffix_info;
  %page;%include acl_structures;
  %page;%include access_mode_values;
  end suffix_chess_$validate;