Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

To:       Distribution

From:     Tom Oke

Date:     08/27/84

Subject:  Re-write of any_to_any_

Comments should be sent to the author:

via Multics Mail:
   Oke.Multics on System M or CISL.

via Mail:

   Tom Oke
   Advanced Computing Technology Centre
   Foothills Professional Building
   #301, 1620, 29th Street, N.W.
   Calgary, Alberta, Canada
   T2N 4L7
   (403) 270-5414


This   MTB   proposes  a   re-write   of  the   hardcore  routine
"any_to_any_"  to  increase  its  functionality,  reliability and
permit   easy   extension   of   its   capabilities.   Additional
modification  of  assign_  and  formline_  will  utilize  feature
extensions of any_to_any_.

These modifications are initially needed  to add 6 new data types


Multics  project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672


The FORTRAN compiler needs  to support HEXADECIMAL FLOATING POINT
numbers,  and  needs  system   support  for  the  conversion  and
manipulation  of these  numbers.  It  is most  reasonable to have
this  support provided  through normal conversion  paths, such as
assign_ and formline_, in order  to supply full functionality for
users and permit the use of  ioa_, probe, and even the ability of
other languages,  such as PL1,  to convert between  a hexadecimal
type  and  a  type  such as  floating  decimal.   FORTRAN itself,
through   fortran_io_,   currently   uses   assign_   to   handle
character/numeric conversions.

The  common  basis  for  all these  conversions  is  the hardcore
routine any_to_any_.  Any_to_any_ is  an ALM based program called
through assign_, formline_ and  pl1_operators_ to convert numeric
data types.  It does not handle all the defined numeric/character
data types,  and has a  number of bugs in  lesser used conversion

HEXADECIMAL  FLOATING  POINT   range,  8.3798799562141232e152  to
-7.4583407312002067e-155,  is  larger than  the  maximum possible
floating decimal range.  Floating decimal range is dependant upon
the  number of  digits of  the mantissa,  the range  for floating
decimal (1) is 9.e127 to  9.e-128, the range for floating decimal
(59) is 9.9...9e185 to 9.9...9e-70.

Fortran_io_ converts to and from characters by utilizing floating
decimal as  an intermediate form,  the same is  true of formline_
and  PL1 runtime  IO.  These routines  all utilize  assign_ to do
conversion  between a  binary numeric  form and  decimal form and
then utilize the  decimal form as the basis  for characters.  The
limited range  permissible in a standard  floating decimal number
is   insufficient  to   be  utilized  in   conversion  between  a
hexadecimal number and  characters.  HEXADECIMAL support requires
the  addition  of  a  floating   decimal  form  which  does  have
sufficient range to be used as  a common intermediate for the use
of any_to_any_, assign_ and formline_.

Thus  Fortran's  HEXADECIMAL  FLOATING  POINT  will  require  the
addition of at least five new data types:

a)   single precision real hexadecimal data

b)   double precision real hexadecimal data

c&d) complex single and double precision hexadecimal data

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

e)   an extended floating decimal type


Due  to  the current  state  of its  design,  and the  history of
modification,  any_to_any_ is  mainly implemented as  a matrix of
conversion  routines   with  the  number  of   rows  and  columns
equivalent to  the number of  basic data types  handled.  A basic
type may  be a collection  of a number of  descriptor data types,
for example the  four forms of float bin would  count as a single
basic  float bin  type.  (Since  not all  numeric data  types are
handled in the current implementation it should perhaps be termed

Adding additional  basic data types increases  the number of rows
and  columns of  the matrix and  therefore dramatically increases
the  matrix size.   These five  additional types  would raise the
current  conversion  matrix from  36  basic conversions  (6 basic
types are fixed bin, float bin, fixed decimal, float decimal, bit
and character) to  64 possible conversions by adding  the two new
basic conversions, float hex and an extended float decimal.

The current any_to_any_ code is  difficult to maintain and modify
and  no  test suites  exist  to validate  its  correct operation.
There  is  a  high  degree of  incestuous  routine  calling which
constrains  programming  style and  use  of registers,  and makes
program bugs more likely to occur and more difficult to fix.

Any_to_any_  is called  through an  ALM call  with pointers, data
types  and  precision/scale  information  held  within registers.
Type  information is  the simple data  type (held in  an 18-bit X
register), and precision/scale are  combined in two 18-bit fields
within a 36-bit register.  The only current numeric/character/bit
data type which cannot be described within this convention is the
picture  data type,  supported by PL1,  which requires additional
picture  description  in  a  structure  including  the formatting
string.  This complex data type  is handled within assign_, which
supports  a  proper  PL1  calling  convention  and  is  therefore
suitable for this  complex interface, it in turn  converts to and
from decimal types using pack_picture_ and unpack_picture_.

Currently any_to_any_ and assign_  split handling of numeric data
types with  any_to_any_ handling most numeric,  bit and character
data type conversions, and assign_ handling special decimal data,
overpunched  sign  9-bit decimal,  unsigned  9 and  4-bit decimal
data, trailing  sign 9 and  4-bit decimal data  and 4-bit leading
signed decimal data.  This is a split of functionality which does
not aid in the maintenance  of either assign_ or any_to_any_.  It

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

would  be  useful to  locate  all regular  data  type conversions
within any_to_any_  and limit assign_  to exceptional conversions
which  require non-standard  data type  information, like picutre
items.   However  to do  so  would also  increase  the conversion
matrix and add a higher degree of complexity.

The  combination of  all factors, need  for simple extendability,
ease  of  maintenance,  split  functionality,  and  the  need  to
implement   hexadecimal  support   for  FORTRAN   indicates  that
any_to_any_ needs to be re-written to solve these problems.


4.1 Entry Points

Any_to_any_ has seven entry points,  to manage different types of
conversions.  The  following section details  these entry points,
and their functionality.

     This entry  point does general conversion  from numeric, bit
     or character input to a  specified numeric, bit or character
     output.  It  accepts specification detailing  the input data
     location (pointer), precision, scale  and data type, and the
     corresponding output data specification.  Character input is
     taken  according   to  the  form  listed   in  the  section,
     "Character Input Syntax".

     This  entry point  assumes rounding according  to the output
     data type,  Fixed Bin and Fixed  Decimal truncate, Float Bin
     and Float Decimal round.

     This entry  point does general conversion  from numeric, bit
     or character input to a  specified numeric, bit or character
     output.  It  accepts specification detailing  the input data
     location (pointer), precision, scale  and data type, and the
     corresponding output  data description.  Character  input is
     taken  according   to  the  form  listed   in  the  section,
     "Character Input Syntax".

     This entry point rounds numeric conversions.

     This entry  point does general conversion  from numeric, bit
     or character input to a  specified numeric, bit or character
     output.  It  accepts specification detailing  the input data
     location (pointer), precision, scale  and data type, and the

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     corresponding output  data description.  Character  input is
     taken  according   to  the  form  listed   in  the  section,
     "Character Input Syntax".

     This entry point truncates numeric conversions.

