MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN MTB-MRDS Model Manager To: MTB Distribution From: Charles Spitzer Date: August 1, 1985 Subject: MRDS Model Manager This document describes the interface to a software package that manages the description of a MRDS database, otherwise known as The Model. It also discusses the pros and cons of the current model implementation and two alternative methods of storing the data structures necessary to implement a MRDS model manager. Discussion should take place in the System-M Forum meeting: >udd>Demo>dbmt>con>MRDS_Development (mrdsdev) or comments should be sent to the author: via Multics Mail: Spitzer@System-M via US Mail: Honeywell Information Systems, Inc. PO Box 8000, MS T70 Phoenix, Arizona 85066 via telephone: Charles Spitzer (602) 249-6677 _________________________________________________________________ Multics Project internal working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics Project. CONTENTS Page 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2: Current Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.1: Pros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.2: Cons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3: Another Segment Implementation . . . . . . . . 3 3.1: Pros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3.2: Cons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4: Data Management Implementation . . . . . . . . 5 4.1: Pros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4.2: Cons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 5: Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6: MRDS model manager subroutines . . . . . . . . 9 6.1: mrds_model_manager_$close_model . . . . . . . 9 6.2: mrds_model_manager_$copy_model . . . . . . . 10 6.3: mrds_model_manager_$create_attribute . . . . 11 6.4: mrds_model_manager_$create_domain . . . . . . 13 6.5: mrds_model_manager_$create_index . . . . . . 15 6.6: mrds_model_manager_$create_model . . . . . . 17 6.7: mrds_model_manager_$create_relation . . . . . 19 6.8: mrds_model_manager_$create_relation_link . . 21 6.9: mrds_model_manager_$delete_attribute . . . . 23 6.10: mrds_model_manager_$delete_domain . . . . . . 25 6.11: mrds_model_manager_$delete_index . . . . . . 27 6.12: mrds_model_manager_$delete_model . . . . . . 29 6.13: mrds_model_manager_$delete_relation . . . . . 30 6.14: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_info . . . 31 6.15: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_list . . . 33 6.16: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_xref . . . 35 6.17: mrds_model_manager_$get_db_info . . . . . . . 37 6.18: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_info . . . . . 38 6.19: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_list . . . . . 40 6.20: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_xref . . . . . 42 6.21: mrds_model_manager_$get_history . . . . . . . 44 6.22: mrds_model_manager_$get_index_info . . . . . 45 6.23: mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_info . . . . 48 6.24: mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_list . . . . 50 6.25: mrds_model_manager_$initialize_model . . . . 52 6.26: mrds_model_manager_$modify_attribute . . . . 53 6.27: mrds_model_manager_$modify_domain . . . . . . 55 6.28: mrds_model_manager_$modify_relation . . . . . 58 6.29: mrds_model_manager_$open_model . . . . . . . 61 CONTENTS (cont) Page 6.30: mrds_model_manager_$quiesce_model . . . . . . 62 6.31: mrds_model_manager_$secure_database . . . . . 63 6.32: mrds_model_manager_$set_db_info . . . . . . . 64 6.33: mrds_model_manager_$set_restructure_history . 66 6.34: mrds_model_manager_$unquiesce_model . . . . . 67 6.35: mrds_model_manager_$unsecure_database . . . . 68 Appendix A: DM File Record Definitions . . . . . . 69 A.1: mmm_attribute_record.incl.pl1 . . . . . . . . 69 A.2: mmm_attribute_xref_rec.incl.pl1 . . . . . . . 70 A.3: mmm_db_record.incl.pl1 . . . . . . . . . . . 71 A.4: mmm_domain_record.incl.pl1 . . . . . . . . . 73 A.5: mmm_domain_xref_record.incl.pl1 . . . . . . . 75 A.6: mmm_history_info.incl.pl1 . . . . . . . . . . 76 A.7: mmm_relation_record.incl.pl1 . . . . . . . . 78 Appendix B: Supported Data Types . . . . . . . . . 81 MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 1: INTRODUCTION A MRDS database may be created through the use of the create_mrds_db command or the restructure_mrds_db subsystem. In both cases, certain elements of information must be specified by the Data Base Administrator (DBA) that describe the MRDS database. The complete set of database description information is known as the database data model. This document describes the interface between MRDS and a software subsystem named mrds_model_manager_. The contract of the mrds_model_manager_ is to maintain the MRDS data model consistently and independently from the rest of the MRDS subsystem. This allows us to change the implementation method or the contents of the MRDS model without requiring modifications to the mrds_model_manager_ subroutine interface or to MRDS itself. The current implementation and two other implementations are discussed in the next section, with points of comparison between the implementations being: o* security of accessing elements of the model o* speed of accessing elements of the model o* how easy is to modify the model o* consistency of the model and the data relations taking into account interruptions of model modification operations o* runtime execution implications o* support for existing models. 2: CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION The data model is currently implemented as a set of segments; a single segment named db_model, and a number of segments, one per relation, named <relation_name>.m. All of these segments are read and written by initiating the segment and overlaying a structure on the segment. Each of them contain a header at the beginning of the segment, followed by a freeing, nonextensible area. The header specifies offsets of where one or more linked lists begin; the linked lists are allocated within the area. Some of the information structures contain offsets into other model segments; pointers to these other structures are created using a pointer to the head of the segment and the offset stored. The db_model segment contains, among other elements, a linked list of relations and a linked list of all defined domains in the database. It also contains other various structures, including MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 information about the last process that performed restructuring operations upon the database, the database version, and a text message that contains a printable message to be displayed when a user attempts to open the database while it is being restructured. The relation.m segments contain information specific to a single relation. Of the collection of elements that are actually used in the current MRDS implementation, the major part is a linked list of all attributes used within the relation. Each of these attribute structures contains offsets into the db_model segment to indicate the underlying domain of the attribute. Other information kept in the file model is the knowledge of the primary and any secondary indices for the relation, number of varying attributes in each tuple and the bit offset of the start of the first varying attribute. There are two other segments that may be thought of as part of the database model. These two segments are named dbcb and rdbi, and reside in the directory resultant_segs.dir under the database directory. These segments contain parts of the database model that have been copied out of the rest of the database model segments (db_model and file models) and other data elements that are used only during the runtime portion of the MRDS subsystem. If the user process has been given read access to these segments, they are copied verbatum from the database directory into the process's temporary space directory, typically the process directory. Then the runtime elements of the two segments are initialized. If the process has not been given access to the dbcb and the rdbi, these two segments are created and completely initialized as part of the MRDS open operation. They are used only to allow a database open operation to be completed faster than if each process had to retrieve all the necessary information from the model each time the database was opened. 2.1: Pros Some reasons for implementing the model this way are: o* Accessing the various data structures in the model may be done by simply using a pointer to the base of the segment and using pointer I/O to read in the segment. This means that model accesses may be accomplished easily and fast. o* Access to some of the model information may be controlled using normal segment ACLs, that being an ACL on the relation file model segment. o* There is some similarity between the structures containing the model information and the structures that are used during MRDS MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager execution. This implies that model structures may be copied verbatum into the runtime structures. 2.2: Cons Some reasons against implementing the model this way are: o* Since these segments are used as structures, it becomes hard, if not impossible, to extend or remove obsolete information without some type of conversion tool that must be run over all MRDS databases on a system. It also makes it hard to run different versions of MRDS upon the same system. o* There are no checks within the model for consistency. Because of this, any type of process or system interruption while the data model is being restructured brings up the possibility that the model may become inconsistent and the MRDS database become unusable. o* As a restructuring delete operation causes data to be lost from the model, it thus becomes impossible to rollback operations that impact the model. o* Since there is no concept of unreferenced domains or attributes, there is no means to a lot of the more commonly needed operations of restructuring, like creating domains or attributes for later use in relations. Also, since the relation segments are the only place information about attributes is kept, when a relation is deleted and an attribute is contained within that relation, all information about that attribute is also deleted. Thus one cannot use that attribute within another newly created relation. o* Not all information about a specific relation is kept within the file model segment, thus a DBA cannot restrict access to all model information using only ACLs on the file model segment. Users may still obtain information about the database model that they may not have a need to see. o* Searching for an entry in any of the linked lists is of order O(n^2) as the lists are not kept in any type of sorted order. 