MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

To:        MTB Distribution

From:      Ed Brunelle
           Al Dupuis
           Ron Barstad
           Ed Wallman

Date:      04/09/86

Subject:   MOWSE - Personal Computer File Backup (PCFB) Facility


This  MTB describes  a file   backup and  restore facility  for a
Personal Computer (PC) using a Multics system as the file storage
medium.   This  facility  uses  the  Multics  Online Work Station
Environment  (MOWSE).   There  are  five  MTBs  that describe the
design and implementation of MOWSE and some applications that use
MOWSE facilities.  The five MTBs are:

          MTB-740   MOWSE Overview
          MTB-741   MOWSE Design, Commands and Subroutines
          MTB-742   MOWSE Background File Transfer (BFT) Facility
          MTB-743   MOWSE Personal Computer File Backup (PCFB) Facility
          MTB-744   MOWSE Terminal Emulator

Comments may be made:

Via forum:
>udd>m>jms>mtgs>workstation_working_group (wwg) on System-M


Multics  Project  internal  working  documentation.   Not  to  be
reproduced outside the Multics Project.

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin


With the proliferation of personal  computers (PCs) being used as
remote terminals  to Multics, a need  has arisen to allow  the PC
user to utilize  the Multics system as a backup  system for their

This  MTB discusses  a minimal  system that  can be  used to move
copies of files from the  personal computer to Multics for backup
purposes, and  to move copies of  the files from Multics  back to
the personal computer for recovery purposes.  A minimal system is
proposed because only a small amount of resources are to be spent
designing and coding this system.


The proposed system will be able to:

o transfer files  from a personal  computer to Multics,  and from
  Multics to a personal computer

o handle  individual files,   complete directories,  and complete
  directories with their subtrees

o accept starnames  for the specification of the  source files to
  transfer, and  starnames for the  source files to  exclude from
  the transfer

o provide  a way  for a  user  to  cancel a  dump or  a retrieval

o provide a way for a user to restart a dump or retrieval after a
  system interruption


PCFB will use a replacement-only  algorithm for transfer of files
in both directions.  By replacement-only we mean that files which
already  exist will  be ovewritten.   Files transferred  from the
personal  computer  to  Multics  will  be  placed  under the PCFB
directory   ([hd]>Person.mowse>pcfb).   If    a  file   "foo"  is
transferred  from  "a:bcd"  on   the  personal  computer,  the
directories b, c, and d will  be created below the PCFB directory
and  foo will  be placed  there.  Transfers  from Multics  to the
personal computer will work the same way.

A  person who  uses PCFB   will be  responsible for  managing the
backed up files and directories.  There are several problems with

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

the  replacement-only algorithm,  but hopefully  users can  solve
most of  them procedurely.  After  a determination has  been made
regarding the  best procedures, these  can be recommended  in the
PCFB documentation.

An initial guess is that a  user should create a directory on the
personal computer where she puts files that need to be backed up.
After  they  arrive  on  Multics  she  could  rename them to some
date-based  convention  that  would  allow  her  to keep multiple

PCFB will only  allow one dump or retrieval to  be in progress at
one time.


The  functions described  here will  be provided  through an ssu_
subsystem.  The command will  be called pc_file_backup (pcfb) and
will provide the usual  subsystem-type control arguments.  Within
the   subsystem  the   abort_dump,  abort_retrieve,   begin_dump,
begin_retrieve,   restart_dump,   restart_retrieve,   and  status
requests will be provided.

The   remainder  of   this  MTB   is  the   command  and  request

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

                       Command Description

Name:  pc_file_backup (pcfb)

Syntax:  pc_file_backup {-control_args}

Function:    The   pc_file_backup   (pcfb)   command   enters  an
interactive  subsystem which  provides a  method to  backup files
from a  personal computer to  Multics, and to  restore files from
Multics to  the personal computer.  Once the  command is invoked,
you  are placed in  the pcfb subsystem,  where you must  use pcfb
requests.  pcfb requests are listed below.

Control Arguments:

-abbrev, -ab
    specifies  that abbreviation  processing should  be done.  If
    the  -profile  argument  is  not  given,  the  user's default
    profile segment (>udd>Project_id>Person_id>Person_id.profile)
    is used.

-no_abbrev, -nab
    specifies  that abbreviation  processing is  not to  be done.

    tells  pc_file_backup to enter  a request loop  where request
    lines  are  read  by  the  pc_file_backup  request processor.

-no_start_up, -nsu
    does not execute the start_up exec_com.