     This entry  point does general conversion  from numeric, bit
     or character input to a  specified numeric, bit or character
     output.  It  accepts specification detailing  the input data
     location (pointer), precision, scale  and data type, and the
     corresponding output  data description.  Character  input is
     taken  according   to  the  form  listed   in  the  section,
     "Character Input Syntax".

     This  entry point  assumes rounding according  to the output
     data  type,  Fixed  Bin  and Fixed  Decimal  truncate during
     conversion,  Float Bin  and Float  Decimal round conversion.
     It  will  not handle  input  with varying  lengths,  such as
     varying bit or varying character.

     This entry  point does general conversion  from numeric, bit
     or character input to a  specified numeric, bit or character
     output.  It  accepts specification detailing  the input data
     location (pointer), precision, scale  and data type, and the
     corresponding output  data description.  Character  input is
     taken  according   to  the  form  listed   in  the  section,
     "Character Input Syntax".

     This  entry point  rounds numeric conversions.   It will not
     handle input  with varying lengths,  such as varying  bit or
     varying character.

     This entry  point does general conversion  from numeric, bit
     or character input to a  specified numeric, bit or character
     output.  It  accepts specification detailing  the input data
     location (pointer), precision, scale  and data type, and the
     corresponding output  data description.  Character  input is
     taken  according   to  the  form  listed   in  the  section,
     "Character Input Syntax".

     This entry point truncates numeric conversions.  It will not
     handle input  with varying lengths,  such as varying  bit or
     varying character.

     This  entry  point  receives   an  input  character  string,
     specification  of  its  length  and  data  type  (varying or

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

     constant length), and a pointer to an output area which must
     be  long enough  to hold  the largest  possible numeric form
     (complex floating decimal) and  must be double word aligned.
     The input string is scanned and conversion done to a numeric
     form stored in  the target area.  If the  syntax indicates a
     complex  numeric result,  both the real  and imaginary parts
     are returned  in the same data  type, using basic conversion
     rules   to    determine   a   dominant    conversion   type.
     Char_to_numeric_  returns  the  target  data  type  and  the

The  target  area supplied  to  assign_ and  any_to_any_  must be
double word aligned and big  enough for the conversion requested.
The work area must also be double word aligned for calls directly
to any_to_any_, assign_ supplies such an area.

4.2 Data Type Handling

The  following table  lists all data  types in  existance to this
date,  and  which  are  managed  by   each  of  the  old  or  new

      #  Data Type Description               Handled by

      1  real_fix_bin_1                      old and new
      2  real_fix_bin_2                      old and new
      3  real_flt_bin_1                      old* and new
      4  real_flt_bin_2                      old* and new
      5  cplx_fix_bin_1                      old and new
      6  cplx_fix_bin_2                      old and new
      7  cplx_flt_bin_1                      old* and new
      8  cplx_flt_bin_2                      old* and new
      9  real_fix_dec_9bit_ls                old and new
     10  real_flt_dec_9bit                   old and new
     11  cplx_fix_dec_9bit_ls                old and new
     12  cplx_flt_dec_9bit                   old and new
     13  pointer
     14  offset
     15  label
     16  entry
     17  structure
     18  area
     19  bit                                 old and new
     20  varying_bit                         old and new
     21  char                                old and new
     22  varying_char                        old and new
     23  file
     24  runtime_label_constant

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

     25  runtime_int_entry
     26  runtime_ext_entry
     27  runtime_ext_procedure
     28  RESERVED
     29  real_fix_dec_9bit_ls_overp          new
     30  real_fix_dec_9bit_ts_overp          new
     31  RESERVED
     32  RESERVED
     33  real_fix_bin_1_uns                  old and new*
     34  real_fix_bin_2_uns                  old and new*
     35  real_fix_dec_9bit_uns               new
     36  real_fix_dec_9bit_ts                new
     37  cplx_fix_dec_9bit_ts                new
     38  real_fix_dec_4bit_uns               new
     39  real_fix_dec_4bit_ts                new
     40  real_fix_dec_4bit_bytealigned_uns   new
     41  real_fix_dec_4bit_ls                old and new
     42  real_flt_dec_4bit                   old and new
     43  real_fix_dec_4bit_bytealigned_ls    old and new
     44  real_flt_dec_4bit_bytealigned       old and new
     45  cplx_fix_dec_4bit_bytealigned_ls    old and new
     46  cplx_flt_dec_4bit_bytealigned       old and new
     47  real_flt_hex_1                      new
     48  real_flt_hex_2                      new
     49  cplx_flt_hex_1                      new
     50  cplx_flt_hex_2                      new
     51  RESERVED
     52  RESERVED
     53  RESERVED
     54  RESERVED
     55  RESERVED
     56  RESERVED
     57  RESERVED
     58  ESCAPE
     59  algol68_straight
     60  algol68_format
     61  algol68_array_descriptor
     62  algol68_union
     63  picture_runtime
     64  PASCAL typed pointer
     65  PASCAL char
     66  PASCAL boolean
     67  PASCAL record file type
     68  PASCAL record type
     69  PASCAL set type
     70  PASCAL enumerated type
     71  PASCAL enumberated type element
     72  PASCAL enumerated type instance
     73  PASCAL user defined type
     74  PASCAL user defined type instanc

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

     75  PASCAL text file
     76  PASCAL procedure type
     77  PASCAL variable formal parameter
     78  PASCAL value formal parameter
     79  PASCAL entry formal parameter
     80  PASCAL parameter procedure
     81  real_flt_dec_extended               new
     82  cplx_flt_dec_extended               new
     83  real_flt_dec_generic                new
     84  cplx_flt_dec_generic                new
     85  real_flt_bin_generic                new
     86  cplx_flt_bin_generic                new

     In the listing  above, the * by "old"  indicates an error of
     operation.    For  floating   point,  there   are  numerical
     inaccuracies in negative packed  floating stores (i.e.  -1.0
     becomes -1.00000049....).

     A  * by  "new" indicates  a compatable  extension of defined
     range.  For unsigned fixed binary  this means that the upper
     bit of a  single or double word unsigned  fixed binary value
     can actually be used and will be correctly converted to/from
     decimal.   Previously  this  bit  was  not  defined  for  an
     unsigned fixed binary value.

As can be  seen by the listing, there are  a number of data types
which  would  have no  place  in any  form of  numeric conversion
routine, but  on the other  hand there is no  current support for
hexadecimal, PASCAL characters or  PASCAL booleans.  These can be
easily added  in the new any_to_any_  design without dramatically
increasing the program complexity.

4.3 Conversion Rounding

Rounding is done through several conventions.

  Fixed Binary
     A fixed binary number of precision Q is rounded by examining
     the Q+1th bit to determine if rounding is required.  If so 1
     is added to the Q-bit truncated signed value.  i.e.  A fixed
     binary (10,1) value of 1.5  converted to fixed binary (9, 0)
     will round to 2, -1.5 will round to -1.

