Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

To:       Distribution

From:     Maureen Mallmes

Date:     16 October 1984

Subject:  A File Transfer System for  the XMODEM and IBM PC-to-PC
          Protocols, Revision 1

1.  Abstract

     This MTB  describes the data transfer  protocols, XMODEM and
IBM  PC-to-PC,  and  the  file  transfer  system  required  as an
interface to these protocols.

     This revision contains changes to the user interface for the |
file  transfer   system,  micro_transfer,  and   corrects  naming |
inconsistencies for the I/O modules.  Change bars | indicate what |
differs from the original MTB.                                    |
     This  MTB  reflects the  final MR11.0  version for  the data |
transfer protocols and the file transfer system.                  |


Multics project  internal documentation; not to  be reproduced or
distributed outside the Multics project.

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

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        Maureen Mallmes
        Advanced Computing Technology Center
        Foothills Professional Building
        Room #301, 1620 - 29th Street N.W.
        Calgary, Alberta T2N 4L7

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Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

Section    Page  Subject
=======    ====  =======

1             i  Abstract
2             1  Introduction
3             1  Goals
4             2  The File Transfer System on Multics
5             3  The  IBM  PC-to-PC  Data  Transfer  Protocol  on
6             4  The XMODEM Data Transfer Protocol on Multics
7             5  Documentation
7.1           5  . . The micro_transfer Command
7.2           9  . . The ibm_pc_io_ I/O Module
7.3          11  . . The xmodem_io_ I/O module
8            13  APPENDIX  A.   The  IBM  PC-to-PC  Data Transfer
8.1          13  . . Definitions
8.2          13  . . Transmission Medium Level Protocol
8.3          13  . . Message Block Level Protocol
8.4          14  . . Sending Program Considerations
8.5          14  . . Receiving Program Considerations
9            16  APPENDIX B.  The XMODEM Data Transfer Protocol
9.1          16  . . Definitions
9.2          16  . . Transmission Medium Level Protocol
9.3          16  . . Message Block Level Protocol
9.4          17  . . File Level Protocol
9.4.1        17  . . . . Common to Both Sender and Receiver
9.4.2        17  . . . . Receive Program Considerations
9.4.3        17  . . . . Sending Program Considerations

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

2.  Introduction

     A   number   of    software   communication   packages   for
microcomputers  exist  on  the  market.   Each  package, although
unique to a particular operating system, is based on some type of
protocol.  As  a result, any  two machines talking  to each other
use  the same  protocol, but may  vary in the  functions of their
individual  packages.  It  is desirable that  Multics enters this
marketplace by providing established  data transfer protocols and
a  software communication  package.  This  document discusses the
Multics  implementation  of  the  XMODEM  and  IBM  PC-to-PC data
transfer protocols, and the  communication package required as an
interface to these protocols.

3.  Goals

The goals may be defined as follows:

     1.  Implement the  XMODEM data transfer  protocol as defined
         by Ward Christensen on Multics.  It will be a system I/O
         module accessible  to users wishing to  design their own
         file transfer systems using the XMODEM protocol.

     2.  Implement  the  IBM PC-to-PC  data transfer  protocol as
         defined  by  IBM  in  their  "Asynchronous Communication
         Support"  manual.   It  will  be  a  system  I/O  module
         accessible  to users  wishing to  design their  own file
         transfer systems using the IBM PC-to-PC protocol.

     3.  Provide a file transfer system that acts as an interface
         between the  Multics file system  and the aforementioned

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

4.  The File Transfer System on Multics

The major  purpose of the  file transfer system on  Multics is to
create  the required  environment for  users wishing  to transfer
files using  a DATA transfer protocol.   Data transfer protocols,
such  as  XMODEM and  the  IBM PC-to-PC,  have no  facilities for
specifying  the  filename  or  the  type  and  direction  of  the
transfer.  Such  functions, if required, must  be done outside of
the protocol by  a file transfer system.  Thus,  the initial file
transfer  system on  Multics for MR11  is to act  as an interface
between the  Multics file system and  the available data transfer
protocols.    It   will   be   invoked   via   a   command   line
(micro_transfer)  with  control  arguments  for  setting  up  the
environment.   Specifically,   it  will  perform   the  following

     1)  Command line processing.
         See the micro_transfer command, Section 7.1.

