MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN MTB-709 To: MTB Distribution From: Jean Blair Date: May 7, 1985 Subject: The mrds_call command as an active function This MTB describes how the mrds_call command should work as an active function. Each operation of the command is explained under a separate heading, as it might appear in the Multics Relational Data Store Manual. Emphasis is on the data returned from the active function, especially in cases where the command and the active function produce different output. Each operation includes examples of what the active function returns. For a more detailed description of the mrds_call command, refer to AW53, section 9. Send comments on this MTB via the system M forum: >udd>d>dbmt>con>MRDS_Development (mrdsdev) or by electronic mail to: Blair -at System-M or by telephone to: Jean Blair, HVN 249-6863 _________________________________________________________________ Multics Project internal working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project. MTB-709 mrds_call.AF CONTENTS Page 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2: Summary of mrds_call Syntax . . . . . . . . . . 1 3: Overview of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4: Detail of Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.1: close, c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4.2: declare, dcl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4.3: define_temp_rel, dtr . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4.4: delete, dl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.5: dl_scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.6: dl_scope_all, dsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.7: display_modes, dm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.8: get_population, gp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.9: get_scope, gs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.10: list_dbs, ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 4.11: modify, m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 4.12: open, o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 4.13: retrieve, r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.14: set_modes, sm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.15: set_scope, ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.16: set_scope_all, ssa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4.17: store, s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 mrds_call.AF MTB-709 1: INTRODUCTION Some users have expressed a desire to have the mrds_call command work as an active function. The most obvious application for this is to use the result of the open operation, a database index value, as input to a subsequent operation which takes the index as an argument. For some types of operations, the result of the active function will be no more than an indicator of the success of an operation. For others, error messages normally returned by the command, will be interpreted such that the active function will return some useful information. In some cases, the active function returns less information than the command displays, but in all cases, the intent is for the active function to return essentially the same information as the command would display. 2: SUMMARY OF MRDS_CALL SYNTAX SYNTAX AS A COMMAND: mrc operation_name {args} SYNTAX AS AN ACTIVE FUNCTION: [mrc operation_name {args}] Arguments: operation_name this is the name of one of the dsl_ entry points, or one of the three mrds_call operations list_db, set_modes, or list_modes. See "List of operations" below. For a detailed description of each operation, type "help mrc.OPERATION", where OPERATION is the name of the specific operation. args these are the individual arguments required by a particular dsl_ entry point, which depend upon the particular operation to be performed. 3: OVERVIEW OF OPERATIONS List of operations: close, c closes the specified, currently open databases. The active function returns true if all of the specified databases are able to be closed, and false is returned if any cannot be closed. MTB-709 mrds_call.AF declare, dcl makes a user-defined function known to MRDS. The active function returns true if the user defined function is made known. False is returned to indicate failure of the declare active function. define_temp_rel, dtr creates, redefines, or deletes a temporary relation. The command prints a rel_index value and the active function returns the rel_index. If the operation is unsuccessful, the active function will signal active_function_error. delete, dl specifies that the selected data is to be deleted from the database. The active function returns true if the data is deleted or if there is no tuple which matches the selection expression. The active function returns false if there is an error in the selection expression. dl_scope, ds deletes part or all of the current concurrency control scope modes on a relation basis. The active function returns true if all the specified scope modes are deleted, or false if