3: ANOTHER SEGMENT IMPLEMENTATION The current implementation has various structures allocated in non-extensible non-freeing areas based in permanent segments that make up the MRDS model. Some of the structures are allocated in more than a single place, and the structures are managed as unsorted forward threaded linked lists. A more efficient way to keep these structures would be to have them stored in three MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 segments: a) a segment for information concerning the database header and the list of relations, b) a list of all attributes defined within the database, and c) a list of all domains defined within the database. The two segments that contain only lists may then be accessed as fixed length arrays, since in order to add new entries or to delete entries the array bounds may simply be adjusted. If the entries are kept in sorted order, then they may be accessed using a binary search rather than searching the entire list to find an appropriate entry. The list of relations may contain a list of indices into the attribute list for the attributes which comprise the relation, and the attribute entry may contain the index into the domain list for the underlying domain. 3.1: Pros Some reasons for implementing the model this way are: o* Accessing the various data structures in the model may be done by simply using a pointer to the base of the segment and using pointer I/O to read in the segment. This means that model accesses may be accomplished easily and fast. o* There is some similarity between the structures containing the model information and the structures that are used during MRDS execution. This implies that model structures may be copied verbatum into the runtime structures. o* The structures are not duplicated anywhere, and may be more easily and quickly searched using array indices and a binary search method rather than searching linked lists. o* The various runtime resultant segments need not be modified. o* If each of the database model segments is given a version number, a modification to any part of the model structures need not obsolete all of the model by causing a new version of database to be implemented. For example, the subroutines that deal with attributes could support multiple versions of the attribute segment without the rest of the MRDS code being modified to support new version databases. 3.2: Cons Some reasons against implementing the model this way are: o* Since these segments are used as structures, it becomes hard, if not impossible, to extend or remove obsolete information without some type of conversion tool that must be run over all MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager MRDS databases on a system. It also makes it hard to run different versions of MRDS upon the same system. o* There are no checks within the model for consistency. Because of this, any type of process or system interruption while the data model is being restructured brings up the possibility that the model may become inconsistent and the MRDS database become unusable. o* As a restructuring delete operation causes data to be lost from the model, it thus becomes impossible to rollback operations that impact the model. o* Because information pertaining to relations, attributes and domains is kept within three segments, it becomes hard to control access to model information without ACL records in the model or SQL-type access statements in the model language. 4: DATA MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION Another implementation method would be to implement the MRDS model as a DM keyed file, with each record within the model containing a description of a piece of the model. Different types of records would be implemented, each defining a seperate piece of the model. In MRDS relation notation, a record would be described as: relation: record (record_type* name* data); where the record_type (char (32)) field defines the type of the record, the name (char (32) indicates what this record defines, and the data (bit (sys_info$max_seg_size*36) varying) may be overlayed with a structure, and defines any additional data for this type of record. The types of records initially defined, but not limited to this list, would be: ATTRIBUTE which defines a single attribute, whether it is referenced or unreferenced. The record contains information about the underlying domain of the attribute. DOMAIN which defines a single domain, whether it is referenced or unreferenced. The record contains information about the underlying data type, and any defined special procedures. RELATION which defines a single relation. The record contains information about the relation, a list of attributes MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 contained within the relation, and information concerning the primary and any defined secondary indices for the relation. DATABASE which defines the database. The record contains information about the database, quiesced state, what type of transactions to use when operating upon this database, database versions, and history concerning when the database was created or restructured. DOMAIN_XREF which define a domain cross reference. The record contains a list of attributes which use this specific domain. These records are only used for restructuring. ATTRIBUTE_XREF which define an attribute cross reference. The record contains a list of relations which use this specific attribute. These records are only used for restructuring. Each record in the model DM file will contain a version string that is stored within the data portion of the record. The permanent resultant segments and the resultant_segs.dir directory shall be deleted. These segments are used only during runtime, and as such shall be created, built, and deleted as parts of the dsl_ subsystem are executed. Since these segments contain various data from the model, they will be built incrementally; that is they will contain the information for relations, attributes, and domains that have been used within a selection expression, and will not contain information about elements of the model that have not been used during the MRDS execution. 4.1: Pros Some reasons for implementing the model this way are: o* The DBA can create and/or modify the model and be able to rollback the changes due to using the model under a transaction. Also, this solves the problem in the current MRDS that a system or process failure may cause an inconsistency between the model and data relations if the model was being restructured. o* Each record in the model has a version so changing a single record type does not impact the rest of the model. The tool to change record versions need only modify a single set of records within the model. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager o* The model is easily extensible, simply by adding new record types to the relation and overlaying new structures upon the data field of the record. o* Since it is only in the worst case that an application needs a complete definition of the MRDS model, the incremental runtime structure building process implies that typical applications need not skip over model information that is not used within the application. This saves space in the various runtime structures and processing time skipping information. o* Using a data management file for the MRDS model will probably use less quota than the current model implementation for medium to large databases, in that model description information does not need to be duplicated. 4.2: Cons Some reasons against implementing the model this way are: o* Because all of the MRDS model information is kept within a single data management file, it becomes hard to control access to model information without ACL records in the model or SQL-type access statements in the model language. o* Having all accesses to the MRDS model be accomplished using data management routines will mean that the speed to access the appropriate information will be slower than currently implemented. However, since information will be kept in the runtime structures there need only be one reference to the model itself; thus in the long run it may prove to be faster. o* Implementing the MRDS model as a data management file implies that a running DM system is mandatory to execute any MRDS programs. o* A tool must be written to convert all existing MRDS database models to the next version models. 5: CONCLUSIONS The points mentioned against using DM files are of minor consequence and do not override the importance of the points for using DM files to implement the model. o* The current implementation only hides the fact if which attributes are used within a specific relation, as all other information is in a user accessible segment. Having the entire model be readable by any user that has access to the MRDS database does not give away any priviledged information, and MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 submodels should be used in the cases where the data should be hidden. o* We cannot tell if implementing the MRDS model manager using DM files is to be slower or not without proceeding with the implementation. o* As more and more of the operating system will be using DM files, it will become a requirement that DM be already running. Users are migrating to using DM files for their data for concurrancy, so this requirement becomes of less importance. o* Updating to the next version of database model is a minor problem at best. It could easily be run against the system hiearchy during the process of installing the new release, or run against an individual database by the DBA. Since data integrity, and integrity between the data relations and the MRDS model description is of paramount importance, the method described in section 4 (Data Management Implementation) shall be implemented for the next release of the MRDS product during the post-MR11 timeframe. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6: MRDS MODEL MANAGER SUBROUTINES The following sections describe the subroutine interface to the mrds_model_manager_ entries. 6.1: mrds_model_manager_$close_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$close_model This procedure removes the indicated database data model from the table of known data models. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$close_model entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$close_model (data_model_index, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 3. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.2: mrds_model_manager_$copy_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$copy_model This procedure copies the data model from one place in the Multics file system to another. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$copy_model entry (ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$copy_model (copy_options_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. copy_options_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in copy_options.incl.pl1. 2. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 3. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.3: mrds_model_manager_$create_attribute Name: mrds_model_manager_$create_attribute This procedure creates one or more unreferenced attributes in the indicated database data model. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$create_attribute entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$create_attribute (data_model_index, create_attribute_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. create_attribute_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_create_attribute_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the attributes that are to be created. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The create_attribute_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 create_attribute_request aligned based (car_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 attribute (create_attribute_request_count refer (create_attribute_request.count)), 3 attribute_name char (32) unaligned, 3 domain_name char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to CREATE_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_1. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 1. count is the number of attributes to be created. 2. attribute_name is the name of the unreferenced attribute to create. 3. domain_name is the name of the underlying domain. All of the specified domains must exist within the indicated data model. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.4: mrds_model_manager_$create_domain Name: mrds_model_manager_$create_domain This procedure creates one or more unreferenced domain in the indicated database data model. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$create_domain entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$create_domain (data_base_index, create_domain_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_base_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. create_domain_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_create_domain_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the domain that is to be created. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The create_domain_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 create_domain_request aligned based (cdr_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 domain (create_domain_request_count refer (create_domain_request.count)), 3 domain_name char (32) unaligned, 3 domain_descriptor bit (36), 3 decode_declare_data_descriptor bit (36), 3 check_procedure_path char (168) unaligned, 3 decode_procedure_path char (168) unaligned, 3 encode_procedure_path char (168) unaligned; where: MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 0. version is set to CREATE_DOMAIN_VERSION_1. 1. domain_name is the name of the unreferenced domain to be created. 2. count is the number of domains to create. 3. domain_descriptor is the underlying data type, described as a standard Multics descriptor. See Appendix B for a list of supported data types. 4. decode_declare_data_descriptor is the data type to be used for the user's view and the decode procedure, if present. If this field is not used, it must be set to "0"b. See Appendix B for a list of supported data types. 5. check_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data verification checks upon storage into the database. If this field is not to be used, it must be set to "". 6. decode_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data decoding upon retrieval from the database. If this field is not to be used, it must be set to "". 7. encode_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data encoding before storage into an internal database form. If this field is not to be used, it must be set to "". MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.5: mrds_model_manager_$create_index Name: mrds_model_manager_$create_index This procedure creates an index in the database data model for the indicated relation. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$create_index entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, bit (36) aligned, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$create_index (data_model_index, create_index_request_ptr, index_id, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. create_index_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_create_index_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the index that is to be created. 3. index_id (Output) (bit (36) aligned) is the index identifier of the created index to the relation. 4. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 5. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The create_index_request is defined as: dcl 1 create_index_request aligned based (cri_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 index_name char (32) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 flags unaligned, 3 unique bit (1), 3 pad bit (35), 2 attribute_name (create_index_request_count refer MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 (create_index_request.count)) char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to CREATE_INDEX_VERSION_1. 1. relation_name is the name of the relation to create the index within. 2. index_name is the name of the index to be created. Index names must be unique within a single relation. 3. count is the number of attributes that are to make up the index. 4. flags.unique if set, indicates that the data contained in the set of attributes for the index must be unique. 5. attribute_name is the name of the attribute to be part of the index. The index consists of the set of attributes and is created in the order that the attributes are specified in. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.6: mrds_model_manager_$create_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$create_model This procedure creates the proper database data model entries in the Multics file system, and initializes them to indicate that there are no domains, attributes or relations. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$create_model entry (ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$create_model (create_model_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. create_model_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_create_model_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the model that is to be created. 2. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 3. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The create_model_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 create_model_request aligned based (create_model_request_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 db_directory_name char (168) unaligned, 2 db_entry_name char (32) unaligned, 2 default_relation_type fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 before_journalizing bit (1), 3 concurrency bit (1), 3 pad bit (16), 2 command_name char (32) unaligned, 2 command_version char (8) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to CREATE_MODEL_VERSION_1. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 1. db_directory_name is the directory portion of the MRDS database pathname. 2. db_entry_name is the entry portion of the MRDS database pathname, with or without the database suffix. 3. default_relation_type specifies the type of relation to create by default if the type is not specified at relation creation time. The only types supported are VFILE_TYPE and DMFILE_TYPE, defined in mmm_file_types.incl.pl1. 4. flags.before_journalizing if set, implies that before journals are to be taken for the DM files in this database. 5. flags.concurrency if set, implies that DM file concurrency is to be used. 6. command_name is the name of the command or subsystem making the request to create the model. This is stored within the create_history of the model. 7. command_version is the version of the command or subsystem named in the command_name field. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.7: mrds_model_manager_$create_relation Name: mrds_model_manager_$create_relation This procedure creates a relation in the indicated database data model. All referenced domains and attributes must exist prior to use of this entry point. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$create_relation entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$create_relation (data_model_index, create_relation_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. create_relation_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_create_relation_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the relation that is to be created. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The create_relation_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 create_relation_request aligned based (crr_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 type fixed bin (17), 2 flags unaligned, 3 type_specified bit (1), 3 pad bit (35), 2 attribute_name (create_relation_request_count refer (create_relation_request.count)) char (32) unaligned; where: MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 0. version is set to CREATE_RELATION_VERSION_1. 1. relation_name is the name of the relation to create. 2. count is the number of attributes that are to comprise the attribute set in the relation to be created. 3. type is the type of relation to create. The only supported types are VFILE_TYPE and DMFILE_TYPE, defined in mmm_relation_types.incl.pl1. 4. flags.type_specified if set, indicates that the type field has been specified. Otherwise, the type of the relation to be created shall be the default relation type as specified when the model was created. 5. attribute_name is the name of the attribute to be included in the relation. All of the specified attributes must exist within the data model. The relation is created from the set of attributes in the order in which they are specified. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.8: mrds_model_manager_$create_relation_link Name: mrds_model_manager_$create_relation_link This procedure creates a link relation in the specified database data model. The target of the link relation is contained within another separate MRDS database, and may or may not exist. The target relation must exist when the link relation is used within an application (eg., within a select expression). The DBA need not have any access to the target of the link relation. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$create_relation_link entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$create_relation_link (data_model_index, create_relation_link_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. create_relation_link_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_create_rel_link_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the relation that is to be created. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The create_relation_link_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 create_relation_link_request aligned based (crl_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 foreign_database_path char (168) unaligned, 2 foreign_database_relation_name char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to CREATE_RELATION_LINK_VERSION_1. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 1. relation_name is the name of the link relation in the database specified by the data_model_index. 2. foreign_database_path is an absolute pathname to the database that contains the specified foreign relation with the database suffix. The DBA need not have access to the foreign database and the foreign relation need not exist. However, in these cases, the link relation shall be created and the non-fatal error code mrds_error_$link_not_found will be returned. 