     2)  Initial file connection.
         This includes file attachment, opening, etc.

     3)  Establishment of the communications environment.
         This includes  the setting of  any modes when  using the
         default target switch.  For example, the xmodem protocol |
         requires breakall,  rawi, rawo, 8bit  and no_outp, while
         the ibm-pc-to-pc protocol requires rawi, rawo, ^8bit and |

     4)  File i/o.
         This includes transport of  the data between the Multics
         file  system and  the applicable  data transfer protocol
         (I/O module).   The transport phase  may require certain
         conversions for ascii files.   For example, changing the
         end of line sequence  received from the microcomputer to
         a LF for Multics.

     5)  Clean up.
         This includes  the closing of  files and setting  of any
         modes so that the process  appears just as it did before
         the micro_transfer command was invoked.

     As  mentioned,  the file  transfer system  for MR11  will be
specifically designed  for the transfer of  files between Multics
and   the   microcomputer.   Later   versions  may   include  the
specification  of switches  instead of  files, new  data transfer
protocols, and/or additional conversion facilities.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

5.  The IBM PC-to-PC Data Transfer Protocol on Multics

     The IBM PC-to-PC data transfer  protocol, see Appendix A, is
to be  implemented on Multics  as an I/O module.   The I/O module
can  be attached  for stream_input  when receiving  data from the
microcomputer,  or  for stream_output  when  sending data  to the
microcomputer.  It  will read and  write protocol packets  from a
target   switch  specified   in  the   attach  description.   The
ibm_pc_io_ I/O module will assume that the target switch has been |
appropriately   configured  by   the  caller.    i.e.   open  for
stream_input_output with the appropriate modes set.
     A read on this I/O module  will return the data portion from
one or more  protocol packets read by the  I/O module.  Data read
from the  target switch by  the I/O module, but  not requested by
the caller, will be stored in an internal data buffer and will be
available on any subsequent reads.
     A write on  this I/O module will transmit  the data one line
at a time  in variable length packets.  Data  written to this I/O
module that does not contain  any carriage return characters will
be accumulated in an internal data buffer until (1) there are 250
data  characters to  be written  to the  target switch,  or (2) a
subsequent  write  operation  passes data  containing  a carriage
return character or (3) the I/O module switch is closed.

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

6.  The XMODEM Data Transfer Protocol on Multics

     The xmodem data transfer protocol,  see Appendix B, is to be
implemented on Multics  as an I/O module.  The  I/O module can be
attached   for   stream_input  when   receiving  data   from  the
microcomputer,  or  for stream_output  when  sending data  to the
microcomputer.   It will  read and write  XMODEM protocol packets
from a  target switch specified  in the attach  description.  The
xmodem_io_ I/O module will assume that the target switch has been |
appropriately   configured  by   the  caller.    i.e.   open  for
stream_input_output with the appropriate modes set.
     A  read  on this  I/O  module will  return the  data portion
(verbatim) from one  or more XMODEM protocol packets  read by the
I/O module.  Data read from the  target switch by the I/O module,
but not  requested by the  caller, will be stored  in an internal
data buffer and will be available on any subsequent reads.
     A write on this I/O module  will issue zero or more protocol
packets containing that data.  For  write operations that are not
a multiple of 128 characters, data written to the I/O module will
be accumulated in an internal  data buffer until either (1) there
are 128  data characters to  be written to the  target switch, or
(2) the I/O  module switch is closed.  For  write operations that
are  always  a multiple  of 128  characters, (i.e.   the internal
buffer  does not  contain any data  waiting to  be written), data
will be transferred directly from the user's buffer to the target

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

7.  Documentation

     The following is MPM-style documentation for the command and
I/O modules associated with the Multics file transfer system.

7.1.  The micro_transfer Command

--------------                                      --------------
micro_transfer                                      micro_transfer
--------------                                      --------------

NAME:  micro_transfer, mt


mt path {-control arguments}


   Allows  a process  to transfer  a file  between Multics  and a |
   microcomputer over a tty_ line using a data transfer protocol. |
   The  microcomputer  must  support the  data  transfer protocol |
   specified by the user.                                         |


    If transferring a file from  Multics to a microcomputer, path
    is  the  pathname  of  the  source  segment  on  Multics.  If
    transferring a file from a  microcomputer to Multics, path is
    the pathname of the target segment on Multics.