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

  Float Binary and Float Hexadecimal
     A  floating  binary  number  of precision  Q  is  rounded by
     examining  the  Q+1th  and  following bits  of  the absolute
     value.  If  the Q+1th bit  is a 1  and any of  the following
     bits  are  non-zero, the  signed  floating binary  number is
     rounded up.  This  rounding action does not round  up at the
     .5 level, and  is the same as the  regular hardware support.
     Numbers are left normalized.

  Fixed Decimal
     A  fixed  decimal  number  of  precision  Q  is  rounded  by
     examining the Q+1th digit to determine if it is >= 5.  If so
     the number is rounded by adding 1 to the Qth digit.

     Float Decimal
     A float decimal  number of precision Q is  rounded up if the
     Q+1th digit is >= 5.

4.4 Error Management

The user can catch conditions signaled by any_to_any_ conversion,
and  through the  PL1 onchar and  and onsource  builtins may also
correct  erroneous  character  input  to  a  conversion,  without
altering the variable supplied  for conversion.  Any_to_any_ must
handle  this functionality  and rescan  the input  which has been
modified  during the  course of  error condition  handling in the
user program condition handling.

Error  management  is  done  in such  a  way  that  all signalled
conditions are  the result of  overt program action,  rather than
generated  hardware exceptions,  thus the  true restartability of
the  condition  can be  supplied to  error handlers,  rather than
erroneously restarting any_to_any_ in the middle of a conversion.
Internal  operations  will  trap  all error  indicators  and take
appropriate action.

Error  signalling  by  any_to_any_   is  done  through  calls  to
pl1_signal_from_ops_   or   plio2_signal_.    These   calls  pass
information  detailing the  error code, through  an ONCODE value,
and  associated information.   In the case  of conversion errors,
sufficient information is passed  to permit full character string
fixups.  Oncode values passed  by any_to_any_ are not necessarily
the same as  the oncode value indicated for  the error message in
the ascii file >sss>oncode_messages_.  Modification of the passed
code is  done by either  of the two signalling  routines prior to
actual lookup in  the ascii file to get  the appropriate message.
The following error conditions may be signalled, in this list the
exact oncode  value is indicated,  along with the  oncode used by

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

Conversion Error
     This  error  is  signalled through  plio2_signal_  to handle
     conversion errors,  in which character input  is invalid for
     the  desired  conversion.   Such  a character  error  can be
     corrected  through the  use of  the PL1  builtins onchar and
     onsource.  The error string is copied into a stack extension
     and supplied to plio2_signal_,  and to the user.  Correction
     is  done  on this  string  copy, which  is used  for further
     conversion attempts if the error is restarted.  The original
     string  is  not altered.   A  number of  possible conversion
     errors may occur.

     Character  representation of  bit string  contains character
        other than "0" and "1".  (oncode 391 - sent as 191)
        This  error occurs  in conversion  of a  character string
        with  a B  or b suffix  (binary), in which  a digit other
        than 0 or 1 occurs.

     No digits  found  in  exponent  or scale  factor  of number.
        (oncode 401 - sent as 201)
        This error  is signaled when  an E, e, D,  d specifier is
        used and is not followed by an exponent value, or an F, f
        is used and not followed by a scale.

     No digits found in  a numeric field.  (oncode 402  - sent as
        This  error is  signaled when  numeric syntax  requires a
        digit to be supplied and none is found.

     Invalid  character follows  a numeric field.   (oncode 403 -
        sent as 203)
        This error is indicated  when the character terminating a
        numeric field is not valid for the next syntactic item.

     Too many decimal  points in a numeric field.   (oncode 404 -
        sent as 204)
        A number  has been seen  which has more  than one decimal
        point, or an exponent has a decimal point.

     Implementation   restriction:    Character   string   to  be
        converted is longer than 256 characters.  Type "start" to
        use first 256 characters.  (oncode 405 - sent as 205)
        A  character string  supplied to  any_to_any_ must  be no
        longer than 256 characters in length.

     Too many  exponential sub-fields in  numeric field.  (oncode
        407 - sent as 207)
        An exponent field has been  terminated with a syntax item
        indicating that an exponent or scale field follows, d, D,

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

        e,  E, f,  F.  An exponent  or scale  field cannot itself
        have an exponent.

     Scale factor  > 127 in  scaled fixed binary  field.  (oncode
        408 - sent as 208)
        A scaling factor  has been used which is  too large to be
        correctly  represented.  Though  the message  indicates a
        fixed  binary number,  it also occurs  with fixed decimal

     Scale factor  < -128 in scaled  fixed binary field.  (oncode
        409 - sent as 209)
        A scaling factor  has been used which is  too small to be
        correctly  represented.  Though  the message  indicates a
        fixed  binary number,  it also occurs  with fixed decimal

     Character other than separator  follows "i" of imaginary (or
        complex) number.  (oncode 411 - sent as 211)
        The  imaginary  part  of  a  complex  character  input is
        terminated by the letter "i" or "I".  This letter must be
        the end of  the character string, or must  be followed by

     Too many digits found in exponent or scale factor of number.
        (oncode 413 - sent as 213)
        Too  many digits  have been  supplied for  an exponent or
        scale factor, the limit is 11 digits.

     No digits in mantissa of number.  (oncode 414 - sent as 214)
        A  number  has  been  seen which  has  no  digits  in the
        mantissa preceeding an D, d, E, e, F, f.

     Precision greater than dec(59)  or bin(71) in numeric field.
        (oncode 418 - sent as 218)
        The precision needed to  represent a number, as supplied,
        is greater than the limit of precision of the data type.

     Second  half of  complex number must  be imaginary.  (oncode
        419 - sent as 219)
        The input syntax has supplied two numbers, but the second
        is  not followed  by an  I or  i to  validate that  it is

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

     This error is signaled through pl1_signal_from_ops_.  It can
     be one of the following error conditions.

     Attempt  to  perform  invalid  or  unimplemented conversion.
        (oncode 415)
        This  error  is  signaled  if  an  invalid  data  type is
        supplied to any_to_any_ for conversion, or data is itself
        invalid,  for  example overpunched  decimal data  with an
        invalid overpunch.

     size condition (oncode 703)
        This  error is  signalled whenever  a value  will not fit
        into the precision of  the target.  Examples are negative
        values assigned to  an unsigned type or too  many bits of
        precision to fit.

     overflow condition (oncode 705)
        This error  indicates an exponent overflow  for a decimal
        or binary floating point number.

     underflow condition (oncode 706)
        This error  indicates an exponent overflow  for a decimal
        or binary floating point number.

4.5 Error Handling Bugs

There are currently  a number of bugs in  the management of these
oncodes.  Oncode 391 is currently  transmitted as oncode 376, for
which  there is  no message.  Oncodes  408 and  409 only indicate
scaled  fixed  binary  fields,  they are  also  for  scaled fixed
decimal  fields.   Oncode  415 is  sent  to pl1_signal_from_ops_,
which only believes 701 through 1000 are valid.