3. foreign_database_relation_name is the name of the target relation in the foreign database. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.9: mrds_model_manager_$delete_attribute Name: mrds_model_manager_$delete_attribute This procedure deletes one or more referenced or unreferenced attributes from the data model. If an attribute is referenced in one or more relations, the referenced relations are reformatted so as to not contain the indicated attributes. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$delete_attribute entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$delete_attribute (data_model_index, delete_attribute_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. delete_attribute_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_delete_attribute_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the set of attributes that are to be deleted. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The delete_attribute_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 delete_attribute_request aligned based (dar_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 all bit (1), 3 unreferenced bit (1), 3 reserved bit (34), 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 attribute_name (delete_attribute_request_count refer (delete_attribute_request.count)) char (32) unaligned; where: MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 0. version is set to DELETE_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_1. 1. flags.all is set to "1"b if all referenced and unreferenced attributes are to be deleted. The attribute count must be set to zero if this flag is on. 2. flags.unreferenced is set to "1"b if all unreferenced attributes are to be deleted. The attribute count must be set to zero if this flag is on. 3. count if both flags.all and flags.unreferenced are off, this field is used to indicate the number of attributes to be deleted from the data model. 4. attribute_name is the name of the attribute to be deleted. Notes: If any of the specified attributes are referenced, the relation containing them will be reformatted. This also causes any indices containing this attribute to be deleted. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.10: mrds_model_manager_$delete_domain Name: mrds_model_manager_$delete_domain This procedure deletes one or more referenced or unreferenced domains from the data model. If a domain is referenced by one or more attributes, the indicated attributes are deleted, causing the referenced relations to be reformatted so as to not contain the referenced attributes. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$delete_domain entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$delete_domain (data_model_index, delete_domain_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. delete_domain_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_delete_domain_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the set of domains that are to be deleted. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The delete_domain_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 delete_domain_request aligned based (ddr_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 all bit (1), 3 unreferenced bit (1), 3 reserved bit (34), 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 domain_name (delete_domain_request_count refer (delete_domain_request.count)) char (32) unaligned; where: MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 0. version is set to DELETE_DOMAIN_VERSION_1. 1. flags.all is set to "1"b if all referenced and unreferenced domains are to be deleted. The domain count must be set to zero if this flag is on. 2. flags.unreferenced is set to "1"b if all unreferenced domains are to be deleted. The domain count must be set to zero if this flag is on. 3. count if both flags.all and flags.unreferenced are off, this field is used to indicate the number of domains to be deleted from the data model. 4. domain_name is the name of the domain to be deleted. If any of the specified domains are referenced, the attribute defined upon them shall be deleted from the data model and the relations containing them will be reformatted. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.11: mrds_model_manager_$delete_index Name: mrds_model_manager_$delete_index This procedure deletes one or more indices from the specified relation. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$delete_index entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$delete_index (data_model_index, delete_index_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. delete_index_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_delete_index_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the set of indices that are to be deleted. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The delete_index_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 delete_index_request aligned based (dir_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 index (delete_index_request_count refer (delete_index_request.count)), 3 name char (32) unaligned, 3 id bit (36) aligned; 0. version is set to DELETE_INDEX_VERSION_1; 1. relation_name is the name of the relation to delete the indices from. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 2. count is the number of indices to be deleted. 3. if set, specifies the name of the index to delete. If this field is not used, it must be set to all blanks. 4. if set, specifies the index id returned by mrds_model_manager_$create_index of the index to delete. If this field is not used, it must be set to zero ("0"b). Notes: One of the fields, or, must be specified in order to delete an index; otherwise an error is returned. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.12: mrds_model_manager_$delete_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$delete_model This procedure deletes the database data model entries from the Multics file system. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$delete_model entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$delete_model (db_directory_name, db_entry_name, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. db_directory_name (Input) (char (*)) is the directory portion of the MRDS database pathname. 2. db_entry_name (Input) (char (*) is the entry portion of the MRDS database pathname, with or without the database suffix. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.13: mrds_model_manager_$delete_relation Name: mrds_model_manager_$delete_relation This procedure deletes a relation from the MRDS data model. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$delete_relation entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$delete_relation (data_model_index, relation_name, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. relation_name (Input) (char (*)) is the name of the relation to be deleted. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.14: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_info Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_info This procedure returns information stored in the MRDS data model about a single attribute. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_info entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_info (data_model_index, attribute_info_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. attribute_info_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_attribute_info.incl.pl1, which defines the information to be returned about the specified attribute. If this field is null, no attribute information is returned; however the existence of the attribute is still verified. The version field must be set to indicate which version of information to return. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The attribute_info structure is defined as: dcl 1 attribute_info aligned based (attribute_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 attribute_name char (32) unaligned, 2 domain_name char (32) unaligned, 2 reference_count fixed bin (17), 2 creation_history like history_info, 2 change_history like history_info; where: MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 0. version is set to ATTRIBUTE_INFO_VERSION_1. 1. attribute_name is the name of the attribute information is to be returned. 2. domain_name is the name of the underlying domain. 3. reference_count is the number of relations this attribute is referenced in. 4. creation_history specifies information about the process that had created the attribute. 5. change_history specifies information about the process that has last modified the attribute. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.15: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_list Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_list This procedure returns the number of attributes defined within the specified MRDS model, and optionally the list of names of all attributes defined. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_list entry (fixed bin (35), char (8), ptr, fixed bin (17), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_list (data_model_index, name_list_version, user_area_ptr, name_list_count, name_list_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. name_list_version (Input) (char (8)) specifies which version of name_list structure to allocate. 3. user_area_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the area to create the name_list structure within. If this field is null, no name_list structure is allocated; however the number of defined attributes is still returned. 4. name_list_count (Output) (fixed bin (17)) is the number of attributes defined in the name_list_structure. 5. name_list_ptr (Output) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_name_list.incl.pl1, which defines the list of attribute names to be returned. 6. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 7. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The name_list structure is defined as: MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 dcl 1 name_list aligned based (name_list_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 name (name_list_count refer (name_list.count)) char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to NAME_LIST_VERSION_1. 1. count is the total number of attributes defined within the MRDS model. 2. name is the name of the attribute. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.16: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_xref Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_xref This procedure returns a list of relations in which the specified attribute is referenced, or an indication that it is unreferenced. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_xref entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), char (8), ptr, ptr, fixed bin (17), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_attribute_xref (data_model_index, attribute_name, crossreference_info_version, user_area_ptr, crossreference_info_ptr, reference_count, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. attribute_name (Input) (char (*)) is the name of the attribute about which the relation crossreference is to be returned. 