-attach_description STR, -atd STR                                 |
    Use  STR  as the  attach  description for  the  data transfer |
    protocol I/O  module.  STR must  be enclosed in  quotes if it |
    contains  spaces or  other command  language characters.  The |
    default  attach  description is  "xmodem_io_  user_i/o".  See |
    Data transfer I/O modules below.                              |

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

-eof CHR
    Specifies  the  end-of-file sequence  for  the microcomputer,
    where CHR is the  end-of-file character.  When transmitting a
    file to  a microcomputer, end-of-file will  be transmitted as
    CHR.   When  receiving  a  file  from  a  microcomputer,  the
    occurrence of CHR will indicate end-of-file to Multics.       |

-eol STR
    Specifies  the  end-of-line sequence  for  the microcomputer,
    where  STR is  one or  more characters.   When transmitting a
    file  to  a microcomputer,  each  linefeed character  will be
    translated   to   STR.   When   receiving   a  file   from  a
    microcomputer each occurrence of STR  will be translated to a
    linefeed  character.   Default  is  a  carriage  return,  015

-modes STR                                                        |
    sets the modes for file transfer according to STR, which is a |
    string of mode names separated  by commas.  Many modes can be |
    optionally preceded  by "^" to  turn the specified  mode off. |
    Modes not specified in STR are left unchanged.  For a list of |
    valid  mode  names,  type  'help'.   Modes  are |
    restored to  their original value after  the file transfer is |
    complete.   The  default mode  string  for file  transfer is: |
    "no_outp,8bit,breakall,^echoplex,rawi,^crecho,^lfecho,        |
    ^tabecho,rawo"                                                |

    Receive data from the microcomputer.

    Send data to the microcomputer.

DATA TRANSFER I/O MODULES                                         |

    The micro_transfer command provides  an interface between the |
    Multics  file system  and a  data transfer  protocol, where a |
    data transfer protocol is implemented as an I/O module.  Such |
    I/O  modules must  support the switch_name  argument, and the |
    stream_input  and  stream_output opening  modes.   The switch |
    identified    by    switch_name     must    be    open    for |
    stream_input_output.  The following I/O modules are currently |
    available for use with micro_transfer:                        |

    xmodem_io_ switch_name                                        |
        The xmodem data  transfer protocol is to be  used for the |
        file   transfer.   For   more  information,   type  'help |
        xmodem_io_'.                                              |

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

    ibm_pc_io_ switch_name                                        |
        The ibm pc-to-pc data transfer protocol is to be used for |
        the file transfer.  Note,  this protocol does not support |
        either  the  transfer of  binary data  or error-detecting |
        codes.  For more information, type 'help ibm_pc_io_'.     |

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer


The standard usage  of micro_transfer to transfer data  is of the
following form:

     1.  Invoke the  control program on  the microcomputer.  This
         program  is  a  terminal   emulator  and  file  transfer

     2.  Connect to Multics.

     3.  Login to Multics.

     4.  Issue the  micro_transfer command on  Multics specifying
         the pathname on Multics and the applicable parameters.

     5.  The  user  must now  escape  back to  the microcomputer.
         This escape sequence is micro-system dependent.  Specify
         to the microcomputer file  transfer program the type and
         direction  of  the file  transfer and  the microcomputer
         file name.  The microcomputer file transfer program must
         be  invoked to  correspond to the  Multics file transfer
         system.  i.e.  If you  issued the -send control argument
         to micro_transfer, you must issue the receive command to
         the microcomputer.

     6.  The  file  transfer  begins.  A  display  indicating the
         status of  the transfer may or  may not occur, depending
         on   the   communications   package   residing   on  the

     7.  At  the  end of  the  transfer, you  will return  to the
         communications command level on the microcomputer.

   Either -send or -receive must be specified.