-profile pathname, -pf pathname
    specifies  that abbreviation processing  is to be  done using
    the profile named profile_path.   If this control argument is
    given, the -abbrev argument need not be given.

    tells pc_file_backup to process  the initial request line and
    then return  without entering the  request loop (even  if the
    initial request line is aborted).

-request string, -rq string
    executes the  requests in string before  entering the request

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

-start_up, -su
    executes the start_up exec_com.  (Default)

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

                         List Of Requests

__________                                             __________
abort_dump                                             abort_dump
__________                                             __________

Name:  abort_dump (ad)

Syntax:  abort_dump {-control_args}

Function:  aborts the dump that is currently in progress.

Control Arguments:

-force, -fc
    specifies that  the dump should be aborted  without issuing a

-no_force, -nfc
    specifies that a query should  be issued that will insure the
    user wants the dump to be aborted.  (Default)

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

______________                                     ______________
abort_retrieve                                     abort_retrieve
______________                                     ______________

Name:  abort_retrieve (ar)

Syntax:  abort_retrieve {-control_args}

Function:  aborts the retrieve that is currently in progress.

Control Arguments:

-force, -fc
    specifies that the retrieve should be aborted without issuing
    a query.

-no_force, -nfc
    specifies that a query should  be issued that will insure the
    user wants the retrieve to be aborted.  (Default)

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

__________                                             __________
begin_dump                                             begin_dump
__________                                             __________

Name:  begin_dump (bd)

Syntax:  begin_dump -control_args

Function:   begins a dump  of files from  a personal computer  to

Control Arguments:

-notify, -nt
    specifies that pcfb should print a message when the operation
    has completed.

-no_notify, -nnt
    specifies  that pcfb  should not   print a  message when  the
    operation has completed.  (Default)

-pathname PATHNAME_SET {...-pn PATHNAME_SET}
    where  PATHNAME_SET specifies   the files  and/or directories
    that will  be dumped from  the personal computer  to Multics.
    The syntax for PATHNAME_SET is:

        PATH1 {-subtree | -no_subtree}
                 {-exclude PATH2 {...PATHn}}


        is an MS-DOS pathname that  is used to identify the files
        and  directories that  are  to  be dumped.   (See "Notes"

    -exclude PATH2 {...PATHn}, -ex PATH2 {...PATHn}
        are files or directories that are to be excluded from the
        dump.  (See "Notes" below.)

    -no_subtree, -nsubt
        specifies that the subtree below the directory identified
        by PATH1 should not be dumped.  (Default)

    -subtree, -subt
        specifies that the subtree below the directory identified
        by  PATH1 is to  be dumped also.   If PATH1 identifies  a
        file  instead of  a directory,  this control  argument is

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin


The PATHNAME_SET can  be given more than once on  a request line.
PATH  can  be  an  absolute  or  relative  MS-DOS pathname.  When
multiple PATH's  are given with the -exclude  argument, they must
all  be  relative  or  absolute  (mixing  absolute  and  relative
pathnames isn't supported).  The entryname portion of PATH can be
the  name of a  directory or a  file.  The entryname  portion can
also be an MS-DOS STARNAME, which  is used to match against files
only (not directories).

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

______________                                     ______________
begin_retrieve                                     begin_retrieve
______________                                     ______________

Name:  begin_retrieve (br)

Syntax:  begin_retrieve -control_args

Function:  begins a retrieval of files from Multics to a personal

Control Arguments:

-notify, -nt
    specifies that pcfb should print a message when the operation
    has completed.

-no_notify, -nnt
    specifies  that pcfb  should not   print a  message when  the
    operation has completed.  (Default)

-pathname PATHNAME_SET {...-pn PATHNAME_SET}
    where  PATHNAME_SET specifies   the files  and/or directories
    that will be restored from  Multics to the personal computer.
    See  the begin_dump  request description  for the  syntax for

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

____________                                         ____________
restart_dump                                         restart_dump
____________                                         ____________

Name:  restart_dump (rd)

Syntax:  restart_dump

Function:  restarts the dump that was interrupted.

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

________________                                 ________________
restart_retrieve                                 restart_retrieve
________________                                 ________________

Name:  restart_retrieve (rr)

Syntax:  restart_retrieve

Function:  restarts the retrieve that was interrupted.

MTB 743-00                             Multics Technical Bulletin

______                                                     ______
status                                                     status
______                                                     ______

Name:  status (st)

Syntax:  status

Function:  prints status information  about the dump or retrieval
that is in progress.