The new  any_to_any_ fixes oncode 376,  by transmitting code 191,
which is transformed by plio2_signal_ to  391 and can be found in
the oncode_messages_ segment.  Oncodes 408  and 409 must be fixed
in   the  oncode_messages_   segment.   Oncode   415,  which  was
previously sent as a 215 (which was incorrect), requires a fix in
any_to_any_ to be sent as 415, and a fix in pl1_signal_ to permit
415 to be accepted as valid.

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin


Many of the problems of complexity with any_to_any_ result in the
mixture of  basic data conversion and  data type management code,
in  which  a  full matrix  is  required to  express  all possible
conversions  of  the basic  data  types.  The  new implementation
attempts  to  isolate  basic  numeric/bit/char  conversions  from
simple conversions necessary for data type management.

The  new implementation  of any_to_any_ breaks  conversion into a
series  of operations  done with  GENERIC data  forms.  A GENERIC
form  is  a superset  numeric, bit  or character  form, typically
supported  directly by  the hardware.  For  floating point binary
and  decimal  the GENERIC  form  has a  highly  extended exponent
(fixed  bin  (35)), but  all  essential numeric  manipulations of
these numbers are done directly  by the hardware by appropriately
initializing the hardware exponent.

A SOURCE module recognizes the data type format of a data item to
be  converted, and  converts it  to the  appropriate GENERIC form
used in the any_to_any_  conversion.  A GENERIC CONVERSION module
matrix  is  used  to  convert  to  a  GENERIC  form  suitable for
conversion to  the final target  form.  A TARGET  module converts
from the GENERIC form to the final target format.  Thus each data
type has a  unique source and target conversion  module, and will
use a common GENERIC to  GENERIC conversion module.  Knowledge of
the  unique characteristics  of a  data type  is isolated  to the
source  and  target  conversion  modules and  is  typically short
straight-line code.

The intention  of this environement  is that the  highly variable
routines will be relegated to short and simple straight line code
sections,  while the  GENERIC data handling  will be  common to a
wide  range  of possible  source  and target  conversion modules.
Thus the  development of a  new data type  will typically require
only the  development of a  source and target  conversion module,
since the GENERIC conversion will already exist and be validated.

This  approach has  the danger  that the  new code,  by utilizing
common  forms, and  potentially requiring more  data movement and
conversions will be noticably slower in some conversions than was
the  previous specific  any_to_any_ code.  It  is this generality
which  makes  the  new  any_to_any_  much  easier  to  extend and
validate,  and  the  old   any_to_any_  much  more  difficult  to
understand and debug, let alone extend.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672


The  design  of the  new any_to_any_  is done  to provide  a good
separation of  functions and to simplify  and clarify interfaces.
The  structural changes  have permitted  algorithm changes  and a
re-work  of  the  working   storage  area.   This  has  noticably
decreased the amount of space required for working storage.

6.1 Entry Point Merging

The old  any_to_any_ separated the  any_to_any_ and real_to_real_
entry points to slightly speed the execution of items known to be
non-varying  and  simple  in  conversion.   The  only  place this
actually speeds operations is in  the driver section of the code,
where real_to_real_ does  not check for bit or  character data or
varying length strings.  The new code relegates any such checking
to the appropriate  source module and thus has  no extra overhead
which  could  be  eliminated.  This  permits  complete congruence
between the any_to_any_ entry  points and the real_to_real_ entry

6.2 Working Storage Changes

Working storage  for any_to_any_ is  a double word  aligned area,
supplied  by the  calling program and  can be one  of three basic
sizes,  depending  upon  the  complexity of  the  operation being


A  basic  work area  is  28 words  long.   It permits  numeric to
numeric conversions  but does not permit  numeric to character or
character to numeric or handling of 4-bit floating decimal data.

A  second  work  area size  is  44  words long,  and  permits, in
addition  to  the basic  conversions, conversions  handling 4-bit
floating decimal data.

The  final  work area  size  is 158  words  long and  permits all
conversions, including character and 4-bit floating decimal.

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin


The new  any_to_any_ requires a  maximum of 118  words of working
storage.     It    defines    five    GENERIC    storage   areas:
fix_bin_generic,  flt_bin_generic,  flt_dec_generic,  bit_generic
and char_generic.   The basic working  storage area is  28 words,
covering the same conversions as with the old any_to_any_ and ALL
decimal data  conversions, including those  previously handled by
assign_.  The full  work area of 118 words  covers the full range
of conversions, including character conversions.

 1.  fix_bin_generic
     This  area holds  a 72-bit  integer value,  either signed or
     unsigned.   It   is  also  used  as   a  temporary  area  in
     conversions not dealing with integers.

 2.  flt_bin_generic, flt_bin_generic_exp
     This area holds  a 72-bit floating point number  and a fixed
     bin (35)  exponent.  The floating point  number is stored as
     the AQ  part of the  EAQ of a double  precision number.  The
     exponent is  stored as a  fixed bin (35)  value for extended
     range.   This permits  a binary  range much  larger than the
     hexadecimal range.

 3.  flt_dec_generic, flt_dec_generic_exp
     This area holds up to a float decimal (61) number, including
     an  8-bit hardware  EIS exponent  and has  a fixed  bin (35)
     extended range exponent.  This  permits range extension well
     beyond the limits of hexadecimal  floating point and the new
     float_decimal_extended 9-bit exponent  data type.  This area
     is  used  to hold  all  decimal data  as a  floating decimal
     number.  Normally the hardware exponent is kept at 0.

 4.  bit_generic
     This area is  available to hold a generic  bit data item, if
     the   source   format   is   dissimilar   to   the  hardware
     representation.  It overlays the flt_dec_generic area, since
     these are exclusive data types during conversion.

 5.  char_generic
     This area  is available to hold  character input/output data
     for source  and/or target conversion and  is utilized within
     generic   character  conversion   routines  as  intermediate
     storage.  It will hold a full 256 character string.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

6.3 Extended Range and Precision

The  new any_to_any_  deals with  numeric ranges  well beyond the
hardware  limits  of  the  processor.  Both  floating  binary and
floating  decimal  exponents  are  maintained as  fixed  bin (35)
values, to permit  a true super-set of all  hardware ranges.  The
floating  point  binary mantissa  is internally  stored as  an AQ
portion of the  EAQ, which provides a full  72-bits of precision.
This extended precision is used for correct rounding and extended
precision of binary/decimal conversions.

This  extended  range  and  precision  simplifies  both  internal
concepts and  source and target conversion  problems.  Without it
special conversion  routines would be required  for each extended
hardware data type to all other types.

Binary  to decimal  and decimal  to binary  routines will convert
over  the  extended range  through  a sectioning  algorithm which
extends the normal conversion algorithm's range without requiring
any  table  changes.   Binary   and  hexadecimal  floating  point
rounding  is  handled exactly  as  with the  hardware,  even when
dealing with packed floating point numbers.

6.4 Hexadecimal Floating Point

Hexadecimal data is managed internally as generic binary floating
point,  since the  internal floating  point binary  generic form,
stored as a 35-bit exponent and  a 72-bit mantissa, is a superset
of the range and precision of hexadecimal floating point.