   !  micro_transfer -send -atd "ibm_pc_io_ user_i/o"  |

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

7.2.  The ibm_pc_io_ I/O Module                                   |

----------                                              ----------
ibm_pc_io_                                              ibm_pc_io_|
----------                                              ----------

Name:  ibm_pc_io_                                                 |
     The ibm_pc_io_ I/O module performs  7-bit stream I/O over an |
asynchronous communications  channel.  It uses  the data transfer
protocol for the IBM Personal Computer as defined by IBM in their
"Asynchronous Communication Support" manual.

Entry  points in  this module are  not called  directly by users;
rather  the  module  is  accessed through  the  I/O  system.  See
"Multics Input/Output  System" in Section V  of the MPM Reference
Guide for a general description of the I/O system.

Attach Description

ibm_pc_io_ switch_name                                            |

    is  the name  of the target  I/O switch.  The  switch must be
    open for stream_input_output.  The  I/O module for the target
    switch must be supported by the timed_io_ module.

Open Operation
    The  ibm_pc_io_  I/O  module  supports  the  stream_input and |
    stream_output opening modes.

Close Operation
    When opened for stream_output,  the close entry transmits any
    remaining  data  in the  internal  buffer before  closing the
    switch.  See Buffering below.

Put Chars Operation
    The put_chars entry transmits the data  one line at a time in
    variable length data blocks,  where the end-of-line character
    is a carriage return.  Lines exceeding 250 characters will be
    transmitted using multiple blocks.  See Notes below.

    For  further  explanation  of  the put_chars  entry,  see the
    iox_$put_chars entry in MPM subroutines.

Get Chars Operation
    The  get_chars entry  reads protocol  blocks and  returns the
    message text to the caller's buffer.

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

    For  further  explanation  of  the get_chars  entry,  see the
    iox_$get_chars entry in MPM subroutines.

Get Line Operation
    The  get_line  entry reads  protocol  blocks and  returns the
    message text to the caller's buffer.  Characters are returned
    until  either a  carriage return  character is  placed in the
    buffer or the buffer is filled.

    For  further  explanation  of  the  get_line  entry,  see the
    iox_$get_line entry in MPM subroutines.

Control Operation
    This operation is not supported.

Modes Operation
    This operation is not supported.

    The ibm-pc protocol uses  variable length data packets.  Data |
    not ending with a carriage return character will be stored in
    an internal buffer by the ibm_pc_io_ I/O module.

    A  line is  a string of  characters terminated  by a carriage
    return  character,  015 (octal).   Transmitting  lines longer
    than 250  characters will result  in the insertion  of one or
    more  carriage returns  before transmission.   For example, a
    call  to  ibm_pc_io_ to  transmit a  260 character  line will
    transmit two  lines, the first line  containing the first 249
    characters  plus  a  carriage  return,  and  the  second line
    containing the last 11 characters.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

7.3.  The xmodem_io_ I/O module

----------                                              ----------
xmodem_io_                                              xmodem_io_
----------                                              ----------

Name:  xmodem_io_

     The xmodem_io_ I/O module performs  8-bit stream I/O over an
asynchronous communications channel.  It uses the xmodem protocol
as defined by Ward Christensen.

Entry  points in  this module are  not called  directly by users;
rather  the  module  is  accessed through  the  I/O  system.  See
"Multics Input/Output  System" in Section V  of the MPM Reference
Guide for a general description of the I/O system.

Attach Description
    xmodem_io_ switch_name

    is  the name  of the target  I/O switch.  The  switch must be
    open for stream_input_output.  The  I/O module for the target
    switch must be supported by the timed_io_ module.

-error_detecting_code STR, -edc STR
    Specifies the  error-detecting code to  be used for  the file
    transfer, where STR may be one of:
    check_sum, cs
        The checksum  error-detecting code is to  be used for the
        file transfer.
    cyclic_redundancy_code, crc
        The CRC-CCITT error-detecting code is  to be used for the
        file  transfer.  Note,  because it  is the  receiver that
        determines the type of error-detecting code, this control
        argument is  incompatible with the  stream_output opening

    Default is check_sum.

Open Operation
    The  xmodem_io_  I/O  module  supports  the  stream_input and
    stream_output opening modes.

