MULTICS TECHNICAL BULLETIN MTB-724 To: MTB Distribution From: Jim Lippard Date: August 1, 1985 Subject: MRDS scope mechanism This MTB describes the implementation of a secure MRDS scope mechanism for vfile_ relations. DM-file scope is made optional. Vfile_ scope is made secure by putting the MRDS db.control segment in an inner ring. Scope enforcement is secured by performing scope checks during retrieval and update operations in ring 2 and is not described in this MTB. Comments and questions should be sent to the author: by Multics mail: Lippard on System-M, CISL-Service-Multics or MIT-Multics via System-M forum: >udd>Demo>dbmt>continuum> (mrdsdev) or by telephone: (602) 249-6832 or HVN 249-6832 _________________________________________________________________ Multics Project working documentation. Not to be reproduced or distributed outside the Multics project without the consent of the author or the author's management. CONTENTS Page The Existing Scope Mechanism . . . . . 1 Permit/Prevent Operations . . . . . 1 Setting Scope . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Queueing Mechanism . . . . . . . . 3 Deleting Scope . . . . . . . . . . 3 Enforcing Scope . . . . . . . . . . 4 A New Scope Mechanism . . . . . . . . 4 Setting Scope/Deleting Scope . . . 5 Queueing Mechanism . . . . . . . . 6 Enforcing Scope . . . . . . . . . . 6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 mrds_scope_manager_ . . . . . . . . 7 add_relation . . . . . . . . . . 7 adjust . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 close . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 create . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 delete . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 delete_relation . . . . . . . . 16 delete_scope . . . . . . . . . . 18 get_all_scope . . . . . . . . . 21 get_scope_info . . . . . . . . . 24 get_update_counter . . . . . . . 26 increment_update_counter . . . . 28 open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 quiesce . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 rename_relation . . . . . . . . 34 set_scope . . . . . . . . . . . 36 unquiesce . . . . . . . . . . . 38 validate . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 suffix_control_ . . . . . . . . . . 41 THE EXISTING SCOPE MECHANISM The scope mechanism is used to control who may access a database and what operations they may perform on it. The segment db.control in the database contains the information used for this. It has locks for opening the database and setting scope (among other things) and a list of users threaded three ways (effectively three lists). The first list is of users who have the database open. The second list is of users who have scope set. The third list is of users who are waiting to set scope. For each user, a list of open relations is kept, along with scope settings for each one. When a user opens a database, he uses one of the following opening modes: retrieval (r) This is a shared mode, scope must be set before actually accessing part of the database. The maximum permit scope that can be set with this mode is read_attr (see list of permit/prevent ops below). update (u) This is also a shared mode, scope again must be set separately. Any scope may be set with this opening mode. exclusive_retrieval (er) When the database is opened with this mode, scope is automatically set for all relations in the database so that no other user may update the database, but reading is permitted. The opening user may only read. This is equivalent to opening the database in retrieval mode and then setting scope for all relations with read_attr permitted and append_tuple, delete_tuple, and modify_attr prevented. exclusive_update (eu) When the database is opened with this mode, scope is automatically set for all relations in the database so that no other user may read or update the database. The opening user can perform all operations. This is equivalent to opening in update mode and then setting scope for all relations with everything permitted and everything prevented. Permit/Prevent Operations The following operations may be permitted (for the opening user's process) or prevented (for other users): read_attr* or read (r) This permits/prevents reading attributes (fields) from the database. append_tuple* or store (s) This permits/prevents adding new tuples (records) to the database. delete_tuple* or delete (d) This permits/prevents deleting tuples from the database. modify_attr* or modify (m) This permits/prevents changing attributes in the database. (Names marked with an asterisk are the current terminology.) Once scope has been set, additional permits/prevents may not be set until the current scope has been completely deleted. Parts at a time may be deleted, however. Other users may set scope as long as their requests do not conflict with existing granted scope requests. If there is a conflict, their request is queued for the duration of a wait time they specify. Setting Scope Scope is set by a call to either dsl_$set_scope or dsl_$set_scope_all. The former sets scope on a single relation, the latter on all relations in a database. The module actually being called here is mrds_dsl_set_scope, which essentially just validates the database index and passes the arguments on to mrds_dsl_set_fscope, which does all of the real work. In the case of a database being opened with an opening mode of exclusive_retrieval or exclusive_update (a call to dsl_$open), mrds_dsl_open calls mrds_dsl_set_fscope directly, having already validated the database index. What mrds_dsl_set_fscope does first is check that the user has access to do what he wants to do. If so, it checks to see if scope is already set by this user. If it is, the request is rejected, since scope may not be set again on a specific relation until the old scope is deleted. Next, mrds_dsl_set_fscope attempts to set the scope lock in the db.control segment, then it checks for conflicts with existing scope set by other users. If either setting the scope lock fails or there is a conflict in the scope request (checked by a call to mu_check_scope), the user is put into the waiting queue. If both succeed, scope is set for the specified relations and the scope lock is unlocked. Queueing Mechanism The enqueueing mechanism is implemented in mrds_dsl_set_fscope. When a user's scope request is enqueued, his entry in db.control is placed in the waiting list. The entry gets out of the waiting queue in one of two ways: either by timing out or by having the scope request fulfilled. The call to dsl_$set_scope specifies how long the user wants to wait for the scope request to be fulfilled. This is