any are unable to be deleted. dl_scope_all, dsa deletes all scope from the user's current view of the database. The active function returns true if all scope is deleted, or false if all scope is not deleted. display_modes, dm displays the values for the error and display modes which are in effect for the process. The active function signals an active_function_error if the modes cannot be displayed. get_population, gp returns the number of tuples that make up a temporary or permanent relation. The command prints the number and the active function returns the number. get_scope, gs displays the current scope settings on a particular relation. The active function returns the permit and prevent scopes as two individual strings. list_dbs, ld displays the opening index, opening mode, and path of the model used for the opening. The active function returns the three pieces of information for each open database as three individual strings. mrds_call.AF MTB-709 modify, m modifies the designated database as specified. The active function returns true if the database is modified, or false if nothing is modified. open, o opens the specified databases or data submodels for processing. The active function returns the indices of the opened databases, or signals active_function_error if all the specified databases cannot be opened. retrieve, r retrieves and displays selected information from a database. The active function returns the individually quoted attributes of each tuple selected. The active function will signal active_function_error if the selection expression is in error or the data cannot be retrieved for some reason. If no tuples match the selection expression, as is the case when there is no more data when using -another, the active function will signal mrds_no_tuple_found. set_modes, sm allows control of the amount of error or display information printed. The active function returns true if the options are set, or false if the options are unable to be set. set_scope, ss defines the current scope of access for a relation within a shared database. The active function returns true if the scope is set as specified, or false if any scope cannot be set. set_scope_all, ssa defines the current scope of access for all relations within a shared database. The active function returns true if scope is set for all relations as specified, or false if all scope is not set. store, s adds a new tuple (row) to the selected relation. The active function returns true if the tuple is stored, or false if the store fails. 4: DETAIL OF OPERATIONS The following section provides a detailed explanation of each operation including syntax, function, arguments, notes and examples. The examples are provided to illustrate the command as an active function only. MTB-709 mrds_call.AF 4.1: close, c Syntax as a command: mrc c database_indices mrc c -control_arg Syntax as an active function: [mrc c database_indices] [mrc c -control_arg] Function: closes the specified databases and makes them unavailable for further processing. The databases need not have been opened by the mrds_call command. The active function returns true if all databases are closed, or false if any are unable to be closed. Arguments: database_indices are the database index values returned or printed by the open operation for the databases to be closed. Control Arguments: -all, -a specifies that all of the user's open databases are to be closed. This argument is incompatible with the use of database_indices. Examples ! mrds_call open >udd>m>jkb>Pers_Info.db update 1 ! string [mrds_call close 1] true ! string [mrc o Pers_Info r Pers_Info u] 1 2 ! string [mrc c -all] true 4.2: declare, dcl Syntax as a command: mrc dcl database_index function_name Syntax as an active function: [mrc dcl database_index function_name] Function: makes a user defined function known to MRDS for use with a specific open database. The active function returns true if mrds_call.AF MTB-709 the user defined function is made known, or false if the function is unable to be made known. Arguments: database_index is the index of the database for which the user defined function applies. function_name is the name of the function being declared. The function_name can be expressed as a pathname. Examples ! string [mrds_call declare 1 average] true ! string [mrds_call declare 1 >udd>Multics>jkb>trim] true 4.3: define_temp_rel, dtr Syntax as a command: mrc dtr database_index {selection_expression} {se_values} rel_index {-control_arg} Syntax as an active function: [mrc dtr database_index {selection_expression} {se_values} rel_index {-control_arg}] Function: creates, redefines, or deletes a temporary relation in a given open database. The rel_index corresponding to the temporary relation is printed when the operation is used as a command, or returned when the operation is invoked as an active function. When a temporary relation is to be deleted, the selection_expression may be null, and if the operation is successful, the value zero is returned. An active_function_error will be signalled if the selection_expression is in error. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database for which the temporary relation is to be created. selection_expression is a character string specifiying the data items in the MTB-709 mrds_call.AF user's view of the database. This argument must be omitted if the -segment control argument is specified. se_values is a selection expression value (none, one, or more) for each control code (designated by .V.) appearing in the <selection_expression>. rel_index is an integer. If equal to zero, a new temp_rel is created. If greater than zero, the temp_rel with that index is redefined. If less than zero, the temp_rel with the absolute value of the index is deleted. Control arguments: -segment path, -sm path specifies that the selection expression is to be taken from the designated segment. If the -sm control argument is used, it must be the last thing on the command line, following the rel-index. Notes The temporary relation is defined only for the given database opening. Unpopulated temporary relations can be created if the selection expression does not select any tuples. Examples ! string [mrds_call define_temp_rel 1 "-range (E Employee) ! -select* E.dept" 0] 1 ! string [mrds_call define_temp_rel 1 "-range (E Employee) ! -select* E.emp_no" 1] 1 ! string [mrds_call define_temp_rel 1 "-range (E Employee) ! -select* E.emp_no" -1] 0 These three examples show the creation, modification and deletion of a temporary relation, and the resultant relation index value. 4.4: delete, dl Syntax as a command: mrc dl database_index {selection_expression} {se_values} {-control_arg} mrds_call.AF MTB-709 Syntax as an active function: [mrc dl database_index {selection_expression} {se_values} {-control_arg}] Function: deletes selected tuples from the designated database. If any tuples are deleted or if there are no tuples which match the selection expression, the active function returns true. Otherwise, if the deletion fails for any reason, the active function returns false. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database from which the tuple is to be deleted. selection_expression is a character string specifying the data items in the user's view of the database. This argument must be omitted if the -segment control argument is specified. se_values is a selection expression value (none, one, or more) for each control code (designated by .V.) appearing in the <selection_expression>. Control arguments: -segment path, -sm path specifies that the selection expression is to be taken from the designated segment. If this control argument is used, it must be in the last position on the command line. Examples ! string [mrds_call delete 1 "range (E Employee) -select E ! -where = ""Blair"" "] true ! string [mrds_call delete 1 "range (E Employee) -select E ! -where = ""Blair"" "] true The first example shows the deletion of a tuple which matched the selection expression. The second example shows the result when no matching tuple is found. MTB-709 mrds_call.AF 4.5: dl_scope Syntax as a command: mrc ds database_index relation_name_1 permit_scope_1 prevent_scope_1 {... relation_name_N permit_scope_N prevent_scope_N} Syntax as an active function: [mrc ds database_index relation_name_1 permit_scope_1 prevent_scope_1 {... relation_name_N permit_scope_N prevent_scope_N} Function: deletes part or all of the current concurrency control scope modes on a relation basis. This operation is used only with shared openings which are not set for exclusion. The active function returns true if scope is deleted as specified, or false if scope is unable to be deleted. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database from which scope is to be deleted. relation_name is the name of the relation for which the concurrency control permit and prevent scope modes are to be deleted. permit_scope is the set of operations that the user wishes to delete from the current permit scope for this relation. prevent_scope is the set of operations that the user wishes to delete from the current prevent scope for this operation. Notes The abbreviations to be used for the scope modes for either permits or prevents are as follows: a (or s) append_tuple d delete_tuple m modify_attr n null r read_attr u update The permit and prevent scopes are made up of a concatenation of the desired operation abbreviations. Examples ! mrds_call open Pers_Info.db update mrds_call.AF MTB-709 Open data base is: 1 >udd>m>Blair>Pers_Info.db update ! mrds_call set_scope 1 Employee ramd n Dept r amd ! string [mrds_call dl_scope 1 Employee amd n Dept n amd] true 4.6: dl_scope_all, dsa Syntax as a command: mrc dsa database_index Syntax as an active function: [mrc dsa database_index] Function: deletes all scope from the user's current view of the database. The active function returns true if all scope is deleted, or false if any scope is not deleted. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database from which all scope is to be deleted. Notes No error will be issued if scope is not set when this operation is used. Examples ! string [mrds_call dl_scope_all 1] true 4.7: display_modes, dm Syntax as a command: mrc dm Syntax as an active function: [mrc dm] Function: displays the mrds_call modes in effect for the process. The modes are returned as a character string with the modes separated by commas. The active function signals active_function_error if the modes cannot be displayed. MTB-709 mrds_call.AF Examples ! string [mrc dm] error=long,^list 4.8: get_population, gp Syntax as a command: mrc gp database_index relation_identifier Syntax as an active function: [mrc gp database_index relation_identifier] Function: prints or returns the number of tuples that make up either a temporary or permanent relation. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation on the database from which the relation population is to be obtained. relation_identifier is the identification of the relation for which the population is to be obtained. For temporary relations, it is the temporary relation index returned from a call to the define_temp_rel function. For permanent relations, it is the view relation name. Notes Since temporary relations do not store duplicates, it is not possible to get a true count of a selection expression tuple population where the -dup option is involved, unless temp_rel keys are defined over uniquely identifying attributes. Examples ! string [mrds_call get_population 1 Employee] 4 ! mrds_call dtr 1 "range (E Employee) select E.dept" ! 0 Temporary relation index is: 1. ! string [mrc gp 1 1] 4 mrds_call.AF MTB-709 4.9: get_scope, gs Syntax as a command: mrc gs database_index relation_name Syntax as an active function: [mrc gs database_index relation_name] Function: prints the current scope settings on a particular relation. The active function returns the string of concatenated permit scopes followed by the string of concatenated prevent scopes. If the scopes cannot be returned, the active fuinction signals active_function_error. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database for which the relation's scopes are to be displayed. relation_name is the name of the relation whose scope settings are to be displayed. Notes If the concurrency control version is less than 5, then "s" (store) will be displayed; otherwise "a" (append) will be used. Examples ! mrds_call set_modes no_list ! mrds_call open Pers_Info exclusive_update ! string [mrds_call get_scope 1 Employee] ramd ramd 4.10: list_dbs, ld Syntax as a command: mrc ld Syntax as an active function: [mrc ld] Function: displays the opening index, opening mode, and path of the model or submodel for all openings of MRDS databases in the user's process. The active function returns each of the MTB-709 mrds_call.AF three values as separate strings, or if the operation fails, active_function_error will be signalled. Examples ! mrds_call set_modes no_list ! mrds_call open Pers_Info eu employee r ! format_line "^(^a:^a:^a^/^)" [list_dbs] 1:>udd>Multics>Blair>Pers_Info.db:exclusive_update 2:>udd>Multics>Blair>employee.db:retrieval 4.11: modify, m Syntax as a command: mrc m database_index {selection_expression} {se_value} modified_values {-control_arg} Syntax as an active function: [mrc m database_index {selection_expression} {se_value} modified_values {-control_arg}] Function: modifies the designated database as specified. The active function returns true if any attributes are modified. If no tuples are found which match the selection expression, or if an error occurs the active function returns false. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database which is to be modified. selection_expression is a character string specifying the data items in the user's view of the database. This argument must be omitted if the -segment control argument is specified. se_values is a selection expression value (none, one, or more) for each control code (designated by .V.) appearing in the <selection_expression>. modified_values is one or more values that are to replace the selected tuple attribute values in the database. Control arguments: -segment path, -sm path specifies that the selection expression is to be taken mrds_call.AF MTB-709 from the designated segment. If this argument is used it must be in the last position on the command line. Examples ! string [mrds_call modify 1 "-range (E Employee) -select ! E.dept -where = ""Adams"" " Accounting] true ! mrc r 3 1 "-range (E Employee) -select E -where = ! ""Adams"" " Adams 11111 Accounting The next example shows the result when no tuple matching the selection expression can be found. ! string [mrc m 1 "-range (E Employee) -select E.dept ! -where = ""Adams"" & E.dept ^= ""Accounting"" " ! Finance] false 4.12: open, o Syntax as a command: mrc o view_path_1 open_mode_1 {... view_path_N open_mode_N} Syntax as an active function: [mrc o view_path_1 open_mode_1 {... view_path_N open_mode_N}] Function: opens a database and readies it for use. The default display mode prints the database index, the opening mode, and the pathname of the model or submodel for each opening. The active function returns only the