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

Close Operation
    When opened for stream_output,  the close entry transmits any
    remaining  data  in the  internal  buffer before  closing the
    switch.  If there are less than  128 bytes in the buffer, the
    buffer is  filled with the NUL  ASCII character, 000 (octal),
    before transmission.  See Buffering below.

Get Chars Operation
    The get_chars entry reads  and decodes xmodem blocks, removes
    the xmodem  control characters, and returns  the message text
    to  the  caller's  buffer.   For further  explanation  of the
    get_chars  entry,   see  the  iox_$get_chars   entry  in  MPM

Put Chars Operation
    The  put_chars  entry  splits  the data  to  be  written into
    128-character   blocks.    The  appropriate   xmodem  control
    characters are added to the  beginning and end of each block.
    For  further  explanation  of  the put_chars  entry,  see the
    iox_$put_chars entry in MPM subroutines.

Get Line Operation
    The get_line  entry reads and decodes  xmodem blocks, removes
    the control  characters, and returns the  message text to the
    caller's  buffer.   Characters  are returned  until  either a
    newline character  is placed in  the buffer or  the buffer is
    filled.  For  further explanation of the  get_line entry, see
    the iox_$get_line entry in MPM subroutines.

Control Operation
    This operation is not supported.

Modes Operation
    This operation is not supported.

    The  xmodem  protocol uses  128  data characters  per packet.
    Data that is not a multiple  of 128 characters will be stored
    in an  internal buffer by  the xmodem_io_ i/o  module.  Thus,
    those  users  concerned  with  efficiency,  should  provide a
    multiple of 128 data characters for the put_chars operation.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

8.  APPENDIX A. The IBM PC-to-PC Data Transfer Protocol

     The  following  describes  the  IBM  PC-to-PC  data transfer
protocol as  defined by IBM in  their "Asynchronous Communication
Support" manual, version 2.0.

8.1.  Definitions

     CR$     Carriage Return (Hex 0D) (Oct 15)
     XON$    XON Character (Hex 11) (Oct 21)
     XOFF$   XOFF Character (Hex 13) (Oct 23)
     IBG$    Begin Transmission Code (Hex 1C) (Oct 34)
     ITM$    Terminate Transmission Code (Hex 17) (Oct 27)

8.2.  Transmission Medium Level Protocol

     Asynchronous, 7 data bits.

     Files must be ASCII text files and have no lines longer than
250 characters.

8.3.  Message Block Level Protocol

     The standard transmission portion of the block is a variable
length  character block,  maximum 250  characters, followed  by a
carriage return.

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

8.4.  Sending Program Considerations

1.  The  program  loops,  reading  the  communications  line  and
    waiting for reception of a  text line ending with the control
    characters IBG$ CR$.

2.  When such a  line is received, the program  sends a text line
    ending with IBG$ CR$.  (This  line may contain an informative
    message as well, such as Starting file transmission)

3.  The program transmits the file.  Each line in the file should
    be sent as a line ending in a Carriage Return (CR$)

4.  While transmission is taking place the program should monitor
    the input from the communications line and take the following
    a.  If  an  XOFF$ CR$  is seen,  stop transmission  of lines.
        When an XON$ CR$ is seen, resume transmission.

    b.  If  a  line  ending  in   ITM$  CR$  is  seen,  stop  all
        transmission.  This line will  contain as text the reason
        the  receiving   IBM  Personal  Computer   has  requested

    c.  When all  lines in the  file have been  sent, the program
        should send  a line ending  in ITM$ CR$.   (This line can
        contain   an   appropriate   message,   such   as   "file
        transmission completed".)

8.5.  Receiving Program Considerations

1.  The program loops,  sending out a message ending  in IBG$ CR$
    every 15 to 20 seconds.   This message may also contain text,
    such as Ready to receive file)

2.  During  the  loop  in  Step  1,  the  communications  line is
    continually  monitored  for  messages from  the  IBM Personal
    Computer.  When  a line ending  in IBG$ CR$  is received, the
    program moves on to step 3.