Hexadecimal floating point data is  does not require execution in
a hexadecimal floating point mode,  thus these conversions are as
valid  on a  Level 68  processor as  on a  DPS8/70M.  Rounding is
performed as  it would be  for normal binary  floating point, but
normalization  of results  is performed as  a correct hexadecimal
floating point number.

6.5 Changes to Algorithms


The  old  any_to_any_  essentially  dealt  with  unsigned  binary
exactly the same way as it  dealt with signed binary.  This meant
that  the  maximum  convertable  unsigned  binary  was  fixed bin
unsigned (71), rather than (72).   In addition the unsigned fixed

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

bin  (36) data  type was permitted,  but could not  have the high
order bit  set.  These limits carried  through to all conversions
to and from unsigned binary.  This meant that a user would get no
error  indication  but  could  well  get  numerically  ridiculous

The  new  any_to_any_ deals  with unsigned  binary as  a separate
entity and correctly handles any  precision or scale of that data
type and all conversions.


The  extended range  of floating  binary and  floating decimal is
managed through conversions between decimal and binary, which are
also used in conversions to and from characters.

This extension of  range uses the same power_of_two  table as was
used previously,  which has 4-bit fixed  decimal constants of the
powers of two from 2**0 to 2**197.  It sections the conversion by
repeatedly converting to the limit  of the table, and subtracting
the power  converted, until the  exponent range falls  within the
limits of the table.  Thus a value with 2**430 would be converted
as 2**197, 2**197, 2**36 in sucession to produce a final result.

This does accumulate some error  due to iteration, but this error
is  minimal  in normal  operation  due to  the use  of overlength
floating decimal intermediate operations.  Typical conversions to
maximum  precision at  the limits  of the  hexadecimal range have
been accurate in the last  digit, compared to an overlength power
of two table.

Conversion  from  float  decimal to  float  binary is  done  to a
precision of up to 70-bits.   This increases numeric precision of
previous  conversions  which were  to approximately  63-bits, and
permits correct rounding.


Numeric to  character conversion has been  modified somewhat over
the  previous version  of any_to_any_,  but has  the closest code
correspondence  of  any part  of the  new software.   It produces
identical results  to the old  any_to_any_.  It handles  the full
range  possible  for  the  over-range  exponent  in  a compatable
fashion  the  the  previous  conversion.  A  3-digit  exponent is
normally output,  this increases to more  than 3-digits as needed
for  very large  exponents.  This  can only  occur when supplying

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

data  in a  generic floating  decimal or  generic floating binary


Character  to  numeric  conversion  is a  total  re-write  of the
previous code.  The new code parses the input stream and produces
token information.  This  is used to access the  source stream to
produce  floating  decimal  values  for conversion  to  the final
target.  Previously character to numeric  code was an intermix of
input  scan  and  conversion  and   a  replication  of  code  for
converting numeric data types.  The new code will prepare GENERIC
data  to be  run through  the any_to_any_  conversions already in
place.  Thus no new conversion  errors are expected.  This should
both simplify  and shorten the code.   It also permits conversion
to  all  supported  data  types, and  eases  problems  of proving

6.6 Error Detection and Signalling

Errors will be detected within the code of the new any_to_any_ by
explicit testing,  and the new  code will run  with faults masked
for  numeric operations.   This means  that all  error signalling
will  be done  through the  software signalling  routines, rather
than  simply  occuring  at  some  spot  within  any_to_any_.   In
addition,  the  requested  data  types will  be  validated before
operations  are performed.   The previous code  never checked for
valid data type before doing table lookup jumping.


Performance of the new any_to_any_ has  proven to be a mixture of
improvement  and degradation  of the current  code.  Typically it
will be somewhat slower, if  only through some generalization and
the ability to handle substantially increased numberic ranges.

Degradations  vary  considerably   between  different  conversion
functions, with non-generic targets  and/or sources having higher
degradations  that  generic target  and/or sources.   For example
decimal information is maintained generically as generic floating
decimal, requiring conversion between  fixed decimal and floating
decimal  if  the target  and/or source  are fixed  decimal.  This
imposes  approximately  a raw  24%  degradation on  conversion of
floating bin  to fixed decimal.  As  used within fortran_io_ this

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

is   seen  as   a  maximum  degradation   of  approximately  13%.
Conversion  to  floating  decimal  imposes a  raw  degradation of
approximately 6%.

Conversion  to character  output from numeric  input also suffers
some   degradation,  but   a  strange  anomaly   has  been  seen.
Converting   a  floating   point  1.0  to   character  output  is
approximately 15%  slower with the new  any_to_any_, unless it is
to a character target which is  too small to hold the full output
(like  12  characters  instead  of 16).   In  this  case  the old
any_to_any_  is 195  times slower.   The reason  for this amazing
anomaly in the old any_to_any_ has not been isolated.

Performance runs with the standard  performance set will be done,
and their results  indicated in the MCR.  There  is some room for
performance   improvements   within   the  design   of   the  new
any_to_any_,  but it  may never perform  as well as  the old one.
This may necessitate a performance/maintenance tradeoff.


Testing  and  verification  has been  taken  as a  point  of high
importance.  During the development of the new any_to_any_ code a
test  sub-system  was  developed  which  enabled  any  input  bit
patterns to be  run through the conversion, any  data types to be
selected for source and target and validation of conversion to be
done,  including  signalled  error conditions  and  source fixups
through onchar and onsource  builtins.  This test sub-system will
be  supplied with  validation scripts and  documentation with the
new any_to_any_.

The  test  sub-system  permits  duplication  and  verification of
reported  errors and  proves their  elimination without requiring
any program development, all input is either through the terminal
or from test "ec" scripts.

At   this   time   three   basic  scripts   exist.    The  first,
fetch_test.test_a, validates that data can be fetched from memory
for  all data  types.  The  second, store_tests.test_a, validates
that data can be stored.  The third, c_test.rnd.test_a, validates
that  rounded  numeric  conversions  occur  correctly.   The test
scripts are  setup in such  a way that they  are easily extended.
At the present time they validate almost all of the operations of
any_to_any_,  including character  input and fixups,  but are not
totally exhaustive.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672


The  new  design  for   any_to_any_  permits  easy  extension  of
conversions covered by the existing GENERIC data types by writing
additional  source  and target  routines to  handle the  new data
type, and addition  to the source and target  tables.  If totally
new hardware data  types which cannot be covered  by the existing
GENERIC  data  types are  introduced  this would  take additional

An  example of  extensions to  new hardware  capabilities is that
hexadecimal floating point fits  within the definition of GENERIC
floating  binary, and  thus can be  completely handled (including
rounding  on  output)  with  31 lines  of  source  access routine
(handles     flt_hex_1,    flt_hex_2,     flt_hex_1_packed    and
flt_hex_2_packed), and  56 lines of target  access and conversion
routine.   The  target routine  will store  flt_hex_1, flt_hex_2,
flt_hex_1_packed  and   flt_hex_2_packed  and  will   do  correct
hexadecimal   single   and    double   precision   rounding   and
normalization.  Both source and target routines execute in binary
mode and will function correctly on a level 68 processor.