implemented by calling timer_manager_$alarm_wakeup with the specified wait time. If the alarm goes off before the request is fulfilled, the user is dequeued by a call to mu_de_queue_user and the scope setting fails. When a user is put in the waiting list, an IPC channel is created to receive wakeups from users who have scope set when they delete scope. When a wakeup is received, mrds_dsl_set_fscope again sets the scope lock and calls mu_check_scope to see if there is still a scope conflict. If either fails, the whole procedure starts again. If it succeeds, the user then looks through the waiting list to see if any other users can now set scope. If one is found, a wakeup is sent to that user. (The search ends after the first user found.) Deleting Scope A call to dsl_$dl_scope (really mrds_dsl_set_scope) just validates the database index and passes the arguments on to mrds_dsl_dl_fscope. A call to dsl_$close also calls mrds_dsl_dl_fscope. It first sets the scope lock, then deletes the scope for the user. If locking fails, it sets the trouble switch for the database. After scope has been deleted, it goes through the waiting list looking for scope requests which can now be satisfied. If it finds one, a wakeup is sent to that user and it returns. Each time a user in the waiting list is checked, a counter for that user is incremented. After it gets up past a certain point, the high_priority flag for that user is set (even though it isn't used). Each time a waiting user's request is checked for conflict, it is also checked to see if the conflict is caused by a dead process. If so, and the dead process was not doing any updating, the dead process is dequeued and the waiting user is awakened. If the dead process was doing updating, the waiting user is awakened anyway (since there is no reason for him to continue waiting), and his attempt to set scope will fail and the trouble switch will be set. Enforcing Scope For mrds_dsl_retrieve, mrds_dsl_modify, and mrds_dsl_delete, scope enforcement is done by mrds_dsl_select_clause. All of these dsl_ entry points call mrds_dsl_translate, which calls mrds_dsl_select_clause, which does the scope checking. The module mrds_dsl_store does its own scope checking. A NEW SCOPE MECHANISM The primary problem to be solved is allowing users of different authorizations to access a single database. Since scope is not really necessary for DM-file relations, scope will become optional. When scope is not set on DM-files, open information will continue to be printed by display_mrds_db_status. For vfile_ relations, the scope information in db.control is still always used. This requires making db.control a multiclass (ring 1) segment. This solution also solves a secondary problem of random users trashing the db.control segment, since access to it is controlled by gates. Since ring 1 code is part of the Trusted Computing Base (TCB) and must be evaluated for Multics' DoD rating, the amount of such code should be minimized. Any dealings with data of multiple access classes must be in ring 1. MRDS vfile_ relations will all be of a single access class, so they do not need to be in ring 1. For SRDBMS, they will be in ring 2, so some processing which needs to be kept secure but doesn't involve AIM may be done in ring 2. Setting Scope/Deleting Scope The actual setting of scope must be done in ring 1, since it involves modifying db.control. The AIM authorization level for each user (opening, waiting, and active) must be kept in each entry in db.control. Scope setting cannot fail because of a user with a higher authorization, since that would open a covert channel. There are two ways to deal with this problem. In both cases, the lower level user is immediately granted the scope he requests. In the first case, the lower level user deletes the higher level user's scope and sends him a signal indicating that he no longer has his scope. This opens a covert timing channel. The bandwidth depends on the implementation and could be minimized or removed by auditing rapid scope settings or adding a random pause. The second case does not create a covert channel. In this case, the lower level user completely ignores the higher level user. All modifications to the database, however, cause a counter to be incremented. The high level user checks the counter before and after retrieving each tuple. If it has incremented, he knows he has no assurance of having consistent data and dsl_$retrieve can abort with an error code to that effect. This method appears to be easier than the first and is the planned implementation. What scope can be set depends on what access the user has to the relations, so a higher level user would only be able to set read_attr on relations at a lower access class. The conflicts with lower level users arise when the higher level user sets update prevents (indicating that he wants consistent data). Queueing Mechanism A user cannot be allowed to see that there are scope requests for users of higher authorization. Another problem is that the current queueing mechanism calls timer_manager_$alarm_wakeup. This can be solved by changing the queueing mechanism to set up an event call channel for the wakeup from a user deleting scope and then calling timer_manager_$sleep for the desired wait time. The next statements after calling timer_manager_$sleep will be executed in the case of timeout. The event call procedure will do a non-local goto to just after the timeout code. The cleanup handler in timer_manager_ insures that the user ring timer is reset. Enforcing Scope For the purposes of implementing read down, it is not necessary that the enforcement of scope be secure. For SRDBMS, on the other hand, it is. To implement read down, it is only necessary that the user not be able to see scope set by higher level users, not that a user be unable to fake his own scope by changing scope_info and then calling some dsl_ entry point to retrieve or modify data. To prevent this requires that all scope checking be in the inner ring. Since AIM does not come into play here, it may be done in ring 2 rather than ring 1. The trouble switch can only be set by users at the lowest AIM level for a given database. The same is true for quiescing and adjusting. Higher level users are still affected by these switches being on. Conclusion The new scope mechanism will be accessed through a new subroutine called mrds_scope_manager_, described below. The existing dsl_ calling sequences will continue to be supported. Old format db.control segments, on the other hand, will not be. A database conversion tool will be supplied for this and other changes which will come about as a result of the restructuring of MRDS. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ MRDS_SCOPE_MANAGER_ The mrds_scope_manager_ is used for all access to the db.control segment. Entry: add_relation This entry point adds a relation to the list maintained in db.control. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$add_relation entry (fixed bin(35), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$add_relation (db_index, relation_name, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index of the database to which a relation is to be added. relation_name (Input) is the name of the relation to be added. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. It should be at least 150 characters long. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: adjust This entry point adjusts the specified database, either by removing dead processes from the db.control seg or toggling the trouble switch. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$adjust entry (char(*), char(*), ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$adjust (dname, ename, adjust_info_ptr, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS dname (Input) is the directory containing the database. ename (Input) is the entry name of the database. adjust_info_ptr (Input) is a pointer to the following structure (declared in msm_adjust_info.incl.pl1): dcl 1 adjust_info aligned based (adjust_info_ptr), 2 version char (8), 2 flags unaligned, 3 reset bit (1), 3 toggle_trouble_switch bit (1), 3 remove_deadprocs bit (1), 3 force bit (1), 3 mbz bit (32); where: version is a version string for this structure. It must be MSM_ADJUST_INFO_VERSION_1. reset specifies that the db.control segment is to be restored to a consistent state. Any scope or open information currently in the segment is lost. toggle_trouble_switch specifies that the trouble switch is to be toggled. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ remove_deadprocs specifies that dead processes are to be removed. force specifies that actions are to be performed even if there are active users. mbz is reserved for future expansion and must be zero. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: close This entry point closes a database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$close entry (fixed bin(35), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$close (db_index, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index of the database to be closed. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: copy This entry point copies a db.control segment. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$copy entry (ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$copy (copy_options_ptr, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS copy_options_ptr (Input/Output) is a pointer to the structure copy_options declared in copy_options.incl.pl1. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: create This entry point creates a db.control segment in the specified database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$create entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$create (dname, ename, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS dname (Input) is the directory containing the database. ename (Input) is the entry name of the database. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: delete This entry point deletes a db.control segment in the specified database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$delete entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$delete (dname, ename, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS dname (Input) is the directory containing the database. ename (Input) is the entry name of the database. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: delete_relation This entry point deletes a relation from the list maintained in db.control. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$delete_relation entry (fixed bin(35), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$delete_relation (db_index, relation_name, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index of the database from which a relation is to be deleted. relation_name (Input) is the name of the relation to be deleted. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: delete_scope This entry point deletes scope from the specified relations in a database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$delete_scope entry (fixed bin(35), ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$delete_scope (db_index, scope_info_ptr, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index of the database for which scope is to be deleted. scope_info_ptr (Input) is a pointer to the following structure (declared in msm_scope_info.incl.pl1): dcl 1 scope_info aligned based (scope_info_ptr), 2 version char (8), 2 relation_count fixed bin, ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ 2 relations (si_init_relation_count refer (scope_info.relation_count)), 3 name char (32), 3 permits like permit_prevent_flags, 3 prevents like permit_prevent_flags; dcl 1 permit_prevent_flags unaligned, 2 read_attribute bit (1), 2 append_tuple bit (1), 2 delete_tuple bit (1), 2 modify_attribute bit (1), 2 null bit (1), 2 mbz bit (31); where: version is a version string for this structure. It must be MSM_SCOPE_INFO_VERSION_1. relation_count is the number of relations on which scope is to be deleted. name is the name of a relation. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ permits: read_attribute, append_tuple, delete_tuple, modify_attribute are bits specifying which operations are no longer to be permitted. prevents: read_attribute, append_tuple, delete_tuple, modify_attribute are bits specifying which operations are no longer to be prevented. mbz is reserved for future expansion and must be zero. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: get_all_scope This entry returns the scope set on the database by users of the same or lower AIM authorization as the caller. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$get_all_scope entry (fixed bin(35), ptr, ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$get_all_scope entry (db_index, area_ptr, all_scope_ptr, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index to the database for which scope information is to be returned. area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to an area in which the scope information is to be allocated. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ all_scope_ptr (Output) is a pointer to the following structure (declared in msm_scope_info.incl.pl1: dcl 1 all_scope aligned based (all_scope_ptr), 2 version char (8), 2 user_count fixed bin (21), 2 users (user_count refer (all_scope.user_count)), 3 user_id char (32), 3 process_id bit (36), 3 scope_ptr ptr; where: version is a version string for this structure. It must be MSM_ALL_SCOPE_VERSION_1. user_count is the number of users for which information is being returned. user_id is a Multics user ID. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ process_id is a Multics process ID. scope_ptr is a pointer to a scope_info structure as described above. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: get_scope_info This entry point returns the caller's scope on the specified database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$get_scope_info entry (fixed bin(35), ptr, ptr, char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$get_scope_info (db_index, area_ptr, scope_info_ptr, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index to the database for which scope information is to be returned. area_ptr (Input) is a pointer to the area in which the structure is to be allocated. scope_info_ptr (Input/Output or Output) is a pointer to a scope_info structure as described above. If ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ the pointer supplied is null, it will be allocated in the specified area with information for all relations on which the user has scope set. Otherwise, the existing structure will be filled in with information for the specified relations. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: get_update_counter This entry point returns the value of the update counter for the specified relation. It is called by dsl_$retrieve to determine if updates have taken place during a retrieval by a user at a higher AIM authorization than the relation. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$get_update_counter entry (fixed bin(35), char(*), fixed bin(35), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$get_update_counter (db_index, relation_name, update_counter, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the database index. relation_name (Input) is the name of the relation for which the update counter is to be returned. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ update_counter (Output) is the value of the update counter. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: increment_update_counter This entry point increments the update counter for the specified relation. It is used by dsl_ entry points which modify relations. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$increment_update_counter entry (fixed bin(35), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$increment_update_counter (db_index, relation_name, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index of the database. relation_name (Input) is the name of the relation for which the update counter is to be incremented. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: open This entry point opens a database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$open entry (char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$open (dname, ename, db_index, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS dname (Input) is the directory containing the database. ename (Input) is the entry name of the database. db_index (Output) is the index for this database opening. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: quiesce This entry point quiesces the specified database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$quiesce entry (char(*), char(*), fixed bin, char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$quiesce (dname, ename, wait_time, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS dname (Input) is the directory containing the database. ename (Input) is the entry name of the database. wait_time (Input) is the length of time in seconds to wait for successful quiescing. If it is -1, there is no wait limit. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: rename_relation This entry point renames a relation in the list maintained in db.control. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$rename_relation entry (fixed bin(35), char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$rename_relation (db_index, relation_name, new_relation_name, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index of the database to which a relation is to be added. relation_name (Input) is the name of the relation to be renamed. new_relation_name (Input) is the new name of the relation. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: set_scope This entry point sets scope on the specified relations in a database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$set_scope entry (fixed bin(35), ptr, fixed bin, char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$set_scope (db_index, scope_info_ptr, wait_time, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS db_index (Input) is the index of the database for which scope is to be set. scope_info_ptr (Input) is a pointer to a scope_info structure as described above. wait_time (Input) is the amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the scope setting to be successful. If it is -1, there is no wait limit. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: unquiesce This entry point unquiesces the specified database. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$unquiesce entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$unquiesce (dname, ename, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS dname (Input) is the directory containing the database. ename (Input) is the entry name of the database. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ code (Output) is a standard system error code. ___________________ ___________________ mrds_scope_manager_ mrds_scope_manager_ ___________________ ___________________ Entry: validate This entry point verifies that a given segment is a db.control segment. USAGE dcl mrds_scope_manager_$validate entry (char(*), char(*), char(*), fixed bin(35)); call mrds_scope_manager_$validate (dname, ename, error_message, code); ARGUMENTS dname (Input) is the directory in which the segment to be validated resides. ename (Input) is the name of the segment to be validated. error_message (Output) is a printable error message that is returned if the code argument is set to a non-zero value. code (Output) is a standard system error code. _______________ _______________ suffix_control_ suffix_control_ _______________ _______________ SUFFIX_CONTROL_ The suffix_control_ subroutine is for the use of the extended entry software. The following operations are not supported: chname_file, add_acl_entries, delete_acl_entries, replace_acl.