3. crossreference_version (Input) (char (8)) specifies which version of crossreference_info structure to allocate. 4. user_area_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the area to create the crossreference_info structure within. If this field is null, no crossreference_info structure is allocated; however the number of relations this attribute is referenced within is still returned or an error code is returned if the attribute does not exist. 5. crossreference_info_ptr (Output) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_crossreference_info.incl.pl1, which defines the relation crossreference to be returned about the specified attribute. If user_area_ptr is null, this field will be set to null. 6. reference_count (Output) (fixed bin (17)) is the number of relations the specified attribute is referenced in. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 7. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 8. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The crossreference_info structure is defined as: dcl 1 crossreference_info aligned based (crossreference_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 parent char (32) unaligned, 2 reference_count fixed bin (17), 2 child (crossreference_info_reference_count refer (crossreference_info.reference_count)) char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to CROSSREFERENCE_INFO_VERSION_1. 1. parent is the name of the attribute a crossreference was requested for. 2. reference_count is the number of relations this attribute is referenced in. 3. child is the name of the relation the specified attribute is referenced within. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.17: mrds_model_manager_$get_db_info Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_db_info This procedure returns information about the database that has been stored in the MRDS data model. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_db_info entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_db_info (data_model_index, db_record_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. db_record_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_db_record.incl.pl1, which defines the information to be returned about the database. The version field of this structure must be specified so that the proper db_record information is returned. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.18: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_info Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_info This procedure returns information stored in the MRDS data model about a single domain. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_info entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_info (data_model_index, domain_info_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. domain_info_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_domain_info.incl.pl1, which defines the information to be returned about the specified domain. If this field is null, no domain information will be returned; however the existence of the domain is still verified. The version and domain_name fields must be supplied by the caller. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The domain_info structure is defined as: dcl 1 domain_info aligned based (domain_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 domain_name char (32) unaligned, 2 domain_descriptor bit (36), 2 decode_declare_data_descriptor bit (36), 2 check_procedure_path char (168) unaligned, 2 decode_procedure_path char (168) unaligned, 2 encode_procedure_path char (168) unaligned, 2 reference_count fixed bin (17); where: MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 0. version is set to DOMAIN_INFO_VERSION_1. 1. domain_name is the name of the domain information was requested about. 2. domain_descriptor is the underlying data type, described as a Multics PL/I descriptor. 3. decode_declare_data_descriptor is the data type to be used for the user's view and the decode procedure, if present. If this field is not used, it is set to "0"b. 4. check_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data verification checks upon storage into the database. If this field is not to be used, it is set to "". 5. decode_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data decoding upon retrieval from the database. If this field is not to be used, it is set to "". 6. encode_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data encoding before storage into an internal database form. If this field is not to be used, it is set to "". 7. reference_count is the number of attributes this domain is referenced in. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.19: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_list Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_list This procedure returns the number of domains defined within the specified MRDS model, and optionally the list of names of all domains defined. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_list entry (fixed bin (35), char (8), ptr, fixed bin (17), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_list (data_model_index, name_list_version, user_area_ptr, name_list_count, name_list_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. name_list_version (Input) (char (8)) specifies which version of name_list structure to allocate. 3. user_area_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the area to create the name_list structure within. If this field is null, no name_list structure is allocated; however the number of defined domains is still returned. 4. name_list_count (Output) (fixed bin (17)) is the number of domains defined. 5. name_list_ptr (Output) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_name_list.incl.pl1, which defines the list of domain names returned. 6. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 7. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The name_list structure is defined as: MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager dcl 1 name_list aligned based (name_list_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 name (name_list_count refer (name_list.count)) char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to NAME_LIST_VERSION_1. 1. count is the total number of domains defined within the MRDS model. 2. name is the name of the domain. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.20: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_xref Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_xref This procedure returns a list of attributes the specified domain is referenced within, or an indication that it is unreferenced. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_xref entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), char (8), ptr, ptr, fixed bin (17), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_domain_xref (data_model_index, domain_name, crossreference_info_version, user_area_ptr, crossreference_info_ptr, reference_count, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. domain_name (Input) (char (*)) is the name of the domain about which the attribute crossref is to be returned. 3. crossreference_info_version (Input) (char (8)) specifies which version of crossreference_info structure to allocate. 4. user_area_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the area to create the crossreference_info structure within. If this field is null, no crossreference_info structure is allocated; however the number of attributes this domain is referenced within is still returned or an error code is returned if the domain does not exist. 5. crossreference_info_ptr (Output) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_crossreference_info.incl.pl1, which defines the attribute crossreference to be returned about the specified domain. If user_area_ptr is null, this field will be set to null. 6. reference_count (Output) (fixed bin (17)) is the number of attributes the specified domain is referenced in. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 7. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 8. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The crossreference_info structure is defined as: dcl 1 crossreference_info aligned based (crossreference_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 parent char (32) unaligned, 2 reference_count fixed bin (17), 2 child (crossreference_info_reference_count refer (crossreference_info.reference_count)) char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to CROSSREFERENCE_INFO_VERSION_1. 1. parent is the name of the domain information was requested about. 2. reference_count is the number of attributes this domain is referenced in. 3. child is the name of the attribute the specified domain is referenced within. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.21: mrds_model_manager_$get_history Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_history This procedure retrieves the history data from the database model information which indicates the last process that has restructured the MRDS database, the process that created the database, and the process that has the database quiesced (if set). Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_history entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_history (data_model_index, database_history_info_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. database_history_info_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the database_history_info structure declared in mmm_history_info.incl.pl1, which defines the history information to be returned. The version field of this structure must be specified by the caller, to specify what version of the database_history_info information is to be returned. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.22: mrds_model_manager_$get_index_info Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_index_info This procedure returns information about indices in the specified database data model for the indicated relation. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_index_info entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), char (8), ptr, ptr, fixed bin (17), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_index_info (data_model_index, relation_name, index_info_version, user_area_ptr, index_info_ptr, index_count, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. relation_name (Input) (char (*)) is the name of the relation to return index information for. 3. index_info_version (Input) (char (8)) specifies the version of index_info structure to allocate. 4. user_area_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the area to create the index_info structure within. If this field is null, no index_info structure is allocated; however the number of indices is still returned. 5. index_info_ptr (Output) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_index_info.incl.pl1, which defines the information returned about the indices for the specified relation. 6. index_count (Output) (fixed bin (17)) is the number of indices in the specified relation. 7. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 8. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The index_info structure is defined as: MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 dcl 1 index_info aligned based (index_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 index_count fixed bin (17), 2 max_attribute_count fixed bin (17), 2 index (index_info_index_count refer (index_info.index_count)), 3 name char (32) unaligned, 3 index_id bit (36) aligned, 3 attribute_count fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 flags unaligned, 4 unique bit (1), 4 pad bit (17), 3 attribute_name (index_info_max_attribute_count refer (index_info.max_attribute_count)) char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to INDEX_INFO_VERSION_1. 1. relation_name is the name of the relation that contains the indices. 2. count is the number of indices defined. 3. index_count is the number of indices defined for this relation. 4. max_attribute_count is the maximum number of attributes that are contained within all the indices. The largest this count may be is the number of attributes. 5. is the name specified by the creator of the index. 6. index.index_id is a unique id which must be used for further references to the relation managers. 7. index.attribute_count is the number of attribute_name slots used for this index. 8. index.flags.unique if set, indicates that the specified index describes a unique key to the relation. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 9. index.attribute_name describes the set of attributes that comprise the specified index. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.23: mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_info Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_info This procedure returns information stored in the MRDS data model about a single relation. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_info entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), char (8), ptr, ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_info (data_model_index, relation_name, relation_info_version, user_area_ptr, relation_info_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. relation_name (Input) (char (*)) is the name of the relation to return information about. 3. relation_info_version (Input) (char (8)) is the version of relation_info structure to create. 4. user_area_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the area to create the relation_info structure within. If this field is null, no relation_info structure is allocated; however the existence of the relation is still verified. 5. relation_info_ptr (Output) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_relation_info.incl.pl1, which defines the information to be returned about the specified relation. 6. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 7. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The relation_info structure is defined as: MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager dcl 1 relation_info aligned based (relation_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 type fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 link_information, 3 flags unaligned, 4 link bit (1), 4 pad bit (17), 3 directory char (168) unaligned, 3 name char (32) unaligned, 2 attribute (relation_info_count refer (relation_info.count)), char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to RELATION_INFO_VERSION_1. 1. relation_name is the name of the relation to return information about. 2. count is the number of attributes that are to comprise the attribute set contained in the specified relation. 3. type specifies the type of relation. The only supported relation types are VFILE_TYPE and DMFILE_TYPE, defined in the include file mmm_relation_types.incl.pl1. 4. if set, implies this relation is a link relation. relation_info.count will be set to zero. All fields other than link_information.* and relation_name will not be set. 5. specifies an absolute pathname to the foreign database, including the database suffix. 6. specifies the name of the relation in the foreign database. 7. is the name of the attribute included in the relation. The relation tuples consist of the set of attributes in the order specified. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.24: mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_list Name: mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_list This procedure returns the number of relations defined within the specified MRDS model, and optionally the list of names of all relations defined. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_list entry (fixed bin (35), char (8), ptr, fixed bin (17), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$get_relation_list (data_model_index, name_list_version, user_area_ptr, name_list_count, name_list_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. name_list_version (Input) (char (8)) specifies which version of name_list structure to allocate. 3. user_area_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the area to create the name_list structure within. If this field is null, no name_list structure is allocated; however the number of defined relations is still returned. 4. name_list_count (Output) (fixed bin (17)) is the number of relations defined. 5. name_list_ptr (Output) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_name_list.incl.pl1, which defines the list of relation names to be returned. 6. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 7. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The name_list structure is defined as: MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager dcl 1 name_list aligned based (name_list_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 count fixed bin (17), 2 name (name_list_count refer (name_list.count)) char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to NAME_LIST_VERSION_1. 1. count is the total number of relations defined within the MRDS model. 2. name is the name of the relation. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.25: mrds_model_manager_$initialize_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$initialize_model This procedure initializes the data model by deleting all information kept within the model entries. The initialize model operation is equivalent to calling mrds_model_manager_$delete_model followed by calling mrds_model_manager_$create_model. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$initialize_model entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$intialize_model (data_model_index, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 3. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.26: mrds_model_manager_$modify_attribute Name: mrds_model_manager_$modify_attribute This procedure modifies the name or the underlying domain of a single attribute. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$modify_attribute entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$modify_attribute (data_model_index, modify_attribute_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. modify_attribute_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_modify_attribute_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the modifications to be made to the indicated attribute. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The modify_attribute_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 modify_attribute_request aligned based (mar_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 new_name bit (1), 3 new_domain bit (1), 3 reserved bit (34), 2 attribute_name char (32) unaligned, 2 new_name char (32) unaligned, 2 new_domain char (32) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to MODIFY_ATTRIBUTE_VERSION_1. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 1. flags.new_name is set to "1"b if the new_name field is specified. 2. flags.new_domain is set to "1"b if the new_domain field is specified. 3. attribute_name is the name of the attribute to be modified. 4. new_name specifies the new name of the attribute if flags.new_name is set. 5. new_domain specifies the new underlying domain of the attribute if flags.new_domain is set. If the attribute is referenced in any relations, the referenced relations are reformatted and the attribute undergoes data conversion to the new data type. If an error occurs during data conversion, the attribute will not be modified and an error message and code will be returned. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.27: mrds_model_manager_$modify_domain Name: mrds_model_manager_$modify_domain This procedure modifies the name, the underlying data type, or the various procedures that may be specified for a single domain. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$modify_domain entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$modify_domain (data_model_index, modify_domain_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. modify_domain_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_modify_domain_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the modifications to be made to the indicated domain. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The modify_domain_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 modify_domain_request aligned based (mdr_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 domain_name char (32) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 new_domain_descriptor bit (1), 3 new_domain_name bit (1), 3 new_decode_declare_data_descriptor bit (1), 3 new_check_procedure bit (1), 3 new_decode_procedure bit (1), 3 new_encode_procedure bit (1), 3 reserved bit (30), 2 new_domain_descriptor bit (36), 2 new_domain_name char (32) unaligned, 2 new_decode_declare_data_descriptor bit (36), 2 check_procedure_path char (168) unaligned, MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 2 decode_procedure_path char (168) unaligned, 2 encode_procedure_path char (168) unaligned; where: 0. version is set to MODIFY_DOMAIN_VERSION_1. 1. domain_name is the name of the domain to be modified. 2. flags.new_domain_descriptor is set to "1"b if the new_domain_descriptor field is specified. 3. flags.new_domain_name is set to "1"b if the new_domain_name field is specified. 4. flags.new_decode_declare_data_descriptor is set to "1"b if the new_decode_declare_data_descriptor field is specified. 5. flags.new_check_procedure is set to "1"b if the new_check_procedure_path field is specified. 6. flags.new_decode_procedure is set to "1"b if the new_decode_procedure_path is specified. 7. flags.new_encode_procedure is set to "1"b if the new_encode_procedure_path is specified. 8. new_domain_descriptor is the new underlying data type, described as a standard Multics descriptor. The list of supported data types are described in Appendix B. 9. new_decode_declare_data_descriptor is the data type to be used for the user's view and the decode procedure, if present. 10. check_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data verification checks upon storage into the database. If this field is not specified, it must be set to "". 11. decode_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data decoding upon retrieval of data from MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager the database. If this field is not specified, it must be set to "". 