3.  Each  line received  (after the  one ending  in IBG$  CR$) is
    stored as  a file record.   As these lines  end with Carriage
    Returns  (CR$),  the  program  might  delete  the  CR$ before
    storing a line.  Before storing a line, the program checks it
    to see if it ends in ITM$  CR$.  If it does, the program does
    not store that line, but closes the file and stops operation.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

4.  The  program  can  stop  transmission  by  the  IBM  Personal
    Computer  by sending  a line ending  with an  ITM$ CR$.  This
    line  may also  contain a message  giving the  reason for the

5.  If  the program  is receiving lines  faster that  they can be
    stored,  it  can  suspend  transmission  by  sending  a  line
    consisting  of  an XOFF$  CR$ to  the IBM  Personal Computer.
    When  it  has  caught up  with  the  input, it  can  start up
    transmission by sending  a line consisting of an  XON$ CR$ to
    the IBM Personal Computer.

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

    9.  APPENDIX B. The XMODEM Data Transfer Protocol

        The following describes the xmodem data transfer protocol
    as defined by the originator, Ward Christensen.

    9.1.  Definitions

       <soh>  01(HEX)  01(OCT)
       <eot>  04(HEX)  04(OCT)
       <ack>  06(HEX)  06(OCT)
       <nak>  15(HEX)  25(OCT)

    9.2.  Transmission Medium Level Protocol

         Asynchronous, 8 data bits, no parity, one stop bit.

         There are  no restrictions on  the contents of  the data
    being transmitted.   Any kind of  data may be  sent:  binary,
    ASCII,  etc.   No control  characters are  looked for  in the
    128-byte data messages.

    9.3.  Message Block Level Protocol

         The standard transmission portion of  the block is a 132
    or  133  character  block without  framing  characters.  Each
    block of the transfer looks like:

     <SOH><blk #><255-blk #><..128 data bytes..><edc> where:

     <SOH>       =   01 (Hex).
     <blk #>     =   binary number, starts at  01 increments by 1
                     and wraps 0FF (Hex) to 00 (Hex).
     <255-blk #> =   The one's complement of the block number.
     <edc>       =   A  one-character  checksum  or two-character
                     CRC-CCITT.  The  checksum is the  sum of the
                     data bytes only.  The  CRC-CCITT is a 16-bit
                     remainder obtained by  dividing the data bit
                     string by the
                                 16  12  5
                     polynomial X  +X  +X +1.

Multics Technical Bulletin                                MTB-675
File Transfer

9.4.  File Level Protocol

9.4.1.  Common to Both Sender and Receiver

     All errors are retried 10 times.

9.4.2.  Receive Program Considerations

     The  receiver  has a  10-second timeout.   Once transmission
begins, it sends a <nak> every time it times out.

Before  transmission  begins, the  receiver performs  a handshake
with the sender to determine the  type of error detecting code to
be used during transmission.  If in checksum mode, the receiver's
first timeout sends a <nak> to request checksum mode, and signals
the transmitter to  start.  If in CRC mode,  the receiver's first
timeout sends a "C" to request CRC mode.  It then waits for up to
10 seconds for an <soh>.  This process continues until either (1)
six "C"'s  have been sent  without receiving an <soh>,  or (2) an
<soh>  is received  within 10  seconds of  sending a  "C".  If an
<soh>  is  received within  10 seconds  of sending  a "C",  it is
assumed that the "C" was accepted  by the sender and that it will
send  in CRC  mode.  If six  "C"'s are sent  without receiving an
<soh>,  the receiver  switches to checksum  mode and  sends out a

     Once  into  receiving  a  block, the  receiver  goes  into a
one-second  timeout for  each character  and the  checksum.  If a
valid  block is  received, the  receiver will  transmit an <ack>.
For invalid blocks, a <nak> is transmitted.

9.4.3.  Sending Program Considerations

     The  sender  has  a  high-level  110-second  timeout.   If a
timeout occurs, transmission is aborted.

     The sender starts transmission upon  receipt of a <nak> or a
"C".  An initial <nak> causes  the sender to transmit in checksum
mode, while a "C" signals the sender to transmit in CRC mode.

MTB-675                                Multics Technical Bulletin
                                                    File Transfer

The  sender starts  transmission.  If the  block was successfully
received (receiver sends  an <ack>), the next block  is sent.  If
the receiver  responds with a  <nak>, the sender  retransmits the
last block.  When the sender has no more data, it sends an <eot>,
and awaits an <ack>, resending the <eot> if it doesn't get one.