The ability  to do such  trivial additions will  be quite welcome
with the addition of more languages to Multics, or even extension
to handle all the data types of the existing languages.


As  indicated  in the  list  of data  types, the  new any_to_any_
handles a number of data types which were previously not handled.
The following  is a list  of these data  types, and documentation
about them.

10.1 Existing Data Types

 29  real_fix_dec_9bit_ls_ovrp
     This data type is documented  in AG91-03A, p.  D-12.  It has
     the leading digit overpunched with sign information.

 30  real_fix_dec_9bit_ts_ovrp
     This data type is documented  in AG91-03A, p.  D-14.  It has
     the trailing digit overpunched with sign information.

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

 35  real_fix_dec_9bit_uns
     This data type is documented in AG91-03A, p D-15.  It has no
     sign information and is defined to always be positive.

 36  real_fix_dec_9bit_ts, 36-cmplx_fix_dec_9bit_ts
     This data type is documented  in AG91-03A, p.  D-15.  It has
     sign information in the last character of the number, rather
     than as the first character.

 38  real_fix_dec_4bit_uns, 40-real_fix_dec_4bit_bytealigned_uns
     This data type is documented in AG91-03A, p.  D-16.  It does
     not have sign information and is defined to be positive.

 39  real_fix_dec_4bit_ts
     This data type is documented  in AG91-03A, p.  D-16.  It has
     the sign digit in the trailing digit position.

10.2 Additional Data Types

The  following list  indicates data  types which  have been newly
created and do not have system documentation at this time.

 47  real_flt_hex_1, 49-cmplx_flt_hex_1
     This   data   type  has   the   same  bit   layout   as  for
     real_flt_bin_1, as documented in AG91-03A, p.  D-5.  However
     the exponent  indicates powers of 16,  rather than powers of
     two, and normalization is performed such that the upper five
     bits of the mantissa (the sign  and 4 bits of precision) are
     not  the same  (unless the  number is  a normalized floating
     0.0).  Alignment of bits is done on 4-bit boundaries.

 48  real_flt_hex_2, 50-cmplx_flt_hex_2
     This   data   type  has   the   same  bit   layout   as  for
     real_flt_bin_2, as documented in AG91-03A, p.  D-6.  However
     the exponent  indicates powers of 16,  rather than powers of
     two, and normalization is performed such that the upper five
     bits of the mantissa (the sign  and 4 bits of precision) are
     not  the same  (unless the  number is  a normalized floating
     0.0).  Alignment of bits is done on 4-bit boundaries.

 81  real_flt_dec_extended, 82-cmplx_flt_dec_extended
     This  is a  floating decimal  data type  which has  the same
     basic   layout  as   real_flt_dec_9bit,  as   documented  in
     AG91-03A, p.  D-8, with the last character format changed to
     hold  a  9-bit  exponent, rather  than  a pad  and  an 8-bit
     exponent.  Thus the last byte looks like:

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

               | |                |
               |S|       E        |
               | |                |

     This data  type more than  doubles the normal  float decimal
     range, since the negative range  extension goes from e-70 to

 83  real_flt_dec_generic, 84-cmplx_flt_dec_generic
     This is a  floating decimal data type, preceeded  by a fixed
     bin (35) aligned  value, which has the same  basic layout as
     real_flt_dec_9bit, as documented in  AG91-03A, p.  D-8, with
     the  last character  format changed  to a  9-bit pad, rather
     than a pad  and an 8-bit exponent.  The  complex form is two
     of  these  items  together,  with  the  character  positions
     between  the  end of  the  real part  and  the start  of the
     word-aligned imaginary  part taken as pad  fields.  Thus the
     format is:

                               Word aligned
     | |                |         |         |           |         |
     |S|   Exponent     |sign char|1st digit| n digits  | pad char|
     |1|      35        |    9    |    9    |    n*9    |    9    |

     This  data  type  has  an  exponent  range  higher  than any
     hardware data type.

 85  real_flt_bin_generic, 86-cmplx_flt_bin_generic
     This is a floating binary data type which has the same basic
     layout  as  real_flt_bin_2,  as documented  in  AG91-03A, p.
     D-6,  followed  by a  fixed bin  (35) exponent.   The binary
     exponent  part  of  the   real_flt_bin_2  is  a  pad  field,
     typically  0.   The  complex  form  is  two  of  these items
     separated  by a  single word pad  field, since  the real and
     imaginary  parts  must  be  double word  aligned.   Thus the
     format is:

                           Double Word aligned
               |                     | |                |
               |    real_flt_bin_2   |S|   Exponent     |
               |         72          |1|      35        |

     This  data  type  has  an  exponent  range  higher  than any
     hardware data type.

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin


Other routines  will benefit from modification  to take advantage
of the upgrade of any_to_any_.

11.1 Probe

Probe  will  have fewer  conversions  to do  for  additional data
types, since  these conversions could be  handled by any_to_any_.
The  current  support extensions  for hexadecimal  floating point
FORTRAN  will  require these  changes,  as may  extensions  for C
support.  Expression evaluation for  probe must take into account
the  larger  range  of   hexadecimal  floating  point.   In  fact
expression    evaluation    will    now    be    done   utilizing
float_decimal_generic arithmetic.

11.2 assign_

The  current  assign_,  as  noted  above,  handles  a  number  of
conversions  where  it  converts  from   a  special  form  to  an
intermediate  form  supported  by  the  current  any_to_any_, and
handles  conversion  from  a  supported any_to_any_  form  to the
special form.  The new assign_ code only needs to do this for the
picture  data  type, since  the new  any_to_any_ will  handle all
basic conversions  directly.  This removes roughly  half the code
fo  assign_.   In  addition   the  assign_  handling  of  picture
conversion is totally  broken and does not work  converting to or
from a picture item.  This code has been fixed.

Code  for  assign_  utilized  6-bit character  indexes  in lookup
tables  to determine  processing types  and routines  for special
handling.   This  has  been  changed  to  utilize  regular  9-bit
characters to avoid later problems with FLOWER.

11.3 ioa_

The ioa_  base routine formline_  has been modified  to utilize a
floating  decimal  generic  intermediate  in  its  conversion  to
characters  for  display.   As   with  the  any_to_any_  extended
character numeric output, the exponent output by formline_ can be
up  to  11 digits  in length,  for  the full  range of  the float
decimal  generic  data type.   Typically, even  using hexadecimal

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

input  to ioa_,  the range will  only require  the normal 3-digit

11.4 pl1_signal_

This  routine  receives the  415 oncode,  Invalid Data  Type, and
signals the appropriate condition.   It currently permits oncodes
only to  be in the range  of 701 to 1000.   Additional code, in a
single  IF  statement, is  required to  correctly permit  the 415
oncode.  This is  in conjunction with a fix  in any_to_any_ which
sends  the true  415 oncode,  rather than  215, since pl1_signal_
does not add 200 to the oncodes, as does plio2_signal_.