database indices for the models and submodels opened during the current invocation. If any of the specified databases are unable to be opened, none of them will be opened, and the active function will signal active_function_error. Arguments: view_path is the pathname of the desired view to be used for the opening. If an absolute pathname is not given, and a model and submodel of the same pathname reside in the same directory, and no suffix is supplied to distinguish between them, the model will be found before the submodel. MTB-709 mrds_call.AF open_mode is the desired opening mode for this database opening. The following opening modes are available: r retrieval u update er exclusive_retrieval eu exclusive_update Examples ! string [mrds_call open Pers_Info r] 1 ! mrds_call set_modes no_list ! string [mrc o Pers_Info u employee.db er] 2 3 The second example illustrates that the no_list mode has no affect on the open command when it is used as an active function. 4.13: retrieve, r Syntax as a command: mrc r nvals database_index {selection_expression} {se_values} {control_args} Syntax as an active function: [mrc r nvals database_index {selection_expression} {se_values} {control_args}] Function: retrieves and prints or returns selected information from the database. The command displays tuples which match the selection expression and the active function returns each attribute of the tuple as a separately quoted string. If the active function results in no tuples which match the selection expression mrds_no_tuples_found will be signalled. If the operation cannot be completed for any other reason, the active function will signal active_function_error. Arguments: nvals is a decimal integer greater than zero specifying the number of attributes to be retrieved from the selected tuple. database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database from which the tuples are to be retrieved. mrds_call.AF MTB-709 selection_expression is a character string specifying the data items in the user's view of the database. This argument must be omitted if the -segment control argument is specified. se_values is a selection expression value (none, one, or more) for each control code (designated by .V.) appearing in the <selection_expression>. Control arguments: -all, -a specifies that all selected tuples be printed or returned. If not specified, only the first selected tuple is printed and any subsequent tuples must be explicitly retrieved by a new retrieve operation using "-another" for the selection expression. -segment path, -sm path specifies that the selection expression is to be taken from the designated segment. Notes The selection expression and the -segment control argument are mutually exclusive. For the active function, if the summed lengths of the requoted values returned by the operation exceed the size of a segment, an error will be signaled. At present, any attribute with a length greater than 256 is truncated without warning. The new implementation will return the entire value as a character string. Descriptors will be built for each attribute to be retrieved from the database, taking into account the data-type and the possible need for conversion from numeric to character data. The data will be returned to the user with blanks trimmed from the right. In addition, the active function will ltrim blanks that may have been inserted during the conversion to characters from the internal data_type. In the case where the the sum of the lengths of the attributes would exceed one segment, an error condition will be signaled. Examples ! fl "^a:^a:^a^/^" [mrds_call retrieve 3 1 "-range ! (E Employee) -select E" -all] Hamilton 48277 Manufacturing Morton 48350 Engineering Whiting 49189 Finance Adams 11111 Accounting MTB-709 mrds_call.AF ! on mrds_no_tuple_found "" "string [mrc r 3 1 ""-range ! (E Employee) -select E -where = """"Blair"""" ""]" on: Condition "mrds_no_tuple_found" raised. Mrds_call: No tuple was found which satisfied the selection expression. (From dsl_$retrieve) The second example shows the result when no tuple is found which matches the selection expression. 4.14: set_modes, sm Syntax as a command: mrc sm -control_arg Syntax as an active function: [mrc sm -control_arg] Function: sets the options which control how much error and display information will be printed for various operations. The active function returns true if the option is set or false if an error occurs. Control arguments: -modes STR allows the user to select the initial values of mrds_call's modes according to STR which is a string of mode names separated by commas. For a list of valid mode names, see "List of modes" below. Modes not specified in STR are left unchanged. List of modes: list, ^list enables/disables listing of database opening information (Default is on). error=short suppress output from the sub_error_ condition error=long allow output from the sub_error_ condition (Default). Notes If both list and ^list, or long and short error are specified in the same command line, the last mode to appear will prevail. The