12. encode_procedure_path is an absolute pathname pointing to the procedure to be called to perform data encoding before storate into an internal database forum. If this field is not specified, it must be set to "". MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.28: mrds_model_manager_$modify_relation Name: mrds_model_manager_$modify_relation This procedure modifies the name, type of relation, or the list of attributes contained within a specified relation. Attributes that are to be added to the relation are required to have an initial value. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$modify_relation entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$modify_relation (data_model_index, modify_relation_request_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. modify_relation_request_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_modify_relation_rq.incl.pl1, which defines the modifications to be made to the indicated relation. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The modify_relation_request structure is defined as: dcl 1 modify_relation_request aligned based (mrr_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 new_relation_name bit (1), 3 new_relation_type bit (1), 3 reserved bit (34), 2 new_relation_name char (32) unaligned, 2 new_relation_type, 3 type fixed bin (17), 3 mode_string char (256) unaligned, 2 total_initial_value_lengths fixed bin (17), 2 action_count fixed bin (17), MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 2 action (modify_relation_request_action_count refer (modify_relation_request.action_count)), 3 attribute_name char (32) unaligned 3 initial_value_idx fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 initial_value_length fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 type fixed bin (17), 2 initial_values char (modify_relation_request.total_initial_value_lengths); 0. version is set to MODIFY_RELATION_VERSION_1; 1. relation_name is the name of the relation that is to be modified. 2. flags.new_relation_name is set to "1"b if the new_relation_name field is specified. 3. flags.new_relation_type is set to "1"b if the new_relation_type fields are specified. 4. new_relation_name specifies the name that the relation is to be renamed to. 5. new_relation_type.type specifies the type of relation that it is to be converted to. The only types currently supported are VFILE_TYPE and DMFILE_TYPE, defined in the include file mmm_relation_types.incl.pl1. 6. new_relation_type.mode_string is used if the new relation type supports various modes, otherwise it must be set to "". 7. initial_value_lengths is the sum of the lengths of all the initial value strings. 8. action_count is the number of actions (adds or deletes) that are to be performed upon the relation. 9. action.attribute_name is the name of the attribute that is to be added to or deleted from the relation. 10. action.initial_value_idx is the starting character position in the initial_values string of the initial value for this attribute. 11. action.initial_value_length is the length of the character string which is the initial MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 value string for this attribute. The length of the initial value string may be zero, indicating a null string; however all attributes to be added to the relation must have some specified initial value. 12. action.type specifies the type of action to be performed upon this attribute. The only types supported are ADD_ACTION and DELETE_ACTION, declared in the include file mmm_modify_relation_rq.incl.pl1. 13. initial_values is the concatenation of all the initial value strings for all the attributes to be added. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.29: mrds_model_manager_$open_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$open_model This procedure is used to indicate that a model is to be opened for use by MRDS. The model index returned is to be used in all further calls to the mrds_model_manager_. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$open_model entry (char (*), char (*), fixed bin (17), fixed bin (35), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$open_model (db_directory_name, db_entry_name, open_mode, database_model_index, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. db_directory_name (Input) (char (*)) is the directory portion of the MRDS database pathname. 2. db_entry_name (Input) (char (*)) is the entry portion of the MRDS database pathname, with or without the database suffix. 3. open_mode (Input) (fixed bin (17)) is the mode that the model is to be used in. The supported modes are READ_ONLY_MODE and MODIFY_MODE, defined in the include file mmm_model_modes.incl.pl1. 4. db_model_index (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is the index that indicates to all subsequent calls to mrds_model_manager_ which database data model to operate upon. 5. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 6. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.30: mrds_model_manager_$quiesce_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$quiesce_model This procedure sets the quiesce flag in the database model information to indicate that the MRDS database model is not to be opened for further use. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$quiesce_model entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$quiesce_model (data_model_index, command_info_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. command_info_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the command_info structure declared in mmm_history_info.incl.pl1, which defines the information to be stored in the model about the subsystem that is quiescing the specified model. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.31: mrds_model_manager_$secure_database Name: mrds_model_manager_$secure_database This procedure secures a database. Only the DBA may secure a database. A secured database may be opened only by the DBA without referencing the model through a submodel. It also implies processing on the data contained within the database is done in a lower ring, allowing only user accessible data to be returned to the outer ring. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$secure_database entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$secure_database (db_directory_name, db_entry_name, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. db_directory_name (Input) (char (*)) is the directory portion of the MRDS database pathname. 2. db_entry_name (Input) (char (*)) is the entry portion of the MRDS database pathname, with or without the database suffix. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.32: mrds_model_manager_$set_db_info Name: mrds_model_manager_$set_db_info This procedure returns information about the database that has been stored in the MRDS data model. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$set_db_info entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$set_db_info (data_model_index, db_info_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. db_info_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the structure declared in mmm_db_info.incl.pl1, which defines the information to be stored in the model about the database. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. Notes: The db_info structure is defined as: dcl 1 db_info aligned based (db_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 before_journalizing bit (1), 3 concurrency bit (1), 3 pad bit (16), 2 default_relation_type fixed bin (17); where: 0. version is set to DB_INFO_VERSION_1. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 1. before_journalizing if set, implies that before journals are to be started to be used for the DM files in this database. 2. concurrency if set, implies that DM file concurrency is to be started to be used for the DM files in this database. 3. default_relation_type if set to a nonzero value, indicates the new default relation type. The only supported types are VFILE_TYPE and DMFILE_TYPE, declared in the include file mmm_relation_types.incl.pl1. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.33: mrds_model_manager_$set_restructure_history Name: mrds_model_manager_$set_restructure_history This procedure sets the history data in the database model information to indicate the last process that restructured the MRDS database. The history information may be displayed with the display_mrds_db_status command. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$set_restructure_history entry (fixed bin (35), ptr, char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$set_restructure_history (data_model_index, restructure_info_ptr, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. command_info_ptr (Input) (ptr) is a pointer to the command_info structure declared in mmm_history_info.incl.pl1, which defines the information to be stored in the model about the command restructuring the database. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager 6.34: mrds_model_manager_$unquiesce_model Name: mrds_model_manager_$unquiesce_model This procedure sets the quiesce flag in the database model information to indicate that the MRDS database model is available to be opened. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$unquiesce_model entry (fixed bin (35), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$unquiesce_model (data_model_index, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. data_model_index (Input) (fixed bin (35)) is the index returned by mrds_model_manager_$open_model that designates the database. 2. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 3. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 6.35: mrds_model_manager_$unsecure_database Name: mrds_model_manager_$unsecure_database This procedure unsecures a database, reversing the action of mrds_model_manager_$secure_database. Only the DBA may unsecure a database. Usage: declare mrds_model_manager_$unsecure_database entry (char (*), char (*), char (*), fixed bin (35)); call mrds_model_manager_$unsecure_database (db_directory_name, db_entry_name, error_message, code); Arguments: 1. db_directory_name (Input) (char (*)) is the directory portion of the MRDS database pathname. 2. db_entry_name (Input) (char (*)) is the entry portion of the MRDS database pathname, with or without the database suffix. 3. error_message (Output) (char (*)) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. 4. code (Output) (fixed bin (35)) is a standard status code. A value of 0 indicates that no error occurred. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager APPENDIX A: DM FILE RECORD DEFINITIONS This appendix defines the different types of records that make up the MRDS data model. These records are stored within a DM file, and operated upon only with the mrds_model_manager_ interface. A.1: mmm_attribute_record.incl.pl1 dcl 1 attribute_record aligned based (attribute_record_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 name char (32) unaligned, 2 domain char (32) unaligned, 2 reference_count fixed bin (17); where: version is set to ATTRIBUTE_RECORD_VERSION_1. name is the name of the attribute this structure defines. domain is the name of the underlying domain. reference_count is the number of relations that contain this attribute. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 A.2: mmm_attribute_xref_rec.incl.pl1 dcl 1 attribute_xref_record aligned based (attribute_xref_record_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 attribute_name char (32) unaligned, 2 relation_count fixed bin (17), 2 relation_name (attribute_xref_record_relation_count refer (attribute_xref_record.relation_count)), char (32) unaligned; where: version is set to ATTRIBUTE_XREF_RECORD_VERSION_1; attribute_name is the name of the attribute this structure defines. relation_count is the number of relations that reference this attribute. relation_name is the name of the relations that reference this attribute. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager A.3: mmm_db_record.incl.pl1 dcl 1 db_record aligned based (db_record_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 before_journalizing bit (1), 3 concurrency bit (1), 3 transactions_needed bit (1), 3 secured bit (1), 3 quiesced bit (1), 3 pad (13), 2 default_relation_type fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 create_history like history_info, 2 change_history like history_info, 2 quiesce_history like history_info; where: version is set to DB_RECORD_VERSION_1. flags.before_journalizing if set, implies that before journals are to be taken for the DM files in this database. flags.concurrency if set, implies that DM file concurrency is to be used. flags.transactions_needed if set, implies that at least one relation contained within this MRDS database is a DM file, thus MRDS must run under a transaction. flags.secured if set, implies that the MRDS database is secured. This means that only the DBA is allowed to reference this database through the model; all other users must use a submodel. It also implies that all check, encode, decode procedures, and all data files must reside in ring 2. flags.quiesced if set, implies that attempts to open this database are to fail. The quiesce_history field will indicate who and when the database was quiesced. default_relation_type specifies the type of relation to create by default if the type is not specified at relation creation time. The only types supported are VFILE_TYPE and DMFILE_TYPE, defined in mmm_relation_types.incl.pl1. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 create_history specifies information about the process that created the database. change_history specifies information about the process that last changed this database record. quiesce_history specifies information about the process that has the database quiesced. If the database is not quiesced, this field is not used. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager A.4: mmm_domain_record.incl.pl1 dcl 1 domain_record aligned based (domain_record_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 name char (32) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 no_conversion bit (1), 3 encode_proc bit (1), 3 decode_proc bit (1), 3 check_proc bit (1), 3 pad bit (14), 2 reference_count fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 db_descriptor bit (36), 2 user_descriptor bit (36), 2 encode_path char (168) unaligned, 2 decode_path char (168) unaligned, 2 check_path char (168) unaligned; where: version is set to DOMAIN_RECORD_VERSION_1. name is the name of the domain this structure defines. flags.no_conversion if set, implies no conversion of this domain is allowed. flags.encode_proc if set, implies the encode_path field is specified. flags.decode_proc if set, implies the decode_path field is specified. flags.check_proc if set, implies the check_path field is specified. db_descriptor is the definition of this domain in the database, expressed in terms of a Multics PL/I descriptor word. user_descriptor is the definition of this domain in a user visible format, expressed in terms of a standard Multics descriptor word. The list of supported data types are defined in Appendix B. reference_count is the number of attributes defined upon this domain. encode_path if specified, is an absolute pathname to the procedure to be MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 called when data encoding before storage into a database is performed. decode_path if specified, is an absolute pathname to the procedure to be called when data decoding upon retrieval is performed. check_path if specified, is an absolute pathname to the procedure to be called when data verification before storage into a database is performed. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager A.5: mmm_domain_xref_record.incl.pl1 dcl 1 domain_xref_record aligned based (domain_xref_record_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 domain_name char (32) unaligned, 2 attribute_count fixed bin (17), 2 attribute_name (domain_xref_record_attribute_count refer (domain_xref_record.attribute_count)), char (32) unaligned; where: version is set to DOMAIN_XREF_RECORD_VERSION_1. domain_name is the name of the domain this structure defines. attribute_count is the number of attributes based upon this domain. attribute_name is the name of the attributes based upon this domain. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 A.6: mmm_history_info.incl.pl1 dcl 1 database_history_info aligned based (database_history_info_ptr), 2 create_history like history_info, 2 restructure_history like history_info, 2 quiesce_history like history_info; where: create_history defines the process and date_time the database was created. restructure_history defines the process and date_time the database was last restructured. If the database has never been restructured, restructure_history.date_time is set to zero. quiesce_history defines the process and date_time the database was quiesced. If the database is not quiesced, quiesce_history.date_time is set to zero. dcl 1 history_info aligned based (history_info_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 command like command_info, 2 personid char (32) unaligned, 2 date_time fixed bin (71); where: version is set to HISTORY_INFO_VERSION_1. is the name of the subsystem or command that is currently executing. command.version is the version of the subsystem or command that is currently executing. personid is the Person.Project.tag of the process. date_time is a clock value that may be converted by use of the date_time_ subroutine. dcl 1 command_info aligned based (command_info_ptr), 2 name char (32) unaligned, 2 version char (32) unaligned; MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager where: name is the name of the command or subsystem that is making the quiesce request. version is the version of the command or subsystem referenced in the command_name field. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 A.7: mmm_relation_record.incl.pl1 dcl 1 relation_record aligned based (relation_record_ptr), 2 version char (8) unaligned, 2 name char (32) unaligned, 2 id bit (36) aligned, 2 type fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 flags unaligned, 3 indexed bit (1), 3 link bit (1), 3 pad bit (15), 2 max_tuples fixed bin (35), 2 max_data_length fixed bin (35), 2 max_key_length fixed bin (35), 2 varying_offset fixed bin (35), 2 number_attributes fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 number_key_attributes fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 number_varying_attributes fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 tuple_id_length fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 index_count fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 max_attribute_index_count fixed bin (17) unaligned, 2 default_ring_brackets (3) fixed bin (8) unaligned, 2 primary_key_index_id bit (36) aligned, 2 link_directory char (168) unaligned, 2 link_name char (32) unaligned, 2 attribute (relation_record_attribute_count refer (relation_record.attribute_count)), 3 name char (32) unaligned, 2 index (relation_record_index_count refer (relation_record.index_count)), 3 name char (32) unaligned, 3 id bit (36) aligned, 3 attribute_count fixed bin (17) unaligned, 3 flags unaligned, 4 unique bit (1), 4 pad bit (17), 3 attribute_name (relation_record_max_attribute_index_count refer (relation_record.max_attribute_index_count)) char (32) unaligned; where: version is set to RELATION_RECORD_VERSION_1. name is the name of the relation that is specified by this structure. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager id is a unique file id for this relation. It is unique across the Multics file system. type is the type of relation. The only supported types are VFILE_TYPE and DMFILE_TYPE, defined in mmm_relation_types.incl.pl1. flags.indexed if set, indicates that there is at least one index other than the primary key. if set, specifies that this relation structure defines a link relation. No other fields will be set except for the link_directory and link_name fields. max_tuples specifies the maximum number of tuples allowed in this relation. max_data_length specifies the maximum length of the data portion of each tuple, in bytes. max_key_length specifies the maximum length of the key portion of each tuple, in bytes. varying_offset specifies the column position of the first varying attribute. number_attributes is the total number of attributes (columns) that make up each tuple. number_key_attributes is the number of attributes (columns) that make up the key portion of each tuple. number_varying_attributes is the number of varying attributes in each tuple. tuple_id_length is the length of the tuple id, in bits. index_count is the number of indices that have been created in this relation. MTB-MRDS Model Manager MTB-717 max_attribute_index_count is the maximum number of attributes that are contained within all the indices. The largest this count may be is the number of attributes. default_ring_brackets are the ring brackets of the relation that contains the data when it was created. primary_key_index_id specifies the index id of the relation's primary key. link_directory if set, specifies the directory that contains the data relation in a foreign database. link_name if set, specifies the name of the data relation in a foreign database. is the name of the attribute (column) in the tuple. is the name specified by the creator of the index. is a unique id must be used for further references to the relation managers. index.attribute_count is the number of attribute_name slots used for this index. index.flags.unique if set, indicates that the specified index describes a unique key to the relation. index.attribute_name describes the set of attributes that comprise the specified index. MTB-717 MTB-MRDS Model Manager APPENDIX B: SUPPORTED DATA TYPES The data types supported for descriptors are: Real binary - data types 1 through 4 Complex binary - data types 5 through 8 Real decimal - data types 9 and 10 Complex decimal - data types 11 and 12 Strings - data types 19 through 22 Unsigned real binary - data types 33 and 34 Real decimal - data types 43 and 44 Complex decimal - data types 45 and 46 All data must be scalar (i.e., arrays are not supported). Both aligned and unaligned data is valid.