11.5 std_descriptor_types.incl.pl1

This include file is altered to include the additional data types
now covered with HEXADECIMAL  FORTRAN and the additional extended
and generic data types of any_to_any_.


The entry point char_to_numeric_ will  parse a fairly open syntax
to determine numeric input, and the desired output form.  This is
syntax  is also  permitted in  any of  the other  entry points in
converting   character   data   input.    The   significance   in
char_to_numeric_  is that  the syntax  will determine  the output
data type, while all other  entry points convert to the specified
output data type.

The syntax of numeric input is  fully described in AM83 section 8
(Arithmetic Constant Literals).  This section does not detail the
complex output data type which will  result from the input of the
two  parts  of  a  complex  number  in  differing  formats.   The
following table  indicates which is the  dominant output type for
each of the  input type possibilities.  The rows  and columns are
the  data  types  of the  real  and imaginary  components  of the
complex number.  The matrix intersection of the row and column is
the resultant data type of both the real and imaginary part after
co-ercion.  The second line of the intersection box indicates the
conversion performed.

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin


      0 type | error  | fixbin | fltbin | fixdec | fltdec |
             |        | as is  | as is  | as is  | as is  |
      fixbin | fixbin | fixbin | fltbin | fixbin | fltbin |
             | as is  | as is  | as is  |dec->bin|dec->bin|
      fltbin | fltbin | fltbin | fltbin | fltbin | fltbin |
             | as is  | as is   | as is |dec->bin|dec->bin|
      fixdec | fixdec | fixbin | fltbin | fixdec | fltdec |
             | as is  |dec->bin|dec->bin| as is  | as is  |
      fltdec | fltdec | fltbin | fltbin | fltdec | fltdec |
             | as is  |dec->bin|dec->bin| as is  | as is  |
   IMAG TYPE   0 type   fixbin   fltbin   fixdec   fltdec


A  test  sub-system  was  written  as  part  of  the  any_to_any_
re-write.  This sub-system utilizes  sub-system utilities for its
user  interface and  tests any_to_any_'s  actions through assign_
interfaces.   It  will  use  the assign_  entry  points, assign_,
assign_$assign_round_,   assign_$assign_truncate_,   assign   and
char_to_numeric_.   It  will  also   use  the  entry  points  a_,
a_$assign_round_,  a_$assign_truncate_  and  a_$char_to_numeric_.
The second set of entry points permits one to use an assign_ copy
(with  the  entryname a_)  altered  to call  a  local any_to_any_
version.   This permits  A/B comparisons between  a local version
and  the  system  version  of  assign_  and  any_to_any_, without
disrupting the  normal process environment, as  would be the case
in attempting to experiment upon any_to_any_ locally.

The  test_a  testing  sub-system  permits  specification  of data
types,  including precision,  scale, packing  and offsetting.  It
lets one define the bit string to be presented to assign_ for the
conversion and to define the bit string which should be output by
the conversion.   If no output  bit string is  specified, it will
list the  output of the  conversion.  If an output  bit string is
supplied,  it will  be verified  with the  actual output  and any
errors indicated.

The test  sub-system will also handle  error conditions as output
validations, for example, converting a  large number into a small
fixed bin precision should result in a size error.  The following
conversion specification will validate such a condition.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

   proc assign_
   source real_fix_bin_1 35
   target real_fix_bin_1 packed 5
   c dec 36/1000000 -> size

In  this example  the conversion  procedure selected  is assign_,
which will do  default rounding.  The source is  an aligned fixed
bin (35) number, which occupies  36-bits.  The target is a packed
fixed bin (5) number, which occupies 6-bits (sign + 5-bits).  The
value of 1 million will not  fit within the target and produces a
size condition.  The output  specification of size validates that
this  is the  desired output  of the  conversion, so  no error is

Timing information  can also be  produced through the  use of the
test sub-system.  If timing is turned on, each conversion call is
made 100  times in a  tight loop, to  produce an average  time of
conversion.  Numeric validation is also performed.

The help segments  for the sub-system are included  at the end of
this MTB.


We would expect  that the re-write of any_to_any_  can serve as a
good  basis  for further  developments, and  should make  it much
easier  to extend  system conversion capabilities  in the future.
It   should  significantly   increase  the   maintainability  and
verifiability of these conversions and permit easy extensions.

It must be acknowledged that the new any_to_any_ will probably be
and  remain slower  than the  version it  replaces.  Some further
optimization is  still possible, but basic  speed will be limited
by the generality of the design.

At  this stage  all the  work mentioned  above has  been done and
essentially  tested.   The  code  has  been  in  use  within  the
development of hexadecimal FORTRAN for approximately four months,
and has been in production use in the ACTC system for 2 months.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

                    Test Sub-system Help Files

04/17/84 test_a

Syntax: test_a

Function:  Enters the test_a testing environment.

   This  environment  is  a test sub-system which can be used in
   the  maintenance  and  development  necessary for assign_ and
   any_to_any_.  It provides the ability to generate bit strings
   and  cause  their  conversion  from a source form to a target
   form.  For example:

          test_a: proc assign_
          test_a: source real_fix_bin_1 35 10
          test_a: target varying_char 30
          test_a: convert dec 26/101,dec 10/0

   Will request conversion of a fixed bin (35,10) to a char (30)
   varying  through  the  routine  assign_  and  will attempt to
   convert  the  decimal  value 101.  If errors occur or signals
   are  generated  they will be reported to the user.  As stated
   the  conversion will print the results, if desired a validity
   check  to  a specified target bit string can also be done, in
   which case only error conditions will be reported.

   This  sub-system  makes it possible to ease further data type
   development  and  validate  conversions.   It  also is highly
   useful  in  the maintenance of assign_ and any_to_any_.  With
   the  sub-system  it  should  be possible to create validation
   scripts  and  reproduce  any  reported  bug  and validate its

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

04/18/84  comment, !

Syntax:  ! comment text to NL or ;

Function:  Permits  command level comments to be embedded within
an exec_com for documentation purposes.

The  comment keyword or !  must be followed by a delimiter, such
as  a  space  and the comment continues until the end of line or
semi-colon.   If  a semi-colon should occur in the comment, then
the comment text may be quoted.

04/17/84  status, st

Syntax:  st

Function: prints the current status of the test sub-system.  The
   output will be of the following form:

          test_a:  status
          Procedure:          assign_$assign_round_
          Source type:        char (20,0) (packed)
          Target type:        real_flt_bin_gen (40,0)

   In  this case test_a will call assign_$assign_round_ and will
   expect  the  source  datum  to  be of the form of a 20 packed
   character  string and the target to be a float binary generic
   with a precision of 40 bits of mantissa.

   A status output will also be shown when errors are reported.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

04/17/84  procedure, proc

Syntax:  proc {procedure_name|? {on}}

Function:  sets the conversion procedure and/or prints timing information.


   The  procedure_name is one of the valid conversion procedures
   supported by test_a.  If the user enters a ?  a list of valid
   procedures will be printed.