open command as an active function will always return a database index, regardless of which list option is specified. mrds_call.AF MTB-709 Examples ! string [mrds_call set_modes -modes error=long,^list] true 4.15: set_scope, ss Syntax as a command: mrc ss database_index relation_name_1 permit_scope_1 prevent_scope_1 {... relation_name_N permit_scope_N prevent_scope_N} {wait_seconds} Syntax as an active function: [mrc ss database_index relation_name_1 permit_scope_1 prevent_scope_1 {... relation_name_N permit_scope_N prevent_scope_N} {wait_seconds}] Function: sets the operations that are to be permitted to the user and the operations that are to be simultaneously prevented for other openers of the same database. Scopes are set on a relation basis. This operation is used only with shared databases opened in the retrieval or update modes. The active function returns true if scopes are set as specified. If an error occurs during the setting of scopes the active function will return false. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database for which scopes are to be set. relation_name is the name of the relation for which the concurrency control permit and prevent scope modes are to be set. permit_scope is the set of operations that the user wishes to permit himself to be allowed for this relation. prevent_scope is the set of operations that the user wishes to deny other openers of the same database for this relation. wait_seconds is the amount of time, in seconds, the user's process will wait before failing in an attempt to set scope modes that conflict with another user's permit and prevent scope. The full wait time is only used if the conflict remains in effect for the entire period; MTB-709 mrds_call.AF otherwise scope will be granted. If this argument is not given, the default wait period is 30 seconds. Notes All scope must be deleted from all relations before scope can be set on any relation. Abbreviations to be used for the scope modes for either permits or prevents are as follows: a (or s) append_tuple d delete_tuple m modify_attr n null r read_attr u update Examples ! mrds_call set_modes no_list ! mrds_call open Pers_Info u ! string [mrds_call set_scope 1 Employee ramd ramd] true 4.16: set_scope_all, ssa Syntax as a command: mrc ssa database_index permit_scope prevent_scope {wait_seconds} Syntax as an active function: [mrc ssa database_index permit_scope prevent_scope {wait_seconds}] Function: sets the operations that are to be permitted the user and the operations that are to be simultaneously prevented for other openers of the same database. The scope modes are set on all relations at once. The active function returns true if scope is set for all relations. If the specified scopes cannot be set, the active function returns false. Arguments: database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation of the database for which scope is to be set for all relations. relation_name is the name of the relation for which the concurrency control permit and prevent scope modes are to be deleted. mrds_call.AF MTB-709 permit_scope is the set of operations that the user wishes to permit himself to be allowed for all relations. prevent_scope is the set of operations that the user wishes to deny other openers of the same database for all relations. wait_seconds is the amount of time, in seconds, the user's process will wait before failing in an attempt to set scope modes that conflict with another user's permit and prevent scope. The full wait time is only used if the conflict remains in effect for the entire period; otherwise scope will be granted. If this argument is not given, the default wait period is 30 seconds. Notes All scope must be deleted from all relations before scope can be set on any relation. Abbreviations to be used for the scope modes for either permits or prevents as as follows: a (or s) append_tuple d delete_tuple m modify_attr n null r read_attr u update Examples ! mrds_call set_modes no_list ! mrds_call open Pers_Info u ! string [mrds_call set_scope_all 1 ramd ramd 90] true 4.17: store, s Syntax as a command: mrc s database_index relation_expression new_values Syntax as an active function: [mrc s database_index relation_expression new_values] Function: adds a specified tuple to the database. The active function returns true if a tuple is stored. If too few attributes are given, or if the tuple cannot be stored in the database, the active function returns false. Arguments: MTB-709 mrds_call.AF database_index is the index returned or printed by the open operation. relation_expression indicates the relation to which a tuple is to be added. It may be the name of a relation or the control_argument -another. new_values are the attribute values to be added to the new tuple. Notes If an incomplete tuple is being stored (i.e., a tuple with one or more unknown attribute values), the user must select null values for inclusion in the tuple to prevent shifting of attributes within domains/attributes. Examples ! string [mrds_call store 1 Employee Blair 22990 Sys] true