   If  a procedure_name has been supplied, and the "on" argument
   is  given  then  timing  information  will  be given for each
   successive  proc  command until a proc command is seen with a
   second  argument  which  is  not "on".  This causes test_a to
   call  the  conversion  routine 100 times for each conversion,
   rather  than  the  normal  single  call to provide reasonably
   accurate timing information.

   When  the  proc  command is envoked and timing has previously
   been set "on", test_a will print the time statistics gathered
   since  the  last proc command.  If no procedure_name is given
   the  current  procedure will be used for further conversions,
   otherwise  the  current procedure will be set to the supplied
   conversion procedure.

Selecting a procedure
   proc assign_$assign_round_

Selecting timing
   proc assign_$assign_round_ on

Turning off timing
   proc assign_$assign_round_ xxx

Simply printing timing statistics

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

04/17/84  source, src, s

Syntax:  s data_type|? {packed {pad n}} precision {scale}

Function:  sets information about the data source.

   This  field  indicates  the  data type of the conversion data
   source.  If the user types ?  a list of valid data type names
   will  be  printed,  prefaced  by  the data type number.  When
   entering  a data type to the source command only use the data
   name, and not the type number.

   This  optional  field indicates that the data item is packed.
   If  not  specified  the  data item will be indicated as being

pad n
   This  optional  field should only be used if the data item is
   packed.   It  indicates  the offset to be inserted before the
   generated  data  stream.   Padding  permits testing of values
   offset from the default double word alignment.

   This required number indicates the number of bits, nibbles or
   bytes of precision required by the source.  If a data item is
   a  bit length, such as for bits, fixed bin or float bin, this
   value  is  taken  to  be  bits.  If the item were in nibbles,
   which are packed two to a byte, the precision is taken as 4.5
   bit  multiples.   If  the  item  were  a  byte  item, such as
   characters  or  float decimal, then the precision is in 9-bit

   This  optional  signed  value  is the scaling factor for data
   items which can take a scaling factor.  It can be positive or
   negative,  but  must be within certain bounds with respect to
   the precision.

   Comments  are  permitted  on  the  "source"  line  after  the
   required precision argument.  These comments are preceeded by
   a  "/*"  delimiter,  similar  to  PL/1 commenting.  A closing

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

   comment  delimiter  of  "*/"  is  not required.  A comment is
   terminated by the end of the input line.

   s real_fix_bin_1 packed pad 3 35 10 /* scaled fixed bin */

   s real_fix_bin_1 packed 35 10

   s real_fix_bin_1 35

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

04/17/84  target, trgt, t

Syntax:  t data_type|? {packed {pad n}} precision {scale}

Function:  sets information about the data target.

   This  field  indicates  the  data type of the conversion data
   target.   If  the  user types in ?  a list of valid data type
   names  will  be  printed,  prefaced  by the data type number.
   When  entering a data type to the target command only use the
   data name, and not the type number.

   This  optional  field indicates that the data item is packed.
   If  not  specified  the  data item will be indicated as being

pad n
   This  optional  field should only be used if the data item is
   packed.  It indicates the offset to be skipped before testing
   the generated data stream.  Padding permits testing of values
   offset from the default double word alignment.

   This required number indicates the number of bits, nibbles or
   bytes of precision required by the target.  If a data item is
   a  bit length, such as for bits, fixed bin or float bin, this
   value  is  taken  to  be  bits.  If the item were in nibbles,
   which are packed two to a byte, the precision is taken as 4.5
   bit  multiples.   If  the  item  were  a  byte  item, such as
   characters  or  float decimal, then the precision is in 9-bit

   This  optional  signed  value  is the scaling factor for data
   items which can take a scaling factor.  It can be positive or
   negative,  but  must be within certain bounds with respect to
   the precision.

   Comments  are  permitted  on  the  "target"  line  after  the
   required precision argument.  These comments are preceeded by
   a  "/*"  delimiter,  similar  to  PL/1 commenting.  A closing

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

   comment  delimiter  of  "*/"  is  not required.  A comment is
   terminated by the end of the input line.

   t real_fix_bin_1 packed pad 3 35 10 /* scaled fixed bin */

   t real_fix_bin_1 packed 35 10

   t real_fix_bin_1 35

MTB-672                                Multics Technical Bulletin

04/17/84  convert, conv, c

Syntax:  c  item, item, ...  {-> {condition {correction}} {item,
   item, ...}}

Function:   Supplies  a  data  bit  stream  for  conversion  and
   comparison and specifies condition catching and correction of
   errors.    Each   item   descriptor   is  of  the  form  "key
   length/data".   Condition  catching  uses the condition name,
   with correction possible of character input error conditions,
   as  with  oncode.   If  a  "->"  termination  of  the  source
   description  is seen test_a presumes that a target bit stream
   descriptor  follows  and  will do the conversion and check to
   the  target  stream.  If a "->" is not seen, then test_a will
   print the results of the conversion.

   An  item is composed of a key type and stream descriptions.  The
   key is one of the following strings:

   aci    Data item will be 9-bit characters, bit aligned in the
   ac4    Data item will be 4-bit characters, bit aligned in the
   oct    Data item will be an octal numeric value, bit aligned.
   dec    Data item will be a decimal number, bit aligned.
   bit    Data item will be a bit stream, high bit aligned.

   The  key specifies the type of data input to be supplied, for
   example  bits  or  characters,  while  the stream description
   indicates  the  bit  width  of  the  field  and the data item
   source.  An example of this syntax is:

   aci 54/"123456"

   aci,  ac4  and  bit  items  will  be  aligned in the next bit
   position  of  the data stream.  Decimal and octal values will
   be  the  specified  field of bits, bit aligned in the stream,
   with  the  numeric  value  right  aligned  within  the field.
   Decimal values can be signed.

   A  condition  name  can  be  specified  to  indicate that the
   condition   is  expected  outcome  of  the  conversion.   The
   following  condition names indicate termination of processing

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-672

   for  the  current  conversion,  since  there  is  no recovery
   possible from the condition occurance.

   size       Indicates a fixed bin size overflow condition.
   error      Indicates  a  conversion  error  occurred, such as
              data type.
   underflow  Indicates  a  floating  point  exponent  underflow
   overflow   Indicates   a  floating  point  exponent  overflow

   The  conversion  signal  indicates  a conversion error should
   occur,  and  only  is  used  with  character  input.  Since a
   conversion   error   is  recoverable  by  replacing  the  bad
   character  with a good character, the conversion argument has
   recovery  features if followed by the "fix" verb.  This would
   be of the form:

     c char 5/"1.0l5" -> conversion fix e dec 36/10000

   "l"  occurs  where  an  "e"  should  be seen.  The "fix" verb
   causes  test_a to replace the character in error with the "e"
   which follows the "fix" verb and re-try the conversion.

   After re-try of the conversion the result is validated to the
   fixed  binary value of 10000.  Multiple conversion detections
   and fixes can be done.

   Comments  can  be  placed  on  the  conversion  command line,
   following  a "/*" delimiter.  The comment continues until the
   end of the input line or until a "*/" delimiter is seen, thus
   permitting imbedded comments.